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11 minutes ago, ILikeKirbys said:

Ryoma'll get a focus some day, when a Great Hero Battle he's effective in comes along. Probably not for a while, but still. It's gotta happen eventually.

Maybe, maybe not.

Right now, I don't even want to play this game anymore. It's literally impossible for me to win in the arena. I haven't defeated a single unit in these battles lately now. Not even in beginner battles. I've tried different things. Reading the enemy's skills, switching around my teams, nothing helps at all. If I can't get feathers, I can't get stronger units. My luck is too shitty to try pulling for 5 stars and I have no income right now to just buy orbs since I moved and had to leave my old job. I don't like the current banner at all anyway and I don't really care much for the Michalis battle one either.

I would just uninstall the game right now, but I don't want to lose that 5 star Frederick I worked so hard to get. I guess all I'll do is boot up the game on occasion just to look at him and lament how all the work I put into him was for nothing because he can't help me win battles. This game isn't for me.

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21 minutes ago, Elieson said:


suck it quinty! HP > DefRes!

Didn't notice that Lyn's BST was greater though!

Ah looks like my baby gurl isn't so bad after all <3

2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Maybe, maybe not.

Right now, I don't even want to play this game anymore. It's literally impossible for me to win in the arena. I haven't defeated a single unit in these battles lately now. Not even in beginner battles. I've tried different things. Reading the enemy's skills, switching around my teams, nothing helps at all. If I can't get feathers, I can't get stronger units. My luck is too shitty to try pulling for 5 stars and I have no income right now to just buy orbs since I moved and had to leave my old job. I don't like the current banner at all anyway and I don't really care much for the Michalis battle one either.

I would just uninstall the game right now, but I don't want to lose that 5 star Frederick I worked so hard to get. I guess all I do is boot up the game on occasion just to look at him and lament how all the work I put into him was for nothing because he can't help me win battles. This game isn't for me.

You tried so hard and got so far, but in the end it didn't even matter :(

Dont spend money, even if you have enough to waste on this game. I would suggest saving your orbs until Ike comes and then if you don't get him on your main, uninstall and re-roll. Just hang on Ana, Ike will come soon. We're almost there.

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4 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

You tried so hard and got so far, but in the end it didn't even matter :(

Dont spend money, even if you have enough to waste on this game. I would suggest saving your orbs until Ike comes and then if you don't get him on your main, uninstall and re-roll. Just hang on Ana, Ike will come soon. We're almost there.

I don't really feel like I got very far. Not when some people have like half a dozen 5 stars or more. I don't want to uninstall and re-roll. Not when I'd be throwing away that 5 star Frederick. Sure, it's possible I could upgrade another one, but who knows how long that would take. I'd have to summon a Frederick again first of all, which takes more rolling, and then I'd have to train him up and get all those feathers again.

And you can't know if we're close to getting Ike. There hasn't been any info on him. :/ I'll try for him when he does come, but if I don't get him despite that I've got over 100 orbs now, then I'm probably through for sure. The AI is just too unpredictable. To a degree you can know where they'll move and what they'll do, but many of these units have skills that let them move all kinds of places or dancers that let them move again. I saw a Marth move close to my units, then another unit moved next to him and shoved him backward like two spaces. How are you supposed to predict that?

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4 hours ago, Elieson said:

Crunching the numbers has led me to believe that Effie can tank magic better than some mages can tank magic (in particular, Linde, the very best blue mage and candidate for top 3 mages in the game) takes only a bit more less damage than Effie from green mages and has tremendously less HP than her.  I don't think anybody in the game can OHKO Effie except for maybe a Triangle Adept 3 +Atk Julia with Hone/Rally attack support that you might find in the Training Tower

Perhaps a bit late, but +Atk Reinhardt (44 Atk) with Death Blow one-round kills neutral defenses Effie (50 HP, 23 Res).

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27 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I don't really feel like I got very far. Not when some people have like half a dozen 5 stars or more. I don't want to uninstall and re-roll. Not when I'd be throwing away that 5 star Frederick. Sure, it's possible I could upgrade another one, but who knows how long that would take. I'd have to summon a Frederick again first of all, which takes more rolling, and then I'd have to train him up and get all those feathers again.

And you can't know if we're close to getting Ike. There hasn't been any info on him. :/ I'll try for him when he does come, but if I don't get him despite that I've got over 100 orbs now, then I'm probably through for sure. The AI is just too unpredictable. To a degree you can know where they'll move and what they'll do, but many of these units have skills that let them move all kinds of places or dancers that let them move again. I saw a Marth move close to my units, then another unit moved next to him and shoved him backward like two spaces. How are you supposed to predict that?

The AI tries to line themselves perfectly with your units in order to make sure they get the typing right. Like a Marth will try to line itself with your Frederick. The AI is aggressive, but because this game has defensive moves so they do have defensive directives. Like "If ally unit is at ___ percentage use smite in _______ direction when . . . ." So Marth wants to attack, Cain can warp to marth to get close to the enemy (Using Cain as an example) then Effie smites Marth because he has low health. So in short,

Neither you or I would have predicted that in a million years. You would have to think long and hard about things before you make each move. I look at stats a lot so for me it's more like "Oh wow ____ has a lot of resistance, good thing Lyn doubles everyone on your team! Muahahahah!" Then later I'll be like "So if I attack ____ how much is Lyn taking from (tome user)? *grabs calculator* So Lyn takes ___ amount of damage after she kills _____, but if I use Anna's spur resistance, she'll live with __ health." *wins game* Really unless you're really old, you have no job or social life, and have a ton of time to waste on phone games (like me), you're not gonna have time to study each match and make a game plan. Sometimes it's more "playing this game on the go" than "trying to win it for the for the glory!!!!!". So unless you have enough time then you're probably gonna have some troubles but hey! A wise person once said "Thems the breaks".

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1 minute ago, Arcanite said:

The AI tries to line themselves perfectly with your units in order to make sure they get the typing right. Like a Marth will try to line itself with your Frederick. The AI is aggressive, but because this game has defensive moves they do have defensive directives. Like "If ally unit is at ___ percentage use smite in _______ direction when . . . ." So Marth wants to attack, Cain can warp to marth to get close to the enemy (Using Cain as an example) then Effie smites Marth because he has low health. So in short,

Neither you or I would have predicted that in a million years. You would have to think long and hard about things before you make each move. I look at stats a lot so for me it's more like "Oh wow ____ has a lot of resistance, good thing Lyn doubles everyone on your team! Muahahahah!" Then later I'll be like "So if I attack ____ how much is Lyn taking from (tome user)? *grabs calculator* So Lyn takes ___ amount of damage after she kills _____, but if I use Anna's spur resistance, she'll live with __ health." *wins game* Really unless you'rer eally old, you have no job or social life, and have a ton of time to waste on phone games (like me), you're not gonna have time to study each match and make a game plan. Sometimes it's more "playing this game on the go" than "trying to win it for the for the glory!!!!!". So unless you have enough time then you're probably gonna have some troubles but hey! A wise person once said "Thems the breaks".

Except I'm having nothing BUT trouble in the arena. And if I can't get feathers, I can't upgrade people and get more strong units. I can't summon because the focuses have been pretty bad in my opinion. I think arena seasons and banners should last a shorter time though. One week for the former and over two for the latter is far too long. I'm tired of waiting for a banner I'm actually willing to summon from. None of these have been good at all to me.

I don't have a calculator handy either, nor do I know how to calculate damage at all without checking out the previews the game shows you.

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@Anacybele I would suggest if you really start to get burned because there are no units you truly care and you don't want to spend any orbs for a 5* then ignore the arena for now. Also don't be bothered that you'll lose out of feathers because it will only frustrate you further. I would say only focus play the story missions and train up your current units to max if some isn't yet and stock pile on the daily bonuses you can get. So when the day comes for that Ike banner or heck any other character you really enjoy and want and then go all in. But before you go all in then check before hand what's the most efficient way to earn that 5* on that particular banner. I mean I just found this guy:




TL;DR Just play it as casually as you can till you want to go all in with summon for that 5*. I believe you won't be as frustrated as you are now.

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25 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Ah looks like my baby gurl isn't so bad after all <3

Well, she's still got... everything except HP on Karel, stat-wise, if only by small amounts. And Sol Katti has built-in Desperation 2, unlike Karel who has to have it as a Skill (though he can get Desperation 3, so there's that). And Lyn's Special Skills are good no matter how much HP she has, while Karel pretty much needs to take a beating to get anything significant out of Retribution/Reprisal, which is risky (though both seem to be designed around being at their best at half HP or lower, given that both have Defiant ATK and Desperation, so this is probably intentional). What Karel has over Lyn is being even better at lower HP (Retribution/Reprisal do better damage at low HP, and even more damage with the Wo Dao, and he gets Defiant ATK and Desperation 3 when his HP gets low enough, whereas Lyn only gets Defiant ATK and Desperation 2, which both trigger at the same amount of HP for convenience but gets nothing before that, where Karel gets at least slightly boosted damage on Reprisal and can trigger Desperation 3 earlier than Lyn can trigger Desperation 2), having higher HP (primarily great because both of them are built around working well below a certain amount of HP, which Karel can more safely reach since he has more HP), and dealing extra damage on skill activations (because he has the Wo Dao, so he's guaranteed at least 10 extra damage on top of whatever Retribution/Reprisal gives him). They're both rather good (I assume: I know Lyn's good, but I don't have Karel and won't for at least until after this focus ends), it's just that Karel is a bit more... specialized, I guess, than Lyn is (insofar as "needs to be at half HP to be amazing" is something that can be specialized in). At least, that's how I see it.

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1 minute ago, FoliFF said:

@Anacybele I would suggest if you really start to get burned because there are no units you truly care and you don't want to spend any orbs for a 5* then ignore the arena for now. Also don't be bothered that you'll lose out of feathers because it will only frustrate you further. I would say only focus play the story missions and train up your current units to max if some isn't yet and stock pile on the daily bonuses you can get. So when the day comes for that Ike banner or heck any other character you really enjoy and want and then go all in. But before you go all in then check before hand what's the most efficient way to earn that 5* on that particular banner. I mean I just found this guy:


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TL;DR Just play it as casually as you can till you want to go all in with summon for that 5*. I believe you won't be as frustrated as you are now.


I've already done all that. Obviously not every single unit I have is at their max level or anything, but some suck too much to be worth using. But I have trained up my best ones already. All I can do is get feathers and upgrade people.

And what guy? You linked me to a video, not a summoned character.

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15 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

And what guy? You linked me to a video, not a summoned character.

I meant the youtuber that discuss the most efficient way to summon a hero 5* in general for future reference when a banner does come that interest you. From what I can tell he'll update the calculation how likely you can get one by that particular banner.

And I'm just saying don't get hung up that you can't earn feathers consistently and just save the one you have for future units that may be needs to be upgraded unless you already have a couple that you want to upgrade that is. I'm just throwing out a suggestion that play as casually as possible. Such as just come back for the story missions and other special that are easy to do and doesn't frustrate yourself on the other features that will just bang your head to the wall. Simply put, just wait for the "perfect" opportunity to strike.

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3 minutes ago, FoliFF said:

I meant the youtuber that discuss the most efficient way to summon a hero 5* in general for future reference when a banner does come that interest you. From what I can tell he'll update the calculation how likely you can get one by that particular banner.

And I'm just saying don't get hung up that you can't earn feathers consistently and just save the one you have for future units that may be needs to be upgraded unless you already have a couple that you want to upgrade that is. I'm just throwing out a suggestion that play as casually as possible. Such as just come back for the story missions and other special that are easy to do and doesn't frustrate yourself on the other features that will just bang your head to the wall. Simply put, just wait for the "perfect" opportunity to strike.

Summoning a 5 star still requires luck. There's no sure way to summon them unless you somehow summoned 120 times without pulling one.

I just said I already did all of that. I am DONE WITH THE STORY.

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14 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I've already done all that. Obviously not every single unit I have is at their max level or anything, but some suck too much to be worth using. But I have trained up my best ones already. All I can do is get feathers and upgrade people.

And what guy? You linked me to a video, not a summoned character.

I don't think he means a unit, he actually means the youtuber. He gives tips about how to increase your chances of getting a five star. Edit: I'm slow.

The A.I. is really predictable in this game. Marth will almost always Pivot closer to you if there is someone that he can use it on. Enemies will almost always go for a unit they have an advantage over, unless there's someone that they can attack, then they will do that. Effie will almost always use smite if she can (which means using it on someone close to her and they can actually land somewhere). There's a lot of ways to work around it though.

3 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Summoning a 5 star still requires luck. There's no sure way to summon them unless you somehow summoned 120 times without pulling one.

I just said I already did all of that. I am DONE WITH THE STORY.

There's new story and paralogue's coming out every so often, as you know. I believe he meant that.

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15 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Except I'm having nothing BUT trouble in the arena. And if I can't get feathers, I can't upgrade people and get more strong units. I can't summon because the focuses have been pretty bad in my opinion. I think arena seasons and banners should last a shorter time though. One week for the former and over two for the latter is far too long. I'm tired of waiting for a banner I'm actually willing to summon from. None of these have been good at all to me.

I don't have a calculator handy either, nor do I know how to calculate damage at all without checking out the previews the game shows you.

Calculating damage is simple:

  1. Atk - defense/resistance = damage (this is only when you are attacking a neutral. Example: Sword vs. Sword or an archer vs. A tome)
  2. 1.2×Atk - defense/resistance = damage (this is for when you have weapon triangle advantage. Example: Sword vs. Ax or Ax vs. Lance)
  3. 1.5×Atk - defense/resistance = damage (this is for "effective against" things. Example: Bow vs. Flier or Poison Dagger vs. Infantry)
  4. .8×Atk - defence/resistance = damage (This is ineffective attacking. Example: An ax hitting a sword. A Lance hitting a red.)

You should have a calculator on your phone, and if you don't you can download one! This should really help you a lot. And if you're good with numbers, and you can memorize it, you'll be able to know what will do what without calculations. Like maybe you'll remember that a plus attack Nino with no buffs doesn't Ko Anna (As an example)

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6 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Calculating damage is simple:

  1. Atk - defense/resistance = damage (this is only when you are attacking a neutral. Example: Sword vs. Sword or an archer vs. A tome)
  2. 1.2×Atk - defense/resistance = damage (this is for when you have weapon triangle advantage. Example: Sword vs. Ax or Ax vs. Lance)
  3. 1.5×Atk - defense/resistance = damage (this is for "effective against" things. Example: Bow vs. Flier or Poison Dagger vs. Infantry)
  4. .8×Atk - defence/resistance = damage (This is ineffective attacking. Example: An ax hitting a sword. A Lance hitting a red.)

You should have a calculator on your phone, and if you don't you can download one! This should really help you a lot. And if you're good with numbers, and you can memorize it, you'll be able to know what will do what without calculations. Like maybe you'll remember that a plus attack Nino with no buffs doesn't Ko Anna (As an example)

@Anacybele There's also this, where you simply pick the units and the rest of the math is done for you. Weapons/Skills/Stats are preloaded, so change what you need to, to indicate if your Fred is different from the standard



*See a screenshot below




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Just now, Anacybele said:

Summoning a 5 star still requires luck. There's no sure way to summon them unless you somehow summoned 120 times without pulling one.

I just said I already did all of that. I am DONE WITH THE STORY.

oh okay, even on hard and lunatic difficulties? Then as my last suggestion is just pure experimentation with the units you currently have. You never know you might find a good synergy that works well on something. Since from my experience it's all about the waiting game and patience. Nothing more nothing less sadly.

Just now, Birdy said:

There's new story and paralogue's coming out every so often, as you know. I believe he meant that.

Yeah this sorry if I wasn't clear enough.

As for the arena the other seems to cover that much better than I can.

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4 hours ago, Arcanite said:


Lyn isn't great but geez Louise. Is this salt From smash bros. or do you have a seething hatred for blazing sword (Ha, get it? Seething hatred? Blazing sword? Zinger!)

I never played binding or blazing but I want to try just to see if she is as epic as I think she is. They could've done a lot better with Roy in this game. That triangle adept also makes him a bit of a wiff.

But It also makes him one of the best counter - if not the best counter against Hector. And even then, you just need to not make him fight Blue units and he will be fine.

4 hours ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

Lyn is pretty decent at first but not omgwtfbbq amazing until lategame (at least in my experience). But HECTOR on the other hand is just as goddamn OP in Blazing as he is in Heroes. 

Also, as someone who's also played Binding, it's oddly fitting that Roy's arguably the worst of the main sword lords in Heroes. Because until Roy gets his signature sword (which is suuuuper lategame), he's...well...complete and utter garbage. I still love him as a character, but man is Roy possibly the weakest main lord I've ever played as. Roy's still my boy though. 

Seliph is the worst main lord Sword user in the game, actually.

4 hours ago, Vaximillian said:


You cannot escape the mileseyes~

Why do you want me to die

Anyway, the only one who really interests me of this banner is Karel and - even then - I'm not sure I'll try to pull him. I think I'll wait for the next one with Eliwood and especially Minerva, since I really want a powerful axe user.


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Ana, just get good at the game.

No, seriously. If you keep on doing this, "I'm not using X because I don't like them" or "I don't have any good units" crap, then you're not going to have fun with the game or beat anything at all.

The game makes me use characters I wouldn't have even considered using, and I like that it does that. To beat Ursula, I raised a 3-star f!Robin I barely used to 4-star level 30-something. I used Wendy to beat a quest. Clarine is my all-purpose healer despite ignoring her in favor of Saul in FE6. Also, you're not the only one who sees a lot of Takumis in the arena. But I've found several counters to him, with the units that I have, so I can beat the arena. I mean, I raised fucking Alfonse to 5-star level 40, and made him work on my team. Try to be more patient and actually use the units you got instead of going "I hate everyone, I'm never using them".

Like, even I use the Lucina I drew and I'm not that fond of her either.

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1 minute ago, Elieson said:

@Anacybele There's also this, where you simply pick the units and the rest of the math is done for you:



*See a screenshot below

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I knew you'd try and one up me, lol. This is really nice though. Does eclipse have this on the first post cause it's pretty epic.

If you're cool you use the regular calculator, like a boss

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8 minutes ago, Birdy said:

There's new story and paralogue's coming out every so often, as you know. I believe he meant that.

I know he meant that. I've done the new paralogues and stuff already.

That does look handy, Elie. I'll have to use it when I can and have the time.

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1 minute ago, Arcanite said:

If you're cool you use the regular calculator, like a boss

I just built my own calculator, which runs battles against every unit in the game simultaneously, so I can compare raw numbers. this stuff is chump change with a pretty interface

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1 minute ago, The Malign Knight said:

But It also makes him one of the best counter - if not the best counter against Hector. And even then, you just need to not make him fight Blue units and he will be fine.

Yeah I've seen some pictures too. It's pretty nasty, lol

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19 minutes ago, FoliFF said:

Such as just come back for the story missions and other special that are easy to do and doesn't frustrate yourself on the other features that will just bang your head to the wall. Simply put, just wait for the "perfect" opportunity to strike.


1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

I know he meant that. I've done the new paralogues and stuff already.

That does look handy, Elie. I'll have to use it when I can and have the time.

He said 'come back', meaning when they add new ones, not repeat the ones that are out already.

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4 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Ana, just get good at the game.

I can't just "get good at the game." You think I can suddenly become an expert with the snap of a finger?


No, seriously. If you keep on doing this, "I'm not using X because I don't like them" or "I don't have any good units" crap, then you're not going to have fun with the game or beat anything at all.

The game makes me use characters I wouldn't have even considered using, and I like that it does that. To beat Ursula, I raised a 3-star f!Robin I barely used to 4-star level 30-something. I used Wendy to beat a quest. Clarine is my all-purpose healer despite ignoring her in favor of Saul in FE6. Also, you're not the only one who sees a lot of Takumis in the arena. But I've found several counters to him, with the units that I have, so I can beat the arena. I mean, I raised fucking Alfonse to 5-star level 40, and made him work on my team. Try to be more patient and actually use the units you got instead of going "I hate everyone, I'm never using them".

Like, even I use the Lucina I drew and I'm not that fond of her either.

Then have fun using characters you don't like. Because for me, doing that lessens my enjoyment of the game. And I don't hate everybody, stop exaggerating.

Also, it's way more than just Takumis. A lot of self-healing Lucinas, Faes, Chroms, etc, a lot of healers, a lot of red units, and a lot of units that are just plain too strong. Even units that mine should theoretically have the advantage over kill my group.

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Just now, Anacybele said:

I can't just "get good at the game." You think I can suddenly become an expert with the snap of a finger?

I think you're getting frustrated too easily and not giving it your all. And by not giving it your all, I mean that I don't think you're using all the options that can be readily available to you.

Just now, Anacybele said:

Then have fun using characters you don't like. Because for me, doing that lessens my enjoyment of the game. And I don't hate everybody, stop exaggerating.

You seem to hate an awful amount of characters, pretty much everyone people recommend you use you say you don't like so you never will. If you only want to play with characters you like, maybe you should take a break until Ike and the Tellius crew show up.

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