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Woo, thanks~! Next question: What's your thoughts on dayvigging? How 'bout if the command is sent via role PM?

Dayvigging is like the coolest thing ever. Actually a lot of the time it ends up being used in a pretty lame way (like shooting some lurker), but in the right situation it becomes a holy slap of justice. I would not fault anyone using dayvig "suboptimally" in the name of coolness. Sending the command via role PM is not nearly as cool especially since there's always some dramatic flavor when you pull it out in thread.



Green Poet

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Refa has been stabbed to death - almost. He's actually still barely alive and currently bleeding on the ground while apparently being unable to move.

If someone could dispose of the corpse later that would be much appreciated.

Elieson [6]: kirsche, Bluedoom, BMM, Blitz, Eurykins, Weapons

Shinori [6]: kirsche, Bluedoom, Blitz, Reinfleche, Paperblade, Eurykins

Eurykins [5]: Elieson, Bluedoom, Blitz, Reinfleche, Paperblade

Vhaltz [3]: kirsche, BBM, Reinfleche

scorri [2]: Elieson, Eurykins

kirsche [2]: BBM, Weapons

Bluedoom [1]: Elieson

Green Poet [1]: Weapons

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Happy birthday, Prims. Also I'm an immortal (not to mention main characterish), you can't get rid of me that easily.

You should come join me and eury then. Just sayin'

Sure, I just need to find my motivation.

And that elie guy and that bbm guy and that eclipse chick.

Not so sure about that Elieson dude, though (if that is his real name). Are you sure he's even a guy?

1) first and current impressions of serenesforest dot net user kinumi?

1) First impression: Total stalker Someone who loves strikethroughs Elieson's alt My alt from the future Group hallucination I don't actually remember much besides that she knew me (and wanted to talk about FFT????), which was weird since I didn't know her at the time (even though that happens to me all the time, amirite).

Current impression: Really cool person who somehow has less self confidence/more social anxiety than me, which is grea...I mean uh...she should totally be more confident in herself and stuff. Yeah, that. Also hasn't really played FFT, which is disappointing and she should totally do that (although I guess playing TWEWY redeems that). I mean really, everyone should play FFT, anyways, so it's not like a Kinumi specific issue here.

1) first and current impressions of that poser refa?

1) First impression: Wondrefal person.

Current impression: Probably the best human being ever, which isn't saying much because humans are such a bottom tier species.

8) What are you best at in mafia?

9) What are you worst at in mafia?

8) Not getting lynched and somehow convincing people that I'm town. Moderately good at making fakeclaims, sometimes.

9) Actually catching scum. Sometimes I manage to accidentally catch scum through BS logic though, which is always fun. I'm also not very good at rolespec...like at all. Why do I even do it lol. Also I'm pretty bad at being concise, although at least I have the edge over some people there.

since you were lazy i'm going to ask you as many relevant questions from my iso as possible. you earned this fate.

1) 12 other players you'd want to fill up a 13p NOC playerlist with you?
2) 12 other players you'd want to fill up a 13p OC playerlist with you?
3) how competent do you consider yourself at OC?
4) what were the best prims roles/set-ups and why
5) what video games that you played this year were good? last year?
6) favorite mafia games in recent history?
7) favorite mafia games in non-recent history?
8) would you hydra with me if there was ever a game with hydras and we both had the time?
9) which users' thought processes do you find hardest to understand?
10) have you ever considered hosting a game or designing a set-up?
11) Favorite set-ups and why?
12) Least favorite set-ups and why?
13) what are your best town, mafia and itp performances in your own opinion?
14) What was your first impression and what is your current impression of me, both in mafia and out?
15) What was your first impression and what is your current impression of Mitsuki, both in mafia and out?
16) What is your first impression and current impression of mafia? Why does it (mafia) suck?
17) fmk bbm sb manix?
18) thoughts on this video? (warning: heavily NSFW, don't ban me eclipse)
19) who would you want as your three buddies in a four-man scumteam?
20) wich 2hu wuld u fuk

1) Baldrick BBM Bizz Blitz Conqueror Iris Manix Prims SB Vhaltz/Mitsuki Weapons Xinnidy

2) BBM Blitz Bluedoom Eclipse Euklyd Kaoz Kinumi Kirsche Paperblade Reinfleche SB Scorri

(I feel like I forgot someone who was super awesome to play with despite like, researching all of the past answers to this question and trying SOMEWHAT HARD to remember names, which actually didn't turn out all that well)

3) Fairly competent. At the very least, my reads tend to be better in OC (due to it being easier to read people over the course of the game after some 1v1s), I just need to learn to not drop them so quickly.

4) Kirby Mafia, because that's pretty much the best way to do open setups ever (which is good, because I like the premise of open setups but they're so easily broken). The setup was also decently balanced numbers wise. I also liked the premise of the Choose You're Own games because it was really cool to be able to pick who you wanted to be and generally the roles were at least somewhat related, and honestly the balance issues made them more memorable so lol.

5) Last year: Pokemon Alpha Sapphire- Surprisingly good remake considering I wasn't awfully fond of what I played of Emerald. Also it was cool how they made the story more involving, and the music was the best.

Pokemon White 2- I bought it last year because I don't know, and really enjoyed the changes the Gen 5 engine made to the experience. I also liked how it was more freeform and Pokemerica was a cool concept.

Radiant Historia- This was like the best game ever holy shit, I played through it with Nightmare and it was probably the funnest gaming experience I had last year. If you like Battle Network, you should totally play it because they had very similar appeals to me despite being really different. Also Eruca is the best.

Tales of the Abyss- I really enjoyed the gameplay even though it wasn't really all that complicated, and I liked the characters...for the most part. Surprised I got into this, since usually I'm not too interested in super long RPGs.

This year: Super Smash Bros. For The 3DS- I know it came out last year, but I didn't really get into it until this year; explanations are probably unnecessary at this point. And uh...I really should play more new games, huh...

6) CYOU'RE: Pretty much already explained this, but it was also fun to have a killing role and OC with a bunch of people.

Encounter Mafia: OC games are fun, and I liked the theme of the game and the players sooooooo...

Guitar Mafia: Killing roles are fun (and this was the first useable one I got), and I really liked the playerlist (actually this applies to all of the games that I cited lol) and the roles/setups were pretty neat ass well (especially the flavor).

7) Unnamed Mafia: Best self imposed PR ever. Setup wasn't amazing, but playing the game was really fun.

Badass Mafia: Notable for one of the only mafia games I really liked despite losing. The setup was super awesome, and it was hilariously fun playing this game while going to Disney World at the same time. Also my role fucking ruled.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Mafia: Just for being demotivated early on and somehow winning regardless. Also claiming mafia was mad fun, one of the only benefits of being mafia is to screw with town.

Big NOCers: I really liked my role, and it was one of the few games where I was super motivated and right.

Shining Force: Sword of Haijya Mafia: Probably one of the funnest scumteams I've ever been on, and we totally played town like a fiddle (which was good, because I think the setup was not very favorable to mafia over all).

8) Yes, because then you could provide all of the good reads and I could make the interesting posts. Win/win?

9) Eurykins, reading through her posts and understanding her conclusions is super hard. I'm also generally not very good at reading newer players, which can sometimes totally wreck me in the end. Blitz, Psych, and Shinori can generally confuse me at times as well, but nowhere near the same extent.

10) Yes, one day Dating Sim Mafia will be a reality. I've also considered various themed games on cool video games/anime (such as Final Fantasy Tactics and Monster)...it'd be pretty cool if I could make a game based on those. The problem is I'd rather make setups interesting by virtue of some gimmick rather than just the setup being based on a cool theme, but I'm neither good at thinking of good gimmicks or balancing them (not that I've tried, I guess).

11) Fakeclaim, Kirby, Badass, NSFMM4, and SFMM4. I like setups where everyone gets a cool or at least somewhat well thought out role (because that helps increase enthusiasm), but not so role heavy that scumhunting becomes nonexistent.

12) Semi-Precious Mafia, One-Shot Mafia, Unnamed Mafia, Healer Mafia, Pirates of the Caribbean Mafia, Persona 3 Mafia, and FFTA Mafia. In order, didn't like the gimmick (mostly because I like to use roles right away), didn't like the gimmick (especially since it made roles less useful overall), didn't like kirsche and Manix's roles (everything else was fine), I played the game and still don't understand what the fuck happened (also I lost), my role that got changed after the game started and pretty much screwed me over, and way too townsided for its own good.

13) Town: Big NOCers, because I was generally on point without any external help or roles helping me figure things out.

Mafia: QProgue, because I was super motivated and felt that I really carried the team (which never happens).

ITP: NSFMM4, because I called the scumteam and would've won despite a bad fakeclaim if Darros CC'd Euklyd.

14) First Impression (Mafia): A professional mafia player, yet doesn't really seem to take things that seriously. Maybe it's because I'm always the same alignment as him, but I never really feel pressured by him.

Current Impression (Mafia): Some dude who comes up with the most random stuff and still manages to lynch scum (different from Blitz because the reasoning actually makes sense). Really good at reading people and somehow not getting lynched as scum despite playing completely differently than he does as town. Not good at ITPing.

First Impression: Just your average SF user who hates everything but is still on the website because ???. I remember thinking that Prims was really cool at the time but I'm not sure why. Also wasn't sure if he was joking with the "I'm gay" comments.

Current Impression: Total internet stalker who loves the touhous. Nah, but seriously, fairly laid back dude who I can kind of relate too because I'm super lazy and interested in game design. Pretty much like everyone I interact with on the internet, we also have a lot of similar interests obviously. Also he's probably actually gay, I think.

15) First Impression (Mafia): I have no idea who this person is, but apparently people are hyped to play as her? For some reason, she always townreads me but it helped me mislynch Prims so I'm not complaining.

Current Impression (Mafia): Analyzes people way more indepth than others, but can sometimes get caught up in confirmation bias? Also probably someone who's hard to lynch as town, not that I've ever tried. For some reason, she always scumreads me but at least she hasn't mislynched me yet (or uh, properly lynched I think)!

First Impression: She likes Golden Sun? I don't really remember, I kind of suck at having first impressions, huh?

Current Impression: Pretty cool? We share a lot of the same interests, but I don't think I've really talked to her a lot.

16) First Impression: This is actually kind of neat figuring out "who done it?". It's also really rewarding when I find out I was right, especially since I was a lot less sure than I pretended to be on thread. Also why did I get shot on N2.

Current Impression: Please don't roll me as mafia please don't roll me as mafia please don't roll me as mafia please don't roll me as mafdammit. Sometimes I enjoy being mafia, but it's really rare (like I explained in one of my earlier questions). Being town is pretty much the same as it was before except that I've learned to take things way less seriously. I'm pretty sure I'm like, super tryhard as ITP though, whether or not I actually make that obvious on thread.

Mafia sucks because it eats way too much time and is more stressful than it has any right to be.

17) Fuck BBM Marry Manix Kill SB because I don't know, I just wanted to kill SB for bussing me.

18) It was too deep for me to comprehend. Nothing made sense, I was so confused.

19) BBM Kirsche Vhaltz so they could fucking carry me without me having to do much of anything (SB not included because he'd bus me).

20) All of them.

1) When will you join the rest of us in Etrian Odyssey? :P:

1) Well, I played EO2 forever ago (I traded a boxed copy of FE8 for that and Phoenix Wright: Trials & Tribulations, actually...) but I couldn't really get into it for whatever reason. I've tried picking it up again and again, but it hasn't really worked out for me. Also I bought EO3 sometime in the interim but never opened my copy since I wanted to beat EO2 first. Although the EOU demo was super fun, so maybe I should just start with that one instead.

1) Why haven't you decided to host a game yet? And if you were to, what would you want the game's theme to be?

2) Who were you rooting for during your first time watching Fate/Zero? practically an obligatory question to every f/z fan :p

1) Mostly because I've been lazy making the Role PM's. Not counting Dating Sim Mafia, the theme would probably be uh...Mega Man? Or just some themeless game where I could pick a bunch of people I like, that'd be pretty fun as well.

2) I was rooting for either Kiritsugu or Waver to win, optimally both at the same time somehow (I actually thought they were going to team up based on the first opening until I realized that wasn't Waver, it was Maiya...uh whoops).

8) ummm, knowing F/SN, it was pretty obvious on who was gonna win, wasn't it? (just asking)

8) I watched Fate/Zero first, then I played the Fate/Stay Night visual novel. Good times, I think.

1) What was your first and what are your current impressions of each section and sub-section of Serenes Forest Forums?

2) What would you like to see more of in future mafia games?

3) What is your favourite AA game and who's your favourite character? Why?

4) What attracted you to mafia?

5) Why are you attracted to SF?

Oh and

6) Why are you sexually attracted to roofs and when did you discover this?


1) Everyone can blame Bluedoom for my response taking so long until I figured "not even going to bother actually answering this question". I used to hang out in mostly the FE sections, now I'm pretty much the same except I also hang out in the mafia sections and...technically the RP sections (it's funny if you've ever actually RP'd with me).

2) I'd like to see more OC mafia games. And themed games with themes that I'm more interested in. And games with assorted characters. Also some interesting gimmicks that are cool and great like Kirby Mafia. Also more EiMM.

3) It's a tossup between Trials & Tribulations and the first game. They both have really good overarching plots and villains while at the same time making sure that the individual cases are great on their own (and WRT the first game, the fifth case was so good and I'm sad that future AA games apparently don't have the same level of interactivity that was displayed in that game; also the Skyes are the best). Also they have the best soundtracks, although I've only played the original trilogy. My favorite character is probably Phoenix Wright, because I love how snarky he is. Shoutouts to Edgeworth, Ema, Mia, and Mia though, since they were all contenders for the slot but lost out in the end. Needless to say, they all have pretty great interactions with Phoenix Wright, which may be why he's #1 and not them.

4) I don't know. I just really like winning, and it's something I'm not the worst at, so why not? As town, it's fun discovering the truth and catching all of the scums (although it's even funner to be culted). As scum, it's fun hiding and fucking with people until you can enact TRUE JUSTICE during the night phase. And ITP is the best of both worlds, so it's the best. The only problem is mafia is too stressful and time consuming at times (although way less so as town).

5) I like Fire Emblem and a lot of members of the community. There's not much else to it.

6) Ever since CR discovered that one fanfiction and people took to calling me Roofa, apparently. It's weird, bro.

Oh, and another question:

2) How many times do you want me to ban Marth for his previous post? :P:

2) At least 17, it was really hard coming up with past and current impressions for every subboard on SF. What kind of jerk would even subjugate someone to that kind of torture?! I mean, I haven't actually answered it as of yet (although if things turn out like I'm planning, it'll appear that I made my replies to Marthipan before my replies to you even though that definitely was not the case; truly I am a master of deception), but it's all probably still totally true!

I think that's all of the remaining questions, lemme know if I missed yours or something to that effect.

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Elieson [8]: kirsche, Bluedoom, BMM, Blitz, Eurykins, Weapons, Quote, SB

Shinori [7]: kirsche, Bluedoom, Blitz, Reinfleche, Paperblade, Eurykins, SB

Vhaltz [6]: kirsche, BBM, Reinfleche, SB, Prims, Refa

Eurykins [5]: Elieson, Bluedoom, Blitz, Reinfleche, Paperblade

scorri [2]: Elieson, Eurykins

kirsche [2]: BBM, Weapons

Bluedoom [1]: Elieson

Green Poet [1]: Weapons

It's Elieson's turn.

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Sup guys I'm Elieson and I've been on SF for about 5 years, due to Fire Emblem fandom. I got into Mafia in 2012 after joining a Resistance game in May. After enjoying that, I signed up for my first mafia game, SFMM2, but ended up playing in ICBINSFMM2 as a sub for Helios before SFMM2 actually started. I rolled mafia in both games, and had a good time getting the pass as some sort of clueless newbie, despite not trying to, and losing in both games anyway. I like to think I've grown out of the mafia phase, but I like the community because of minimal drama and overall intelligence, and have been active in SFMaf since then, so I find myself socializing with the crowd here moreso than most. I've played a handful of offsite games on sites (EpicMafia, Mafiascum once with Shinori, Brawl...something, once with SB, Levity, Refa, idr who else), but 99% of my activity is here. I think I like hosting and designing games a bit more than actually playing in them, but I keep finding myself joining anyway so I dunno, you be the judge of that I guess.

Edited by Sara.
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