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How do you guys cope with doing bad on exams?


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I'm curious to know how all of you feel after doing not so good on a test. Of course, part of this is because I'm in college, and partly because I'm always interested in knowing how people deal with academic disappointments :squeezedtangerine: So what do you all do/think to yourselves after bombing or doing worse than you thought you would on an exam?

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Doing poorly on a few exams is nothing to be concerned about. GPA is not really that big a deal in most cases, whether you're planning to go to graduate school or straight into a real job (having good references is much more important).

In math/science-type classes (which I'm guessing is the type of class you're concerned about, since it seems less common for people to stress out about humanities exams), the exams should be styled similarly to homework problems. The best way to prepare for those types of exams is to stay on top of things throughout the term. Cramming is extremely inefficient in these classes. Read the book before lecture, pay close attention during lecture, and make a real effort to do your homework first without consulting your notes/friends, then with your notes/friends, then finally if you're still stuck, go to office hours. Trying to first figure things out on your own forces you to ask questions, and the process of trying to answer those questions tends to help the material stick. Also don't be afraid to ask questions during lecture, whether or not they're dumb ones. Right before the exam, the only studying you should really be doing is practice problems from the textbook.

Edited by Redwall
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I...didn't really do poorly on my exams. At least, when I tried / put an effort into it. So... not sure. Plus, the coping technique probably depends on how they were raised.

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Got a D on my first quantum exam this semester (well it was a 68 so more like a C). Probably my only "bad" exam grade this whole year (next lowest was an 83, then an 87/88 and a 91). Reflected on why I did so poorly, told my professor I know I could've done better and all of that stuff. Later that week, I decided just "fuck it" and studied properly for another exam later that week. Got the highest grade on the exam. Also learned from my mistakes for that first quantum exam and got a 100 on the very next quantum exam by fixing my studying for that particular class.

I cope with it by just reflecting and figuring out exactly what I did wrong, and fixing that mistake. It's quite easy to get flustered over a bad exam, but you should never get flustered over a bad exam; it's tough to get your momentum back. Just look for any opportunity or sign for the latter; a good homework grade (if you're in college) pretty much means that you are capable of doing well on an exam, you were just out of it. Just make it a one time only thing and you will be good.

The worst students freak out over bad exam grades; the good students are always the ones that are immediately willing to embrace their failure and pick themselves up from it.

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I am a perfectionist, so getting bad grades really gets me down. However, I'm also a rather creative problem-solver. There's almost always a way to either fix any issues a single grade has caused or prevent future issues from compounding into something more significant. My main method of coping is just to occupy myself with fixing the problem. Sometimes it takes a lot of work, but I find a way to correct for my mistakes, and it helps keep my mind off the disappointment. I do tend to get a little gloomy for a day or so after an iffy grade, though...

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Got bad grades pretty much all the time in high school so I got used to it there. Now that I'm in college, I haven't gotten less then a 8/10 (dutch scoring system) yet.

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I post it on my fridge or the very front of my binder. To remind me.

"I can do better than this."

"I hate losing. So I won't lose next time."

It gets me riled up.

But if you mean coping with it the day you find out your grade... I buy some Yoohoo... and go to sleep.

And seek comfort from someone in that world.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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At the moment i found out yesterday that I failed chemistry. I'm pretty bummed out about it. Its in the back of my mind but you know, I'm going to retake it next term and I'll just try to get better marks and actually focus on it more. I really have no excuse for the failure.

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