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10 minutes ago, Crysta said:

mitt romney remains the lone man on this island so far

Not a huge fan of the dude, but he has my respect. Seems like he is a dying breed in the Republican Party along with Collins and Murkowski.

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This may be something that will NEVER happen, but just in case we have someone from his coterie (or better yet, HIMSELF) contemplating on Jefferson's "I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just," he'd better start quaking. Hard.

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I remember back in 2016, when people were protesting Trump winning the election. And while I don't remember it personally, I do know that back in 2000 there were protests over what was going on between Bush and Gore. None of it compares to what we're seeing now.

And you know what, the major difference is the person at the top. Clinton and Gore didn't incite their supporters to violence, and they conceded once it became clear they had no path to victory. The past four years under Trump has felt like a lifetime for a reason. It's because everything he did had very little consequences to him. Oh, I wouldn't say it had zero consequences. The Republicans lost the House majority in 2018, and they lost the election in 2020, didn't take back control of the House, and just lost control of the Senate. 

So, in a sane world, this would be a message delivered loud and clear: we don't approve of what you're doing. But apparently, this isn't a sane world because several elected Republicans see fit to harp over and over again how "74 million people feel as if they were disenfranchised". As if 74 million is more than the 81 million who voted to get Trump out. As if they have the right to say their voters feel "disenfranchised" when they are the party who are literally disenfranchising people of their votes if they don't agree with you. And Trump, being the narcissistic short attention-spanned guy who likes it when there's violence and things go straight to hell, is clearly enjoying this.

Like fuck, I knew Trump was going to be bad for this country, but I couldn't have guessed the full extent of how bad it would be. It only got this bad because of the Republicans. We are at a breaking point, we've actually been there for a while but this is REALLY bad. I don't think there will be a "go back to normal" after this. How can there be? One of the two major parties actively hates democracy and everything their own country is supposed to stand for, if they don't get to win, and the people who support them have decided that only they matter. How the fuck do we come back from this?

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10 minutes ago, Crysta said:

EDIT: I think this was one of them?


My brother sent me that one, pretty sure you are correct.

Trump talking about it like that, you'd wonder how more people didn't die.

Not for long, but you'd wonder how someone didn't get themselves killed accidentally.

@Sunwoo, I am certain of one thing, there's no going back to before 2016, that normal will not be the result of what's happening now. The only thing I can do though is hope it doesn't slide further downward. The escalation is something I felt had been encouraged, though more blatantly in recent years, so I was honestly less surprised it happened at all as much as the result, seems like it ends on a whimper now, but I doubt there'll be no second attempt.

I can only wish everyone over there well..

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Trump, the Republican party, and multiple news networks have aligned together to entrap a significant portion of our population in an alternate reality to nab votes and turn themselves a profit and it will likely take something akin to all that -- or greater -- to reverse it.

Trump is definitely an accelerant but two of those three things were there well before he arrived.

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7 minutes ago, Dayni said:

@Sunwoo, I am certain of one thing, there's no going back to before 2016, that normal will not be the result of what's happening now. The only thing I can do though is hope it doesn't slide further downward. The escalation is something I felt had been encouraged, though more blatantly in recent years, so I was honestly less surprised it happened at all as much as the result, seems like it ends on a whimper now, but I doubt there'll be no second attempt.

I can only wish everyone over there well..

What I'm hoping is that once we have a change in leadership, once Trump is no longer president and we no longer have to deal with the stupid shit he says and once people stop giving him attention, the bad behavior that was encouraged under his presidency will once again be considered shameful and we'll have less overt and outwards stupidity.

I don't know how we'll deal with the real issue though, the entitlement of certain people in believing that they are the only ones who are legitimate and fit to hold power in this country. How we're supposed to fix that is beyond any of my guesses.

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I thought it was the 'radical leftist' who were the only violent ones. Holy shit, America is in such turmoil, and it surprises me to read right supporters on reddit and other places act like this is justified. Somehow, if minorities are protesting peacefully though, than that justifies police brutality on them though >_>... I mean I know they are hypocrites but holy shit this isn't ok...

And reading some of the comments on the r/conservative subreddit, gave me the idea that a lot of them think this is the fault of the GOP and Dems for being in a conspiracy against Trump... what the fuck.

I wish it wouldn't just be Trump that faced repercussions for this. The GOP members who supported this fiasco all along at the very least need to face consequences as well. People like Ted Cruz are just as guilty of this whole mess.

I'm so glad i don't live in the US anymore. Though it scares me that Canada might become like them in the future. For some reason, a lot of the bad ideas from America make their way over here, or at least people try to bring them here.

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42 minutes ago, Armchair General said:

At this point, the only thing that's left to wonder is when will people start being held accountable for this.

The instigators are pundits, government officials and the President himself so probably never.

1 person also died in the Unite the Right rally. The outcome of this will probably be much like that event: the left will remember and try to capitalize on it because of the death and the right won't really care because it was just one death and it is their voters.


EDIT: No, don't expect them to use the 25th amendment. Republican politicians will still want Trumpists' votes.


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20 minutes ago, Dr. Tarrasque said:


EDIT: No, don't expect them to use the 25th amendment. Republican politicians will still want Trumpists' votes.

Perhaps when they think long term but its at least possible some might end up turning on Trump in a knee jerk reaction. Today Trump put the life of even his own cronies in danger, the same ones who protected him during his impeachment. Had they not gone out on time there's a real chance they would have been murdered. 

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It's kinda scary to me how so many people were able to get together to riot like that, and so quickly. I don't really know how far ahead this was planned, or what incited it in the first place (prolly a Trump tweet from like 2 days ago if I had to guess), but I can't really fathom how these people can be so dedicated to a single cause. I learned in a class from this past Fall semester about charisma in leadership, and I'd say that the kind of charisma Trump has is a toxic charisma. How people have latched onto him is beyond me, but it's pretty obvious how devoted they are, and it's scary.

It's ridiculous how the man can't just take the L and move on... and that's not even mentioning how many new COVID cases are most likely gonna result from this (did any of the protestors even wear masks?). I would say that I align with the Republican party (please don't hate me; I'm just one person, not the whole party, and I promise that I'm an upstanding citizen in real life, so please direct your anger not at me, but towards the void of space in the sky so that you're not hurting other people's feelings, thank you 😞 ), but I don't agree with everything they do; same with the Democratic party (I guess I'd be more Independent in that regard, but eh). I don't really care either way since it's all a cycle that repeats itself (Republicans hold majority/advantage, then the Democrats, then back to the Reps, then back to the Dems, etc.), and it's more or less akin to a circus trying to compete with the inmates running the asylum from across the street for the cafeteria's attention, but I figured I'd give my unorganized cents.


Also, I wouldn't be surprised if this is what happens after Trump dips out of D.C. (I love this picture, it's really funny to me)

I feel like this image is relavent again | Final Fantasy VII | Know Your  Meme

Please stay safe, everyone. 

15 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Pre-emption of the 25th...?

Oh yeah, speaking of the 25th Amendment, I always figured that what it meant when it said 'unfit' was that the president was out of commission until he could return to the position. Of course, 'unfit' could also mean 'not qualified,' so there's my vocab lesson for today. 

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Okay, I was very wrong, this situation's way out of hand. Trump needs to go NOW and an example needs to be made of his supporters' behavior.

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Does anyone here think it would be feasible to charge Trump with any crimes because of today? If we’re talking about holding people accountable...

Edit: Or just how you see him being held accountable. I am morbidly curious.

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29 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Perhaps when they think long term but its at least possible some might end up turning on Trump in a knee jerk reaction. Today Trump put the life of even his own cronies in danger, the same ones who protected him during his impeachment. Had they not gone out on time there's a real chance they would have been murdered. 

We'll see if they actually do anything about it. All I'm seeing is talk, no action and I wouldn't expect any until some of the politicians actually die. They have the option of just impeaching the fucker again which really won't achieve anything but it sends the message "we fucked up by not impeaching and removing him before so we're doing it now". A message that doesn't sit well with the Trumpists.

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1 hour ago, XRay said:

Seems like the woman was a Trump rioter? The article says she was shot by law enforcement.


That's still one too many lives lost in this debacle.

53 minutes ago, indigoasis said:

It's ridiculous how the man can't just take the L and move on... and that's not even mentioning how many new COVID cases are most likely gonna result from this (did any of the protestors even wear masks?). I would say that I align with the Republican party (please don't hate me; I'm just one person, not the whole party, and I promise that I'm an upstanding citizen in real life, so please direct your anger not at me, but towards the void of space in the sky so that you're not hurting other people's feelings, thank you 😞 ), but I don't agree with everything they do; same with the Democratic party (I guess I'd be more Independent in that regard, but eh). I don't really care either way since it's all a cycle that repeats itself (Republicans hold majority/advantage, then the Democrats, then back to the Reps, then back to the Dems, etc.), and it's more or less akin to a circus trying to compete with the inmates running the asylum from across the street for the cafeteria's attention, but I figured I'd give my unorganized cents.

This is a little something you'll have to do, preferably on a sheet of paper, far away from the Internet.

What is it that you want out of the government?  How are each of the parties working towards it?  How are they going against it?  Which of your values do you think are most important for the government to represent?  Why?  And a lot of others.  Because right now, I don't think the Republican party in its current state represents anything that I want to associate with.

27 minutes ago, Dr. Tarrasque said:

We'll see if they actually do anything about it. All I'm seeing is talk, no action and I wouldn't expect any until some of the politicians actually die. They have the option of just impeaching the fucker again which really won't achieve anything but it sends the message "we fucked up by not impeaching and removing him before so we're doing it now". A message that doesn't sit well with the Trumpists.

It might stick, now that the Congresscritters were in the crosshairs.

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Perhaps this is the alcohol talking, but some of the speeches in this late session of congress is the first time in years I have felt proud enough in my nation, to cover my heart in earnest.


3 hours ago, XRay said:

We all know exactly why the police are being soft, lazy, and handling this protest differently compared to protests a few months ago. These protesters are white. That is why they have been given such wide latitude to do whatever the fuck they want. If these protesters were black and/or have lots of minorities in them, I will bet my entire bank account that the police would have been much more trigger happy to spray rubber bullets into the crowd and beating the shit out of people's asses.

3 hours ago, Use the Falchion said:

I'm of a few minds on this. While I'm usually sympathetic to political protests and riots*, I am absolutely NOT IMPRESSED OR REMOTELY SYMPATHETIC WITH THIS. But I am annoyed, specifically at the police. I'm black and seeing the treatment of those brave enough to protest last year in New York, Seattle, DC, and various other parts of the US made my blood boil. And yet, here clear threats and domestic terrorists are able to loiter, riot, and kill a woman while the police impose lockdown oh so politely. Where was all of the teargas? Where's the footage of gas masks being ripped off and youth being pepper-sprayed? Where is all of the riot-gear and completely unnecessary force? Oh, wait, we know why it's not here. 

The police's behavior in this event is some of the most shameful in American history.


2 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

And while I don't remember it personally, I do know that back in 2000 there were protests over what was going on between Bush and Gore. None of it compares to what we're seeing now.

Funnily enough  I remember walking out on a test in middle school to join a protest during that very election, but it was nothing like this. No one stormed the capitol, or dropped pipe bombs on government property.


3 hours ago, eclipse said:

. . .and there we have it.  Someone's died at their hands.

Truly a national tragedy...


4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I don't usually post here, but... Well, I just want to say, my heart goes out to anyone here who lives in DC. Or, you know what? In the US in general. This is a disgrace. At this point the best I can hope for is that this is resolved quickly and that as few people as possible lose their lives to this disaster.

Thank you. I may not be in the DC area, but I have a lifelong friend (my mother still likes to talk about the play-dates she arranged when we were toddlers..) who live there, and whom I worry for during this natural ..national...tragedy.


4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

What is it exactly that makes the police systemically racist and rightist?

I am reminded of a famous lawsuit which cemented that intelligence was a factor that could be discriminated against, where there was an intelligence test that a law enforcement organization used as a reason to refuse employment if a future police officer scored too highly on it. When you intentionally hire dumber candidates, you will get a lot more racism (and people who vote against their interest...)


2 hours ago, indigoasis said:

It's kinda scary to me how so many people were able to get together to riot like that, and so quickly. I don't really know how far ahead this was planned, or what incited it in the first place (prolly a Trump tweet from like 2 days ago if I had to guess), but I can't really fathom how these people can be so dedicated to a single cause. I learned in a class from this past Fall semester about charisma in leadership, and I'd say that the kind of charisma Trump has is a toxic charisma. How people have latched onto him is beyond me, but it's pretty obvious how devoted they are, and it's scary.

The riot started with people who were already there for a Trump rally....


2 hours ago, indigoasis said:


It's ridiculous how the man can't just take the L and move on...

Trump is only not in jail right now because he is President. The moment he loses the presidency he can be prosecuted for his many crimes (or at least the tax evasion crimes New York is about to levy against him...)


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10 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Thank you. I may not be in the DC area, but I have a lifelong friend (my mother still likes to talk about the play-dates she arranged when we were toddlers..) who live there, and whom I worry for during this natural ..national...tragedy.

What do you mean by natural tragedy?

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7 minutes ago, Sooks said:

What do you mean by natural tragedy?

Sorry a bit drunk, and trusted the spell check a little too much. I meant National tragedy

Edit: very drunk, probably the most I have drunken since the 2016 election results were going over the TV. I know you intent to be a bit of a teetotaler, so sorry if that let you down...I probably should be as well, but the times we live in are hard to handle at times.

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2 hours ago, X-Naut said:

Okay, I was very wrong, this situation's way out of hand. Trump needs to go NOW and an example needs to be made of his supporters' behavior.

Thanks for saying that. And agreed. How much damage can a lame duck do? A lot, it turns out.

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36 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Edit: very drunk, probably the most I have drunken since the 2016 election results were going over the TV.

Today hasn’t been very good, just as that day probably wasn’t (I knew nothing about politics at the time, all I remember is how my conservative and liberal family members felt), I understand. The important thing is just to be healthy.


I know you intent to be a bit of a teetotaler, so sorry if that let you down...I probably should be as well, but the times we live in are hard to handle at times.

I already said I understand, but I what I do or don’t intended to do with alcohol has no bearing on what I think about people who drink or if they should or all that jazz. Just be healthy and safe. That’s what’s important.

18 minutes ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

Thanks for saying that. And agreed. How much damage can a lame duck do? A lot, it turns out.

It doesn’t matter how lame the a duck is when it has so many ducks backing it, with plans to do something as mindless as destruction.

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