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What's the worst map in all of Fire Emblem?


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A lot of things with 2s.

FE4's worst map: Chapter 2.

FE5's worst map: Chapter 22 (2 2s for twice the Evil)

FE7's worst map: Chapter 26

FE9's worst map: Chapter 27-2 (Stupid Luckbased boss)

FE10's worst map: Part 2-1

FE11's worst map: Chapter 2

FE12's worst map: Chapter 2

FEA's worst map: Chapter 2

Screw 2.

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Shinon's re-recruitment chapter, all because of Shinon himself. Even with a built Rolf who doesn't need to worry/won't be a detriment (lol) carefully baiting him into range then talking/defeating him with Ike was such an unusual pain.

Also BBD for the reasons listed already.

Desert maps don't bug me. But I don't care about turncounts in the slightest.

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The problem with FE13 defeat bosses is that they forgot they put buyable Rescue in the game.

I don't think FE13 was designed with LTCers in mind.

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Shinon's re-recruitment chapter, all because of Shinon himself. Even with a built Rolf who doesn't need to worry/won't be a detriment (lol) carefully baiting him into range then talking/defeating him with Ike was such an unusual pain.

You just...let him attack Ike. If he's 20/1, I really don't see what the problem is.

FE9's worst map: Chapter 27-2 (Stupid Luckbased boss)

27-2? What map is this?

FE12's worst map: Chapter 2

What's wrong with FE12 Chapter 2?

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You just...let him attack Ike. If he's 20/1, I really don't see what the problem is.

27-2? What map is this?

Actually, if Shinon can reach Rolf to talk to him, he will.

The BK battle.

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FEA's is Paralogue 6 due to nearly everything having 1-2 range and basically needing you to line up to die to the enemies

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FE9 chapter 17, all four parts

the series is hardly a stranger to bland and mediocre maps of course, but god damn taking a visually and structurally bland map concept and stretching it out for what four parts was just


why would you do such a thing

That level is real pain in my fanny. Especially when that fucker on the fourth map tries to BBQ my Laguz with Meteor. Asshole.

FE10 4-4, fuck that map!

Duuuuuude. Thats like...my favorite level in RD. No lie. I love that map. I loved the Tanas mission in FE9 too so it totally is a nostalgia level for me. D:

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FEA's is Paralogue 6 due to nearly everything having 1-2 range and basically needing you to line up to die to the enemies


FE4 Chapter 1 is still far more interesting than the majority of FE13's maps.

Yeah... if you can describe a slog of a map as interesting, that is. The last part in particular is exhibit A of how annoying terrain abuse can get.

Duuuuuude. Thats like...my favorite level in RD. No lie. I love that map. I loved the Tanas mission in FE9 too so it totally is a nostalgia level for me. D:

I found chapter 16 pretty cool too, but 4-4 was a pain - too many reinforcements.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Honestly I found FE12 Chapter 3 far more annoying (than Chapter 2), because the only way to recruit Julian is to either pick a god and pray Matthis doesn't do a stupid, or walk across the entire fucking continent (well, that's what it FELT like).

Like seriously, why couldn't they have switched Julian's and Bord's villages?

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Honestly I found FE12 Chapter 3 far more annoying (than Chapter 2), because the only way to recruit Julian is to either pick a god and pray Matthis doesn't do a stupid, or walk across the entire fucking continent (well, that's what it FELT like).

Like seriously, why couldn't they have switched Julian's and Bord's villages?

I guess Matthis is happy to fall on one of your guys' swords (or w/ever)?

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Honestly I found FE12 Chapter 3 far more annoying (than Chapter 2), because the only way to recruit Julian is to either pick a god and pray Matthis doesn't do a stupid, or walk across the entire fucking continent (well, that's what it FELT like).

I kinda have a personal fondness of Chapter 3 because I learned how to abuse the AI the hard way lol

Either way, yeah that map is pretty terribru. Palla's situation is pretty fun though

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Yeah... if you can describe a slog of a map as interesting, that is. The last part in particular is exhibit A of how annoying terrain abuse can get.

I'm saying it's great or even good. In fact, I hate that map.

It says quite a lot when it's still far better and more interesting, visually and gameplay-wise, than pretty much all of FE13's maps.

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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Honestly I found FE12 Chapter 3 far more annoying (than Chapter 2), because the only way to recruit Julian is to either pick a god and pray Matthis doesn't do a stupid, or walk across the entire fucking continent (well, that's what it FELT like).

Like seriously, why couldn't they have switched Julian's and Bord's villages?

I feel like it's really not poorly designed aside from the 17 turn Bord+Julian moving around the map, because it means there's very little to not action in some turns.

There's this thing about FE12 AI that you can manipulate to guarantee Matthis will go after someone unequipped btw. Just have someone lure him (it can be unquipped Marth while the others charge and kill the other cavaliers) towards an unequipped unit with lower def than the others and keep doing it until Julian is recruited. If you make Marth lure him, you can even recruit him as soon as you grab the village in a 14 turn without Bord. And uh, Palla's situation is pretty fun to figure out in the harder difficulties and feels intentional. And I liked the Dracoknight AI changing drastically in the higher difficulties to create a situation that you have to think in order to overcome.

Also, Chapter 2 is a great map who even mentioned it? >_>

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Personally, my issue with chapter 3 is more that it's not obvious how the map even works.

Like, the Dragon Knights in the left won't move but the ones on the right will. Making the wrong guess here can easily end with a restart.

And if you get baited by the dropable silver lance the guys on the left carry, you will figure out that all of them will move once they are attacked and will mostly likely curbstomp the poor flier attacking them, forcing yet another restart.

But of course, there is another intuitive way to get them to move, which is to buy items in the shop. And the only hint to this is the message that the shop keeper is in league with the rebels, which could mean anything.

Edited by BrightBow
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Also, Chapter 2 is a great map who even mentioned it? >_>

Me and my inexperience with that map that led into the development into the most retarded strategy ever devised says otherwise

Either way I kinda hated myself after misclicking that +3 Steel Bow >_>

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A lot of things with 2s.

FE4's worst map: Chapter 2.

FE5's worst map: Chapter 22 (2 2s for twice the Evil)

FE7's worst map: Chapter 26

FE9's worst map: Chapter 27-2 (Stupid Luckbased boss)

FE10's worst map: Part 2-1

FE11's worst map: Chapter 2

FE12's worst map: Chapter 2

FEA's worst map: Chapter 2

Screw 2.

Let me add : FE2. The entirety of it.

Maps are generally horribly designed, and generally bland, and some are pretty evil. Sonya Map have every ennemy able to teleport at will, for example. and all the ennemy who can summon endless renforcement.

Djute's map also comes to mind, where you have to avoid killing her when she's quite strong and horribly aggressive.

The 1st map of FE2 is the blandest and least interresting map in any FE (Except FE6 Final Chapter, obviously)

I like this game, but some parts are terribly dated.

FE12 main problem (as for FE1/3/11, I guess, but I haven't played them) is that Marth is the only one able to visit village and seize Maps AND there are no rescue option, which makes you backtrack more than in FE4. And you have to end the map relatively quickly. I'm no LTC player, but that's frustrating fake difficulty.

I know most map in FE5 can be warpskipped easily, but chapter 24X and 12X are particulary nasty. For FE12X, you have all the ennemy dancers, Tina who have to be recruited in the first turn, or she'll steal all your items and break her precious staff. If you also want Trewd, it makes thing even harder, and even warped, Saphy have top be able to hold her own. And it's a goddamn FOW Chapter in FE5.

FE5 Chapter 16B is also pretty annoying in itself, with randomly warping tiles and forest tiles. Not especially hard, just really annoying.

All the map with NPC you have to save counts too. Mainly Paralogue 3 where the ennemy are so goddamn stupid you really wants to force feed them to the Risens after your Nth attempt. FE7 Chapter 16 counts too (And BBD, obviously)...

In FE6, the map with Tate and Klein in the village si particullary annoying as well (Not sure if 10B or 11A...). You can have her aggressively attack you, or talk with her with Shanna and seeing her and her troops sacrificing themselves on ennemy troops. When I think of FE6's bad maps, it's the first thing who comes to mind

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