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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

Actually, i do mind them more in action games because i don't want to be pressing buttons super fast and evading attacks for like an hour. Hurts the hand man xD

Yeah that's fair. And i suppose turn-based tanky bosses do have the benefit of only attacking when you say so. But i do feel like action bosses just die quicker than turn-based bosses but that's also a case-by-case basis.

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March through May are the worst times to be in Florida. Why?


Because these fuckers are everywhere. They don't do anything other than be incredibly annoying due to how many of them are flying around. They also show up in September through early October but they are significantly less common during those months.

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I am an idiot

The final boss does have it's tanky Parts yes, but you don't need to deal with them :facepalm:

The thing is however, you don't get to see the HP of the non tanky part when you attack it, so i didn't notice it lmao

Anyway, with that, finished Bloodstained. A solid 8/10. Will go in depth later in the watcha playing thread but gotta do a fast shopping run before shops close up

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Monolith Soft put out this image celebrating their 20th anniversary.


This image brings me immense joy. I've always wanted a piece of art featuring characters from all of Monolith Soft's works, not just Xeno. And today, i got it. There's also a phone wallpaper version, which you can get at Monolith Soft's website.

And on the subject of Monolith Soft, i really should get back to Baten Kaitos. And maybe i can figure out how to get a DS emulator to work properly so i can play Soma Bringer (even if the translation patch for that isn't fully complete). Not to mention Monolith Soft's other non-Xeno games that i haven't even tried yet.

Edit: I do wish that Xenogears was featured in this image. I know why it isn't as the game is actually a Square Enix game, and it existed before Monolith Soft did. But the game is basically the reason why Monolith Soft exists in the first place, as the company was founded by the Xenogears dev team after they left Square. If you don't know, basically the story is that the Xenogears dev team wanted to make a sequel to the game but Square said no because they wanted to focus on Final Fantasy. So the Gears dev team left the company and started their own: Monolith Soft. You can see a lot of Xenogears ideas, concepts and themes show up in later Xeno games (and even non-Xeno games like Soma Bringer).

But regardless, as i've said before, this image makes me immensely happy.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Monolith Soft put out this image celebrating their 20th anniversary.


This image brings me immense joy. I've always wanted a piece of art featuring characters from all of Monolith Soft's works, not just Xeno. And today, i got it. There's also a phone wallpaper version, which you can get at Monolith Soft's website.

Beautiful! Happy 20th Monolith Soft! 

Kos-mos being center stage should be of little surprise. But the two Nopon playables at her feet is unexpected. Melia has an unexpected amount of leg showing, but that she is here at all is good, I preferred ShulkxMelia. But this said, why is walking spoilers on display? Because Smash and PXZ2? And if they are here, why bother keeping... 


Elma in her mimeosome? (Although I think I've already answered this. And yet, XC2 went with ordinary Fiora.)

Although in truth, I hope they somehow include the ability to keep her old appearance in XCX2. The dark skin and white hair has a visual appeal, while true form Elma is a little too blatantly Kos-mos, not bad, just not the most original.

Given Definians can superficially copy any humanoid's appearance, perhaps this could be studied by some curious researcher who then makes a device for Elma.

Elma looks softer here, but she isn't always being badass and thats absolutely fine. Lin gets good art with a nice pose. Rex gets his two-three squeezes, even if Nia reaching for joy isn't the most necessary of inclusions (but Mythra and Pyra being one body makes her justifiable). Speaking of which, why Tatsu's mother? Mythra's positioning on the far side of the Aegis Blade puts her closer to Jin and Lora than Rex, situating her more within Torna here. Lora looks a bit more warrior than normal, but I'm fine with that. Malos looks entirely untouched from his usual self.

And yeah, I'm happy to see Kalas and Sagi here, with Xelha and Milliarde too. Not sure if any of them were drawn well (Milly looks the worst, Xelha isn't very in-character), but to have them here at all and acknowledged is enough. 

I'll have to download this tomorrow! Thanks for pointing it out.😄



I'm almost done with making an Ares 90, turns out Reward Tickets can buy Golden Yggralith Hearts, albeit for 636 each, but I only need two for one Ares 90, and I have 5000 currently. It will be my first postgame Skell, which should be fun to use since it is massively powerful with little investment. 

Then, it'll be onto the level 60 Skells and an Ares 70 (which Elma will get to keep), for which I'll need in total:

  • 51 Rexoskell Suckers
  • 32 Crude Neilnail Masks
  • 44 Ancient Armors
  • 54 Ancient Cranks
  • 12 Xe-dom Crimson Crests
  • 12 Xe-dom Jet Black Crests
  • 20 Xe-dom Golden Crests
  • 20 Xe-dom Silver Crests
  • 54 Xe-dom Hands

And a mere 10k of Miranium per Skell. Though the Ares 70 is 50k Miranium.

The Rexoskell Suckers usually drop at a rate of 2 per Rexoskell, and I need the rarer drop of the Rexoskell to make some level 60 superweapons anyhow. The Crude Neilnail Masks are annoyingly rare, even though they also drop in pairs, with Blossom Dance I can kill the weirdo robots in two minutes, but that doesn't negate all the tedium.

So many Xe-doms must be destroyed. But you know it has to be a good machine if it's made out of their parts.


I'll skip on making most of the Skell Superweapons though, since they're each 6 simulated fights with Luxaar (who can be simulated dead in a minute), and at least 6 fights with either the Rexoskell or the Wrothian duo. But some of them look so cool! At the least, I want a Zenith Cannon, but a Hexad Partican and a Drone Storm are things I'd like too.


10 hours ago, Armagon said:

On the subject of status effects, is it me, or does inflicting them in Xenoblade 1 actually not matter much outside of the really useful stuff like Soul Read.

Honestly, I can't recall them much in XC1. I do remember an Ignas with a Sleep spike, and the 5th Skill Tree spider with Daze spike, and of course Abassy's insta-death spike, but otherwise I don't really remember them, beyond a Telethia with Lock-On.

On the player side, if the Blaze-Poison-Chill damage inflictions count, then those are actually good. Melia's and Riki's main damage sources, great ones at that. And I found places for Bleed gem on Shulk and Dunban in the endgame.

I oddly remember Reyn's Bone Upper-Dive Sobat combo can lower enemy Agility, but I forget if indeed had any real use.

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20 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Melia has an unexpected amount of leg showing,

She's getting ready to use Starlight Kick.

21 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

But this said, why is walking spoilers on display? Because Smash and PXZ2?

Yeah, that's pretty much the reason why. Mecha-Fiora's already been in plenty of outside appearances, so even Monolith Soft themselves just decided that it wasn't really a spoiler anymore.

26 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Speaking of which, why Tatsu's mother?

Ok so, that's actually Monopon


This character was essentially created for the official Xenoblade Twitter account, though she also shows up as the final boss of Tora's exclusive challenge in the Land of Challenge DLC.

29 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And yeah, I'm happy to see Kalas and Sagi here, with Xelha and Milliarde too. Not sure if any of them were drawn well (Milly looks the worst, Xelha isn't very in-character), but to have them here at all and acknowledged is enough. 

I think the reason they may appear different it's because it's been a very long time since Baten Kaitos characters were officially drawn and it was also in an artstyle that hasn't particularly aged well. Personally, i like the bits we got here more than their BK art but that's admittedly an unfair comparison. But as you said, it's nice that they are acknowledged.

Man, now i really want Baten Kaitos remakes, as there's a lot the two games can benefit from. And on the subject of remakes, i'd also like a Soma Bringer remake but it actually gets released in the West. It basically being a Not Xeno game, i'd imagine it'd be popular among the Xeno crowd. Of the two IPs, Soma Bringer is easier to remake since Monolith still has the rights to it, while Baten Kaitos is stuck with Namco (even if they are very lenient with Monolith using their IPs from the Namco days).

39 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'll have to download this tomorrow! Thanks for pointing it out.

No problem.

50 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

On the player side, if the Blaze-Poison-Chill damage inflictions count, then those are actually good. Melia's and Riki's main damage sources, great ones at that.

And I found places for Bleed gem on Shulk and Dunban in the endgame.

I see. Yeah, i do remember Riki having a lot damage+status effect Arts, so i guess those ones were useful. 

And on the subject of Bleed, i remember Monado Eater being really good with that, likely thanks to it's damage multiplier effect based on how many buffs the enemy has. Sometimes i'd let the enemy buff itself on purpose so i can use Monado Eater for massive damage.

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14 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Just reading about it ugh

Who did think that that is a good idea?

Squaresoft, apparently.

14 hours ago, Armagon said:

I've seen some people who are playing it right now say it's really good. I haven't seen any major criticism yet, the most i've seen is regarding the battle system but it's less of a criticism and more of just preference. Basically, the battle system in Ryza isn't 100% turn-based and some people aren't too onboard with that. I'll link to the official website regarding the battle system since it has video and it'll probably make more sense if you actually see it.

Haven't watched the video yet, but I'll take things as they come for now. Cautious optimism, as always.

14 hours ago, Armagon said:

Let me guess: it was the behemoth in the desert.

Based on that statement, I assume it happened to you, too?


I fiddled around with the screenshot function on the PS4 as well as the character creation system in DW8 Empires this morning, so here you go:

Taru, Taru~~~ (Barrel trophy in Atelier Sophie):

Dynasty Nep:

Dynasty Noire:

Dynasty Blanc:

Dynasty Vert:

Here's something for the NepxNowa fans:

When I started playing a randomized scenario, this happened:

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We are now in October which means it's the S P O O K Y  month. Going for a Percival avi this month because not only would he make for a good Halloween costume but he has one of the best designs in Xenoblade 2. I mean just look at this dude


imagine waking up in the middle of the night just to see this dark fire assassin standing over you. 

7 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Based on that statement, I assume it happened to you, too?

Mmmhmm. There's no way to go around it either so if you aren't strong enough to take it on, you just straight up can't explorer that part of the area, which sucks because killing the thing is the only way to get to the big cactus in the center, which is a landmark (you need to blow up the rock first tho). You can't even ambush it, it will always get the jump on you.

This boss is one example of why attack items with big monster slayer (?, i forget the actual name of the trait) are your best friend.

Anyway, you're in Year 2 now so starting in the 6th month, if you head to Alayna, you'll be able to recruit Rorona. I don't remember if you have to go to Totori's workshop or the pier but somewhere in the village is where you need to go. Then i think you need to head to Rorona's workshop after that. But in one of those two events, she will join you. You can also start the events to recruit Sterk as well (by heading to Totori's workshop) but you need to have gotten Iron Rank.

5 hours ago, Shrimperor said:


The only thing that is making me hesitate to join is the fact that they require shipping address before deciding on the winner...

But i am thinking about it xD

I wanna see what other prizes they've got before i even decide to enter.

3 hours ago, Ingrid Brandl Galatea said:

@DragonFlames @Armagon


Look at who is at bottom of the image.

You have done well.

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4 hours ago, Ingrid Brandl Galatea said:

@DragonFlames @Armagon


Look at who is at bottom of the image.


17 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Anyway, you're in Year 2 now so starting in the 6th month, if you head to Alayna, you'll be able to recruit Rorona. I don't remember if you have to go to Totori's workshop or the pier but somewhere in the village is where you need to go. Then i think you need to head to Rorona's workshop after that. But in one of those two events, she will join you. You can also start the events to recruit Sterk as well (by heading to Totori's workshop) but you need to have gotten Iron Rank.

I got Rorona. Her intro scene is hilarious, as is her and Totori attempting to synthesize together; everything they try somehow turns into pies... I also finally got why there are two alchemy pots in Rorona's workshop in Atelier Lulua.

In other news, I reached Gold rank earlier and the game told me that was the halfway point. I'm on month 6, day 26 of year 2 and I have 3 years total to get to max rank, meaning by my count, I have less than half the time left for what will probably be at least double the points I need to accumulate.
The worst of the problems I had in Atelier Rorona is showing its ugly face again: a lack of materials to synthesize stuff, thus I haven't exactly had the chance to upgrade my equipment, thus my level is lower than it should be (Rorona joins at 25; Totori is at 16). I also can't use the carriage right now because of that stupid self-proclaimed genius (I can't give him the items he wants due to the aforementioned material woes), so I have to hoof it to Arland and back for events and items, which wastes a crap-ton of time.

About the boss thing: I've completely given up on trying to beat those. I've since tried to defeat a different one and it kicked my ass, too.

TL:DR: Atelier Totori will be one of those games that I will be glad when I'm done with it.

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24 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

In other news, I reached Gold rank earlier and the game told me that was the halfway point. I'm on month 6, day 26 of year 2 and I have 3 years total to get to max rank, meaning by my count, I have less than half the time left for what will probably be at least double the points I need to accumulate.

Right so, when it says three years, what it actually means is that Year 2 is technically Year 1. It's weird but basically you have until the deadline in Year 4, June 1st. Also no, you don't need max rank. Unless you're refering to diamond rank in which case, yeah you do need that. Do that and the game is extended by two years. The actual highest rank is Cobalt but that isn't needed. You're at Gold so you're actually one more rank away from the first goal (Platinum comes before Diamond). And i will say, you are doing way better than i did. I did not have Gold rank at that point in time.

24 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

(Rorona joins at 25; Totori is at 16)

Yeah, that's kinda how it is in Meruru as well. Characters will join at levels higher than the princess but it's not as bad because Meruru can actually fight. She's not particularly strong but she can actually take some hits.

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The Ares 90 is mine. And its Aghasura Cannon kills Xe-doms in a single shot, its weaker Agni Gatling cuts their HP in half. A god of war indeed. I wonder how strong the original was.


13 hours ago, Armagon said:

I think the reason they may appear different it's because it's been a very long time since Baten Kaitos characters were officially drawn and it was also in an artstyle that hasn't particularly aged well. Personally, i like the bits we got here more than their BK art but that's admittedly an unfair comparison.

Point taken, I never did love the character artwork. I think the clothing is fine, but the artwork could use more polish. 

What I did love was the world, Monolith's first try at a "world in the sky" was as much a success from a purely visual perspective as their later endeavor. But, there has to be a reason the 2D pre-rendered backgrounds in a 3D JRPG that Baten Kaitos uses died out. What JRPG uses those nowadays? I think BK was the last in the lineage of JRPGs going back to FFVII to do so. Everyone has since moved on to full 3D graphics with no 2D elements at all.


And what is the other celebratory wallpaper supposed to be? Just creativity with no greater meaning, or a hint at the mysterious title Monolith hasn't said anything about?

Thanks for reminding me its October now. I coincidentally am choosing to go with something similar, since I can't think of anything else I would prefer. Say hello to Personlichkeit, or "Lichkeit" for short. Could work as Perceval's mecha, but as is it belongs to an alien loli.


By the way, would you want to me send you picks of the holofigures of all the weapons in XCX?

I'm divided whether to complete quests to get the rest now and experience the XCX world again, or get my level 60 Skells first. But I'd be willing to show the Ground Gear weapon holofigures whenever I collect them all.

I was going to use the holofigures, because being the normal menu doesn't show the weapons being drawn. The Photon Sabers would be a let down if you didn't see the laser blade. But, the holofigures don't have anyone actually using them, they're just floating in the air. Still, it's the best I can do without hacking in a capture card for better screenshots.

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16 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And what is the other celebratory wallpaper supposed to be? Just creativity with no greater meaning, or a hint at the mysterious title Monolith hasn't said anything about?

Yeah, i'm curuous as to what that is too. Neither the location nor the characters there seem to resemble anyone familiar. A google translate reveals it was drawn by one of Monolith Soft's founders but other than that, nothing.

On that note, the character celebration artwork was drawn by someone who joined Monolith Soft earlier this year so to be able to design such a wonderful piece that early into his career must be a great honor (i say early into his career because i got no results when i searched up his name, only a football player by the same name. So i imagine he's new).

22 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

By the way, would you want to me send you picks of the holofigures of all the weapons in XCX?

I would appreciate that, yes.

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Finished every 3H route + completed maddening. Church route was really boring for some reason so at the end I sort of forced myself through it (Perhaps no surprise there considering I've spent 450 hours playing 3H according to my Nintendo profile)

Perfect timing too, I got a call today and tomorrow I can finally go and get DQXI and enjoy the everloving shit out of that game.


Oh and we're october now! 

Month of the Witches and other cute stuff! And here's the cutest one of them all!


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@Interdimensional Observer since you're definitely the Baten Kaitos expert here, what do you think of this:

I don't really know since i haven't gotten very far into Eternal Wings and obviously haven't even started Origins but i feel like if this was Baten Kaitos artwork, it'd have the Namco copyright. Unless Monolith kept the rights but i don't think they did.

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Fudge it, I'm skipping the level 60 Skells.

All the items on the laundry list to grind, I was willing to put up with every bit of it- if it was mindless. The Neilnails were mindless, Rexoskell, mindless, Vita was mindless, Xe-doms were fuel-intensive but mindless.

But, the problem that is forcing me to scrap the idea is the 58 Advanced Cranks. To get them, I must destroy Seidrs, which outside of four Tyrants fly high in the sky. And to be precise, I must destroy their leg appendages, but if I do I'm guaranteed them, and as each has two legs, that can mean two Advanced Cranks per enemy. Where is the problem?

Skells can't target the legs. I'd have to do it on foot, which is sorta kinda impossibly difficult when they miles and miles off the ground. I heard the recommendation of using Stinger Missiles because they can always target any appendage, but firing six volleys of them weren't enough to do it on the weakest of Seidrs.

Now I did mention four Tyrant Seidrs who are on the ground. But the issue is all of them are at least level 60 and surrounded by similarly strong allies, so I have to keep on top of my game to take them down.

And, Seidrs like hovering off the ground, buzzing about from one side of the battlefield to the other. This is annoying, and makes it hard to focus on destroying a leg, which are hard to break even with five Appendage Crusher augments. And it makes it hard to damage them at all really, since all weapons and arts have their limited ranges.

I tried killing two of the four Tyrants, with such limited results that I'm just going to stop trying altogether. There might be one that is better for farming, but I severely doubt it.


The two Ares will more than suffice, just the 90 alone with proper augments can complete the Miran Survey. I'll just rely on that.

And, though the level 60 Skells have awesome stats with two-word names, but visually they're no different than any Skell of their particular kind. There is the initial paint job, but I could perfectly recolor the junk level 20 Urban to look like the Urban Lincoln.  


Tomorrow therefore begins the quest to remedy the remaining problems of the people of NLA and get every hex filled with a star.



1 hour ago, Armagon said:

@Interdimensional Observer since you're definitely the Baten Kaitos expert here, what do you think of this:

I don't really know since i haven't gotten very far into Eternal Wings and obviously haven't even started Origins but i feel like if this was Baten Kaitos artwork, it'd have the Namco copyright. Unless Monolith kept the rights but i don't think they did.

The color scheme looks off to me, unless that was intentional. Komo Mai, the festive city of the Anuenue, is quite verdant. The clothing looks too modern as well, like semi-sci-fi jackets. The other town in Anuenue has a great waterfall, so why wouldn't that be here.

The spires don't seem right either. The world map image of Anuenue has it look like Komo Mai has some towers if you focus your eyes on it, but none of that is emphasized in what you see of the town. There is the stupendously large Celestial Tree in Anuenue, but the tree isn't in Komo Mai, it is very far away. Not to mention these spires don't have branches and leaves like trees should.

Komo Mai does have colorful decoration, that is correct. And if this had to be Komo Mai, I'd pin it as being a loose rendition of the approach to the palace of Queen Corellia.: 



1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Unless Monolith kept the rights but i don't think they did.

That would be very unlikely.


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Just now, Acacia Sgt said:

That the Persönlichkeit in your avi?

Yep, think it works for Halloween?

I like Alfimi from what I saw of her character in OG2 as well (I haven't the faintest about what happened to her personality after that).

"I will do it gently, very very gently."

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