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Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia 4 - Game Over


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Can someone tell me what martyr is? Or link to an explanation, I'm trying to look it up but I don't find it

X = Martyr

Y= Martyr's target

Z= Everyone targeting Martyr's target

Z targets X instead of Y.

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So don't target the same people (I'd try to coordinate targets normally but with cult you probably don't want the dude who can make people cultproof announcing his targets).

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If player A is a martyr and targets player B, everyone else who targets player B will be forced to target player A

ugh Blitz's role would make sense if scum could be culted but I distinctly remember Paper saying that cult being able to recruit mafia either screws over the mafia if their alignment changes, or screws over the cult if they think they've culted someone but haven't actually (what happened in CMIV right?)

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@Refa- but it's not just that Marth dropped Bearclaw, he went from "this thing is scummy" to "I don't want to lynch Bear based on it". Like I can see what he means about not wanting to lynch Bearclaw off only one thing, but then he's like "yeah that rolespec is bad" and votes Mitsuki just off that one thing. Also he goes like "I'd expect you to read Via better" and I don't really see the scum intent (in Blitz) there at all?

What do you think about this?

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I think that this entire game has dived off the nose in regards to Rolespec.

ok Blitz is Cultproof+whateverasceticmartyr. Since so many people are claiming cultthis and cultthat, I'm feeling more and more comfortable that a cult exists, and I'd rather not chance kicking out one of Psych/Blitz.

His Mitsuki vote was terribad but agree with his stance on Bearclaw sooooo I guess I could commit due to his Mit push

fuck I'm not committed yet I'm reading him damn hard though now. There's still 2 hours, i'm not in a rush.

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wow did we really get 4 roleclaims d1

Ugh, I should probably claim

I'm Paperblade, Town Operator. I'm an announcer that announces through song lyrics.

There's another part to my role but I'd rather keep it to myself.

cut by Blitz saying he'll claim, lol

Hey look it's Kelsey Green. <3 itwasmyfaultshedied

BBM, you btw, the song lyrics part makes sense since Paperblade played Kelsey Green in Choral Mafia... 3? 4? IDK which one, anyways, Kelsey posted a lot of announcements with song lyrics.

i kind of agree though that an info role with announcer is ?? and that tracker can be a mafia role but idk. she's definitely telling the truth but idk which side she's on

okay wait I skimmed too fast but why do you all want to lynch marth??

ill vote soon i have people over sec

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why the fuck are there a million posts now mafia sucks

Can we get votals? This Marth read seems super sudden, I haven't really read him too much but he had 0 votes since the last votals so everyone abandoning ship seems like something is up to me.

Not really sure how claims make me feel, Blitz is slightly better but the amount of allegedly cultproof things are getting sorta dubious. Still null on Mitsuki though.

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Mit has been on him for most of the phase, I feel like if one of them's scum then the other's town; that's a shit ton of bussing ##associativePreFlipReads ##FiteMe ##WhoOnTheMarthWagonIsTheScummiest?

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nah we're not massclaiming with a cult still alive until we have to

Blitz should be on Mitsuki btw if we're not lynching either

@iris- well it's not the announcing in song lyrics I have a problem with; it's that announcing together with Tracker gives the potential for anonymous Tracker reports- even if they are a night late.

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Why would people on the Marth wagon be scummy...Like you haven't stated any issues with his wagon, so I don't get it.

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Elieson (5): Iris, Shinori, BBM, Rein, Boron

Blitz (2): Marth, Belisarius

Mitsuki (3): Proto, Weapons, Eurykins
BBM (1): Psych

Boron (1): FFM,
Marth (5): Mitsuki, Refa, BBM, Via, Bearclaw

I hope I didn't screw this up...

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Elieson (4): Iris, Shinori, Rein, Boron
Blitz (2): Marth, Belisarius
Mitsuki (3): Proto, Weapons, Eurykins
BBM (1): Psych
Boron (1): FFM,
Marth (5): Mitsuki, Refa, BBM, Via, Bearclaw


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Fuck it I don't wanna play around with Blitz's role and the fact that this clung makes me think more about Refa but Refa's both not a wagon and a player I haven't really analyzed that heavily

##Vote Bluedoom

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Idk guys I really don't like turbo lynches and I'd rather lynch elite or blitz (except not anymore since that role claim )

I'll consolidate though but if you guys want to lynch elie instead I'll switch again


##vote: marth

I'm on phone and at dinner will check in an hour

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I have to go somewhere important in a few minutes, and I don't have the time to comb through the thread and read all the new pages that are up. Can someone explain to me why we're suddenly lynching Marth?

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@Refa- but it's not just that Marth dropped Bearclaw, he went from "this thing is scummy" to "I don't want to lynch Bear based on it". Like I can see what he means about not wanting to lynch Bearclaw off only one thing, but then he's like "yeah that rolespec is bad" and votes Mitsuki just off that one thing. Also he goes like "I'd expect you to read Via better" and I don't really see the scum intent (in Blitz) there at all?

This is why.

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Fuck it I don't wanna play around with Blitz's role and the fact that this clung makes me think more about Refa but Refa's both not a wagon and a player I haven't really analyzed that heavily


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