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FRLG tier list


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Just read this list, and I think that Sandshrew should be higher. Sandshrew gets availablity before 2nd Gym, evolves early, and has a decent HP stat, good attack, and great defence. It can sweep the Electric gym, and isn't fragile at all. When it evolves, it's attack and defence reach a monsterous 100 and 110, respectively. Sandshrew is highly underrated imo, and he should move higher.

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On the subject of resource allocation.

How should we put it up?

I'm thinking.

-A 'mon can use a resource, provided the 'mon returns the investment.

But, I dun like fiddling with economics.

ALso, Sandshrew is nice, although it's relient on TMs.

Maybe I should try it again...

gonna test run with








Edited by The Gentleman
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Sandslash is a good candidate for all the good earlygame TMs (Aerial Ace, Dig, Brick Break) regardless of when he gets them - in Celadon or before that, and in Celadon it no longer matters that he's TM-dependent . Having only ground-type STAB is pretty poor though since he'll need to hit ghosts and Koffings with something like Rock Slide or Slash (not for ghosts...) instead. He'll probably want Rock Slide as well, and he's going to wait for the Earthquake TM (high cost but why train Sandslash if you're not giving him EQ?). He's also slow.

He's nothing spectacular, but probably better than many of the Pokemon currently two tiers above him (like Meowth and Magnemite).

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Fiddling around with testing and have some comments.


Kinda like a slow, but bulkier alternative to Ratata early on.

But get it to lvl 9 and it gets gust.

Bleh, but I think it could rise a slot.


Relient on TMs, but makes good use of them.

And Slash isn't a bad move.

THinking it should rise to top of mid, or somewhere in Upper Mid.


Needs to take a nosedive.

Takes a long time to learn magnitude, gets raped by every sp attacker, and gets raped by fighting/ground types AND is slow as shit.


Pretty good, it's like bulbasaur in many ways, and can replace it if you go with CHarmander.

So, it can take Bulbasaurs job most of the time, when it exists.


Electric type with the 2nd highest availibility.

Needs to rise a bit IMO, but I can't articulate any further.


Zigzagoon of Kanto, but shitty start.

Kinda like fe4 Patty in a way.

rise a few slots.


Needs to rise, it's got nice bases and a good movepool.

Although a little TM relient, it does well.

Pinser, Tauros, Scyther-

Discounting rarity, Tauros is decent for raw attack power with Return+EQ.

Pinser/Scyther can be bought and aren't bad.

They could rise....

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On the subject of resource allocation.

How should we put it up?

I'm thinking.

-A 'mon can use a resource, provided the 'mon returns the investment.

But, I dun like fiddling with economics.

ALso, Sandshrew is nice, although it's relient on TMs.

Maybe I should try it again...

gonna test run with








Slowpoke seems kind of redundant with Drowzee and Squirtle around =/

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  • 3 weeks later...

TBH, Vulpix isn't that good, even with fire stone coming soo soon after it appears.

If you want to evolve it early, then you skip free flamethrower.

If you wait for lvl 29 and FT, then you have to put up with it for awhile.

And Growlith has better movepool and etc.

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i think L29 flamethrower is better than growlithe's shitty-ass movepool

I'm inclined to agree, tbh. What exactly does Growlithe get that's noteworthy aside from Flamethrower, ExtremeSpeed, and Return?

Edited by Golden Cucco
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For what it's worth you can skip Vulpix's early suck period (aka pre-flamethower) by catching a higher leveled one on Cinnabar and instantly evolving it.

I don't know how much this helps it in comparison to Growlithe but whatev~

Edited by Merry Sioux
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Gym Leaders don't necessarily have to be fought in order. Eirika could be the 7th gym if that's what you desire.

That being said Cinnabar Vulpix does miss out on Koga, Rocket HQ and Pokemon Tower.

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I forget what level Growlithe is found at, but so long as you find him before level 19, he'll still have bite for Pokemon Tower and his base stats are way less dismal than Vulpix. He doesn't get any fire moves better than Ember for a loooong time, but you could just say screw it and evolve Growlithe right away, subbing out the crappier moves for TMs later and just relying on the sheer power of his base stats. There is no such luck with Vulpix/Ninetails, who is pretty much forced to wait for flamethrower or have no good moves whatsoever.

I feel concerns about the game corner in FRLG are overblown. Winning the jackpot at the slots is ridiculously easy. 14 jackpots for anyone with a half-decent eye shouldn't take *that* long. This is by far the easiest Pokemon game to consistently win coins.

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I feel concerns about the game corner in FRLG are overblown. Winning the jackpot at the slots is ridiculously easy. 14 jackpots for anyone with a half-decent eye shouldn't take *that* long. This is by far the easiest Pokemon game to consistently win coins.

Why do you say this?? Because with HGSS having Voltorb Flip, I just can't agree.

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Voltorb Flip is infinitely more fun, but I can crank out the 300 coin jackpot almost every single play, since the 7s on the reels are so easy to line up. There is no getting around Voltorb Flip either, so even if I didn't want to play it for the TMs, I'm forced to. I guess it's a matter of whether or not you have good eyes and timing? It's certainly nowhere near the level of tedium of playing 4th gen slots and waiting for bonus rounds to make any appreciable coin gains.

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Voltorb Flip is infinitely more fun, but I can crank out the 300 coin jackpot almost every single play, since the 7s on the reels are so easy to line up. There is no getting around Voltorb Flip either, so even if I didn't want to play it for the TMs, I'm forced to. I guess it's a matter of whether or not you have good eyes and timing? It's certainly nowhere near the level of tedium of playing 4th gen slots and waiting for bonus rounds to make any appreciable coin gains.

I proabably never used the slots in FRLG, but I think you're overhyping how easy it is to win there...

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you need no eyes to play FRLG slots.

The odds of hitting tripple 7 within first 30 swings are pretty damn high. Thats +200 coins right there. I recall spamming the a button while watching a movie and still winning tons of money

I don't have any reason to believe you; on the contrary, I have more reason to believe you're exaggerating.

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  • 1 month later...


Sorry, but I'd think that they'd be equal. (Early FT vs better stats)

Also, Sandshrew could rise IMO. It's solid all game and just wants a few easy to get TMs to start off (Dig)

But it also makes good use of the tm movepool it has. (Even though it's shallow)

-Secret power comes early enough. But It gets Slash anyways..

-Aerial Ace(Bye Bye Fighting types, bugs, and non-bulky grasses.)

-Brick Break-IDK, maybe a bit redundant, but its an ok filler.

-Rock Tomb(Or the rock slide tutor).

And, besides, lvl 22 evolution is fairly early and it becomes a pretty good physical tank with a 110 attack stat and decent 70 speed.

I'd say Sandshrew>Geodude due to better stats and not getting completely raped by special moves.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Sorry, but I'd think that they'd be equal. (Early FT vs better stats)

The original premise was that the gap between the two should close...

Also, Sandshrew could rise IMO. It's solid all game and just wants a few easy to get TMs to start off (Dig)

But it also makes good use of the tm movepool it has. (Even though it's shallow)

-Secret power comes early enough. But It gets Slash anyways..

-Aerial Ace(Bye Bye Fighting types, bugs, and non-bulky grasses.)

-Brick Break-IDK, maybe a bit redundant, but its an ok filler.

-Rock Tomb(Or the rock slide tutor).

And, besides, lvl 22 evolution is fairly early and it becomes a pretty good physical tank with a 110 attack stat and decent 70 speed.

I'd say Sandshrew>Geodude due to better stats and not getting completely raped by special moves.

I agree with this all of this

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