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For the sake of everyone else's sanity, you still get the quest cleared on the garbage Manakete map even if you spam Light's Blessings. I'm not afraid to admit that's what I ended up doing once I got the idea because that map was seriously triggering me something fierce. 

Oh, and the Ike banner and the 10.5% rate I'm forced to leave behind can go suck a big one too.

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Apparently you can use Light's Blessings for these. Well, what's good for the goose...


EDIT: Ninjaed of course. Well, at any rate, I did three of the Lunatics without the blessings, but as someone who doesn't much care about Pride and Accomplishment, and having failed on the other maps a couple of times each, I will shamelessly resort to said tactics.

Edited by Humanoid
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HA, cleared Manakete Squad on Lunatic without using a Lights Blessing!

I... did kinda cheat and use Julia and Alm instead of Arvis and Rein (other two were Bridelia and Azura), but I DID IT.

Also Fjorm in Wrys's bodyguards has Shield Pulse AND Quickened Pulse.

Edited by Xenomata
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Beat the cursed manakete map without light's blessings. Priscilla's panic smoke messes up the fortify spam, allowing my +Atk Julia to OHKO Nowi and Fae. Firesweep Tana bypasses Tiki's vantage, and is fast enough to tank one hit.

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16 minutes ago, Xenomata said:


7 minutes ago, Korath88 said:



I wish I had Julia. Or her mum. I don’t need two dozens of Cherches, Bartres, and Ninos, game. Just one Julia and/or Deirdre. Is it too much of me to ask?

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1 hour ago, Tybrosion said:

For the sake of everyone else's sanity, you still get the quest cleared on the garbage Manakete map even if you spam Light's Blessings. I'm not afraid to admit that's what I ended up doing once I got the idea because that map was seriously triggering me something fierce. 

Oh, and the Ike banner and the 10.5% rate I'm forced to leave behind can go suck a big one too.

After I train up my +Atk Deathblow Chrom to get Reposition and fail even then, and eventually end up using Light's Blessings to get 33 orbs, and after those orbs this will be pretty much be me.

Edit: Nevermind I spoke too early. I got V!Ike in a sudden struck of luck.

Edited by Ae†her
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Wow, I feel so lucky, I've never felt so happy about stockpiling orbs as now. In around 250-275 orbs I've got from the Hero Fest banner 3 B!Ike  and a Shiro. I'll wait until the banners end to see what I do with the Ikes. I never thought I'd have any really expensive fodder such as this or Hector, so never planned on who I would use their skills. One option I have in mind could be Lukas with this set:

Slaying Lance (+Def)



Steady Breath

Renewal 3

Infantry Pulse 3



But even then, I don't know what to do with the other spare Ike. Nowi could be an option, but I want to see what refined Falchions do before giving anything to her. Other thing that has come to my mind is just merging them all, but +2 seems a bit low to be really worthy. What do you recommend me, guys?

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1 minute ago, Javi Blizz said:

Wow, I feel so lucky, I've never felt so happy about stockpiling orbs as now. In around 250-275 orbs I've got from the Hero Fest banner 3 B!Ike  and a Shiro. I'll wait until the banners end to see what I do with the Ikes. I never thought I'd have any really expensive fodder such as this or Hector, so never planned on who I would use their skills. One option I have in mind could be Lukas with this set:

Slaying Lance (+Def)



Steady Breath

Renewal 3

Infantry Pulse 3



But even then, I don't know what to do with the other spare Ike. Nowi could be an option, but I want to see what refined Falchions do before giving anything to her. Other thing that has come to my mind is just merging them all, but +2 seems a bit low to be really worthy. What do you recommend me, guys?

Shiro would use Steady Breath really well because he alreay has Steady Stance. That way Bike only needs to give him Steady breath and maybe Threaten Defense (or Luna but Shiro wants Ignis or Bonfire more). Give Shiro Quick Riposte and profit because Bright Naginata essentially makes him a better Lukas.

Otherwise Black Knight uses Steady Breath really well, too. I used it with Quickened Pulse for a guaranteed first turn kill thanks to Black Luna

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13 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Shiro would use Steady Breath really well because he alreay has Steady Stance. That way Bike only needs to give him Steady breath and maybe Threaten Defense (or Luna but Shiro wants Ignis or Bonfire more). Give Shiro Quick Riposte and profit because Bright Naginata essentially makes him a better Lukas.

Otherwise Black Knight uses Steady Breath really well, too. I used it with Quickened Pulse for a guaranteed first turn kill thanks to Black Luna

The main problem with those 2 is that BK has limited merges and Shiro is 5* exclusive, so I wouldn't be really able to take much advantage from them for Arena. Lukas, on the other hand, is available in the 4* pool, so I could be giving him merges to improve my Arena Score. That's why I'm considering merging them too, but until the banner ends and I know exactly if I end with 3 or maybe one more, I won't do anything

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3 minutes ago, Javi Blizz said:

The main problem with those 2 is that BK has limited merges and Shiro is 5* exclusive, so I wouldn't be really able to take much advantage from them for Arena. Lukas, on the other hand, is available in the 4* pool, so I could be giving him merges to improve my Arena Score. That's why I'm considering merging them too, but until the banner ends and I know exactly if I end with 3 or maybe one more, I won't do anything

Well that's fair enough, I'm not too competitive of an Arena player to think too much about merges.

Then yes Lukas would be a good alternative then. Maybe just until after the next update this week, maybe there will be a metagame shift with either the weapon refinements or the new heroes.

Changing subject a little, I just noticed how the A Hero Rises poll uses attacking artwork that's not cut on the sides like it would be in your phone. Does anyone know if someone has collected the assets for those attacking poses or something? I know someone collected/grabbed screenshots of all the wallpapers

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Maybe I am late and the other Ike's do this as well. But I just find my self chuckling at V!Ike. He gets hit. And strikes with Radiant Aether going "I'll strike you down in one blow". Proceeds to use two blows to kill the enemy. V!Ike, you should be the fire hero because your pants are on fire.

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The developers maps weren’t that hard. The manakete map was pretty hard, but I completed it after a few trials and errors. Julia killed Nowi early on, “Marth” facetanked Fae, and Fjorm walled of Y!Tiki and Ninian. 

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Wow those manaketes are tough. 

My Airzura at 53 SPD (+SPD nature, SPD refinement, SPD+3 seal, Fury, Goad flyers, Summoner support) couldn't double lunatic Ninian (47 SPD + Rally). I had to give her the QR seal to bait-kill Ninian on turn 1. Fortify Dragons plus Defense tiles are crazy, i.e. Tiki already has 43/40 defensive stats without buffs. 

Beat the mission with Airzura (Fury, QR, Moonbow), Genny (had to heal Airzura once), Alm (Swap) and Cordelia (Reposition, Goad Fliers). 

Edited by mampfoid
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9 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Wow those manaketes are tough. 

My Airzura at 53 SPD (+SPD nature, SPD refinement, SPD+3 seal, Fury, Goad flyers, Summoner support) couldn't double lunatic Ninian (47 SPD + Rally). I had to give her the QR seal to bait-kill Ninian on turn 1. Fortify Dragons plus Defense tiles are crazy, i.e. Tiki already has 43/40 defensive stats without buffs. 

Beat the mission with Airzura (Fury, QR, Moonbow), Genny (had to heal Airzura once), Alm (Swap) and Cordelia (Reposition, Goad Fliers). 

I know, right? And now that have someone to ferry them around with Guidance as well as increase there attack and speed, two things that’ll help them drastically

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3 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

I know, right? And now that have someone to ferry them around with Guidance as well as increase there attack and speed, two things that’ll help them drastically

On a defense team that won't help much if the player is prepared. But this map had a deadly combination of inflated stats, a lot of defense tiles and very bulky DC units which are mostly invulnerable against mages and archers. 

I'm curious for the falchion improvements though. Perhaps I'll promote a Marth, since my Alm and Masked Marth already are at 3000+ HM. 

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6 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

I'm curious for the falchion improvements though. Perhaps I'll promote a Marth, since my Alm and Masked Marth already are at 3000+ HM. 

Speaking of the Hero-King, here’s my Marth I’ve just promoted a couple of days ago (maybe even the other day?):


He’s one grade l33ter than you’d think, yo.

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42 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

I'm curious for the falchion improvements though. Perhaps I'll promote a Marth, since my Alm and Masked Marth already are at 3000+ HM. 

I am somewhat set for the next refinery update. I have a +atk/-spd Caeda that is my next promotion, which will happen after I acumalate 20k more feathers, I have a Hinoka, I have green Marth (Alm), and fake Marth (Masked Marth).

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Well, I don't know how, but I've been blessed with a fourth B!Ike. So 0 B!Ikes from CYL to last week and 4 on this banner xD (all of them + Shiro using only free orbs, I never thought I could do something like this lol)

This is the best banner from which I've pulled so far. 

Also, although I said this morning that I'd wait until the banner ends to decide, B!Ike +3 sounds much better than +2, and I really can't find a unit that I'd really use much more often if it had Steady Breath, so merging is my final choice. 

So, the B!Ikes are: +Res/-Spd, +Def/-Atk, +Res/-Atk and +Def/-Spe. I think that the choice is between the two which has -Spe, but would you choose, +Def or +Res? I think it'd be better to maximize his defense, but I prefer to ask. And who knows, maybe a 5th B!Ike decides to come, since I think I can get quite a few orbs more.

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2 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

Speaking of the Hero-King, here’s my Marth I’ve just promoted a couple of days ago (maybe even the other day?):

Oh, nice. Mine is+ATK, but I'd prefer +SPD. 

1 hour ago, Poimagic said:

I am somewhat set for the next refinery update. I have a +atk/-spd Caeda that is my next promotion, which will happen after I acumalate 20k more feathers, I have a Hinoka, I have green Marth (Alm), and fake Marth (Masked Marth).

I could make 2 big refinements, because I saved up golden leaves in case one of the TT bonus units need an update. I wanted to pull a Sanaki (L!Ike came instead), so I'll wait what the next update brings. 

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48 minutes ago, Javi Blizz said:

So, the B!Ikes are: +Res/-Spd, +Def/-Atk, +Res/-Atk and +Def/-Spe. I think that the choice is between the two which has -Spe, but would you choose, +Def or +Res? I think it'd be better to maximize his defense, but I prefer to ask. And who knows, maybe a 5th B!Ike decides to come, since I think I can get quite a few orbs more.

Definitely go with the one with better defense. Since he’ll be dealing with melee units, it’s more helpful to tank hits to get more mileage out of Steady Breath. A res boon isn’t that helpful considering he can’t counterattack mages unless you give him DC which I do not recommend. 

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Wow I would lie if I say I spent less tgan one stamina bottle clearing the Manakete squad. Finally beat it without revival (too late for me to notice):

Genny: Drive Res 2 and Drive Def 2 Seal

Julia: Fury 3, regular Naga, Reposition

Chrom: +Atk

AirZura: Hone Speed 3, Hone Atk 3, Earth Dance.

Chrom is super stronk enough to one shot Fae with Hone Atk and Fortified Fae. Not sure if she was in a fort, I think she was. Nowi and Tiko were tricky because I had to Gravity them and make them get Fury dmg because they were simply ridiculous. Once I got enough dmg, Julia one shots Nowi with Naga and Tiki is Falchion'd. Last but not least, Julia Nagas Ninian for the clear. I'm positive Divine Naga would break through their buffs and one shot them, specially the blue ones, but eh, I used my Divine Dew for other stuff.

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