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14 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

UGH Effie just ruined my pity rate. I already have a Brave Lance+ Effie with the perfect nature... Death Blow fodder or merge? 

Death Blow fodder obviously. No trousers, no knight.

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Just now, Vaximillian said:

Death Blow fodder obviously. No trousers, no knight.

I thought about it some, and I really don't use Effie in the Arena at all (which begs the question of why did I even optimize her but lol), so I guess fodder it is.

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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:


It bugs me somewhat that every character and their dog seem to have personal weapons in the more recent games. No wonder the old timers want the DS generation players off their lawn.

Because Pugi, Excalibur, Aura, Rescue Staff, Brave Lance, Thunder of Goddamnit, Girrafecalibur, 12 Holy Weapon, Earth Sword, Light Sword, Blaggi Sword,  Mercurius, My Father Who Married Another Woman Sword, Aum my god, Hammerne Karn is so much better amirite

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5 minutes ago, JSND said:

Because Pugi, Excalibur, Aura, Rescue Staff, Brave Lance, Thunder of Goddamnit, Girrafecalibur, 12 Holy Weapon, Earth Sword, Light Sword, Blaggi Sword,  Mercurius, My Father Who Married Another Woman Sword, Aum my god, Hammerne Karn is so much better amirite

That's still a tiny list compared to the total number of characters in those games.

There are 18 weapons listed in the Fates Conquest section that are named after a character (I'm not counting exclusive weapons, just weapons with a character's name in it) for 40 playable characters.

Compare to 8 exclusive weapons (and zero weapons named for characters) in FE4 for a playable cast of 47 (excluding characters that are mutually exclusive of each other) or 7 exclusive weapons (3 of which are locked to duplicate characters) (and zero weapons named for characters) in FE7 for a playable cast of 42 (excluding characters that are mutually exclusive of each other).

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12 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

That's still a tiny list compared to the total number of characters in those games.

There are 18 weapons listed in the Fates Conquest section that are named after a character (I'm not counting exclusive weapons, just weapons with a character's name in it) for 40 playable characters.

Compare to 8 exclusive weapons (and zero weapons named for characters) in FE4 for a playable cast of 47 (excluding characters that are mutually exclusive of each other) or 7 exclusive weapons (3 of which are locked to duplicate characters) (and zero weapons named for characters) in FE7 for a playable cast of 42 (excluding characters that are mutually exclusive of each other).

I legitimately didn't realize C! named weapon is that much lol

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13 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

Did... Catria multiply? 

"I must away to Rigel. The Catrias... wish to CONSUME ME!"

(In all seriousness, those are duplicates in your barracks. I see multiples of units I have- and in one instance, a Caeda with a Killing Edge and a Caeda with an Armourslayer, to drive the point home).

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3 hours ago, phineas81707 said:

"I must away to Rigel. The Catrias... wish to CONSUME ME!"

(In all seriousness, those are duplicates in your barracks. I see multiples of units I have- and in one instance, a Caeda with a Killing Edge and a Caeda with an Armourslayer, to drive the point home).

That's nothing, I sometimes see my Bridal Caeda and my normal Caeda in the same room, same for my Bridelias and normal Cordelia.

"Who are you?"

"I am you, but with my man."

5 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

That's still a tiny list compared to the total number of characters in those games.

There are 18 weapons listed in the Fates Conquest section that are named after a character (I'm not counting exclusive weapons, just weapons with a character's name in it) for 40 playable characters.

Compare to 8 exclusive weapons (and zero weapons named for characters) in FE4 for a playable cast of 47 (excluding characters that are mutually exclusive of each other) or 7 exclusive weapons (3 of which are locked to duplicate characters) (and zero weapons named for characters) in FE7 for a playable cast of 42 (excluding characters that are mutually exclusive of each other).

I'm not sure if it's possible to "be fair" in this scenario, but it wasn't really until Shadow Dragon (or was it New MotE?) that weapons started getting named after characters, and Shadow Dragon/NMotE were remakes of old titles, Awakening was basically IS going all-out with what could have been the last game in the series, and Fates... lifting heavily from Awakening I gues? In fact, I'm surprised that there aren't more character-named equipables in Echoes besides the 4 or 5 we did get (in a cast of 34 + 4 from DLC, which to be fair is split in half for all but the post-game)

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4 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

That's nothing, I sometimes see my Bridal Caeda and my normal Caeda in the same room, same for my Bridelias and normal Cordelia.

"Who are you?"

"I am you, but with my man."

Yeah, one thing that sorta bothers me about the duplicate thing... I get that it's game mechanic, but how the hell are we pulling multiple versions of the same character from presumably the same location/time each time? Are there hundreds or thousands of parallel universes that are the exact same, or a few that are the same except said character is slightly weaker or stronger than they are in another parallel universe?

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7 minutes ago, Extrasolar said:

Yeah, one thing that sorta bothers me about the duplicate thing... I get that it's game mechanic, but how the hell are we pulling multiple versions of the same character from presumably the same location/time each time? Are there hundreds or thousands of parallel universes that are the exact same, or a few that are the same except said character is slightly weaker or stronger than they are in another parallel universe?

...probably actually.

Think about it, Awakening is all about the whole "alternate timeline" thing where in the "original" timeline, everything was going fine and according to plan until Grima took over Robin's mind, and presumably everyone starts dying from there on, until they are left with 12 or 14 kids who go to the timeline that Awakening is primarily set in, where Lucina alters the events that take place and nobody dies. And THEN we have an alternate timeline where everything has still gone to crap, but the kids failed to return the jewels and Fire Emblem to Lucina and everyone dies, causing Naga to have to step in and bring our army to help them.

The Children of Fate DLC all takes place in an alternate timeline featuring the child units, who are all taken from multiple worlds where one of two things happen: Corrin sides with Hoshido, or Corrin sides with Nohr, with Shigure's world being where Corrin chooses neither Hoshido or Nohr. Then there is the world that Museum Melee takes place in, where armies from other worlds travel to the Museum to battle it out for weapons and items to take back to their own worlds and hopefully quell the wars going on, and on top of THAT the weapons all come from armies from other worlds that no longer need their weapons, and on top of that on top of that, the armies are all led by the capturable units from the child paralogues.

But even ignoring the weirdly put together worlds of Awakening and Fates, there is always the fact that no one Fire Emblem game has a set path to follow: Any combination of units can be recruited or ignored, anyone can live to the end or die because of rigged RNG, any number of extra chapters or alternate paths can be taken or passed up, and in the games with a Support system, any combination of units can have their own endings together, in fact Blazing Blade to Binding Blade features a number of possible routes that can follow because the units in Binding Blade don't confirm any pairings possible in Blazing Blade. Hell, one can even say that the events of FE2 and FE15 are both canon despite featuring different stories, events, characters, and even how characters look.

That explains natures to. What we call "natures" are just how the characters would have grown in their original world. A high attack but low speed Effie probably was destined to max out her Attack stat while only getting like 10 or 12 increases to speed across 40 levels as a Knight/General, meanwhile in a completely different world Effie got 18 or 19 increases to speed but far less Defense and only averaged out attack.

So yeah, it is completely possible.

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12 minutes ago, Xenomata said:


So yeah, it is completely possible.

Oh, yeah, I forgot about all of that stuff. I guess is Awakening can do it, it makes sense for other worlds to do it too. I like your explanations about the boons/banes too.

Headcanon accepted. :P:

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The named weapons in Fates & Awakening never bothered me. In fates in particular, they were bum prizes you'd find in random spots (likely more inteded for the My Castle area, but they show up elsewhere) aside from Subaki's Naginata which had no business being as useful as it was. It also helped that fates had a ton of weapons in general including an absurd number of joke items that, side note, I'm surprised weren't represented in Heroes' summer banners. 

Hidden weapons alone had: stale bread, a candle, a pebble, a hair pin (ok actually this & the pebble were good), chop sticks and a quill pen. As well as the named tray & inexplicably magical plate for felicia & jakob.

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10 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

UGH Effie just ruined my pity rate. I already have a Brave Lance+ Effie with the perfect nature... Death Blow fodder or merge? 

If you haven't used her for fodder already, merge her.  Even if you don't use her in Arena, you can use her in Chain Challenge or Squad Assault, or even the new Arena mode, since you'll need lots of level 40s.

24 minutes ago, KongDude said:

We're on the 1000th page :0

I just noticed that.  Congrats, everybody.

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12 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

Careful- don't want to be reprimanded for spam. I hope we get to page 6969 soon though

More on topic, my pity rate is now 4% for summer. Corrin really doesn't like me :(

If it makes you feel any better, I had to bribe the game to get my Corrin and even then it spat her out as -Atk. That and the fact that we're going to have quite a number of orbs dropped on us in the coming weeks, starting tomorrow with the Bound Hero Battle, part one of the anniversary orbs and the five from the re-tweet thing. 

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I pulled Minerva on the Life and Death banner, and she was who I was looking for there, but she's -Atk, +Res (originally I thought it was the other way around, but I looked at it backwards somehow. Must've been because I couldn't look at both the Heroes screen and the stat calculator at the same time at the time). That just looks SUCKY for her.

Is she salvageable at all? I wanted her because she'd be neat on flier teams. She has...Ward Fliers, I think? And she's cool. I also needed more 5 star axes. But if she'll just be sucky with this bane and boon, I don't want to waste my time. I'd rather give her Life and Death to someone instead in that case. Even though I really wanted to use her in battles...

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2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I pulled Minerva on the Life and Death banner, and she was who I was looking for there, but she's -Atk, +Res (originally I thought it was the other way around, but I looked at it backwards somehow. Must've been because I couldn't look at both the Heroes screen and the stat calculator at the same time at the time). That just looks SUCKY for her.

Is she salvageable at all? I wanted her because she'd be neat on flier teams. She has...Ward Fliers, I think? And she's cool. I also needed more 5 star axes. But if she'll just be sucky with this bane and boon, I don't want to waste my time. I'd rather give her Life and Death to someone instead in that case. Even though I really wanted to use her in battles...

It's not ideal, but with LaD, Minerva still reaches 49 Atk, which isn't terrible, especially with the 38, and Hot Claire is a great weapon that lets you take advantage of special triggers.  Minerva's too good to just be used as fodder.

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7 hours ago, GuiltyLove said:

Did... Catria multiply?

Is that a bad thing? :p

10 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I pulled Minerva on the Life and Death banner, and she was who I was looking for there, but she's -Atk, +Res (originally I thought it was the other way around, but I looked at it backwards somehow. Must've been because I couldn't look at both the Heroes screen and the stat calculator at the same time at the time). That just looks SUCKY for her.

Is she salvageable at all? I wanted her because she'd be neat on flier teams. She has...Ward Fliers, I think? And she's cool. I also needed more 5 star axes. But if she'll just be sucky with this bane and boon, I don't want to waste my time. I'd rather give her Life and Death to someone instead in that case. Even though I really wanted to use her in battles...

+Res, -Atk Minerva is basically Narcian, but if he had 2 less HP for 4 more speed. Take that how you will since she has a legendary and is a 5* right out of the box with good skills compared to Narcian who'd you have to spend at a minimum of 22k feathers, but also has good skills as well... Well, more of Emerald Axe letting wall out blues and Lancebreaker murdering lances.

Also, Minerva is the only unit with Ward Fliers and one of two units who can give L&D3 without needing to promote. So, unless you really don't need Ward Fliers or you really want L&D3 on someone else, I'd just keep Minerva around just to have her. Ward Fliers would be pretty good if you're running other tanky fliers like Beruka, Michalis, Subaki, and possibly Valter as well just to wall out stuff, especially on defense tiles or if you had her, let spring Camilla with Gronnraven and T-Adept laugh at archers.

Edited by Kaden
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I kind of wish seasonals were more diverse. Out of 16, 2 are fliers, 1 is cav and the rest are infantry. It isn't super difficult to make them different either, seeing how Summer Corrin was just thrown on a Wyvern.

Also, Armors need love. They've gotten one new unit, who was a GHB unless I'm forgetting someone.

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5 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:


I would multiply with her though

Sadly, you'd need some fertilizer to make more Pegasus Knights.

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