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Qprogue Mafia - Game Over


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Aside from your tone, I find your explanation good enough to find you more Town leaning than Scum leaning (also because of your earlier content which I've addressed and liked).

While your time is better spent on the rest of the game, nothing is stopping you from making a rebuttal to his case, which you really should because as Town you also want to clear your name of any accusations. In other words, you could be doing both yet you decided to turn yourself to the rest of the game and ignore Kirsche for the time being.

Let the accusations stay. It'll make for something to discuss come D2.

Oh, right, and something that I forgot to do earlier:




This should make no sense. If I have it my way, it'll still make no sense once D2 begins, and I'm perfectly fine with this.

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Ok so I promised to elaborate on my Rapier scumread, well, Rapier's earlier post where he first thinks Refa's buddying to me is bad because he says he finds me scummy but he doesn't see inherent scum motive, AND he doesn't vote me at all. Like you obviously don't like my buddy approach to Mancer so isn't that strong enough to vote me?

In the post where he votes Elieson it feels so sudden because earlier Eli < Me in terms of priority but suddenly he's higher because of refusing to give more reads and being annoyed? At least this is what I can gather from his vote on Eli.

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clipsey stop trying to act like light yagami you aren't him *slaps with a fish*

I took the time to read Marth's ISO right now. His Kirsche vote, while bad, doesn't really amount to scum logic. He tries to justify himself when people start calling him lazy; his answer doesn't appeal to me because when the discussion is stagnant, we try to find something else to discuss about instead of waiting for the discussion to change suddenly like magic. His Randarex read has sound logic, and I remember it being addressed by clipsey too. I can't see anything scummy within the rest of his content.

... Yeah, I can't read him.

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Yo, I just woke up (give or take 30 minutes or 2 hours before that when I decided I didn't get enough sleep the first time around). I skimmed through the thread, but making actual replies and stuff now. How much time is left in the day anyways? Also did Elieson ever claim? There is no harm in repeating a good thing.

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Posted Yesterday, 10:48 PM (last time we had a votecount)
Posted Today, 01:34 PM (your post)

I think we have only 11 hours left. I'm not sure why I can't do simple math right now, someone slap me please.

Ok so I promised to elaborate on my Rapier scumread, well, Rapier's earlier post where he first thinks Refa's buddying to me is bad because he says he finds me scummy but he doesn't see inherent scum motive, AND he doesn't vote me at all. Like you obviously don't like my buddy approach to Mancer so isn't that strong enough to vote me?

In the post where he votes Elieson it feels so sudden because earlier Eli < Me in terms of priority but suddenly he's higher because of refusing to give more reads and being annoyed? At least this is what I can gather from his vote on Eli.

Yes, it don't like your buddy approach to Mancer and it is not enough to warrant a vote on you compared to Elie. After reading your ISO, I can't find any motive to believe that you're scum, so... yes, I'll let this go for now.

About Elie, I'm voting him for deliberately choosing not to contribute (at the time I voted him... his content got slightly better now, but not enough) and scrapping his Kirsche read in a way which feels forced to me. There's nothing wrong on me choosing to vote him over you since I have more reasons to believe that he's scum than I have to believe that you're scum.

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huh irl has killed my motivation to play this game

doesn't help that I can't really read anyone right now

also may as well try and get my other ability for tonight

##Select: Assassin (Dark)

man I really don't know what to make of this game

like, I have this gut townread on NekoRanda but that's about it

I'd rather lynch Eliebutt than Clipsey today though if it matters; eclipse is at least trying to be townie from what I'm seeing

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Oh i never claimed i guess

Element Swapper: I can switch the element of somebody's active ability (whatever that means). I can also target dead people apparently, though I can't yet see the benefit of such an ability. TBH i was planning on switching BBM and Eclipse (since i'm rather frustrated with the former, and the latter doesn't seem happy with the presence of the Dark element all together)

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That's HOLY! :P:

That being said, while it would be super-amusing to give BBM my Holy, it would probably be even worse for the game in general. If my role PM is any indication, passive abilities are probably non-elemental (probably because my passive would be absolutely pointless if it wasn't persistent).

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Eli's last attempt at a Marth push seems pretty weak. Regardless of motivation, I'm really not feeling the conviction of "Marth usually does X" and in general it seems like Eli's just picking names to decide who's scum.

with like 10 hours left in phase, I'm not going to suddenly push a turbowagon out of nowhere (especially one that I have nothing on), regardless of my reads on that player. Marth has several votes on him last time I checked, and I would prefer not to be lynched only on the reason that i'm town and I don't know if Marth is a shitty argument but from my perspective it's a valid point

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Oh i never claimed i guess

Element Swapper: I can switch the element of somebody's active ability (whatever that means). I can also target dead people apparently, though I can't yet see the benefit of such an ability. TBH i was planning on switching BBM and Eclipse (since i'm rather frustrated with the former, and the latter doesn't seem happy with the presence of the Dark element all together)

And.this ability is non elemental correct?
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I guess so. My rolePM mentions nothing about elements except for the fact that I can switch the element of other's active abilities. tbh i don't even know what an ability with an element would look like in a rolePM. kirsche and others have discussed that to the T, but i'm simply town element swapper, not town non-elemental element swapper

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i'll get back to you on that one. I would assume I could, but I don't think it would do anything, since I don't have an element associated with my swap

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with like 10 hours left in phase, I'm not going to suddenly push a turbowagon out of nowhere (especially one that I have nothing on), regardless of my reads on that player. Marth has several votes on him last time I checked, and I would prefer not to be lynched only on the reason that i'm town and I don't know if Marth is a shitty argument but from my perspective it's a valid point

Whilst I can totally understand that logic from your point of view, it doesn't really work from mine! I'd have actually been more reassured if you'd tried to make a new case, at least then we'd be getting reasons rather than what would look like a lazy jump on a wagon. Your claim seems logical enough, but it seems more detrimental than anything else so I'm not sure if it really helps us with regards to alignment.

eclipse's list must clearly be the most handsome players in the game list! I don't know what Poly and Beli are doing on it though!

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I agree that kirsche has been tunneling on eclipse, but how is that scummy (heck, I'm townreading BBM and he's pretty much done the same thing to Elieson)? I admit I haven't read the cases on him thoroughly, but this seems to be a point of contention with people scumreading him and I'd like to know why that is. Knowledge is true opinion, after all.

Yeah, Elieson's vote on Bluedoom was really lazy. As town, I'd see him trying to turbo one of his actual scumreads rather than just going with the flow and voting the next biggest wagon with no attempt to analyze it whatsoever. There's a difference between sheeping cases and just putting up a list of reads with NO EXPLANATION whatsoever. Like noone even knows what your issues with those people are, and it just came out of nowhere. His claim is null for me because I don't even know what to make of it.

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At this point it's not even laziness; i'm not wasting time at work when I'm already.

i'm pretty sure I already said that BBM's incredible effort to get me my lynched bugs me, eclipse's early game behavior with her Rapier Slip thing slowed down the entire game, and marth's meta implies something off about him

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i honestly don't have the energy nor do i have the enthusiasm to put together a ramshackle case, when i'm far too distracted to focus and churn out anything worthwhile. Anything less than that is scummy anyway and I'm getting enough flak+consolidation thoughts. Anything more and i'll be getting in trouble at my job. Plus like no one is even here to read my cases except for a couple of people

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You know who also couldn't muster up the motivation? Me! But I have my own problems which are probably less of an excuse than eliedoof's...

I'm trying to re-read but I wanted to pop up to ask @mods: when is time end and what are votals? since I'm too out of track. I intend to be here and responsive while I'm re-reading for what it is worth.

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