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Thanos is trending? I wonder what happened? Why is Thanos trendi-



Trump's campaign team really portraying him as the guy who committed universal genocide.

And they're going on about how Trump's relection is "inevitable" but they must've not seen Endgame because this is the moment where Thanos loses. So they're basically promoting Trump's defeat.



In case you're curious about where i stand politically, i think both sides are absolute jokes but Democrats seem to be not as bad as Republicans. Though at this point, i don't care who wins as long as it's not Trump.


You have witnessed a rare moment of me being political on this site. The next time you'll see that will probably be in the 2020 elections.

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Oh, what was I thinking. I didn't linked to a video to show what I'm talking about.

It speaks for itself.

Wait, it just came to my attention. The AI allies shot down eight of the fifteen planes. That was over half! Man, I don't remember them ever being that competent. My run from hours earlier I got thirteen of the fifteen; but then again, that was on Normal, not Ace. I wonder if the difficulty also affects ally AI, because otherwise I don't see how them bagging half the Yellows could happen.

You'd think they would be less competent on higher difficulties; but since point score is a thing, perhaps the idea is that more competent allies means it's harder to get higher scores. Makes sense to me.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Hmm, I wonder if I should go on ahead to Ace Combat 5, or go through the campaign of 04 again to unlock the aircraft skins. Both from shooting down the Aces and S ranking on Hard difficulty.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

It works. It actually works. Really damn well, too 😄

9 hours ago, Armagon said:

You have witnessed a rare moment of me being political on this site.

DW. It happens to everyone. Especially with how the whole world is going full idiot nowdays people need to vent.

In 2 days English Trump will most likely take full control of the UK, so you might see some of us political here as well...


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7 hours ago, Armagon said:

Two of my favorite songs at once?
I think the eargasm just killed me...

And yes, it does work well. Like, "I kinda wish this was an actual thing"-well. Amazing.


I finished a run of Three Houses earlier. Lorenz and Linhardt met unfortunate ends. 'Twas totally and definitely NOT on purpose.
@Armagon, I tried Assassin Bernadetta and I am now convinced that it's actually her best class. In my other playthroughs, where I kept her as Sniper and Bow Knight, she struggled doubling stuff by the end of the game, but as an Assassin, those problems were just gone. The only slight problem is that she has a weakness in Swords, so it takes a while to get her Sword rank to B so she can be one. But oh my lord is it ever worth it.

On another note, I changed my mind about Ferdinand von Memer. Like, COMPLETELY changed my mind. I recruited Mercedes this time (because, y'know, Spoilers) and his supports with her made me actually like the guy, specifically their A-support. I also finally unlocked his A-support with Edelgard and

he straight up proposed to her. What a guy!

He also somewhat becomes a better unit when he's not in a Cavalier-related class. I made him a Hero this time and while he was slightly better there than as a Paladin (as in, I could actually use him and not fear for his life constantly), he still falls very much short of the other units in the Black Eagles, specifically Edelgard, Bernadetta and Dorothea.

Likewise, Swordmaster Edelgard is amazing. I did turn her back to her personal classes towards the end (because the Swordmaster garb doesn't exactly fit with her post-time skip hairdo), but it was amazing while it lasted. And the extra Speed she gained from staying in the Swordmaster class for a while helped greatly. By the end, she doubled Pegasus Knights. Yes, you read that right.

I also got enough Mythril to actually forge the Parthia out of a Rusted Bow, so that was a first (fully break the armor on those bird things whenever they show up. They give 1 Mythril a pop and you need 10 for the Parthia. It has 40 uses and is really, really strong). In Bernie's hands, the thing was pretty amazing. I am somewhat disappointed with that "The Inexhaustible" bow, which, like most other Relics is ALSO weaker than a forged Silver Bow. The only advantage is the Brave effect, but Brave Bows exist that are easier to repair, so... yeah. Not worth that nightmare of a Paralogue that killed Lorenz. It totally wasn't me sending his underlevelled ass into a group consisting of a Wyvern, a Warrior and a Sage by himself, I swear!

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21 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I tried Assassin Bernadetta and I am now convinced that it's actually her best class. In my other playthroughs, where I kept her as Sniper and Bow Knight, she struggled doubling stuff by the end of the game, but as an Assassin, those problems were just gone. The only slight problem is that she has a weakness in Swords, so it takes a while to get her Sword rank to B so she can be one. But oh my lord is it ever worth it.

Well she doesn't need sword rank at B, it just increases her chances. I'd say the two downsides to being an Assassin is that she loses her extra bow range and no access to Hunter's Volley.

19 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I tried Assassin Bernadetta and I am now convinced that it's actually her best class. In my other playthroughs, where I kept her as Sniper and Bow Knight, she struggled doubling stuff by the end of the game, but as an Assassin, those problems were just gone. The only slight problem is that she has a weakness in Swords, so it takes a while to get her Sword rank to B so she can be one. But oh my lord is it ever worth it.


21 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Not worth that nightmare of a Paralogue that killed Lorenz. It totally wasn't me sending his underlevelled ass into a group consisting of a Wyvern, a Warrior and a Sage by himself, I swear!

It's ok, he died an honorable death. His sacrifice was not in vain.

That paralouge wasn't supposed to be that hard though. What gave you trouble?

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Well she doesn't need sword rank at B, it just increases her chances. I'd say the two downsides to being an Assassin is that she loses her extra bow range and no access to Hunter's Volley.

I came to the sad realization that my students refuse to pass any test they don't have a 100 percent passing rate for most of the time. Across six completed playthroughs, I attempted to have them pass at 66+ percent and they tended to fail more often than not. So, in order to save me trouble of having to reset in order to avoid wasting seals (especially for the Master tier classes, as those seals aren't infinitely available), I always try to get their weapon ranks to the required level before attempting the tests. It can be tough, especially if and when I want a Dark/Holy/Bow Knight, but I can usually manage fine enough. It also makes mastering classes a bit easier on myself, since I am not as tempted to have them take the exams as soon as they hit the required level.
No Hunter's Volley isn't too big a deal for me, honestly. Even when I did have it, I felt like I got more use out of Deadeye and Curved Shot. The extra range would have been nice, but it wasn't entirely necessary. Seeing Bernadetta finally double everything up until the endgame was beautiful enough that I didn't miss any of the boons her Sniper or Bow Knight classes would have given her.

8 minutes ago, Armagon said:



He got with Mercedes in the end, though.

8 minutes ago, Armagon said:

That paralouge wasn't supposed to be that hard though. What gave you trouble?

The Fog of War and the reinforcements therein. I underestimated them once or twice and they nearly took out Ferdie, Petra, and Caspar.
The boss itself wasn't too tough, however. I expected it to be a bit stronger than it was.

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@Interdimensional Observer Lesee... I played a lot yesterday. 23-30, and I'm at the tower now.
I had fun for the most part yesterday, chapter 25 was pretty stressful, because of all the bosses, but I pulled through.
I didn't know how to pick my route for chapter 26, so I ended up going A. 
I won't lie, I really, think this map is horribly designed. It's very obnoxious having go go up against several enemies I can't even see much less attack, and if they gang up on one person they are likely to die, even if I give them shields, so... bleh. Not a good time for me.

The only other thing I remember was that I was glad my plan to warp in Sierra with a shield and Nosferatu near Renee so she couldn't waste as many warp uses worked, because I honestly expected it to not.

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1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

Even when I did have it, I felt like I got more use out of Deadeye and Curved Shot.

I personally prefer Encloser over Deadeye. Deadeye misses too often for me to get any viable use out of it.

1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

The Fog of War and the reinforcements therein. I underestimated them once or twice and they nearly took out Ferdie, Petra, and Caspar.

Fog of War actually isn't super terrible in this game since the game throws torches at you. The reinforcements are admittidly harder to deal with on Crimson Flower since you can't bring Edelgard and Hubert with you.

9 minutes ago, Strullemia said:

Oh, Greta is Person of the year, that's cool I gue-

*Opens Twitter*




Yeah, i saw. Of course the old boomers are angry.

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6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I personally prefer Encloser over Deadeye. Deadeye misses too often for me to get any viable use out of it.

Understandable. I gave Bernie Hit+20 via Renown carry-over, so the hit rates weren't too much of an issue. I agree that it can get pretty dicey, though. 40% Hit isn't something I want to rely on.

7 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Fog of War actually isn't super terrible in this game since the game throws torches at you. The reinforcements are admittidly harder to deal with on Crimson Flower since you can't bring Edelgard and Hubert with you.

I didn't bring any torches, because I was like "torches? Who needs those!". Yes, I am stupid.
And yeah, not having Edelgard and Hubert for that map hurt a fair bit. Especially Edelgard, because I relied on her for a lot this playthrough. That's what busted level-ups do to you, I guess. 

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