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[FE11] Banzai Draft

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This draft is for 5 players.

Marth, Jagen, Caeda, and Gotoh are free for all to use.

All available units are free to use for Chapters 1, 2, and 3.

Midia, Boah, Tomas, Dolph, and Macellan are free to be attacked in Chapter 12. Lena is free to use Warp once in Chapter 12. Midia is free to be attacked in Chapter 13.

The game will be played on H5 difficulty.


Undrafted units may recruit characters, visit houses, trade, and shop.

Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to opening chests/doors.

You are free to reclass undrafted units to whatever you want.


All recruitable units, even undrafted ones, must be recruited and alive by the end of the game. If a recruitable unit dies or is not recruited, the level must be restarted.

Obviously, only one of Arran and Samson must be recruited. If neither is drafted, which one is chosen is entirely up to the player.

Because all units must be recruited and alive, Gaidan chapters and by extension Gaidan characters are not a part of the draft. Generic characters are likewise not a part of the draft.

Aum is banned.

Warp is banned on Marth, but can be used on units other than Marth. Warp is banned on all units in Endgame.

Wi-Fi Shop and Loaner Units are banned.


Scoring is based on number of restarts, not turns. For every restart, you add +1 to your score. Restarts are only mandatory in the case of a character dying or not being recruited. Using the in-game mid-battle saves are okay, but restarting from one of them carries the same penalty as a normal restart. Save states are prohibited.

Using an undrafted unit in an illegal way adds +4 to your score for every use.

The player with the lowest score at the end of the game wins.


1. PKL: Barst, Merric, Palla, Bord, Wrys, Roshea, Vyland, Elice, Macellan (Current Restarts: 3) Complete

2. General Horace: Abel, Lena, Wendell, Beck, Castor, Xane, Matthis, Roger, Jeorge (Current Restarts: 2)

3. Hawk King: Cain, Wolf, Navarre, Minerva, Maria, Radd, Est, Tiki, Darros, Arran (Current Restarts: 3) Complete

4. Elieson: Hardin, Sedgar, Catria, Jake, Rickard, Caesar, Dolph, Astram, Bantu (Current Restarts: 0)

5. CR-S01: Ogma, Gordin, Draug, Cord, Julian, Linde, Boah, Midia, Samson, Tomas (Current Restarts: 1)

Edited by General Banzai
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Don't forget to tag the topic as a FE11 draft.

I dislike H5, so will not be participating.

EDIT: Might wanna make Astram free to be attacked in Chapter 13, too.

Edited by eclipse
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I'll be watching this draft thread to see how it turns out, but I will not be participating due to a number of factors: 1) FE11 doesn't interest me 2) I have too much schoolwork 3) I'm working on another (two) drafts, and 4) I'll be busy on spring break. Good luck, people who sign up for this.

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I would adore playing this... except I suck balls at FE, and only got to Chapter 5 of FESD H5 so far, even under casual conditions. Best of luck, to everyone, though... you all will need it. Especially for a certain 14 AS Hand Axe Bandit...

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Switch for the old H5 draft rules. This is just insane.

It's been barely two hours, and Banzai had raised a very interesting point about alternative drafts in one or the other threads criticizing the LTC centrality of Serenes Forest. Since turn-counts don't seem to matter at all, it's going to be a very different style of play, and there may need to be soliciting in IP chat, or elsewhere, for people who aren't necessarily draft forum frequenters, because they have certain assumptions about what goes on in them. I don't see any harm in waiting longer to see where the interest lies. It's at the very least way too early to demand him to revert to a ruleset he would find distasteful, IMO.

I have some... amusing... memories of A-ranking survival on H5 in the past with a full team, but that was years ago, and I'm pretty sure I've grown as a player since then. It at the very least was an entertaining, though difficult, challenge.

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If I can't get people I can lower the difficulty setting, say to H3 or 4 maybe. Most of the problem seems to be "This looks interesting, but H5 is too hard!" Which I understand. There is a lot of bullshit with H5 and it can be frustrating especially to people not highly-versed with the game.

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If horace is in, I am.

I'm about to get a ton of time to catch up on my drafts.

But if we are counting resets only, ban savestates.

Edited by Elieson
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Looks like he already addressed savestates.

Banzai, to be clear: Barring the exceptions, every time an undrafted unit enters battle, that's a +4, even if they're attacked and don't counter? Is that how you're addressing this?

What if an undrafted character enters battle, but you wind up restarting the level? Does the penalty accumulate or does it only apply if the unit was used on the successful attempt?

Edited by Othin
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Actually, I'm interested in this but I'm not signing up.

That said, how would resets for Chapter 1 work? One is forced to restart the entire file, which means no progress is saved whatsoever. Combining that with the relative fickleness (even for h5 standards) of Chapter 1 drives me to propose that perhaps restarts shouldn't count for Chapter 1 alone?

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To be fair, the only rule that i dont like and will probably cause the most frustration for those who play, is having to recruit everyone and keep them alive. I do love me some gaidens in 11 H5 because they give me a chance to train. Tbh, ive never tried keeping everyone alive and probably never will. Its just too crazy.

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I haven't played past Ch1 in H5 (hell, I haven't played past Ch3 in this game ever), but don't all the bosses of the first three or so chapters require ridiculous luck on H5?

Seems like if H5 is kept, it could be worth suspending the draft conditions entirely until Ch4 - just like how all characters are free for the first three chapters, resets don't start counting during that time either. Just a thought. I think I'd join under these conditions, even with H5.

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I would like to join.

Since turncounts dont matter though, people could theoretically boss/arena abuse um... excessively? Maybe there could be a limit on arena use (like one visit per unit?) And maybe there could be a turn limit before you are forced to reset? Otherwise there is nothing stopping someone from having units at level 20 after Chapter 1..

And I vote for H3 or harder.

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I would like to join.

Since turncounts dont matter though, people could theoretically boss/arena abuse um... excessively? Maybe there could be a limit on arena use (like one visit per unit?) And maybe there could be a turn limit before you are forced to reset? Otherwise there is nothing stopping someone from having units at level 20 after Chapter 1..

And I vote for H3 or harder.

How about an agreement to a conduct of sportsmanship?

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Well, at least all of the participants are ready.

1. General Banzai

2. General Horace

3. CR-S01

4. Elieson

5. PKL

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No, keep it on H5. The game is too easy to turtle through otherwise and everyone loves extremely luck-based factors influencing the outcome of competition.

It also goes to show that this idea is not very well thought out. The scoring can be abused in so many different ways as to make it entirely trivial.

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