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@Falcom, both of the specific unit quests for the Training Tower and the March Lunatic quests are so luck-reliant. If you don't have any horsemen, enemies or allies, then you cannot complete them. I was lucky that a couple of horsemen showed up during my power-leveling with Cherche, Michalis, Subaki, etc. for Lunatic Michalis and for general training that I got the 5 orbs. For the 10 Stratum Training Tower quests, screw that. I don't have an axe knight because they're the rarest of the bunch to summon despite somehow summoning half the green units within my first 5-7 summons, I don't have any other sword fliers besides Palla, my only axe fliers have crappy resistance since I don't have Camilla or Minerva, and while my blue flyers are good, none of them have any real way to deal with armored units other than hope Subaki can out-tank them. Infantry might be doable, but 15 times is still crazy.

The Lunatic Challenges are at least strategy-focused and static.

@Iris, okay. After I finish this homework and maybe I'll just make a general quest thread for this. We'll see in a few.

@Arcanite, Falcom's point about how the quests up until this point were either trivial or ridiculous that people didn't really figure there needed to be a quest. For example, don't have Ephraim? Can't do KO 5 units with Ephraim unless it happened during the Voting Gauntlet which is how I got the Eldigan one and almost the Klein one finished. I was relieved that the Blazing Shadows quest didn't have that even though I managed to get Ninian during the banner's time. That said, people need help and if it's for quests, then maybe there should be a thread even if many of us find it easy like the do Paralogue 2-X on Lunatic which might actually be difficult for some.

As for why I'm doing the quests. Figured I'd do them while finishing up the Lunatic story maps since before I started, I was up to 8-4. Lunatic Michalis took most of the time and it helped since I have a handful of level 40 units now.

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6 minutes ago, Kaden said:

The Lunatic Challenges are at least strategy-focused and static.

@Iris, okay. After I finish this homework and maybe I'll just make a general quest thread for this. We'll see in a few.

Okay, good luck! I just read the wall of text you had and you have all the units you need to beat 9-3, 9-4, and 9-5. 

I beat them a while ago (except 9-5 is fresh in my mind because I beat it last night) and this is what I used:

9-3: 4* F!Robin, 4* Olivia, 5* Lucina, 5* Peri

9-4: 4* F!Robin, 4* Olivia, 4* Azama (I think? or it was Lucina, IDR), 5* Peri

9-5: 4* Ursula, 4* Olivia, 5* Lucina, 4* Raven

As you can see, Olivia and Hone Attack 3 were MVPs. I hope you have Olivia though, but I'm sure we can work something else out. Also Peri is easily substituted by any decent lance (I can see Effie working in your case). We'll discuss strategies later.

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4 hours ago, Glaceon Mage said:

Really? Hm, I have three of them at Lv40 (4*Palla, 4*Catria, and 5*Shanna).  I've trained my Michalis a bit, he's mid-20's.  

Goad Flyers is pretty great for All-Flyer teams, yeah.  Desperation is honestly a really good skill for speedsters like Shanna, and Shanna's high Res feeds into Iceberg well.  She's a good magekiller just in general, really.

You're on a better horse ^^' as all of them are 4☆ on my game. 5☆ Shanna is definitely interesting as sometimes the -1 spd added on Threaten Speed is important to double or not to double. What helped me most was that I positioned Michalis and Shanna at range so they can debuff enemy def and spd, and the added bonus from goad fliers was incredible. Most op units were rekt this way. Did you clear the flier quest? If not, then train michalis and do it as it'll be easier with 5☆ Shanna.

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Because RNG mocks me, the game has given me another 5* Roy, so my question to anyone that's done some min/maxing with inheritance, do you think Roy's Binding Blade is useful to keep around as inheritance fodder for a future Swordsman, or should I just make a +2 Roy through Merging? I have a fairly well rounded roster, so it's not like I'd ever need the extra Roy as a Unit.

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1 minute ago, Jimbo said:

Because RNG mocks me, the game has given me another 5* Roy, so my question to anyone that's done some min/maxing with inheritance, do you think Roy's Binding Blade is useful to keep around as inheritance fodder for a future Swordsman, or should I just make a +2 Roy through Merging? I have a fairly well rounded roster, so it's not like I'd ever need the extra Roy as a Unit.

Keep the better nature, then Merge.

T-Adept from 5 star Roy isn't worth to me 

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6 minutes ago, Jimbo said:

Because RNG mocks me, the game has given me another 5* Roy, so my question to anyone that's done some min/maxing with inheritance, do you think Roy's Binding Blade is useful to keep around as inheritance fodder for a future Swordsman, or should I just make a +2 Roy through Merging? I have a fairly well rounded roster, so it's not like I'd ever need the extra Roy as a Unit.

Can you even inherit the Binding Blade? I assumed it was like the Falchion or Armads in that it couldn't be transferred to other characters through Skill Inheritance. 

As for merging, that really depends on how useful the current Roy you have is. If he's a core member of your team then yes, I would merge (but check both natures to see whether or not the new one is better than the old to know which Roy to merge to the other). Otherwise I'd keep him around for inheritance fodder (Triangle Adept 3 is in high demand on a lot of builds). 

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It seems as if Karel, Ninian, and Jaffar are only pullable at 5-star. That kind of sucks. They need to add more of the former focus banner characters to the 3-star pool or something.

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Just now, Sunwoo said:

It seems as if Karel, Ninian, and Jaffar are only pullable at 5-star. That kind of sucks. They need to add more of the former focus banner characters to the 3-star pool or something.

At least, Priscilla can also be pulled at 4⋆, which pleases me.

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Holy cow, look at the skills on the new units. Swift Sparrow is amazing, although like every single weapon is kinda meh. Live For Honor / Live For Bounty is interesting, and I'd love to see a feathers version of it someday...

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New update looks interesting.

Looks like Xander has a Training Tower farming skill. Don't know why you would want more Badges, but it is there...

Chrom's Axe Experience though... x2 experience for all axe users if he survives at the end of a battle? That is insane! Granted, it does not stack with other EXP multipliers (like the ongoing event), but it is still useful for leveling up axes.

Swift Sparrow - Great, so now Darting Blow and Death Blow had a baby and named it Swift Sparrow for +4 ATT & SPD when on the offensive. I can see it having some uses, but I prefer my Life and Death currently.

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8 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

Can you even inherit the Binding Blade? I assumed it was like the Falchion or Armads in that it couldn't be transferred to other characters through Skill Inheritance. 

As for merging, that really depends on how useful the current Roy you have is. If he's a core member of your team then yes, I would merge (but check both natures to see whether or not the new one is better than the old to know which Roy to merge to the other). Otherwise I'd keep him around for inheritance fodder (Triangle Adept 3 is in high demand on a lot of builds). 

You can not, yet. I'm sure at some point you will be able to later though with all the changes they've been making. The unit is so useless beyond that it's meh. He solely exists as a back row buffer and Heavy Green killer (So Hector or challenge units).

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New datamined banners:

Battling Navarre: Caeda(lol), Sophia, Effie, Kagero

Voting gauntlet-Pegasus knights: Hinoka, Palla, Subaki, Cordelia

Voting gauntlet-Wyvern riders: Minerva, Camilla, Beruka, Cherche

Pick your teams!

Edited by Korath88
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1 minute ago, Korath88 said:

New datamined banners:

Battling Navarre: Caeda, Sophia, Effie, Kagero

Voting gauntlet-Pegasus knights: Hinoka, Palla, Subaki, Cordelia

Voting gauntlet-Wyvern riders: Minerva, Camilla, Beruka, Cherche


NOW that's something worth waiting for. 

So excited! - Odin. 

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6 minutes ago, Korath88 said:

New datamined banners:

Battling Navarre: Caeda(lol), Sophia, Effie, Kagero

Voting gauntlet-Pegasus knights: Hinoka, Palla, Subaki, Cordelia

Voting gauntlet-Wyvern riders: Minerva, Camilla, Beruka, Cherche

Pick your teams!

Navarre is the next grand hero battle? So excited indeed! Caeda means axes, Sophia means low-Res, Effie means swords, Kagero means infantry (duh).

The gauntlet is no contest for me: Minerva, of course.

Also, maybe there was a map for Navarre's battle? (and a link where it all was taken from)

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Oh, the next banners have been determined?

... I guess I'll have to go with Tsubaki, he's been such a big help on the fliers quest (he and Narcian, but the latter is not on the banner), so how could I say no? Also, my Palla is kind of under leveled.

Even though I have Cherche and Camilla they weren't as helpful as Tsubaki.

Uhh, why did it upload someone else's picture onto my post?

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Now i wished I'd waited rather than going straight to the Spring banner. Still at least I got the most interesting of units? Magic flier is bound to be useful, can't wait until we get more data so i can work out her boon and bane (unless she just has the same stats as regular?)


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4 minutes ago, Korath88 said:

New datamined banners:

Battling Navarre: Caeda(lol), Sophia, Effie, Kagero

Voting gauntlet-Pegasus knights: Hinoka, Palla, Subaki, Cordelia

Voting gauntlet-Wyvern riders: Minerva, Camilla, Beruka, Cherche

Pick your teams!

If only Camilla wasn't in there, it would have been an interesting and close match up. There's no way she doesn't just Lucina the results.

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Just did a round of summons and got the best character in the game... Carrot Xander's horse. (I'm only partly joking, didn't pay attention to the map sprites in the video, so the carrots in his/her mouth was a surprise) 

Hmm the gauntlet is interesting, I'm actually going to need to think about this one. 

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Oh, crud. Camilla may likely win this cuz boobs.

Hmm... who should I choose...Minerva? Unless she's against Camilla, in that case I may jump to the pegasi side and choose either Hinoka or Palla.

Though, the developers should probably think about avoiding inputting notably popular characters (compared to the others) in these gauntlets for the time being. They should know how it makes the results predictable after what happened with Lucina, and Camilla has quite a fanbase.

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1 minute ago, NoirCore said:

Hmm... who should I choose...Minerva? Unless she's against Camilla, in that case I may jump to the pegasi side and choose either Hinoka or Palla.

Yeah, I'm going Minerva at first, then Palla if she survives. Then I'll just toss a coin.

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45 minutes ago, Jimbo said:

You can not, yet. I'm sure at some point you will be able to later though with all the changes they've been making. The unit is so useless beyond that it's meh. He solely exists as a back row buffer and Heavy Green killer (So Hector or challenge units).

Why would they allow you to inherit unique weapons in the future? They seem pretty adamant that they are a part of those characters.

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New Datamined Banners look good.

For Battling Navarre, I could use an Effie. I also like Caeda can can use Kagero for merging fodder. Sophia is all right, but is not the best character.
For Pegasus Knights, I want them all save for Subaki. I could use a better Palla and do not own Hinoka or Cordelia.
For Wyvern Riders, I could use a Minerva. Getting a good IV Camilla and more Cherches are bonuses for me. Beruka too has her uses as I intend on making her into a flying fortress.

Thing is, I already said to myself I will not spend money on Heroes for April, but with all these excellent choices, it is very tempting. The best I can hope for is my luck becomes insanely good and I don't have to spend that many Orbs to get the characters I want.

As for teams, I am Team Cherche. She was my Avatar's spouse, and she remains one of my favorite characters. That, and I already got two Cherches that are pretty well off in terms of inherited skills. I just need the feathers to promote them to 5* status and the 5* exclusive skills to finish up their sets...

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48 minutes ago, Sire said:

New Datamined Banners look good.

For Battling Navarre, I could use an Effie. I also like Caeda can can use Kagero for merging fodder. Sophia is all right, but is not the best character.
For Pegasus Knights, I want them all save for Subaki. I could use a better Palla and do not own Hinoka or Cordelia.
For Wyvern Riders, I could use a Minerva. Getting a good IV Camilla and more Cherches are bonuses for me. Beruka too has her uses as I intend on making her into a flying fortress.

Thing is, I already said to myself I will not spend money on Heroes for April, but with all these excellent choices, it is very tempting. The best I can hope for is my luck becomes insanely good and I don't have to spend that many Orbs to get the characters I want.

As for teams, I am Team Cherche. She was my Avatar's spouse, and she remains one of my favorite characters. That, and I already got two Cherches that are pretty well off in terms of inherited skills. I just need the feathers to promote them to 5* status and the 5* exclusive skills to finish up their sets...

Oh good, I was wondering if there were any more of us out there. It will be a tough battle against Camilla, but I believe we still have a chance!

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So many banners, so much to pull

I went ahead and did a last summon of the last banner and got a 4 star -Def/+Spd Nino. Thing is, I already leveled up a 3 star Nino last week all the way to 40 for the extra SP...I guess the new 4 star summon saves me feathers (I'll 5 star her eventually). Now I feel those levels/SP of the 3 star would be wasted admittedly

Could use a 5 star Effie, Minerva with better nature and a Hinoka. I'll at least attempt an Easter one just for Chrome (Axe exp bonus woo and Atk+Def is neat) or flying mage Camilla.

Cherche all the way for the gauntlet though!

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