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What grade are you in?


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Third year college, can't believe this forum is so young D: I thought only old people play Fire Emblem D:

Stuff it, whippersnapper! I'm not quite the oldest, but I'm pretty close.

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Jeez, people born in 1997 are playing Fire Emblem and are on these forums... words cannot describe how old I feel.

I'm in my second year of med school... which makes me 19 this year. ohmy.gif

You have no idea how old THAT makes me feel.

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wait, whut?

guess school works different where most of you live...

here in Holland we have:

-primary school(dunno if it's called exactly like that; 8 grades)

(in primary school 8th grade it is decided what high school you will do after that)

-high school

that means either;

*VMBO, 4 years, for those who just want to start working ASAP, can be followed up by MBO to actually get decent money working

*HAVO, 5 years, for smart people who don't like doing anything, or people not smart enough for VWO, can be followed up by MBO or HBO.

*VWO, 6 years, for smart people who want to become doctors or stuff, or just don't know what to do yet. can be followed up by university (or HBO or MBO).

MBO, HBO and university are all 4 years, I think.

there are some roads leading from one course to the other, like how to get from MBO to HBO or HAVO to VWO, but I'm not going into that.

I'm currently doing my second year of college, HBO to be exact(read spoiler)

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School works differently everywhere, really. From what systems I know, Japan's sounds the coolest, but I digress.

Freshman in highschool. Move along/aside since I was on SF, take your pick.

Edited by Haruhi Suzumiya
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