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if somebody was explicitly anti-wincon in a game that had a rule telling people not to play anti-wincon, i would probably ban them from my games and encourage others to do the same

so yea if you want to be in the same pool as sho, go for it

Edited by Prims
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if somebody was explicitly anti-wincon in a game that had a rule telling people not to play anti-wincon, i would probably ban them from my games and encourage others to do the same

so yea if you want to be in the same pool as sho, go for it

Why don't you like it?

(serious question)

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playing to have fun is fine, playing to have fun in a way that makes the game unfun for other players isn't

intentionally throwing the game is unfun for both the other players and the host.

Edited by Prims
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maybe a better way to put it would be "if we were scumbuddies and i sent in NKs on you N1 and then myself N2, would you be okay with that?"

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because i couldn't be bothered sifting through the posts to see if this had been said:

intentionally throwing the game is unfun for both the other players and the host.

this + it's also disrespectful to the host (and potentially the players), which unless there's a really good reason (unlikely), you shouldn't do unless you want to intentionally get on people's bad sides
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Depends on why, really. If you thought the game was that unwinnable, then I probably wouldn't object to being NK'd by my scumbuddy (though I'd ask for your logic first). I'd also say it depends on the host, as there's instances where people intentionally do things against their win condition, and the hosts aren't arsed about it. I'll keep it in mind for YOUR games, though.

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Eclipse do you just want me to tell you when there's cult in future games that I host so you'll know when to sit out of them because I'm very anti-gamethrowing but I don't want to be rude ;_;

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Actually I'm having an anxiety attack and really need ahold of manix I dunno if anyone os therd on ir.c thag can prod him

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Because hosts often build games with the hopes that the players who join will sabotage their own faction. I have that in mind all the time. /sarcasm.

I'm with prims on this.

Game related; did kay actually participate in OC very much? As a spectator, I.forgot she was even playing until the last phase, where she claimed

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I am just going to say I would not have let something like what eclipse mentioned happen, personally. Maybe you don't care whether you win or lose too much, but unless you are solo third party it is generally fair to assume that some people on your team are working the best that they can towards their win condition. I also make games assuming every player is at least trying to win and personally don't like when this isn't the case. I want to cite Grassbridger as an excellent example of this, actually. Even though it was apparent that town was outnumbered for a while there was no point where he decided "well fuck that" and stopped trying or anything. scorri did this too until she was recruited.

Kay actually had quite a lot of OC logs.

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I had fun with this game, especially since I got to be Sheikie. I love it, since I'm probably the only one outside of Rein who likes wrasslin'.

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@Kirsche, I think I would've tried to roll you had you survived, but it'd be a good effort.

My complaint about the modkill is that it essentially afforded the town (and the cult who had more people) a mislynch which directly benefitted the cult a hell of a lot more than the mafia since we couldn't do anything about it. Pre-mod kill, it was 4/3/3, and while cult still could've won that night, I feel like ending the day phase would've been a better solution than continuing the day. Especially since cult couldn't die that night phase.

That aside, I enjoyed the game while I was alive.

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Everyone trusted me too much.

Especially at the end when they all wanted me dead.


I'm glad most feedback towards the game is so positive. It was fun co-modding, even if I had a terrible schedule at times. =)

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BBM (The Terminator, D1 subbed out): You sort of touched on this briefly but you didn't do much. I am really confused as to why you went around with the cultproof thing, though.

Lucina (Yuri Lowell, D1 lynched): I am not sure why you did several things. Claiming your role was very anti-cult quickly drew some negative attention, especially when it has some immediately clear anti-mafia benefits as well to it. More than a few people thought you prioritizing the cult so much was odd- yes, they are a threat, but you seemed too eager on focusing on them and not the mafia, who are still going to try and ruin everything for town.

kirsche (Goku, N1 killed by V): I actually think your play was pretty good, but you ended up being too aggressive and while that isn't a bad thing by default, you ended up getting far too many people on your bad side very quickly. I never had any intention of subbing you back in because you already knew a lot that you wouldn't having subbed in for anyone else. You dying early was pretty bad for town though, seeing as everyone else who put in a big effort into organizing town... well, wasn't town. It didn't help that you had what was imhotep the best town role by a pretty good margin.

Eurykins (V, N1 killed by Mafia): I talked to you about this before, but I think that your real problem was that you didn't push your reads as much as you could have stood to. You don't necessarily need to play aggressively, but you mentioned to me after you died you felt like you trusted eclipse way too much when you think should have called her out when she was very unhelpful with information, and you could've pressed Paperblade harder as well. Other than that, most of your reads were good, so there wasn't a major problem there. Don't beat yourself up about it too much, you put in a good try and OC isn't easy to get used to.

Marth (ChanServ, D2 lynched): Sorry for rolling a really bad role, I guess. I don't think you should have claimed it so freely regardless of how useless it is- you can still trade your information instead of giving it away. Thew few townies on your wagon mentioned that visitor was a terrible fakeclaim though, and almost everyone else was anti-town, so whatever.

jaybee (Big Boss, N2 killed by Mafia): You did alright I guess. You were one of the more active townies but you mentioned you were confused a lot above, so I dunno. I think you should've used your Eagle Eye though.

Snike (The Terminator, D3 lynched): You generally did alright, but there were a few pitfalls you fell in to. I don't think you should have claimed Refa's role parts, personally- his role sort of existed because it looked great on scans, and when you claimed his abilities that immediately vanished as well as took away what I thought would be a good built-in safeclaim for him. Him flipping would have instantly given you away, too, and eclipse flipping would probably look pretty incriminated due to some investigative roles failing on you, but you might've been able to explain that as scum trying to prevent a TL from being set up.

Shin (Captain America, N3 killed): I think you could've been a bit more proactive with most things. You waited on your cultproof counterclaim for a while, and though I understand why you might think that there could possibly be two cultproof townies, bringing it up early could have caused people to look over the problems in Snike's claim earlier than they did.

Objection (Vergil, D4 modkilled): I am not entirely sure how much you did since most of the logs I saw outside of earlygame were from other people, but you made a pretty significant blunder with the role PM quoting thing.

Polydeuces (The Iron Sheik, D4 lynched): I wasn't really sure what you were up to for most of the game considering I never got logs from you and had to piece things together from other people's logs, but you ended up outing the scumteam to a few people in a panic, which you should never do ever. There's information trading, but that goes far over the line of what you should and should not do. You also claimed a bit pointlessly to some people early on, although I don't think this really ended up doing anything.

Paperblade (Bane, N4 killed by Mafia, won D5): You did a lot less than you usually do in OC games but you got away with it really easily. Maybe this was due to inactive town, maybe just because most people playing don't really know your OC meta, but it worked out for you. You used your abilities well and recruited the right people and all that sort of stuff.

Kay (Spike Spiegel, D5 lynched): Your biggest problem was not being there a lot. Your reads were generally good and you played just fine other than that.

Grassbridger (Ganondorf, survived and lost): I mentioned this before, but you put a lot of effort into this game even when things were looking grim and I really appreciated that. You played pretty well overall and I can't think of any immediate significant criticism. Also, I did not really touch upon this in role postgame, but Hijacker was really limited due to how many mafia members had multiple abilities as well as both Bane/Barsad.

Refa (Balthier, survived and lost): You generally did pretty good. There were a few mishaps here and there, but you also made some good decisions like with choosing to have Paper killed rather than Grasbridger on N4 and some other plays that imo more than offset the more questionable ones.

eclipse (Tyler Durdem survived and lost): You did okay. I think there were points in the game where you let some personal things get in the way of what would be better plays, but you already had your whole big post about why you did this earlier, and I don't agree with that at all but I already explained myself as well. I know Paper and SB heavily suspected you because they thought you were playing pretty clearly to your scum meta but Paper didn't want too much attention drawn to himself from the mafia (also Prims randomly PMd me about you definitely being scum in the middle of the game), but for the most part you managed to look good to townies.

SB (Barsad, survived and won): You generally painted yourself as pretty town I think, and didn't end up getting shot for it either, so good for you.

Shinori (Space Ghost, survived and won): You were generally pretty quiet after being recruited, but that ended up working out alright for you, so yeah.

scorri (Kamina, survived and won): A lot of the things I said with regards to Grassbridger's effort things apply to you as well, except you ended up as recruited and winning. I think you played well and don't have any major problems.

I didn't do these in order but I think it's pretty apparent what point I got tired of typing

I will have a full compilation of logs soon, including some PM stuff between individuals and also the mafia PM Snike made at one point. Again if there is anything in particular you don't want to be public then, let me know before I do this via role PM.

Edited by Reinfleche
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IIRC I just thought that asking whether or not people thought the mafia was cultproof would be an okay point of opening introduction. I'm 95% sure I wasn't intending to claim cultproof, since I wasn't Godfather or anything and I knew that being inspected to get confirmed would have been a bad idea. I don't think I even realized that people might interpret it as me being cultproof (or me being mafia trying to see if a cultproof fake was valid) until people started asking me if I was cultproof.

moral of the story: when I roll mafia in OC games, I get lynched D1

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