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18 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

And Sky FC's cast was smaller than Zero's, even if only the four SSS people and two bracers were available in the final.

Zero still had nine playable characters in total.

Sky FC

  • Estelle
  • Joshua
  • Schera
  • Olivier
  • Kloe
  • Agate 
  • Tita
  • Zin


  • Lloyd
  • Elie
  • Tio 
  • Randy
  • Noel
  • Dudley
  • Wazy (for like one fight)
  • Yin
  • Estelle
  • Joshua

So while it's true that Zero has more playable characters, anyone who isn't the original SSS members are only temporary joins. And this is different from Sky FC's rotating cast because those all come back for the final dungeon. So i'd still argue that Zero has the smallest cast.

Edited by Armagon
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22 minutes ago, Armagon said:

don't think grimdark fits Trails though.

Sky 3rd was pretty grimdark

22 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I'm gonna reveal myself as a faker, i never actually understood what their conflict was. Like yeah, i saw the event in 3rd but like, i didn't get it

Olivier wants to turn Erebonia into a country where commoners and Nobles live together, where blood doesn't matter, like Liberl but in a peaceful long time kind of a way.

Osbro wants to purge Nobles. Very violently.

It was a clash of ideals, clash of systems. Olivier should've been the one to bring Osbro down.

Olivier was sidelined instead.

22 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

I don't know how it's called though.


Burst. It was basically Overdrive.



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5 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Sky 3rd was pretty grimdark

Different interpretations of grimdark, i guess. Sky 3rd had some fucked up moments but i wouldn't call the whole game grimdark.

5 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Olivier wants to turn Erebonia into a country where commoners and Nobles live together, where blood doesn't matter, like Liberl but in a peaceful long time kind of a way.

Osbro wants to purge Nobles. Very violently.

It was a clash of ideals, clash of systems.

I see.

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Took a full day of play because Standard speed, but I finished my first Gathering Storm victory as Phoenicia, a Science Victory in 300 turns. Gilgamesh and Wilhelmina almost did me in, and I was operating on only two cities for a while because I insisted on Ancestral Hall + Cothon + Magnus for maximum Settler output. Phoenicia didn't have as easy an earlygame as I thought it would, and Settlers being unable to embark in deep waters until later makes Dido more a queen of shallow seas.

Yet, by the midgame things became very brisk. I was able to bring in hundreds of Gold every turn with about 10 Trade Routes, reaching 17 and 1200 Gold by the end. I almost ran out of uses for all the cash at one point, though more buildings eventually would show up to buy, and Builders were in demand too. Amenities became a minor problem due to an expansive and large empire, but Water Parks remedied that. I'm impressed by how strong well-placed coastal cities can be. Newton and Einstein were Great Scientists I managed to obtain- the very best ones of all. My Science peaked at 1000 (it had never surpassed 400 in the base game for me) and my Culture got to 450, I had multiple 80+ Production cities.

Australia swiped Big Ben, Great Zimbabwe, and the Casa de Contratacion from me, the last being uniquely good for Phoenicia due to the ability to relocate the capital. The Move Capital project was too expensive for me to ever use it, so it wasn't a huge loss, and being a newbie to Loyalty, some of my cities on the main continent benefitted from staying centered in Tyre. And, I did get the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, the Colossus of Rhodes, the Forbidden City, the University of Sankor, a beautiful Petra city next to Uluru, and the Amundsen-Scott Research Station via Gustave Eiffel. Not a bad haul.

The new final Exoplanet stage of the Science Victory didn't delay my success I was surprised to see. The high Aluminum and Power requirements were a twist I liked, and although you could use one Spaceport city for the job, multiple Spaceports cities covered in Power supplying improvements is more fun.


Who to use next? Maybe that weakling I've heard of called Georgia for a Religious Victory? If it weren't for Urban Defenses coming much too soon, too strong, and everywhere at once no cost, Tamar would be better. Then again, I want to see if Cree is as weak as it looks, it has nothing to really push it towards any victory condition, so I'll try to go for my first Diplomatic Victory with them, even if Canada or America would be better at doing that.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Sky FC

In Sky FC you have no access to a full party for the majority of the game.



Anyways beaten the second big boy



Like former boss he was not less powerful (s-craft is instant death), but he had no chance to ever prove his strength because he got one single turn in the beginning.

He could not only be debuffed in every single stat, but also delayed.

He gave my team almost ten levels which was really cool.



Also birth of Azure Knight.


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5 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Protagonist shouldn't be the complete & sole focus of the game.

Let alone be the protag of 5 games. He should've been a support character after CS2. Or better, an antagonist. Would've make perfect sense after CS2.

CS1 was a decent setup tbh. Even me, the biggest CS naysayer, can admit that.

True, true, and true again.
Sad that CS2 took the setup CS1 had and nosedived it off a cliff.

5 hours ago, Shrimperor said:



2 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

YES! Thanks to @DragonFlames I finally won that arena battle in Megadimension Neptunia! Taking a defensive approach made a huge difference! Well, I did have to level up a bit, but I still finally did it! After 100+ failures, finally, victory is mine!

Glad I could help!

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Very nice!

Thank you!

2 hours ago, Falcom Knight said:

I mean there's some character development in CS, but seriously most of the characters don't have particullary a great backstory.

Rean's backround is plain boring.

I agree with you.


Speaking of nosediving, sadly, Mary Skelter fell off a bit. They had the really bizarre idea of deus-ex-machina'ing two characters that were absent for the entire game and had like one line of dialogue each in the beginning into the final dungeon and suddenly they're crucial in helping you get through it by solving puzzles for you so that you only have to find the actual puzzle. Like, why, though?
Why not have the NPC characters who we spent the entire game with and supported us through the whole thing do that? Why not have the playable characters do that? I mean, Gretel, Alice, and Kaguya have been shown to be extraordinarily smart (Gretel in particular); how am I supposed to believe that they can't solve a puzzle as simple as "What has 4 legs in the morning, 2 during midday, and 3 in the evening?" (it's a human, if anyone's curious, the time of day refer to the different aspects of human life; morning is the toddler stage, midday is adult, evening is elderly).
And speaking of characters, sadly, nearly every character has no contribution to the plot anymore, except to say one line that reminds you of their personality from time to time, which really kills the initially positive impression I got from the character interactions.

The game also drags a bit. Basically nothing is a secret anymore (except for one thing, which has been not so much foreshadowed as it has been thrown directly into my face), yet it keeps going and going, acting like the last remaining mystery is still a mystery when I figured it out like three chapters ago (in hindsight, that one thing becomes obvious during one scene all the way back in Chapter 3). 

It's such a shame, too, as the game was going really, really strongly, but now that it heads toward the end, it kind of falls flat on its face. Let's hope the final boss and ending can bring it back, somehow.

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12 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Speaking of nosediving, sadly, Mary Skelter fell off a bit. They had the really bizarre idea of deus-ex-machina'ing two characters that were absent for the entire game and had like one line of dialogue each in the beginning into the final dungeon and suddenly they're crucial in helping you get through it by solving puzzles for you so that you only have to find the actual puzzle. Like, why, though?

oh hey, it's Fairy Fencer 3rd route again

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5 minutes ago, Armagon said:


Higher res than last time.

Wow, they look so good! At first, I was iffy on it, but seeing them now, wow, they blow me away!

Edited by lightcosmo
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I just cleared my 2 first Kaizo levels in Mario Maker woooooohoooooooooooooo

Even if they were light Kaizo

First light Kaizo

then hard Kaizo levels

then Panga levels



yeah i should wake up xD

1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:


... wat?

...i see the last bit the game is taking one big nose dive, eh? Atleast going from your reactions xD

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54 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I always knew Shy Guy was a demon.

Can't unsee.

9 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

...i see the last bit the game is taking one big nose dive, eh? Atleast going from your reactions xD

There are certainly some rather wide cracks that show, yes. It's a damn shame, since the game started out so strong.
Hope the finale can pick it up again a little. Though it won't make my S-tier/10/10 club anymore, I'm afraid.

That... thing in the screenshot I posted is not part of that nosedive, as I think it looks rather cool.

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Phew, made it all the way through the Fungeon and fought... pft, heh, Foo Yung and Chow Mein. Although they were certainly troublesome.

Stopping for now. Will pick up the Yggdrasil Flower next time.

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I am a very mature person, I know.

Also, just for clarification, just because some stuff happened in Mary Skelter that I don't necessarily like doesn't mean I suddenly think the entire game is garbage.

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1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

lmao right?

It's just so damn cheesy lol

It is. I finished the demo and i think it might be my cup of tea. I won't get it right away though because i don't want to get another lengthy RPG while i'm still in the middle of Cold Steel 3. Plus, i still need to finish my Xenoblade 2 no-Blade summon run before XenoblaDE comes out.

12 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:


I am a very mature person, I know.

I mean, today is 4/20.

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Just now, Shrimperor said:

You know what time it is...?

CS3 time. 

Pls be good.

I mean, have fun! Hopefully...

4 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Also, DF, sick op.

Yup, yup.
Gotta remind myself of the positives: the gameplay, the godlike soundtrack, the absolutely banging OP, how great the characters were up until now, basically the entire premise etc.

On that note, rewatching the OP again, I just realized, the person who voiced Kaguya, Hiromi Igarashi, also voiced Lilysse from Nights of Azure (as in, this lovely person). How did I not notice that? I am a failure as a Nights of Azure fanboi.

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