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Rate the Unit, Final Day: Karel

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Dat Rules

- Ratings are assumed to be on Hard Mode.

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly.

+/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly.

- Numerical votes out of 10, or something proportional to it. Make it easy to calculate for my sake.

- Every ranking phase ends whenever I get out of bed, between 0800 and 0900 EST. Do the math for your timezone, Brits.

- I will insist you do not use the "Not X" reason on any character, where X is another unit. If you do, your vote will be thrown out.

- Characters should be rated for their performance on all possible routes (A/B / Sacae/Ilia) but should not be penalized for routes they physically cannot exist on (z.B Juno in Sacae).

- "Recruits X" or "takes you to X chapter" arguments are explicitly banned. C'mon, people, this shouldn't need to be a rule. That's not gameplay performance.

- I withhold the privilege to tell you your rating is bogus and demand you revise it if it breaks any of the above. I will not throw out votes anonymously, you will be informed and given a chance to revise.


WENDY!: 0.19

Sophia: 0.45

Bors: 1.14

Cath: 1.48

Barth: 2.07

Wolt: 2.16

Ward: 2.61

Douglas: 2.76

Fa: 3.02

Dorothy: 3.17

Juno: 3.23

Garret: 3.36

Lilina: 3.53

Merlinus: 3.53

Roy: 3.54

Geese: 3.70

Ray: 4.04

Hugh: 4.15

Dayan: 4.64

Treck: 4.66

Oujay: 4.80

Yodel: 4.82

Fir: 5.08

Lot: 5.40

Gonzales: 5.45

Cecilia: 5.61

Sue: 5.64

Zeiss: 5.70

Igrene: 5.73

Ellen: 5.73

Lugh: 5.98

Bartre: 6.00

Noah: 6.13

Chad: 6.42

Klein: 6.53

Astohl: 7.17

Saul: 7.18

Echidna: 7.27

Shin: 7.42

Zealot: 7.56

Niime: 7.77

Clarine: 7.78

Tate: 7.89

Dieck: 7.94

Thany: 8.01

Alan: 8.52

Lance: 8.59

Marcus: 8.77

Lalam: 8.78

Elphin: 9.00

Percival: 9.60

Rutger: 9.61

Miredy: 9.88

and levels up once ever but that level is guaranteed to rock at least

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Karel's growth rates are the highest in FE history. Everything is 100% and over, and his bases are great enough as it is. That single level up he'd get would be amazing.

He has an S-rank and swords, so he can weild Durandal from the get-go. Great filler, if Rutger's not up and running well as he should be (which is not likely).

6.5/10, +.5 bias since he's epic. 7/10

Edited by ZM456
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Karel is perfect filler, unlike Jodel who can be fragile as all get out, Karel is incredibly strong, able to slot into the team with absolutely no issue and handle Durandal like it was Childs Play. Even a Wyrmslayer is perfect in the Sword Saints hands, since he will kill dragons easily.

6/10 with a bias point.

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Using Karel is like getting smashed - you kind of think it'll be fun until you wake up in the morning and realize how much of a dumbass you were while you stand next to a bus and still continue to piss out the alcohol you consumed and standing on a pile of puke.

Karel has no real use outside of his joining chapter, and even then he's mediocre. He faces WTD against the Wyvern hordes and he doesn't offer much else to the table. Okay, he has Durandal, but Rutger, Fir, or Percival can use the weapon and one destroys Karel in movement parameters. Karel is a worse filler unit that doesn't bring anything extra to the table and just kind of... Meh. I would be more than happy to field someone with a mount or staff access than Karel.


Edited by Colonel M
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His growths own!

...Well I mean, y'know, you gotta give him something. He's not as strong as Rutger, but in just about every other area he's acceptably competitive with most units. Maybe a little lowish on HP (but still not low) and he's not quite as speedy as you'd figure a Swordmaster should be, but he's otherwise fine. You want a filler unit, or just a unit who will get a bunch of +1s one time for positive reinforcement? Karel does it.

Of course he also shows up at the worst possible time, which is to say, pretty much the end. So that hits him heavily.


Hey, whatever happened to the FE4 RTU threads?

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He's pretty cool. Growths are amazing but he only has one level to get them. But he comes in very late to actually have a purpose in my team. At least he can be used though.

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His growths own!

...Well I mean, y'know, you gotta give him something. He's not as strong as Rutger, but in just about every other area he's acceptably competitive with most units. Maybe a little lowish on HP (but still not low) and he's not quite as speedy as you'd figure a Swordmaster should be, but he's otherwise fine. You want a filler unit, or just a unit who will get a bunch of +1s one time for positive reinforcement? Karel does it.

Of course he also shows up at the worst possible time, which is to say, pretty much the end. So that hits him heavily.


Hey, whatever happened to the FE4 RTU threads?

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I think he's a bit better than you guys are letting on. He's roughly on the level on Jaffar in FE7 if Jaffar was a bit slower. Granted, Jaffar didn't regularly face Wyvern Lords and Mamkutes, but he's at least competent endgame filler if you could use one more unit; Rutger at his point will almost definitely be faster but actually trends towards less STR/DEF/RES. He also can use insta-Durandal, which helps his performance against Mamkutes. 23 SPD is fairly low for Rutger or Fir at this point but is still pretty frickin' fast all considering. And it DOES help that his bases will almost surely increase by 1 across the board if he nails a level. Not the best you could do, but you could do worse.


Edited by Cosmic_Harold
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Comes wtf late and kinda redundant, but hey, he's in a good class. If you really want an accurate +30 crit filler, or somehow don't have a trained Rutger or Fir and want an endgame SM, he can make do.

Also hilariously one amazing level up if you get him a level.

3/10 + 1 for being pretty hot.


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This guy comes in very last minute with stable stats and extremely good growths to make the one level up he gets count! If your Rutger hasn't ended up so great at this point of the game, this guy makes a decent substitute!

Rating: 6/10

Edited by *Narshen*
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He's alright. He needs the wyvernslayer or Durandal to be effective against the better enemies but he's at least able to use them. Otherwise he's fast enough and strong enough and durable enough for a combat unit that you don't really need to worry about him. That's cool, but he's still exceedingly unimpressive. I think I had him kill Jahn once because Jahn sucks. :Yahn:


I'm gonna miss doing these. There's something amusing about giving out tons of bad scores to characters and this game gives more opportunity to do so than most. I kinda want someone to set one of these up for FE1 so I can give zeros to like thirty people.

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He's cute, and he's one of the few people to tell your lord to get lost. I love his affinity, but good luck using it. I guess he might be able to do really well with a Lancereaver/Durandal?


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I was thinking of making one for FE3, but hardly anyone plays it (since FE12 exists) and there is already one for FE12.

Doesn't exist in Sophiakill mode 0/10

But he really comes too late to do much, anyway. He's an alright filler unit, and swords are decent, especially Sexy sword ranks, so he gets a 3/10 from me.

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Filler unit for those that stumbled their way to endgame and seriously shouldn't have.

Based on the averages of all the units ranked, I rate him a 3.

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Hey, whatever happened to the FE4 RTU threads?

Those aren't mine.

best growths 10/10


Tallying this final thing, finally.


dude look at his growths he's so good


no to you too, mekkah

Edited by Integrity
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Could be better bases even he has awesome growths... but only one lvl up T___T

Anyways, still not too bad and his stats can't ever get screwed by RNG.

If Rutger or/and Fir died or not been using Myrmidon(s) before and want Swordmaster in the very last minute, he's good enough to be used.

4/10 +1 for looking surprising good even he's old. *not admitting he's STILL hot as hell*


Edited by Serene Flight
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