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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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Sky. Just won't look down a whole lot, I guess.

Unless the underground was fucking cavernous and wide-open and similarly advanced. Still, I'd rather live in a city in the sky than some undetermined environment underground.

Wouldn't a city in the sky be the most technologically advanced place? How would it stay afloat otherwise?

It's like you haven't even met the mole people and their super-advanced technology.

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Wouldn't a city in the sky be the most technologically advanced place? How would it stay afloat otherwise?

Magic, obviously

It's all hypothetical after all

Once Thor lifted a lot of land 8ft above the ground and called it Asgard

But this didn't happen in real life and neither does the city in the sky exists

Edited by Thor Odinson
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It's like you haven't even met the mole people and their super-advanced technology.

Have you?

Magic, obviously

It's all hypothetical after all

Once Thor lifted a lot of land 8ft above the ground and called it Asgard

But this didn't happen in real life and neither does the city in the sky exists

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Arthur C. Clarke, Third of Clarke's Three Laws

Hell yes! If there is a place with magic, I am not going to be anywhere else.

Edited by Makaze
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Well hey if said magictechthing can surge-proof my computers I'm entirely game

But you can't blame me for wanting to protect my babies ;~;

I can't.

I would be protective of mine, too.

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Only eight feet? Talk about lame...

Let's see you pull the entirety of Asgard from space (entirely restored from destruction post-ragnarok) out of your ass on to a plop of land then lift that land off the ground using magic when police tells you that you cannot build on this land, thereby circumventing their logic

That's right

you can't

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Except that only happened in the realms of fiction.

Magic, obviously

It's all hypothetical after all

Once Thor lifted a lot of land 8ft above the ground and called it Asgard

But this didn't happen in real life and neither does the city in the sky exists

Where are you going with this?

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Except that only happened in the realms of fiction.

fiction, like your sense of logic perhaps,

leaving unnecessary comments about things I've already established as fiction then when I presented its context in said pieces of fiction only to dismiss it as...fiction?

Like what the fuck man

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Oh man, I love this kind of question

An underground city has its own kind of mystique, in both fantasy and sci-fi flavors, but I've wanted to live in a floating city since I was like 10

And there's also something like "a building so large it pierces the heavens" kind of "living in the sky" to consider (which I have actually seen semi-serious concept art of, like a building so large it's a city of its own)

Underground possibilities: cities built into mountain caves a la dwarves, a literal big hole somebody dug and built a city in like Midgard, a sprawling complex built for a specific purpose that's essentially one big basement floor, etc.

Points for having an arboretum (optional), and for the idea that there's waaaaaaaayyyy more total real estate below ground than above it

On a slightly more practical note, though: I thiiiink I might rather deal with atmospheric hazards being a thing than living in an area deep enough underground where if an earthquake/god forbid, a tectonic shift happens, I'd probably be like, "well


(or maybe I'm just assuming it'd be harder to make an underground place earthquake-proof than the reverse. if both were possible in a way that we were all basicallu insulated from the elements, I think I'd still go with sky, because)

Wouldn't a city in the sky be the most technologically advanced place? How would it stay afloat otherwise?

Have you ever heard of a game called Skies of Arcadia? It's a total fantasy setting, but in it, large "island" chunks of the earth float in the air, and people travel between them through airships (powered by fantasy coal which is literally elementally-infused chunks of moonrock from the seven colored moons, just to drive home how fantasy this is, but anyway). The tech level is otherwise roughly "fantasy Victorian England." There's always that sort of hypothetical.

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Oh man, I love this kind of question

An underground city has its own kind of mystique, in both fantasy and sci-fi flavors, but I've wanted to live in a floating city since I was like 10

And there's also something like "a building so large it pierces the heavens" kind of "living in the sky" to consider (which I have actually seen semi-serious concept art of, like a building so large it's a city of its own)

Underground possibilities: cities built into mountain caves a la dwarves, a literal big hole somebody dug and built a city in like Midgard, a sprawling complex built for a specific purpose that's essentially one big basement floor, etc.

Points for having an arboretum (optional), and for the idea that there's waaaaaaaayyyy more total real estate below ground than above it

On a slightly more practical note, though: I thiiiink I might rather deal with atmospheric hazards being a thing than living in an area deep enough underground where if an earthquake/god forbid, a tectonic shift happens, I'd probably be like, "well


(or maybe I'm just assuming it'd be harder to make an underground place earthquake-proof than the reverse. if both were possible in a way that we were all basicallu insulated from the elements, I think I'd still go with sky, because)

Have you ever heard of a game called Skies of Arcadia? It's a total fantasy setting, but in it, large "island" chunks of the earth float in the air, and people travel between them through airships (powered by fantasy coal which is literally elementally-infused chunks of moonrock from the seven colored moons, just to drive home how fantasy this is, but anyway). The tech level is otherwise roughly "fantasy Victorian England." There's always that sort of hypothetical.

I got nothing.

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Sky. Just won't look down a whole lot, I guess.

Unless the underground was fucking cavernous and wide-open and similarly advanced. Still, I'd rather live in a city in the sky than some undetermined environment underground.

It's like you haven't even met the mole people and their super-advanced technology.

An aside: moles, beavers, and other animals that live/construct living spaces underground do indeed own

Edited by Rehab
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Such conflict... between my interests in geology and my interests in astronomy... well and also my love of the daylight~

Can I at least keep some windows if I were underground so I can still see the sky and have sunlight? ;u;

I guess if I want to see the sky or watch a pretty meteor shower and whatnot I can always come out of my hole. I think I'd definitely choose to live with some kind of skylight or windows in my underground home though~ So I guess I'll stay underground like the hobbit that I am

Living in the sky would be too far away from my beloved rock x3

Hmm also I'd hope to at least live somewhere that's fairly dry... But also a water source would be handyyyyy

I guess pretty much I've established I want to live in something similar to Petra ^o^

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I'd like to live in the sky, seems like it would be cool, watching clouds at eye level and stuff. I figure you'd have to deal with a lot of bat crap underground, also you'd have to worry about cave-ins, erosion, bat crap, bat crap, guano and bat crap.

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Living in the sky sounds better to me than becoming mole people, so...

On a related note, do we get loftwings?

what the fuck is a loftwing

life underground and in the sky will have equal technological levels and neither has magic

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For the sky part can we choose the planet? Because living above Neptunian clouds or Cronian (Saturn) ones is probably very neat...

Being able to see the sun's reflection on Saturn's rings... In the early night sky.

Edited by Naughx
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I'm surprised people want to live in the sky for some dorky skyward sword reference and not underground where they can be all gurren lagann about everything.

I have the true answer to this question.

You put me in the wrong category...or do you seriously not understand sarcasm?

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It depends on what counts as "underground." Can I just, like, have a hobbit hole dug into a hill but still have access to the outside world and stuff? Or am I totally stuck underground? If I'm stuck, then sky, but otherwise, I'd be fine living in underground buildings.

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