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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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1 minute ago, Rezzy said:

Someone's gonna get some - Atk soon...

You know, my last 2 5 stars were BOTH -Atk

But both of them were only fodder anyway~ (Fae and Lyn)

It seems my sacrifices are working heehehehehhehhheeh

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3 hours ago, TheTuckingFypo said:

4. No, but I want to learn piano and violin.

<bias>You have excellent taste in instruments.</bias> I kinda wish I'd tried harder with both of those myself, but what can I say...I'm a dabbler =P .

I don't have any more reasonably meaningful stuff off the top of my head, so I guess I'll throw out some random/fun-oriented questions.

6. Rank the following in order of cool-ness: Zeus, Poseidon, Hades.

7. What type of sword would you wield, were you to wield one?

8. Have you ever come across a word that you thought was cool, but virtually nobody would actually use in everyday language? (ex. I'm kinda partial to "meritorious")

9. Do you have an opinion on steamed pork buns?

10. You are presented with a ruby-throated hummingbird, a trampoline, and five glasses of POG. What do you do? Besides give the person that presented them to you a funny look.

Edited by LordFrigid
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15 minutes ago, LordFrigid said:

You are presented with a ruby-throated hummingbird, a trampoline, and five glasses of POG.

Dang this is a good one

I need to come up with better ones than the ones I have now! back to the drawing board I guess!

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2 hours ago, Rezzy said:

To be fair, Fypo asked for suggestions.  Someone's gonna get some - Atk soon...

16: Which way of doing magic do you like best?  e.g. Echoes with HP as a mana pool and spell list, GBA magic trinagle, 3DS lumping everything together?

17: Do you watch/like Star Trek?

18: What is your favorite genre of movie?

19: Opinion on facial hair?

20: Why is guarantee so hard to spell correctly?

(watch it be me... #-Atk)

16. I think the first two together would be the best. 
17. I've never watched it.
18. Action packed.
19. Facial hair? Unless someone tried to kill me with an axe made with facial hair, I don't care.
20. Guarantee? Because we never learned it in school (Thank goodness for auto-correct). ngl, but I do know how to spell it for the most part. It's a visual/intuition thing for me. If it looks like it's spelled wrong, it's almost always wrong.

1 hour ago, LordFrigid said:

<bias>You have excellent taste in instruments.</bias> I kinda wish I'd tried harder with both of those myself, but what can I say...I'm a dabbler =P .

I don't have any more reasonably meaningful stuff off the top of my head, so I guess I'll throw out some random/fun-oriented questions.

6. Rank the following in order of cool-ness: Zeus, Poseidon, Hades.

7. What type of sword would you wield, were you to wield one?

8. Have you ever come across a word that you thought was cool, but virtually nobody would actually use in everyday language? (ex. I'm kinda partial to "meritorious")

9. Do you have an opinion on steamed pork buns?

10. You are presented with a ruby-throated hummingbird, a trampoline, and five glasses of POG. What do you do? Besides give the person that presented them to you a funny look.

Well, it's never too late to start, right? 

6. Ummm... Hades > Zeus > Poseidon
7. One that is ergonomic and light.
8. Meritorious! - an adjective that implies deserving of praise, right? I think. 
9. I've actually had those once. I don't remember my opinion on them though. :/
10. Hmmm. (looks up what Pog is).... Okay! Ummm.... I'd stop imagining. Though, I'd probably be sad that the Pog isn't either alcoholic or carbonated.

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1. Favorite flower?

2. Favorite gemstone? 

3. Favorite boardgame?

4. Favorite color?

5. Have you gotten Leo in heroes yet?

6. Would you like to form the super shorty squad? Us shorties have to stick together.

7. Head in the clouds or down to earth?

8. Anime vs Live action vs Cartoon?

9. Your thoughts on Ultra Sun&Moon?

10. Hand held or console games?

11. What is one thing you'd change about the voting gauntlets?

12. Would you mind telling us how you met your boyfriend? (I'm hopeless romantic) it's ok if not i completely understand. 

13. How would you rate your cooking in a scale of 1 ((extremely toxic)) to 10 ((best chef in the world))?

14. Favorite Disney movie? 

15.. How has your day been so far? 

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IX. Any personal philosophy or mindset you try to stick to?

X. Do you live in a rural, urban, or suburban area, or a combination?

XI. Which do you prefer of the areas above?

XII. Time or money?

XIII. Are you a pessimist, optimist, realist, nihilist, etc.?

XIV. Hot or cold?

XV. Have you ever gone fishing?

XVI. Quality or quantity?

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1 hour ago, GuiltyLove said:

1. Do you want to be friends?

2. Origin of your username?

3. Do you buy your milk in bags?

4. Do you have a pet moose?

5. Do you own an igloo?

6. Who is your favorite violinist?

7. Do you want to be enemies?

8. Opinions on Space Jam?

1. Sure.
2. I'm a tad lysdecix.
3. No. That's Ontario. I get milk in cartons or plastic jugs. (funny, since I only learned of bagged milk recently. I was confused.)
4. No. I haven't even seen a moose in person before. 
5. No. Too warm here. It's gonna be 22C and Sunny today.
6. No idea.
7. Nah.
8. Sure.

1 hour ago, Anime27Arts said:

1. Favorite flower?

2. Favorite gemstone? 

3. Favorite boardgame?

4. Favorite color?

5. Have you gotten Leo in heroes yet?

6. Would you like to form the super shorty squad? Us shorties have to stick together.

7. Head in the clouds or down to earth?

8. Anime vs Live action vs Cartoon?

9. Your thoughts on Ultra Sun&Moon?

10. Hand held or console games?

11. What is one thing you'd change about the voting gauntlets?

12. Would you mind telling us how you met your boyfriend? (I'm hopeless romantic) it's ok if not i completely understand. 

13. How would you rate your cooking in a scale of 1 ((extremely toxic)) to 10 ((best chef in the world))?

14. Favorite Disney movie? 

15.. How has your day been so far? 

1. Camellias! 
2. Pearl. It's my middle name. And my birthstone.
3. Chess? That counts right?
4. Blue I guess, for the sake of answering. Or purple. 
5. Yes. On May 13/14. 
6. How do I know if you're short like me? Sure.
7. Both, though more so the former.
8. No preference. As long as it's good I'm fine.
9. omg omg I knew they threw Colress in the game for a reason. Don't disappoint me, GameFreak.
10. Both.
11. Not sure. I guess what ever is wrong with it..
12. Ummm. I was 12. 
13. Maybe a 7?
14. The Incredibles.
15. I just woke up, so I'd say pretty good.

14 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

IX. Any personal philosophy or mindset you try to stick to?

X. Do you live in a rural, urban, or suburban area, or a combination?

XI. Which do you prefer of the areas above?

XII. Time or money?

XIII. Are you a pessimist, optimist, realist, nihilist, etc.?

XIV. Hot or cold?

XV. Have you ever gone fishing?

XVI. Quality or quantity?

IX. I'm not sure. I don't think I do.
X. Kind of a combination. It's a fair-sized city, though while it's urban-suburban, it's deemed to be more rural, since it's outside of the lower mainland.
XI. Combination. 
XII. Both, though with a slight preference for time. (Funny enough, I'm in a weird point in life where I've got an abundance of free time. So money, if we're talking about this exact moment in time.)
XIII. I'm a realist. 
XIV: Soup? Hot. Ice cream? Better be fucking cold.
XV. Yes. 
XVI. Quality

EDIT: Sleepy me can't Roman Numeral properly :P

Edited by TheTuckingFypo
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1 minute ago, GuiltyLove said:

9. Why do you like Leo?

10. Do you like the other Nohrian Scum royals?

11. Favorite Sanrio character?

12. Favorite color?

13. Opinions on Shrek?

9. I just do. No idea why. Intuition, I guess?
10. Sure. Elise is the cinnamon roll, Xander is chill, though he could afford to chill more, and I can sympathize with Camilla's "flaws". She's meh though.
11. Gudetama, I think.I like food.
12. Blue, I guess?
13. Sure. 

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1 hour ago, JSND said:

1. Opinion on Steak's doneness

2. Favorite food

3. What is your opinion upon realizing that Leo is actually a Grass Type Pokemon

go 2 sleep it must b like midnight or something in Indonesia

just sad that you didn't ask me any questions for my interview

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22 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

go 2 sleep it must b like midnight or something in Indonesia

just sad that you didn't ask me any questions for my interview

I just checked it back since i remembered typing like 5 question and holy fuck i actually forgot to click the reply button during that one

two weeks ago was kinda busy because its the papers deadline sorry



Also no can't do. Need to finish this papers so i can finally actually graduate

Part of it is also because my family will have a feast together after i'm done

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2 hours ago, JSND said:

1. Opinion on Steak's doneness

2. Favorite food

3. What is your opinion upon realizing that Leo is actually a Grass Type Pokemon

1. Rare to medium rare.
2. Sushi?
3. Huh?

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9 minutes ago, TheTuckingFypo said:

1. Rare to medium rare.
2. Sushi?
3. Huh?

Brynhildr is described as a tome that can manipulate earth, gravity and life, summoning a small grove of trees to ensnare a selected enemy target when used in battle.

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Just now, JSND said:

Brynhildr is described as a tome that can manipulate earth, gravity and life, summoning a small grove of trees to ensnare a selected enemy target when used in battle.

Oh. Grass/Dark type. I gotcha.

@Arcanite @MaskedAmpharos @MrSmokestack @Anime27Arts @GuiltyLove @Rezzy @LordFrigid

I currently have time, and no questions. Come at me.


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Alright Fypo I see you hee hee heheheehhehehehehehhe @TheTuckingFypo


18. You ever done drugs?

19. Something you do everyday?

20. Would you go bungee jumping with me?

21. Ever been sky diving?

22. Do you cook often?

23. Favorite cake to bake?

24. Ever made a punch bowl cake?

25. Fast food restaurants. What's your opinion?

26. You said you have a friend who likes Pentatonix. Can you do me a favor and tell them that they're awesome?

27. Do you like Pentatonix?


29. Hold me ;-;

30. You're stuck in a trunk. What do you do?

31. Ever been on a plane?

32. Ever been on a train?

33. Ever been in an automobile?

34. If you get married to your boyfriend, can I come to your wedding? I love me some free food.

35. Best thing that's free?

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1 minute ago, Arcanite said:

Alright Fypo I see you hee hee heheheehhehehehehehhe @TheTuckingFypo


18. You ever done drugs?

19. Something you do everyday?

20. Would you go bungee jumping with me?

21. Ever been sky diving?

22. Do you cook often?

23. Favorite cake to bake?

24. Ever made a punch bowl cake?

25. Fast food restaurants. What's your opinion?

26. You said you have a friend who likes Pentatonix. Can you do me a favor and tell them that they're awesome?

27. Do you like Pentatonix?


29. Hold me ;-;

30. You're stuck in a trunk. What do you do?

31. Ever been on a plane?

32. Ever been on a train?

33. Ever been in an automobile?

34. If you get married to your boyfriend, can I come to your wedding? I love me some free food.

35. Best thing that's free?

18. Nothing illegal. I only have prescriptions, which I take as needed.
19. Live.
20. I actually have a fear of heights, but sure.
21. Nope, but my father has.
22. Somewhat.
23. I have this delicious chocolate quinoa cake recipe lying around somewhere. Gluten free (relatives w/celiac disease), and it has a ridiculously similar texture to actual cake O_O. 
24. No, I have not.
25. Eww. 
26. Sure.
27. They're some really talented people. That's good in my books.
28. So tell me what you want, what you really really want.
29. Okay. (hugs)
30. Stop imagining, since I'm not actually in a trunk. The realist has clocked in.
31. Yes. 
32. Yes.
33. Yes. I have a car. Wait, I see what you did there...
34. We'll see. (@shadowofchaos - I want to hear your wedding plans, now that wedding brain has tuned in)
35. Memories

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16 hours ago, TheTuckingFypo said:

I've been diagnosed with ASD:PDD-NOS (Autism Spectrum Disorder: Pervasive Developmental Disorder - Not Otherwise Specified).


1. Do you speak any languages besides English?
2. Do you plan on playing the older FE games?
3. Are you interested in history?
4. Are you interested in law?
5. What defines a good day to you?

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35 minutes ago, JSND said:

Brynhildr is described as a tome that can manipulate earth, gravity and life, summoning a small grove of trees to ensnare a selected enemy target when used in battle.

I lowkey thought it was a jab at Leo being a tomato


1. Something you like to do but aren't very good at?

2. What FE game do you want to play next?

3. Thoughts on this badass?

4. Would you rather be born anyplace else in the world? If so, where?

5. What do you find most interesting about Lord of the Flies? Or was it rings

6. Easiest dish to make? Most difficult? Which one has the most sentimental value to you?

7. Opinion on cinnamon rolls?

8. Do you know how to play Snake on Youtube?

9. What do you value most in a successful relationship?

10. Squares or triangles?

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46 minutes ago, Hattusili I said:


1. Do you speak any languages besides English?
2. Do you plan on playing the older FE games?
3. Are you interested in history?
4. Are you interested in law?
5. What defines a good day to you?

Yeah. I'm very very mild though. Anxiety, occasional stutter, and a literal case of writer's block (writing reports, stories essays and the likes) were my only real indicators. I'm not sure if the term is still valid, or if other countries just mushed it into the spectrum and just called it Autism. 

1. I've studied French, Spanish, and Japanese. I need to brush up on them before I can call myself multi-lingual again :P
2. Yes. 
3. Sure. My brother though, he loves it.
4. Somewhat. 
5. I'm not dead at the end of it.

33 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

I lowkey thought it was a jab at Leo being a tomato


1. Something you like to do but aren't very good at?

2. What FE game do you want to play next?

3. Thoughts on this badass?

4. Would you rather be born anyplace else in the world? If so, where?

5. What do you find most interesting about Lord of the Flies? Or was it rings

6. Easiest dish to make? Most difficult? Which one has the most sentimental value to you?

7. Opinion on cinnamon rolls?

8. Do you know how to play Snake on Youtube?

9. What do you value most in a successful relationship?

10. Squares or triangles?

1. Writing
2. No idea. If someone were to hand me any FE game and a console, I'd go for it. If I had a choice, I think FE 6, 7 or 8.
3. Geez. That guy. I have no words. Talented.
4. I'm fine with where I was born.
5. Yes, It was Flies. I think it's the fact that everything ties in to everything, the parallelism and really at the end to the day, it shows how easily corruptible people are. 
6. Miso soup is extremely easy. I'm not sure about difficult or sentimental dishes. 
7. Cinnamon rolls, the food, or the cinnamon rolls, a.k.a lolis? Food wise, they're delicious.
8. What? There's a game on Youtube?
9. The ability to open up. 
10. Circle.

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1 minute ago, TheTuckingFypo said:


Good answer

As long as you aren't a square, I'm perfectly fine!

3 minutes ago, TheTuckingFypo said:

I'm not dead at the end of it

I like that



36. Ever eaten pork rinds?

37. Opinion on pickles?

38. Opinion on tacos?

39. Stew chicken or beef?

40. Was Echoes worth the money (assuming you bought it)?

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Just now, Arcanite said:

36. Ever eaten pork rinds?

37. Opinion on pickles?

38. Opinion on tacos?

39. Stew chicken or beef?

40. Was Echoes worth the money (assuming you bought it)?

36. I'm not entirely sure, to be honest.
37. ... (shivers) 
38. Tacos are fine with me.
39. Beef stew.
40. Yes.

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