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3 minutes ago, Yexin said:

i'd like you to notice that ishtar got 43, ayra 45, sigurd 48 and levin 65

i hope they'll add him in the next genealogy banner

god, i'm so happy!!!

I get the feeling Lewyn will get the BK treatment. They release him as TT reward and then later they add Ced (powercreeped Lewyn) to the summoning pool for whales.

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They could do the family theme with lance cavalier Celica, sword Ephraim, mage Hector (green, although Lilina is red) and the biggest problem comes here, blue cavalry mage Veronica, but that would mean 2 blue units.


So, they’ll probably make Veronica a not really good colorless unit and say “what happened my little friends? xdxd”

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Apparently, according to statistics from IS, Anna is the most tapped character in the main menu(20,816,626)  followed by Lucina, male Robin, Takumi, Camilla, Sharena, Alfonse, SD Marth, Olivia and Rai for the top 10 since the launch of the game.

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1 minute ago, silveraura25 said:

I get the feeling Lewyn will get the BK treatment. They release him as TT reward and then later they add Ced (powercreeped Lewyn) to the summoning pool for whales.

why do you think so?

because joshua is a TT reward and because they're based on the same archetype?

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Dang it, Quan... You almost made it into the Top 100 this time!

Still exceeded my expectations, though, going from 270 and becoming the fifth highest ranked Genealogy character. At least there's now a possible Ishtar GHB to look forward to in the future!

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6 minutes ago, Yexin said:

why do you think so?

because joshua is a TT reward and because they're based on the same archetype?

They are similar, but that's not what I had in mind. Both Lewyn and Ced wield the Forseti. IS releases one of them (probably Lewyn) as a incredibly powerful unit and then baits whales with a powercreeped Lewyn a.k.a Ced. I'm saying Ced will be the superior unit because of inheritance in Genealogy. They used the same tactic with BK/Zelgius.

7 minutes ago, Silent shifter said:

Apparently, according to statistics from IS, Anna is the most tapped character in the main menu(20,816,626)  followed by Lucina, male Robin, Takumi, Camilla, Sharena, Alfonse, SD Marth, Olivia and Rai for the top 10 since the launch of the game.

Anna is the first unit you get and others are either popular, one of the first units you can get or very good for F2P (Olivia).

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5 minutes ago, Javi Blizz said:

They could do the family theme with lance cavalier Celica, sword Ephraim, mage Hector (green, although Lilina is red) and the biggest problem comes here, blue cavalry mage Veronica, but that would mean 2 blue units.


So, they’ll probably make Veronica a not really good colorless unit and say “what happened my little friends? xdxd”

FE7 Hector had no affinity with magic so him using the Rex Hasta or a FEH original sword would be more likely. Heck, give him the Runesword for ultimate poetry. B!Ephraim will most likely get Garm to match Eirika. 

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2 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

FE7 Hector had no affinity with magic so him using the Rex Hasta or a FEH original sword would be more likely. Heck, give him the Runesword for ultimate poetry. B!Ephraim will most likely get Garm to match Eirika. 

Giving Hector Forblaze would mirror the inevitable Armads Lilina beautifully. The only thing that stops me from outright supporting this pick is RIGAIN CELICA WITH BELOVED ZOFIA.

Rigain Celica with Beloved Zofia must be a thing. Must.

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10 minutes ago, Silent shifter said:

Apparently, according to statistics from IS, Anna is the most tapped character in the main menu(20,816,626)  followed by Lucina, male Robin, Takumi, Camilla, Sharena, Alfonse, SD Marth, Olivia and Rai for the top 10 since the launch of the game.

Makes sense. Anna is the very first character everyone gets :)

Raigh was an interesting one... but I guess one of the free characters again. Poor Virion lost out!

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6 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Giving Hector Forblaze would mirror the inevitable Armads Lilina beautifully. The only thing that stops me from outright supporting this pick is RIGAIN CELICA WITH BELOVED ZOFIA.

Rigain Celica with Beloved Zofia must be a thing. Must.

And now, with that logic, poor Lilina will die in battle thanks to Armads’ curse. B!Hector will probably be the lance unit with Rex Hasta and commenting how he got it from Darin’s morph. B!Ephraim will most likely have Garm so that leaves red and colorleess open unless they go and give B!Hector the Runesword or an original sword. 

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So, not counting SD Marth (I threw a vote in there Just Because). . .the top-ranked unit that I voted for, because I wanted to, is 230 (Lugh).  Of my other votes. . .

136 - Knoll (this was a protest vote; had that Eir not happened, I would've voted someone else)
412 - PoR Stefan
565 - RD Brom (I TRIED)
619 - Midir
688 - SD Tomas

I'm gonna declare myself queen of the underdogs~!

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5 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

B!Hector will probably be the lance unit with Rex Hasta and commenting how he got it from Darin’s morph. B!Ephraim will most likely have Garm so that leaves red and colorleess open unless they go and give B!Hector the Runesword or an original sword. 

I’ll be fine with that. A lance will help Hector reverse his fate against Zephiel, and Ephraim with Garm is simply another fuck-you to lesser characters that is whatever by this point.

As long as Celica actually gets Beloved Zofia, I’ll be happy.

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2 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Shoo, bad silveraura25, shoo.

I'm not into that. But a playable child character from Echoes would be fun.

Just now, mcsilas said:

What if we get Xander Veronica? Horse sword Distant Counter Veronica?

Difference is Veronica can get boon/banes unlike Xander

That was one of my first guesses for predicting Veronica. Our first paired unit.

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29 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

They are similar, but that's not what I had in mind. Both Lewyn and Ced wield the Forseti. IS releases one of them (probably Lewyn) as a incredibly powerful unit and then baits whales with a powercreeped Lewyn a.k.a Ced. I'm saying Ced will be the superior unit because of inheritance in Genealogy. They used the same tactic with BK/Zelgius.

eh, it's possible, but i really hope not

i'd use levin instead of seti anyway, so i don't mind

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2 minutes ago, Yexin said:

eh, it's possible, but i really hope not

i'd use levin instead of seti anyway, so i don't mind

I'd hope for both being in the summoning pool with their own niche, but I'm slightly scared.

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1 hour ago, mcsilas said:

I mean Reinhardt is top 5 but I guess he also has the power of memes

Like Wrys who is also in the top 100

Also interestingly Ranulf is on the list twice in the top 100. 

Awakening Anna is more popular than Heroes Anna, but both are still in the top 100.

Berkut is also pretty popular. Genny just made it in at 98, Lon'qu hanging on at 99 while Cormag is 100.

That does make sense, but man the last half male 20 characters really drop.

1 hour ago, Lord-Zero said:


@ZangetsuVeronica’s appeal? Like mcsilas mentioned, people wanted her playable for quite some time. It seems that the mid-term results gave people hope to vote for her. Eirika getting a surprise alt while this thing was still running affected things as well. Also, people wanted an upset.

I barely hear anything about Veronica, so that's a surprise to say the least.


1 hour ago, silveraura25 said:

Surprised that Fernand didn't make it in the top 300. 317 is good I guess.

That's pretty shocking given the recent exposure of Echoes. I kinda hate Fernand but I feel sorry for his fanbase. 


32 minutes ago, Silent shifter said:

Apparently, according to statistics from IS, Anna is the most tapped character in the main menu(20,816,626)  followed by Lucina, male Robin, Takumi, Camilla, Sharena, Alfonse, SD Marth, Olivia and Rai for the top 10 since the launch of the game.

Yea, I'm not sure what that survey was supposed to be about? I'm more surprise that M!Robin & Lucy were that high. More on M!Robin part though.


6 minutes ago, eclipse said:

I'm gonna declare myself queen of the underdogs~!

All hail the queen?


Just now, silveraura25 said:

Loli Celica with Golden Dagger.

You stop that right now!

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This'll get lost in the sea of new anniversary/CYL post but I'll drop it regardless.



Finally got him to +4. It was a +SPD/-RES Matthew and the points of SPD would have been nice but not worth the -4 RES drop given what I need him to do. +5 ATK would have been worth it. +4 SPD? Nah. So he's still neutral but I'm already feeling the effects of that +1 ATK/SPD. He's doubling just a bit more and avoiding a couple more doubles himself.

Also decided to postpone the Hone ATK 3 seal upgrade and go for Drive Def 2 which will go on Inigo to push Matt to 40 DEF during buff time but for now sits on Ayra while I work out an AA deathless run. It's quite helpful and now Matthew has officially become a staple of my AA runs as my most valuable unit pointwise.

Thanks @Johann I seem to have broken the 700 Barrier and I haven't gotten a single match below that point range in AA after swapping Ayra's seal and upgrading Matt.

Also... seriously beginning to consider Summoner Supporting him...

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@Zeo Neat! Glad that the extra Matthew is working out for you!

Must feel so satisfying!

Also huih. Changed my sort type of Origin and just realised I have 15 Hanas.....FIFTEEN .__.

Most of them are 3 star. I don't exactly feel like making a +10 Hana though. I still have yet to pull a Sothe (I would've pulled more colourless if I had more orbs but Axura is the priority right now)

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