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Fire Emblem: Wretched Whispers, Act 1: Three Days


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Diana studied her surroundings. She pondered how to effectively tackle the current situation. Seeing a pegasus rider flying around slightly injured, she figured she should probably go help her. She appears to be helping the mercenaries, so it should be okay, Diana thought. But first... we need to keep that... thing, under control. "Hey, Ricks! Can you make sure that monster over there stays off the rest of us? I'll come back you up once I've helped this rider." Diana shouted in the general direction of the Ricks, gesturing toward said rider.

Diana moves to (16,6) and heals Artemis.

Edited by Curly Brace
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Following the crowd, Magali was trying her darnest to focus on their situation --being one easily distracted by the surrounding nature had some clear downsides. Stopping in a grassy covered area, she spied the wounded man in front of her. "Oh dear. Let me fix that for you." Some prestative healing would hopefully disguise the fact she's lost focus somewhere when the number of monsters thinned.

Magali moves to (14,9), heals Declan.

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Declan deals 8 damage, finishing off the bowwalker (78, 52)! Bowwalker -7/31, Declan gains 38 exp.

After that, Declan gets healed to full HP! Declan 22/22, Magali gains 11 exp.

Other Phase

Sheikah headed towards what seemed to be the enemy leader and attacked, hitting once for 10 damage (18, 72), receiving 14 in return (16, 13), and connecting once more for 10 more (63, 41). Sheikah 9/24, Chief Bonewalker 19/39, Sheikah gains 10 exp.

Cringing after the chief's strike, Sheikah backed off after. As she retreated she noticed a group of soldiers not far from the mercenaries. "Caught up already?" she wondered aloud. "Don't seem to be the same guys. Is that one...?"

Sheikah moves to (19, 1), attacks Chief Bonewalker, then moves to (14, 1).

SB will handle the Ricks, and Enemy Phase.

Edited by Reinfleche
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The Ricks look worried, and reposition themselves rather than charging after the Chief.

Enemy Phase

Despite the Ricks taking a defensive formation, the chief still manages to deal a hefty amount of damage all on his own.

Chief Bonewalker hits! Mercenary Rick->4/25 (39,76)

Meanwhile, Taima comes under attack from two other skeletons that almost knock her down again.

Bonewalker G hits! Taima->14/29 (53,88) 
Taima misses! (98,61)

Taima gains 1 exp.
Bonewalker H hits! Taima->7/29 (26,67)

Taima gains 1 exp.

Meanwhile, several armoured troops appear in the distance, with Sheikah taking notice at once. "Damn... It really is him..." She quickly turned to the rest of the group, and raised her voice. "Listen up! We need to get going, now! Don't try and fight 'em, just take out these last few and push through!" Getting into a battle with an Angalan commander was the last thing they needed right now.


Turn 10


Objective: Escape at the red area!

Stats are here.

[spoiler=HP Counts]
Peter 31/31
Taima 7/29
Declan 22/22
Magali 22/22
Melanie 25/26
Lugos 27/27
Diana 28/28
Wolfgang 19/20
Artemis 26/27

Sheikah 9/24
Mercenary Rick 4/25

Soldier Rick 17/25
Archer Rick 14/25
Fighter Rick 25/25

Chief Bonewalker 19/39
Revenant A -1/35
Revenant B 0/36
Revenant C -6/36

Revenant D 0/35
Revenant E -20/34
Revenant F 0/36
Revenant G -8/36

Revenant H -8/37
Revenant I -2/35
Revenant J -29/39
Revenant K -6/38
Revenant L -1/36
Bonewalker A -5/30
Bonewalker B -3/31
Bonewalker C -3/30

Bonewalker D 0/30
Bonewalker E -9/32
Bonewalker F -3/31

Bonewalker G 33/33
Bonewalker H 32/32
Bow Bonewalker A -3/31
Bow Bonewalker B -4/32
Bow Bonewalker C -2/30
Bow Bonewalker D -1/32

Bow Bonewalker E -7/31
Bow Bonewalker F -1/34
Mogall A -8/27

Mogall B -6/26
Mogall C -5/27

Mogall D -8/25

Tyrius 43/43

Armour Knight A 36/36
Armour Knight B 36/36
Armour Knight C 37/37
Armour Knight D 36/36
Edited by SB.
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Melanie wasn't about to test the magic she was only competent at on some man encased in what was probably the most enchanted armor he could find. Running seemed like a pretty good idea. That didn't mean she was about to ignore the skeletons in front of her, though!

Melanie to 16,9 attacks Bonewalker G

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A healers work is never done... Diana thought to herself. She saw Rick get assailed by a monster, one that seemed much stronger than the rest of them. Diana moved briskly to go help Rick.

Diana moves to (16,3) and heals (Merc) Rick.

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There appeared to be people coming after them, probably affiliated with the army they were fighting against earlier that day? Oh no!

Hurrying ahead, Magali passes by and notices Taima's wound-- they were a bit too deep for her to fix quickly with a healing staff, but she did have someone in mind with the aptitude to pull it off! "Well then, Melanie~. I think I'd like you to try to use this staff again." She handed over her staff with little notice. "You have strong aptitude to magic, maybe perhaps of the dark magic you study? Anyways, I'd like if you tried using that on our knightly lady over there --I'm sure I'd take longer to get the job done." With a wink, she started another dance to invigorate her somewhat overworked buddy.

Magali moves to (17,9), gives her healing staff to Melanie, and dances for the youthful shamaness.

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Artemis didn't even hear Sheikah's warning, let alone see any reinforcements in the distance. So she wasn't exactly particularly stressed out. Still, that big monster to the north had a bow, and that meant he had to go.

Artemis to (17,5), attack Chief Bonewalker, canto to (16,7)

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Wolfgang, seeing the lady on the pegasus come to his aid once more and fight the last one near the Ricks, decided to run towards the escape route and blast the creature in attempt to destroy it.

Wolfgang moves to (18,2) and attacks Chief Bonewalker.

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Artemis and the chief exchange blows! And burns.

Artemis hits! Chief Bonewalker->9/39(59,34)
Chief Bonewalker hits! Artemis->17/27(30,85)

Artemis gains 10 exp.

Wolfgang hits when it counts! Sometimes, anyway.

Wolfgang hits! Chief Bonewalker->-1/39 (48,47)

Wolfgang gains 92 exp.
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The wink made Melanie flush a bit and the prospect of moving backwards towards the looming armor on the horizon seemed folly, but she was surprisingly apt with this healing, and she wasn't about to leave one of their comrades to die. "O-Oui, I shall traiter avec Taima." All this praise was certainly doing a good number on her self magical self esteem.

Melanie back to 14,9 heals Taima.

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Taima gets healed!

Melanie gains 11 exp.

Declan is super fast! Or maybe the bonewalker is super slow.

Declan hits! Bonewalker G->16/31 (54,27)
Declan hits! Bonewalker G->11/31 (43,9)

Declan gains 12 exp.
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Taima unfortunately started taking some lessons from Wolfgang's school of hitting (82 26). Her opponent did not and struck for 7 damage (39 10). Taima 20/29, Taima gets 1 exp.

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These guys are pretty good at moving. . .for bones. Peter took aim at one and hoped he'd have better luck than Taima.

Peter moves to (14,8) and smacks Bonewalker H with an Iron Bow

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