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I think we should just take a break at 40. maybe 50 would be better though.

Considering we're slowly running out of names and half the people I suggested apparently aren't even around, I think we're pretty much done soon.

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Balcerzak [5]: eclipse, Gaius, Blitz, Marth, Crysta

Iris [3]: Refa, BBM, kirsche

Gilgamesh [1]: Marth

Raymond [1]: Paperblade

No changes. It's Bal's turn. If anyone could help me to get a hold of him I'd appreciate it.

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Hello everybody, Balcerzak here, reporting for duty. I was born in 1983, so I'll let you do the math on how old I am. I came to Serenes Forest during the Great FESS Migration, which IIRC was during the first year of the forum's life, so I've had quite a tenure, with varied levels of activity throughout the years and a shifting focus across many of the various subforums. My first mafia game here was also my first mafia game ever, and it was the first one General Spoon hosted. I haven't kept track of any stats like games played/won/lost/hosted, but I've got several in each of the categories, and am refining plans for the next game to host. I earned my Ph.D. in physics a few years back, but didn't manage to land the job I wanted, so I've been doing random short term jobs ever since. Currently I'm working QA for Activision Minneapolis, as part of the Microsoft Technical Requirements Group.

I'm not really sure how long to make this intro, or what all to cover in it, but after browsing a few of the past ones, I think this should suffice. I've been pretty busy at work the past couple weeks, but now that I've pushed down a hole in the ground, I'll try to pay a little more attention here than I have been.

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how long does it take you to complete drafts perfectly (by getting the perfect results) on average?

is there any draft you haven't won? if so, which was it and who won?

favorite draft game you played?

what is your favorite role (in mafia games) that you got and you didn't get?

your favorite mafia game you played

thoughts on multifaction?

thoughts on OC/NOC/LOC?

thoughts on eimm?

how did you want Time Travel Mafia to go?

favorite anime/manga?

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who's suffering in time travel mafia amused you the most

1) When are you going to teach SB how to grammar?

Edited by Refa
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how long does it take you to complete drafts perfectly (by getting the perfect results) on average?

is there any draft you haven't won? if so, which was it and who won?

favorite draft game you played?

what is your favorite role (in mafia games) that you got and you didn't get?

your favorite mafia game you played

thoughts on multifaction?

thoughts on OC/NOC/LOC?

thoughts on eimm?

how did you want Time Travel Mafia to go?

favorite anime/manga?

I'd say on average I could probably do 2 chapters a day for a draft, if I'm holding myself to usual standards. Obviously there will be some curveballs, and just how much time I put in on any given day will definitely fluctuate. It also heavily depends if it's a game I've played before, or if I still need to read the story (those ones take longer).

I know for sure I came in 2nd in an FE9 draft. Looking it up, I came in 3 turns behind Krad. I attribute some of that loss to my playing in Japanese and mixing up some win conditions which could have been "anyone arrives" with "Ike arrives", and also not knowing how the crows AI works on the boat at the time, amongst a few other problematic parts. There's also the Shadow Dragon H5 draft I lost to Horace, due almost entirely to a deficit I wracked up on Chapter 3 (I think it was) that simply could not be recovered. There's might be others I've forgotten losing.

Any draft I'm currently working on is my favorite draft. I just get caught up in the moment and the excitement, especially if other people are actually playing along and didn't just sign up, draft, and call it a day. If you're not satisfied by this deliberate nonanswer, ask it again and I'll maybe try to come up with a specific memorable draft in the past.

The favorite mafia role I've gotten... hmm. My gut initial answer would be Emily from Choral 4. That said, Inui from Prince of Tennis was also a really fun one. These answers might be biased due to the amount of investment I had in the game overall, rather than being specifically influenced by the role itself (although both were pretty neat). My favorite role that I've never gotten, uh... that's a good question. Remind me later if I forget to come back to it, but if I don't move on now, this won't be posted for hours.

[spoiler=Emily]You are Emily, BRONZE Paranoid Fencer

Not all students are known across campus solely for their superb musical mastery; of course, this is obvious to many of Emilys peers as well as her. Her parents were incredibly vehement about her learning all methods of self-defense as a child. Three different martial arts, rigorous exercise, and eventually fencing lessons worked their way into her schedule; before and after her voice lessons she spent many hours training her body just as hard as her voice, to prepare herself for any circumstances she may have needed it ones such as this, for example.

As you are paranoid, you will be notified of any visits to you during the night phase; you will not know their name nor their action performed on you. You will then decide to strike against them or to stay your blade. If multiple actions are performed on you at night, you are only allowed to choose one of them. If you choose to attack, you will kill your visitor. This will only work three times before your equipment begins to wear. You scan as INNOCENT, and win with the Bronze.

SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS: Youre clever, enthusiastic, and ever-cheerful, as well as easily excitable and also wise. You are neither arrogant nor selfish, though you do tend to be a bit scatterbrained and spacey at times.

POST RESTRICTION: You must make a swordfighting-related metaphor once a day phase.


You won a prize from the day event: From now on, you have one chance to duel someone in the middle of the day. You do not know what this does; it may depend on who it is you target. In order to commence dueling, you must post ##Duel" <user> in the day thread.

Emily will die if:

--She targets Ellen

Emily will die but take her opponent with her if:

--She targets Claudia

--She targets Ysenia

--She targets Meredith

Emily will reveal the role and alignment of:




Emily will kill anyone else, forfeiting her last night kill.


Dear Balcerzak,

You are Inui Sadaharu.

During each Cycle you may respond to your Role PM with "Cycle X - Gather USER's data". You will learn USER's alliance at the end of the Cycle.

At any point during the game you may respond to your Role PM with "Cycle X - The Data is complete". Following that, include a list of all living players and an alliance for each player. You may use this ability only twice.

You win when you have guessed every living player's alliance correctly.

Favorite mafia game: I can't pick just one, there are too many good memories.

Thoughts on multifaction: It can be pretty great, but horrible to balance, and requires a rather larger playerlist than normal, or special handling, so it isn't seen as much. I think I've only been in two, maybe three games of multifaction, but I'd consider joining another.


eimm are silly little things, barely worth paying attention too, but can be a good way to idle away an hour or two.

I wanted the Time Anchor to survive at least one quake, so they could give out an update on the playerlists. Boron and I figured that would actually give Town the best shot at maybe having a chance to win, but I guess it was fully expected that their death would be the first quake, lol. Other than that, I was kind of rooting for a Cult win, I'm not sure why, but fairly often I'd find myself thinking things like "Oh, man if Thing X happens, the game could actually end in State Y, that would be so cool!" and so I'd frequently find myself changing my mind. I... kind of have a tendency to do that, especially anytime night actions are still being submitted and before they're all locked in.

Favorite Anime/Manga is quite a hard question... ef a tale of memories was a great piece of drama, Steins;gate was an amazing ride altogether, my roots lie with Slayers and Escaflowne, and I would be remiss without mentioning Full Metal Panic. Then there's also Legend of the Galactic Heroes and The Twelve Kingdoms, and so many others. I was very fond of the Read or Die OVA, and Spirited Away is probably my favorite Miyazaki. I know I must be forgetting about a dozen other contenders.

who's suffering in time travel mafia amused you the most

Honestly, your suffering was delicious.

1) When are you going to teach SB how to grammar?

Probably the next time I roll scum with him.

How would you have designed Time Travel mafia different in retrospect?

Favorite FE game?

Favorite five characters from said game if you've played any?

I probably should have buffed the the town harder, and I know certain roles were pretty lackluster in retrospect. I could honestly probably write a book on various things related to that game, so if there's particular elaboration you want, be a little more specific.

Blazing Sword always will be a soft spot for me, due to the more personal nature of the stories involved, with a focus on family, rather than the others that were more epic in scope and focused on kingdom. Holy War is another contender, due to how differently item management is set up there, and how fun juggling ranks there is.

Hector, Lyn, Farina, Bartre, Pent&Louise. Finn, Nanna, Ethlin, Eltoshan, Cuan.

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wow, that is a lot faster than I thought you played drafts (I was expecting like taking about 2 days per chapter, actually)

why do you like LOC the best?

so, based on the two roles, you like being ITP the most? If it isn't one of those above ITP wincondiotions, what is your favorite ITP win con?

do you have any strategic advice to give me for multifaction games? (I happened to have signed up for 2 games and don't have enough experience in the multifaction sector)

when will another bastard game (from you) come up?

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What expectations did you have when you were pursuing higher education in physics? What did you realize upon finishing it?

Fav topic in physics?

Also why physics over chem?(i remember you saying something about this in an fftf thread)

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How's the weather in your area?

Right now it's settling into Autumn pretty nicely. This year we actually (thankfully) avoided any of the really hot and humid days that sometimes plague the area, or maybe I was just cooped up in an air-conditioned office every day for most of it.

Do you like writing?

I love to write when I'm thinking up amazing ideas in that groggy half-awake state as I'm shaking off a dream in the morning, or when contemplating the mysteries of the universe in the shower. I hate to write when I actually sit down and try to put the words on paper and come up empty.

If I can actually get my groove on and pump out line after line, it's one of the best things in the world. If I can't, it's one of the worst.

Do you enjoy your job

What all does it involve

Are they hiring

Parts of my job I really do love. My coworkers are all great people, fun to be with, shooting the shit, etc. and all pretty obviously share common interests. Hell, even my bosses are amazing dudes I've enjoyed sitting down and gaming with after work on some of the bi-weekly "get to know people from other departments" sessions before those were put on indefinite hold because of crunch time and deadlines.

As for the actual work part of it, it really depends on the particular title in question and if it feels like things are proceeding smoothly. If so, it's refreshing and morale is high. If things get mired down, and there are long hours testing emergency builds and so on and so forth, well that can get old quickly.

I don't know how much I can really say about what is involved, but mostly it involves making sure that the way the title interacts with all of the console-specific interfaces meets with the set standards, along with ensuring basic stability and other things. I'm not in the group that plays through every level looking for sequence-break glitches or bad texture rendering anything (that would be the functional group). We replay the same bits day after day, making sure e.g. game invites function right, losing and regaining network connectivity is handled properly, save progress doesn't get fucked up, achievements unlock properly, and other sorts of things.

Not at the moment. My contract may actually be coming to an end in a few weeks after some more titles get out the door and there's less work overall. I do know that functional was looking for lots of bodies earlier in the summer, but I don't think they're still hiring. I have no idea about what might be going on in the California office(s) or Quebec, though.

I'll get back to the next couple questions in a bit. I'm not ignoring you forever, I just need to take things in bite-sized pieces.

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wow, that is a lot faster than I thought you played drafts (I was expecting like taking about 2 days per chapter, actually)

why do you like LOC the best?

so, based on the two roles, you like being ITP the most? If it isn't one of those above ITP wincondiotions, what is your favorite ITP win con?

do you have any strategic advice to give me for multifaction games? (I happened to have signed up for 2 games and don't have enough experience in the multifaction sector)

when will another bastard game (from you) come up?

There are always the exception chapters that end up taking the better part of a week, but I was trying not to let them sway the average too much.

Full OC tends to result in too few people being actively engaged, perhaps because the amount of choices leads to a paralysis of indecision. The main thread is fairly barren, and things often devolve into a few leaders passing out orders to everyone else, which can be fun for the leaders I guess, in an organizing grand strategy sort of way, but for the pawns, it's pretty boring. Still, often in NOC you get that urge to confirm a bit or two of information out of sight of the whole full group, and maybe just discuss it with your most trusted clear (whether or not they're actually clear). LOC let's you do that. I dunno, it's just my preference.

Emily was actually Town, but a good ITP actually is quite fun to play. The best ITP conditions are probably those that don't involve them pretty much forced into allying with one or the other faction, or essentially playing kingmaker, and actually rely on them actively seeking out the win. There's a huge amount of flexibility involved due to the nature of being independent, but I do feel the Inui one was pretty well designed.

Sadly no, I tend to do terribly in them, even if they're fun to try to play. Giving you advice like "roll into the faction with Paperblade" doesn't count.

My next planned game is just experimental, not full bastard, but if there's demand I could try thinking of ideas for a new one. I should probably submit Negative Feedback Mafia to the official queue any time now, actually.

What expectations did you have when you were pursuing higher education in physics? What did you realize upon finishing it?

Fav topic in physics?

Also why physics over chem?(i remember you saying something about this in an fftf thread)

I wasn't entirely sure how it was going to work out, but I wanted to be that cool college professor who is the advisor to all the nerdy clubs (gaming/anime/etc.) It felt like that would really be ideal, I could enjoy my subject, and passing along a passion for learning to eager students, while at the same time, still participating in many of the best parts of college life in a more or less direct manner. It's still kind of a goal, but there seems to be a lot more pressure on faculty to be heavily engaged in research and getting grants etc. rather than being focused on teaching the students, which really rubs me the wrong way. Don't get me wrong, research is a great thing too, but somehow the priorities feel a little twisted at times, and I've tended to have an easier time under someone else's direction than spearheading up my own thing (though I can do it, it's just more work and more draining.)

Particle physics and cosmology are both absolutely fascinating. The tiniest and most ancient secrets, are really the crown jewels of physics for me.

Organic Chemistry had given me a bit harder of a time, and felt drier and less interesting. There was a scheduling conflict for next semester so I couldn't take the next course in the series for both branches of science. So I went with the one that had seemed both easier, and more exciting, and I don't regret it one bit.

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oops, totally missed Emily being town there (that role sounded way too much like ITP to me though.....)

though, if you hold another crazy bastard game like that one, I will definitely in. It might be cooler as OC though or part of a phase OC (SB's idea, iirc and I agree)

how would you like to have an OC game, if you design one?

what is your favorite method to scum hunt?

how do like being a mod?

what was the worst crime you had seen (on sf) and what was the punishment?

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Actual serious question time, would you mind if I made a game using the role-shifting gimmick from Time Travel but refined it a bit (to make it less bastard, mainly)?

so, musical chairs?

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Shifting was probably a bad word for it in hindsight because what I have in mind isn't really like Musical Chairs at all. It's just the "roles can change at any time" deal but without alignment and in a different way to Time Travel.

Edited by SB.
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Actual serious question time, would you mind if I made a game using the role-shifting gimmick from Time Travel but refined it a bit (to make it less bastard, mainly)?

It'd be kind of an honor actually. Full blessings on your idea. It's kind of how Time Travel's initial concept was born in the first place, forking off of an idea I saw elsewhere.

oops, totally missed Emily being town there (that role sounded way too much like ITP to me though.....)

though, if you hold another crazy bastard game like that one, I will definitely in. It might be cooler as OC though or part of a phase OC (SB's idea, iirc and I agree)

how would you like to have an OC game, if you design one?

what is your favorite method to scum hunt?

how do like being a mod?

what was the worst crime you had seen (on sf) and what was the punishment?

I've never really thought about designing an OC game, to be perfectly honest, and probably would have no idea how to balance it. I'll have to think about this further.

Keep a notepad and take extensive notes as I'm reading each post for the first time. Refer back to this when phases finish, or new developments become apparent. I'm not so much for reaction tests, or making fake claims as town, I've always viewed those as mostly counterproductive. I'm absolute ass at hunting for breadcrumbs unless they're super obvious (like Snike's doctor crumbs in Time Travel, for instance).

It's a lot of work, and sometimes I worry I'm not present enough on SF these days to really pull my weight. It can be hard to balance everything in life though, so as long as I keep doing what I can when I can, I figure that's good enough. I feel like I still do contribute heavily on the weightier issues, but not so much the day-to-day avatar/sig/doublepost/necropost bullshit, so there's that at least.

Posting pornographic material, banishment.

do you miss sho

I didn't until you brought him up, but now I kind of do.
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