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My main complaint would have to be the fact that we didn't have a thief in such an item-dependent game. Other than that, well-designed and well hosted game. GG to FOXHOUND.

Out of curiosity, at what point was I suspected?

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My main complaint would have to be the fact that we didn't have a thief in such an item-dependent game. Other than that, well-designed and well hosted game. GG to FOXHOUND.

Out of curiosity, at what point was I suspected?

pretty early (N2 or N3 or so), but really only because of PoE

Wasn't Xinnidy an Item Thief?

I should have played better this game but I had no idea what to do and was just flailing around...

she was Infiltrator, not US Gov

also as far as I could tell Vhaltz deserves most of the credit for this victory, so o7

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My main complaint would have to be the fact that we didn't have a thief in such an item-dependent game. Other than that, well-designed and well hosted game. GG to FOXHOUND.

Out of curiosity, at what point was I suspected?

PoE was what finally got you

but I started suspecting you after your replies to my posts. You showed a lot of fear, which is normally what scum tends to do, when a person who really believes s/he is right would have no reason to do so. As in, you were worried about appearances.

@Mancer, the 4 confirmed towns were

Vhatltz, Mitsuki, Refa and me

the people who could be scum, but was almost impossible to be were

Poly, Larsa, Euklyd (okay, for this guy, the possibilities were higher) and Dorain

also, please read the thread

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When was Refa cleared?

also my knowledge about clears/basically clears were

PolyLarsa = masons

Dorian = knew who was being doc'd N2, and the non-doc'd person didn't die

Mitsuki = Vhaltz was vouching for her because in-person reads 2stronk (maybe role stuff as well)

Vhaltz = town leader whose strat was wrecking both scumteams

I don't actually see how Vhaltz / Blitz / Refa / Mitsuki were more confirmed town than the others, so it'd be cool if that was explained

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also BLITZ what all did REX do? I heard you got it active from N3 onwards, and that it makes you a vig, but does it do other things as well?


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nope, just turned me into a vig, I failed to Kill Xinnidy N3 because of Cardboard box and killed her N4

Vhaltz and Mitsuki were cleared because they knew where the docs, redirects and roleblocks were hitting and who would have actually been a good night target instead or Rapier (I was actually going to lynch him if things continued).

Refa was town from what I mentioned in thread.


I actually wasn't confirmed, except to myself, lol, but by extension, I knew where all the actions were going as well and I wouldn't be shooting people in my own PoE list

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other things to note


also, saddest thing in the game was when my biggest townread gets turbolynched for Refa listening to USG officials

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I don't get it. What were Mitsuki's and Dorian's roles though?

Doctor and Hijacker, I think?

Not sure which is which.

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I should have played better this game but I had no idea what to do and was just flailing around...

NO FUCKING SHIT you were flailing around. So, how did that scumread of yours go?

(that's a none-too-subtle message that trying to use logic to cover your hurt feelings is really shitty play, don't ever do that again)

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so basically we lynch you when Vhaltz ccs Town MVP

No, I'll just catch him LYING in the corresponding night phase. Also fun fact, Rein rolled my role like months before the game even started (which explained why I was joking around when people were like "REFA YOU ARE GOING TO ROLE SCUM THERE ARE TWO SCUMTEAMS rather than being seriously worried).

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that sure was a game

usg should totally have left me alive; I was townreading 2/3 of them

and my death basically started the snowball victory for town

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[spoiler=Day 4 highlights]

[27/10/2014 18:13:35] SB: ok apparently things would have been screwed

[27/10/2014 18:13:45] SB: had i not used the strongwilled item

[27/10/2014 18:14:08] Antitoxin: oh dear

[27/10/2014 18:14:16] Antitoxin: what happened

[27/10/2014 18:14:29] SB: i think i'm fucked

[27/10/2014 18:14:37] Antitoxin: oh no

[27/10/2014 18:18:27] SB: #blatant bullshitting

[27/10/2014 18:18:55] SB: if i die i'm blaming rein ;_;

[27/10/2014 18:22:40] Antitoxin: oh no

[27/10/2014 19:27:47] SB: this town

[27/10/2014 19:27:54] Antitoxin: this town

[27/10/2014 19:29:08] Antitoxin: mafia got unlucky at first night and that was enough to wreck both of us


[27/10/2014 19:29:22] SB: idk this town is just buff as fuck on top of it lol

[27/10/2014 19:29:36] Antitoxin: hahaha

[27/10/2014 19:29:38] Antitoxin: fair

[27/10/2014 19:30:02] SB: on the bright side mancer is prime lynchbait

[27/10/2014 19:30:21] Antitoxin: at least

[27/10/2014 19:35:19] SB: i'm trolling vhaltz at least

[27/10/2014 19:35:27] Antitoxin: hahaha

[27/10/2014 19:35:31] Antitoxin: what're you saying

[27/10/2014 19:36:13] SB: that i'm infiltrator

[27/10/2014 19:36:19] SB: and redirect shit caused us to kill bbm

[27/10/2014 19:36:50] Antitoxin: fantastic

[27/10/2014 20:25:53] SB: [segunda-feira, 27 de outubro de 2014 20:25] Vhaltz:

<<< wow you two are trying really hard to fake logs

[27/10/2014 20:25:57] SB: i dont even care if we lose now

[27/10/2014 20:26:03] SB: i just want to see mancer mislynched

[27/10/2014 20:27:26] Antitoxin: hahahahahahahaha

[27/10/2014 20:31:08] SB: [segunda-feira, 27 de outubro de 2014 20:29] Reinfleche:

<<< "I think SB just slipped that he's scum" -mancer, in real life

[27/10/2014 20:33:17] Antitoxin: pffffffffffffffffffffffff

[27/10/2014 20:33:27] SB: this game

[27/10/2014 20:35:48] Antitoxin: SB: ;_;

Me: Huh?

SB: we're fucked man

Me: Why?

SB: poe

Me: Ooh

Me: You're scum?

SB: pfft

I love how he didn't even use the skype format

[27/10/2014 20:35:53] Antitoxin: so it looks even faker

[27/10/2014 20:35:54] SB: haha

[27/10/2014 20:35:57] Antitoxin: this has to happen

[27/10/2014 20:35:59] SB: its fucking brilliant

[27/10/2014 20:36:01] SB: i cant

[27/10/2014 20:36:22] Antitoxin: you can't script this shit ladies and gentlemen

[27/10/2014 20:37:23] SB: you really cant

If only the mislynch happened

But yeah gg

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