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"I just want to know one thing!" - FE13 Edition


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So... Am I correct in assuming that the game always rounds down for DS% chance calculation, like it does for everything else? Just checking.

Yes. Dual Strikes and Guards are rounded down - like you say, all calculations are, I believe, rounded down. Except support points (which is why I advocate switching to a different method of talking about them, but whatever).

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Quick question here, who would be the best candidates to receive the two sets of Boots in the game? I was thinking maybe MU and Olivia, since they're probably the most important two unique units in the game, but is there anyone else that might be good to give them to?

Edited by BANRYU
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Quick question here, who would be the best candidates to receive the two sets of Boots in the game? I was thinking maybe MU and Olivia, since they're probably the most important two unique units in the game, but is there anyone else that might be good to give them to?

For in-game or postgame? In-game, Avatar and Olivia definitely seems to make the most sense. For postgame, maybe Lucina (assuming a Lucina x Morgan pair up) and... Olivia? I think it matters less because Rescue staff and rallies.

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It was mainly postgame, and my Olivia fell behind in levels long ago lol. (I should probably fix that but that's another topic)

MU is a dude, though, so it's probably MU x Lucina.

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I usually don't give my Boots to anybody, and then if I need them for some challenge run I copy my file, use the Boots as I see fit, and then restore it when I'm done. But not everybody plays that way, and I'd probably recommend Lucina and Morgan for postgame or Lucina and Avatar for maingame.

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Honest question, what's the reason for giving boots to Lucina/Morgan/Avatar rather than boosting a flier to get 10 movement or a general to get a better 7 movement?

Again this depends on if you're talking in game or postgame. In game: What's to say Lucina/Morgan/Avatar won't be a flier? In fact there's a good chance they might, given Galeforce is from a flying class. Raising up a General's movement is contingent on actually having a General as well, and considering how bad General is in this game... Postgame, it's basically, Lucina is the best character along with Morgan - but since you probably have the two married you don't need boots on both. In both cases, Olivia's utility is great and more movement means she can 'transfer' that +2 move to whoever needs it, a decent amount of the time.

Really though the boots are kind of overrated unless you care about low turn count. They're a nice item, but for in-game playthroughs I tend to not be overly concerned about them, and often even forget to give them to anyone because they make so little difference.

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Well, for one both Lucina and Morgan can be fliers, and Generals should never be lead units because of their Spd.

Avatar gets priority because he/she's going to be your best unit maingame, and it's a big help in Lunatic(+). You need to be overleveled to survive being in the middle of a crowd of enemies on EP, and where else is your Boots unit going to go?

When pairing Lucina with Avatar as Sages for a VV combo on Apo, Boots allow you to get past the Longbow Snipers on normal route, which are otherwise a showstopper.

Morgan, as your team's best (most of the time) unit, is a pretty good candidate for a buff, given that Awakening rewards piling all your resources on one character.

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Makes sense, thanks for the responses.

Different question: On my first playthrough during Chapter 9 after I recruited Tharja, Avatar gained support points with her in a battle (I'm not sure if it was a pair up or next to each other). After gaining the points, I vaguely remember her saying a quote about how Avatar is special and he is the one.

I can't seem to get that event/quote to happen again on any subsequent playthrough though. Does anybody remember this happening or did I just dream this when I was sleeping?...

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Makes sense, thanks for the responses.

Different question: On my first playthrough during Chapter 9 after I recruited Tharja, Avatar gained support points with her in a battle (I'm not sure if it was a pair up or next to each other). After gaining the points, I vaguely remember her saying a quote about how Avatar is special and he is the one.

I can't seem to get that event/quote to happen again on any subsequent playthrough though. Does anybody remember this happening or did I just dream this when I was sleeping?...

You probably stepped on a sparkly tile while paired up.

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You probably stepped on a sparkly tile while paired up.

Now that you mention it there is that sparkling tile on a fort near where Tharja would be when recruited. Maybe on my next playthrough...

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I'm curious about that Tharja thing too now. If only I'd thought to try that on that chapter a few days ago... ~__~ *shrug*

Well, thanks for the suggestions about the boots. My mind is hardly more made up than before, given all the conflicting suggestions I got LOL... But I guess I'll work something out eventually. I'm still thinking Olivia for almost-certain to get one pair, and then I guess it'll be between Lucina and Morgan for the other (MU doesn't need them since he'll be paired with Lucina, so it'll be down to LucinaxMU galepair or Morganxwhoevershemarries galepair I suppose).

One last little question; is there any sort of non-strategy-related shipping/pairing thread, or would I need to necro-bump it / create a new one? I looked but just thought I'd ask to make sure (maybe this isn't the best place to ask though lol ~___~)

EDIT: One more quickie while I'm at it.

Why do people suggest using Luna and Aether on the same unit? Doesn't Aether sort of outclass Luna-- seeing as it will always do more damage from the two hits?

Edited by BANRYU
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I'm curious about that Tharja thing too now. If only I'd thought to try that on that chapter a few days ago... ~__~ *shrug*

Yeah.. I accidentally married off Gregor to Cherche while support grinding and saved. Maybe I'll restart and check Ch9 again.

EDIT: One more quickie while I'm at it.

Why do people suggest using Luna and Aether on the same unit? Doesn't Aether sort of outclass Luna-- seeing as it will always do more damage from the two hits?

I wondered about that too before. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=43481&p=2663545 That post by Airship_Canon and the one below it explain it well. Basically a greater chance of getting more damage.

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One last little question; is there any sort of non-strategy-related shipping/pairing thread, or would I need to necro-bump it / create a new one? I looked but just thought I'd ask to make sure (maybe this isn't the best place to ask though lol ~___~)

EDIT: One more quickie while I'm at it.

Why do people suggest using Luna and Aether on the same unit? Doesn't Aether sort of outclass Luna-- seeing as it will always do more damage from the two hits?

Oh, there's probably one floating around within the one month limit, but they're sort of explosive and best left alone. Are you looking for "canon" pairings, or just ones with unusually good/bad supports?

Luna can only activate if Aether fails, so it's essentially increasing your chance of getting a proc. I sometimes use Aether + RK instead, but only when there's something that requires Aether to kill (within the bounds of whatever challenge I'm doing). For general use, Aether + Luna is the superior option and very strong.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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So Luna is likely to activate if Aether doesn't? Interesting. That link was helpful, Xcel, thanks.

I just have one other question about procstacking-- for non-Apo purposes, of course, is Astra + Lethality (or any other procs for that matter) a viable combo? Or will Leth (/ the other procs) not activate during the hits of Astra?

@ CY: I was thinking more along the lines of an 'OTP' thread-- just for discussing casual shipping and shit like that LOL. Does discussion really get that heated, or is it safe to believe that people can be respectful and tolerant of other peoples' ships in a thread like that? .3.

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@ CY: I was thinking more along the lines of an 'OTP' thread-- just for discussing casual shipping and shit like that LOL. Does discussion really get that heated, or is it safe to believe that people can be respectful and tolerant of other peoples' ships in a thread like that? .3.

Whatever you do, do not create an OTP thread. Shit will happen.

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So Luna is likely to activate if Aether doesn't? Interesting. That link was helpful, Xcel, thanks.

I just have one other question about procstacking-- for non-Apo purposes, of course, is Astra + Lethality (or any other procs for that matter) a viable combo? Or will Leth (/ the other procs) not activate during the hits of Astra?

@ CY: I was thinking more along the lines of an 'OTP' thread-- just for discussing casual shipping and shit like that LOL. Does discussion really get that heated, or is it safe to believe that people can be respectful and tolerant of other peoples' ships in a thread like that? .3.

Only one proc skill can trigger at a time. If Lethality doesn't trigger (Lethality is checked first), then Astra would have a chance. Each hit of Astra isn't like a new attack which can trigger other skills (that would rapidly be OP just triggering off itself once skill gets above 40%), it's just, part of this Astra attack. It can crit independently but that's about it.

As for things like Luna+Aether, the point is for reliability. Aether is checked first, but then Luna comes after. The chance of Luna activating is dependent on your skill, still, so if your skill is low then there's still a decent chance Luna won't activate, but if you have like 75 Skill, then Luna is very likely to activate whenever Aether doesn't. Three quarters of the time Aether doesn't proc, in fact, you'll get a Luna instead.

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I figured as much, just wanted to make sure. That's good to know, thanks.

EDIT: Sangyul, I missed your post the first time, but rest assured-- message received.

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Only one proc skill can trigger at a time. If Lethality doesn't trigger (Lethality is checked first), then Astra would have a chance. Each hit of Astra isn't like a new attack which can trigger other skills (that would rapidly be OP just triggering off itself once skill gets above 40%), it's just, part of this Astra attack. It can crit independently but that's about it.

To put it another way, all five hits of Astra count as one hit for DG and DS, all five count as procs and can't have other skills proc during them, each hit counts as a separate attack for hit/miss, critical, and Counter/Miracle, and Aether works exactly the same way.

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Cool cool got it.

Well, I'm back again. ~__~ Apparently my endless curiosity can be all but sated.

So, what would the best loadouts be for Valkyrie/Falcoknight Einherjar staffbots? (Specifically I wanted to make use of the DLC ladies like Lyn/Micaiah/Eirika/Celica/Elincia.) Is there a recommended skillset for these staffbots? Is it usually a good idea to make them double-duty staffbots/rally bots? Otherwise, what's the best use of access to all the classes' skills for Einherjar? (for things not named Apo, like for instance streetpass)

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For a full time staffbot? Valk should go Tomefaire/Healtouch/Break/Deliverer/All+2 or Bond with Valflame, for Falcos equip Shockstick and get Lancefaire instead.

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Whatever you do, do not create an OTP thread. Shit will happen.

This. There'd be more ship to ship combat than the whole of Assassin's Creed 4 if you understand what I'm saying.

For a full time staffbot? Valk should go Tomefaire/Healtouch/Break/Deliverer/All+2 or Bond with Valflame, for Falcos equip Shockstick and get Lancefaire instead.

Pure Staffbot doesn't get pair ups [waste of resources (since no Limit/Rally +MAG Valkyrie [Like Celica] can hit 60 MAG without pairs [42 Class +4 Mod +5 TF +2 (A2/M2) + 5 Valflame + 2 Tonic] [60 is a break point: Can rescue a target from one side of Apoth to the other] thru TF/ALL+2 and Valflame, combined with 50 Heal off Fortify at that level of MAG... they really aren't worth pairing, since they don't really do combat, and non-combat resources are best unpaired] so Deliverer doesn't do them a whole lot of good [if you ABSOLUTELY needed the 2 Mov, why not simply have the partner run Staffbot as is and use Rescue [that'd give... upwards of 11 move MORE (maximized movement of other unit, minus 2 for loss of Deliverer) than Deliverer!]

Replace Deliverer with Acro (so sand, mountains, forts, and forests don't slow them down) if Valkryie.

Run Movement+1

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So Staffbots are no good to double as Rally-bots? Hmm. Interesting. Is there anyone in particular who's recommended as a Rallybot? Ladies like the regular Pegasi class-sets from gen 1 maybe?

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