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FE4 Advance - R.I.P.


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Naw it still the same

According to the one Yuria posted its the same

No, it's not. If you would have actually bothered to check around to some of the other sites in the fandom...


Just because it's the sheet that Yuria could find, doesn't mean that the sheet is actually the newest version. (Heck, the team could have been updating internally and never made a formal new compilation for all we know.)

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Another long-time-no-see update! Sorry guys, I just can't seem to keep in contact. I'm like the uncle twice-removed who only shows up when he needs money. So here's the deal. FE4 Advance has been broken for like...two months now. I've been trying to deal with this glitch from hell (

). Now, I decided two days ago to just quit working on that ROM. I've transferred over the bare necessities onto a new ROM where that damned glitch is nowhere to be found. So over the past few days I've been slowly rebuilding my progress, touching up things that needed it and such.

But I also realized something the other day. It has been almost two years since I started this project. What do I have to show for it? Approximately 5 chapters worth of gameplay. I've realized that I cannot complete a hack of this magnitude with only Nintenlord helping with ASM and various other people doing random things sparingly. Back when I first started this project it was a team effort, and I'd like to bring the project back to its roots in that way. So I'm putting out a request for hackers. I need hackers who are willing to help out. I want to put together a good team so this project can be finished before I turn 40.

So what I am really looking for are:

1. People who can insert music (I tried, can't do it to save my life).

2. People who can write events (to help me churn out chapters faster).

3. People who can do battle palettes (since it kills my brain every time I try to binge edit them).

4. People who can script custom animations in FEditor (because mine suck monkey-nuts).

But if you have other hacking talents I could be needing you too. Those 4 just immediately come to my mind. Show me what you can do, if you really want to help I can always find something.

And before anyone considers this offer I want you all to know, I am completely devoted to seeing this project completed. I want desperately to finish what I started on May 14th 2008 (FE4 Advanced). Your work will not be wasted. Your efforts shall not go unappreciated. So please consider helping me out. The more people help the faster this dream can be realized. The more people help out the faster this project will be completed. So please, help! And even if you cannot help any support would be greatly appreciated. I don't want to disappoint the people who have waited patiently for this hack and their continued support would be very much appreciated.

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So what I am really looking for are:

1. People who can insert music (I tried, can't do it to save my life).

2. People who can write events (to help me churn out chapters faster).

3. People who can do battle palettes (since it kills my brain every time I try to binge edit them).

4. People who can script custom animations in FEditor (because mine suck monkey-nuts).

You don't anyone for #3. I got it covered. That's probably the only thing I'll have any time to do.

Edited by flyingace24
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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I've got something of an update. New video for you all.

Someone's already complained that I don't keep SF updated enough. I'm going to try and keep that in mind as I continue with the project. Sorry for the neglect!

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Well, I've got something of an update. New video for you all.

Someone's already complained that I don't keep SF updated enough. I'm going to try and keep that in mind as I continue with the project. Sorry for the neglect!

...that was me. :awesome:


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Hmm, poor Alec's stuck with D on both weapons while Noish gets C rank for Swords.

Out of curiosity, is it possible to get the FE4 Road terrain effects in there?

Edited by Speedwagon
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To quote my good friend Nintenlord, "anything is possible."

But as to actually doing that? Yeah, I could have that done in a minute. It just never really crossed my mind.

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I see it's back to original FE 4 stats, to which I say "Excellent".

I can't help but notice that when Edain is carried by Gandolf, the icon is blue instead of green like her unit color is. Just a minor nitpick, but aside of that it's awesome to see some progress.

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Yeah, I tried the normal game stats. It didn't work too well so I decided to switch back. For the best.

I'm not really going to worry about the rescue icon. That's something that would take a LOT of time to fix, for one small scene.

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Chapter 1x is a bit of fan service on my part, you DO get to play as Eltosian when he fights against Elliot's troops (the entire scene itself has been expanded into a bigger battle, resulting in more cool points for Eltosian). Eltosian will not be playable beyond Chapter 1x.

Cuan is Quinn because I'm testing the waters on some romanizations of names I came across online. I put that picture up mainly to see what kind of reactions I'd get (although admittedly I would like to retain the change, barring some unforeseen massive outpouring of negative reactions).

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Chapter 1x is a bit of fan service on my part, you DO get to play as Eltosian when he fights against Elliot's troops (the entire scene itself has been expanded into a bigger battle, resulting in more cool points for Eltosian). Eltosian will not be playable beyond Chapter 1x.

Does that mean he doesn't retreat after taking out Elliots troops, resulting in you being able to use him in THE WHOLE chapter?

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The original Chapter 1 has been split into two parts. The gaiden chapter with Eltosian comes between the two parts, upon routing Elliot's forces the gaiden chapter will end.

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The original Chapter 1 has been split into two parts. The gaiden chapter with Eltosian comes between the two parts, upon routing Elliot's forces the gaiden chapter will end.

Ah, so you mean to say that after you kill Gandolf and seize the castle, (Thus ending the first chapter) Elto would come out and you would have to wipe out Elliots troops? (Being the gaiden) And the chapter after would be the ending of the original chapter 1 of FE4?

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RE: Romanizing Cuan:

From what I can tell, Cuan is actually a traditional Irish name. Considering that his legendary weapon, the Gae Bolg, is a legendary Irish weapon, I'd say that Cuan is much more accurate than Quinn.

Edited by Seven Deadly Sins
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Needs the original FE4 music. Other than that, no complaints from me.

I'm actually in charge of that ._.

I just haven't been doing the MIDIs like I should... I've been working on the FE6 Support Library or my Blazblue Continuum Shift video ._.

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RE: Romanizing Cuan:

From what I can tell, Cuan is actually a traditional Irish name. Considering that his legendary weapon, the Gae Bolg, is a legendary Irish weapon, I'd say that Cuan is much more accurate than Quinn.

This, very much so. There's a whole theme going on with northern Thracia - the major castles in the region can be easily traced to the ancient kingdoms of Ireland.

Lenster -> Leinster

Manster -> Munster

Alster -> Ulster

Conote -> Connacht

Given that his underling Finn and wife Ethlin pop up in Gaelic mythology as does the Gaebolg, that the name Cuan pops up in the names of "historical" Irish kings and that the mythological character Ethlin marries a 'Cian', I'm inclined to think it's very much intentional that his name is romanized Cuan for a reason. Changing it to 'Quinn' throws that off.

Though, to be sure, there are a ton of references in character names to Gaelic/Celtic mythology in Genealogy of the Holy War, not just the north Thracia characters. Those and Norse myth seem to make the lion's share of references.

Edited by Andras
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Also, just to hammer home the whole "Irish Mythology" thing...

1: The Ulster cycle talks about a hero, Naoise, and his two brothers, Ardan and Ainle. Romanization results in... Noish, Alec, and Ardan. HMM.

2: Legend tells of Midir, a warrior chronicled for his pursuit of his love, Edain. He also happens to be related to Brigid.

3: Tailtiu is the name of a "goddess" from mythology.

4: One major myth revolves around Dierdre, a woman for whom it is prophesied that kingdoms would go to war for her. To avoid this, she is raised in isolation, but Noish and his buddies fuck it all up. "oopsy." In the end of the story, Noish and his band are given passage through the lands of the Big Bad only to be slaughtered to the man in a trap. Remind you of anything?

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Though, to be sure, there are a ton of references in character names to Gaelic/Celtic mythology in Genealogy of the Holy War, not just the north Thracia characters. Those and Norse myth seem to make the lion's share of references.

Meanwhile, Southern Thracia is based on Greek mythology, namely:

Althena is based on Athena.

Arion on Orion.

Thracia itself is based on Thrace, an Ancient region where the territroy would be in current Greece, Bulgaria and Turkey.

Edited by Dio
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