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8 hours ago, Kaden said:

If you want a Veronica counter that is a red mage, Sophia with G Tomebreaker and T-Adept would be a good choice as I'm constantly reminded of because I DON'T HAVE ANY RED MAGES, BUT STARTER RAIGH AND SOPHIA...

Ahem, yeah, she'd be a good choice. Sophia with Rauorraven, T-Adept, and G Tomebreaker would also be a good way to counter Julia and other green mages in general while also being able to handle colorless units since she'd take chip damage against them.

The issue with Lunatic Tempest Trials Veronica is that her boosted stats lets her ORKO red mages -- or at the very least, leave them very close to death -- who don't have at least 27 speed when they're a 3* to 4* which is basically every =Spd red mage, but Tharja and possibly Katarina if she becomes 4* summonable. That leaves 5* red mages and you'd need to either summon them or promote them.

The alternative option aside from going ham with -blade tomes or a Brave Bow bride Cordelia with speed buffs to double her immediately with Desperation, is to use Lucina, Masked Marth, or Ryoma against her. =Spd Lucina is off by 1 speed from doubling Veronica, but she can take 1 hit from Veronica to have Defiant Spd activate on her turn. That would also charge her special, so she could have Luna ready to finish Veronica off. Masked Marth is Lucina, but without passives, so you'd just need to give her the skills you want and Ryoma has Raijinto which would let him counter against Veronica and probably kill her on his turn if she didn't get counter killed.

I think Lloyd can work too since his resistance is high enough to take hits from her and he's strong enough to kill her. Not sure about this or Hana, Lon'qu, and Navarre -- could check with KageroChart. Otherwise, Athena and L&D3, Ruby Sword Selena -- basically the same stats as Athena because of L&D3 -- would work too.

Do keep in mind that nobody knows if Veronica will be the boss of July's Tempest Trials, but that said, +Atk, -Spd Sophia with Rauorraven, T-Adept, and G or R Tomebreaker or Quick Riposte is still a good unit.

I'll probably raise Sophia for that role anyway since I don't have Sanaki, Celica is fine with Ragnarok if I were to get her, Lilina is fine as a nuclear firebomb and Raigh seems to... just not be that great. Though I'll probably push her back and raise other units for the trials. Depending on what's thrown at us I may *5 a Camilla so my freshly *5'ed +ATK/-RES Cherche can get the Brave Axe+ and Draconic Aura to go with her Death Blow 3.

Thing is I don't know what units will be necessary. Green units were a Godsend in the last TT and I only had 2 usable ones (ONE before I raised Nino). There's still Camus who's waiting to be *5'ed, Lloyd and Cecilia are still in the lower 30s/upper 20s waiting to be raised (currently *4) and I don't know what the next theme for the trials will be.

If it's something like a Blazing or Blinding banner, chances are I'll have to raise a Fir or Batre or something like that. Even if we find out the world and bonus units early, we still won't know what the final battle is like until it's actually released, at which point it'll be too late and become pointless. Sucks either way...

I'm just going to Raise Sophia in the meantime, nothing else that pressing to do with the stamina I guess.

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Getting both 4* Clarisse from today's GHB puts me here...


For the first time, I'm considering expanding the barracks.  I have so much potentially good SI fodder in my 3* lineup that I have little use for now, but no doubt will later, as well as copies for good characters like Nino I'll want to use for merges at some point.  For most of my time playing, 200 characters seemed excessive, but now it's not quite enough.

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2 minutes ago, Robert of Normandy said:

So now that I've done all 3 difficulties for her, is there a consensus on Clarisse as a unit? Is she a "hell yeah" or a "hell nah?"

She's literally Virion, so "ok at best"


I had a feeling that her new weapon is basically Dagger but worse but eh



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3 minutes ago, JSND said:

She's literally Virion, so "ok at best"

I see. Disappointing to hear, but I guess she'll do if I need her for bonus or something.

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3 minutes ago, Robert of Normandy said:

I see. Disappointing to hear, but I guess she'll do if I need her for bonus or something.

Honestly though if she isn't free 31/34 would be pretty cool in "before Bride Cordelia" world

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42 minutes ago, Robert of Normandy said:

So now that I've done all 3 difficulties for her, is there a consensus on Clarisse as a unit? Is she a "hell yeah" or a "hell nah?"

Her bow would be good on defensive/resistive units with decent speed.  Debuffing their attack and speed would help them survive two encounters and finish them off.  Still, I think a debuff of -def/-res would be more useful in the speed meta, especially with vantage.

Her bow could be useful on Faye as a magekiller.

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2 hours ago, DLNarshen said:

Getting both 4* Clarisse from today's GHB puts me here...


For the first time, I'm considering expanding the barracks.  I have so much potentially good SI fodder in my 3* lineup that I have little use for now, but no doubt will later, as well as copies for good characters like Nino I'll want to use for merges at some point.  For most of my time playing, 200 characters seemed excessive, but now it's not quite enough.

To help legitamize expanding the barracks, I just added an orb to the cost of my pulls. If I wanted a full pull, then I needed 21 orbs instead of 20 in order to pay for their room and board. Now I appreciate the extra room for these GHB copies.

And you could get considerably less return on orbs just by using them to summon. 25 extra slots for one (probably) 3 star est. Good deal if you ask me.

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1 hour ago, Robert of Normandy said:

So now that I've done all 3 difficulties for her, is there a consensus on Clarisse as a unit? Is she a "hell yeah" or a "hell nah?"


58 minutes ago, JSND said:

She's literally Virion, so "ok at best"

+spd Virion to be fair. Her speed is pretty good, but her attack is to low to compete with the TKJ trio, let alone Bridelia. +atk Setsuna is also better. I think she can be a reasonable archer if you don't have any good ones, but considering Setsuna isn't exactly rare, she's hardly worth the investment.

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7 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

But Swordbreaker Azura vs Xander.

 Well yeah it doesn't work on Reinhardt sadly

On physical its kinda hilarious to think that Xander can actually 1v1 Effie outside defensive Terrain provided she isn't +ATK or running QP Moonbow

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My god... Lukas seriously saved me on Lunatic. Actually, it was more like Drag Back did.

I had to run Julia, Priscilla, Xander, and Lukas even though it was a weird team. I had no hope left because Priscilla was in range of Clarisse who would kill her when her and Xander were already used. And even though I regret putting Drag back on Lukas, it managed to pull her Clarisse out of range of Priscilla. Dragon Fang Julia and Ignis Lukas then proceed to wreck the dagger man and Clarisse. Lukas is the real MVP.

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8 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

So Clarisse is basically the anti-Lachesis. 

Her voice is way higher than I would have expected from her art .__.

Anti Roxas? I'm up for any ideas, the light of Macedon is fading...

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I have 70 stamina potions. This is interesting. 20 more stamina. 20 more and I can finish the fifth stratum flags quests since I forgot to do them while training Camus, Laslow, Legion, Mae, and Nino.

I don't remember what the max number of Light Blessings you can get. I think it should be at least 30 since I think you can get at least one from the Nintendo rewards thingie since I'm sitting at 29 and I've never used one before since they're kind of pointless to me.

Also, is it bad that I kind of don't want to summon for any banner that isn't seasonal anymore? Regulars will always be there unless the developers accidentally release a buggy character or something e.g. "Whoops, Glade has 5% attack growth because the 0 in 50 was deleted by accident" and some will become 4* and 5* summonable. So, I'll get them eventually. (I say knowing that my soul will be crushed with every future summon where only Raigh and Sophia will show up.) Seasonal units won't show up until maybe a year or so and part of me likes getting 4* units mostly because there's more chances to get them and more chances to not get a -Atk one. That and it's easier to just sack a 4* for their skills than a 5*. Seriously, spare Linde and Soren make me wonder what I should do with them since I don't want to merge them.

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@Kaden Me too. I usually ignore normal banners. The only banners I pull are ones with higher chances, seasonal ones, or ones with characters I want to use (Celica, Elise, Reinhardt). For seasonal ones, I do full pulls (for skill fodder) until I get everyone and then I switch over to sniping the ones I want.

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12 minutes ago, Kaden said:

I don't remember what the max number of Light Blessings you can get. I think it should be at least 30 since I think you can get at least one from the Nintendo rewards thingie since I'm sitting at 29 and I've never used one before since they're kind of pointless to me.

They're pretty much only useful for quests where you need every ally to survive. It saves you stamina so you don't have to restart and redo everything. It's not like you'll be using it for anything else because you can't use them in the arena, tempest, or GHBs. I suppose you can use them in the gauntlet though

Edited by GuiltyLove
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28 minutes ago, XRay said:

@Kaden Me too. I usually ignore normal banners. The only banners I pull are ones with higher chances, seasonal ones, or ones with characters I want to use (Celica, Elise, Reinhardt). For seasonal ones, I do full pulls (for skill fodder) until I get everyone and then I switch over to sniping the ones I want.

I've tried doing full summons about 2 per banner. Well, I ended up with too many units and my dumb luck with greens landed me with about half of the playable greens by Julia's release. Full summons are fun and you never know who will be useful in whatever mode or situation and who you'll end up liking, but that takes up a lot of space.

23 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

@Kaden, quite to the contrary, I couldn’t care less about the seasonal banners. I’m glad there hasn’t been a red seasonal unit, so I’m safe to pull red.

Not all seasonal banners even if ones might be good like the Spring Festival one offering us the only flying mage, but if there's a seasonal banner I like, for example, a hypothetical vampire banner for Halloween with Camus, Leo, Reinhardt, and someone else or it has someone with art I like, then sure. It's just that with them being seasonal, I'm starting to feel like I should summon from them more because they're limited unlike with regular banners.

Also, I wonder if you would whale if there was a seasonal banner with Sharena. :p

26 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

They're pretty much only useful for quests where you need every ally to survive. It saves you stamina so you don't have to restart and redo everything. It's not like you'll be using it for anything else because you can't use them in the arena, tempest, or GHBs. I suppose you can use them in the gauntlet though

I know that, but I'd rather just start over so I can think it over again. It's not like Final Fantasy or something where using a revive item or spell would be really helpful. This one's like it saves time and stamina, but that's pretty much it. I don't know, I find Light's Blessings useful. Others do, but not me.


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