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3 hours ago, Xenomata said:

I shoulda said something last night, but WHY IS +ATK VHECTOR +4???

Because that's what happens when your base growth rate for a stat is 70%.

"Super boons" happen for base growth rates of 25%, 45%, and 70% due to how the rounding works. "Super banes", conversely, happen for 30%, 50%, and 75%.

4-star units only have a "super boon" for a growth rate of 70% and a "super bane" at 75%. 3-star units never have "super boons" or "super banes".

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22 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Because that's what happens when your base growth rate for a stat is 70%.

"Super boons" happen for base growth rates of 25%, 45%, and 70% due to how the rounding works. "Super banes", conversely, happen for 30%, 50%, and 75%.

4-star units only have a "super boon" for a growth rate of 70% and a "super bane" at 75%. 3-star units never have "super boons" or "super banes".

Surely they knew that'd happen though, right? Normally "super boons" are for the stats that the unit usually doesn't have much need for or is quite low anyways (low defense/resistance units might have this for instance, Selena has it in Attack and HP, Florinas is in Speed), but Vector's final neutral Attack is 38 already, and it becomes 42 with +Atk. He is actually just shy of being just as strong as +atk Chrom or Effie, and neither of them have powerful personal weapons.

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1 minute ago, Xenomata said:

Normally "super boons" are for the stats that the unit usually doesn't have much need for or is quite low anyways (low defense/resistance units might have this for instance, Selena has it in Attack, Florinas is in Speed)

Entirely coincidence on their part and confirmation bias on yours.

You have your causation reversed. Having a 25% or 45% growth rate results in a mediocre or terrible Atk or Spd stat and not the other way around.

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26 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Entirely coincidence on their part and confirmation bias on yours.

You have your causation reversed. Having a 25% or 45% growth rate results in a mediocre or terrible Atk or Spd stat and not the other way around.

Wait then... I think I understand kinda better now (they're called Growth points and Growth values in the Gamepress wiki), but at the same time I don't understand why there'd be a "Super boon" possible at such a higher growth rate. In fact Hector seems to be the only one with a base growth point at 10 (excluding HP), making him the only character who can have a Super Boon in one of his highest stats (excluding HP). The only character with a higher growth point value (excluding HP) is Myrrh in Defense, and her Defense base being 3 seems to counter that...

This is probably why I don't pay attention to the in-depth of calculations and only the lv 1 and lv 40 stats... I also now think that the higher growth values were probably originally meant for HP and not quite the other stats as much...

Edited by Xenomata
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1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

Can anyone get seven win streaks in the arena anymore? Because I sure can't. I don't know why. My team is fine, since they've gotten me several defense wins.

I think IS should remove the win streak aspect and just require us to get seven wins period. Or rework how you get your matchups. Or something. Something has to change.

Though I also don't think any of this week's bonus units that I could use are that great. And most I don't have aren't that great either imo. Raven could be, but I haven't upgraded him to 5 star.

But this aside, I'm not sure what to do here. I'm already using my best units and a bonus unit that I also built up.

I get deathless 7-win streaks every week, and generally without too much difficulty. Bear in mind that defense and offense performance don't necessarily go hand in hand: a good offense team can be ineffective on defense if it doesn't work well enough in the AI's hands or doesn't have a score that will get it a lot of opponents, while a good defense team can be ineffective on offense if it's effective against certain team types but not others.

As the number of powerful units in the game keeps increasing, there's more and more you have to account for in order to be able to make a team that can win against any other one (or almost any other), but it's possible.

What's your current team? Personally, I use BK, Christmas Robin, and Hector pretty much every week and rotate the fourth slot to various bonus units.

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@mcsilas Well now's as good a time as any. I've been merging Matt and in my mind I want to merge and have a full +10 endgame team. It's a lofty far off goal but if I can pull the units more than anything, I'll eventually have the feathers to do it. @Hawk King I'm tagging you because this team involves a unit you and I discussed a while back. Just didn't have the time to go into detail on him. @Hilda and @Johann and @Fei Mao also because I've seen the former's +10 team in action and Johann/Fei Mao you can more or less see where my mind is as far as Matt and who I want to run with him.Also @Ice Dragon You're an endgame guru so you can critique this too. Ok let's do this.

Matthew (Assassin):



Left Matt: The generalist build for more or less all content. This is what I want right now as his kit but the fodder continues to evade me. Seal ATK/SPD covers offensive stats for anyone he faces, negating the need for Threaten SPD. ATK Smoke cripples enemies for the team and Matt himself and Distant Def mitigates his biggest (and only) weakness which is magic. This Matt wants to do things on his own but he can be support if he needs to be. The reason why this likely wouldn't be ran in Arena is due to the fact that another unit on my team wants that Distant DEF 3 seal and Matt can live without it. Hence~

Right Matt: The Arena build. With this he essentially smokes the entire enemy army with -6/-6/-7/-7 on all but the unit he attacked directly. Your entire team becomes a speedy and sturdy wall. This Matt takes a bit more of a support role but can more than pull his own weight with this alone.

Role: The leader. He rushes in, debuffs and either let's his offensive partner clean house, let's his defensive walls of death cover him and slaughter the incoming weakened enemies or if need be, simply walls and crushes things himself. Naturally, he's the one with Summoner Support.

Skill Swaps: At the highest level of arena I would likely see tons of Dragons and Bold/Vengeful fighter armors. In that case I would probably just run Windsweep to gear him more towards support and possibly Close Def 3 as Matt can generally solo a dragon as long as he lets them attack him first (all but Myrrh) unless they run Daggerbreaker which... no one runs.

Weaknesses: He'll never be able to handle Reinhardt, period. Not even with the buffs. Rein has to be smoked and Matt has to be buffed with the DD3 seal, even then there are other units to deal with him. Bold and Vengeful fighter armors can give him trouble if he's not running Windsweep and depending on the circumstances a Black Luna can ruin his day, he has shaky matchups against Zelgius and of course his biggest weakness is Raven mages. Brave Lyn is sketchy. It depends on if he's buffed or not along with things like her nature, weapon etc. Most prominently Dragons. They will kill him if he attacks, period. He has to bait them and even then he likely can't kill them on player phase and can only soften them up. He can occasionally kill them but if they have the Vantage+QR combo there's nothing he can do but bait, debuff and let someone else finish them.


  • Hard Counters: Reinhardt, Raven Mages.
  • Soft Counters: Dragons and occasionally Bold/Vengeful armors.

Support Partner: Lukas

This pairing makes the most sense as Lukas should be handling most of the ranged threats. After a debuff Lukas will likely be stepping in for Matt and taking the brunt of debuffed punishment, that or Chrom, but these two have the most synergy aside from him and Nino, who'll likely be hanging around Chrom a bit more.

Nino (Tactical Nuke):



Left Nino: Your standard cute little bundle of death and one of my favorite FE7 units. The difference here is that she's actually not the star attraction of this team. She's running a standard Fury/Desp set, but in case Matt can't setup a good buff frenzy she's running the Rally/Spur Def/Res combo to make Matt and her 2 Enemy Phase team mates hulking beasts. Obligatory Deflect Magic seal as her partners are red and blue and neither can deal with Rein if a +10 merged horse emblem team rears it's ugly head.

Right Nino: Just a seal swap. Drive Def to make all her friends more tanky.

Role: The nuke. Nino's role here is what it always is. To bomb her opponents into oblivion. Her added role however is to act as a spur/drive bot to the more prominent enemy phase units even more menacing. With Matthew's debuffs/buffs in combination with her spurs, no one will be able to touch the tanks, not even the dragons.

Skill Swaps: Rally Def/Res is mostly insurance. She could just run Draw Back or Reposition if the season calls for it and if Reinhardt isn't a factor then she could run Dual Drives for more versatile buffing and less positioning hassle.

Weaknesses: Red units obviously. She's also very dead if she attacks Dragons without Desp active and she can't kill them in two shots. Also the team is more about debuffing enemies strengths and buffing the team's defensive capabilities, so Hones are somewhat rare and it can be hard for her to reach her full potential. B!Lyn will also smoke her if she gets to her first. DC generally will also kill her even if buffs/debuffs are in play most likely. 


Hard Counters: TA Red mages, Dragons.

Soft Counters: Any DC unit she faces outside of the Desperation range. Bow Cavs.

Support Partner: Chrom

With Nino's help Chrom becomes a nearly impenetrable fortress. Couple that with the fact that Chrom carries the only offensive rally on the team and the two make a perfect match.

Lukas (Fortress): 



Left Lukas: The primary build. Because what team isn't complete without a Distant Counter user? Lukas turns out to be a fantastic user of Berkut's Lance due to his naturally high DEF and the mixed bulk it gives him. Couple that with the Distant DEF seal and you've got yourself a problem. Dragons will still give him some trouble but between Matt's debuffs, Nino's spurs/drives and general Supports he can deal with just about anything short of a Lancebreaker Reinhardt. Hone ATK 3 sits there for Nino's benefit as there's no other source of offensive passive buffs on the team.

Right Lukas: Secondary build. If we were to run a Steady Breath build we'd still give him the RES boost for the extra help vs Dragons but then we'd run QP in order to give him a guaranteed Aether during his first round of combat. Something we couldn't do with a Berkut's Lance+ build without sacrificing bulk. Infantry Pulse as a bonus as it gives Matthew 2 turn Bonfire or 3 turn Ignis, which, given his potential DEF is pretty nonsense.

Skill Swaps: The rally on the first build is mostly there for points since Nino already runs it. A Rally ATK/SPD or positioning skill like Swap make strong alternatives. Ignis also is a far superior skill on Lukas to Aether and improves his overall performance.

Role: The tank. If something touches Lukas, it's going to die, and if it doesn't it's probably near death. He soaks up all ranged damage short of Reinhardt or powerful green mages and finishes them off on the counter. If we sacrifice the points and swap Aether out for Ignis, he's proccing that every combat and becomes a literal wall of death.

Weaknesses: He's no Clair, Shanna or Florina. He'll shrug off physical attacks and most ranged but his kit does not cover the entire spectrum of magic. Green mages will likely delete him without extensive buff stacking (and maybe even then) and Dragons will potentially give him problems as well, especially Myrrh. That and his entire gameplan and kit is based around Enemy Phase. He has virtually no player phase presence whatsoever.


Hard Counters: Green Mages, Colorless healers, TA Greens, Myrrh.

Soft Counters: Fae, Blue Dragons, Bold Fighter Green Armors.

Support Partner: Matthew

Chrom (Dragonslayer): 



One Build: Our big bad boss. Touch him and you die. While he does not have Distant Counter in my primary build for him he eclipses Lukas as the most powerful offensive tank at a staggering 45 DEF if he's attacked without being next to an ally. With things like Spectrum Bond and a spur he easily crosses the threshold of 50 and has potential for bulk in the lower 60s which is just silly. Lukas deals with the ranged threats and Matthew helps out with that, but if you have a physical threat, you want it to run into Chrom. And when it does, it's going to die. 

He also carries the only offensive rally on the team, while that may seem silly considering he's the hardest hitting, Nino benefits the most from visible offensive buffs as a Blade Mage. Whereas Chrom wants all the defensive buff stacking he can get.

Role: The Dragonslayer. His role is that of a physical wall of death, but his most useful and prominent role (especially in what most likely T20 looks like at the top) is that of a Dragon Slayer. He will delete each and every dragon short of a juiced Nowi or Corrin. Matthew or Nino will have to soften those. Aside from those specific threats, you want to stack buffs and spurs onto Chrom and watch everything be deleted.

Skill Swaps: Warding Breath is a good alternative if Chrom wants to better deal with Dragons. Ignis will also be a guaranteed proc which can help him out against armors as well. Distant Counter is redundant on him when his team mates are Matthew, Nino and a DC Lukas.

Weaknesses: Nowi. You can stack buffs up to high heaven and there's a 90% chance she'll still kill him. TA Blues of course will ruin is day as well as any sort of ranged magic. 


Hard Counters: Nowi, F!Corrin, TA Blues, All Tomes.

Soft Counters: Blue Armors (Situational), Swordbreaker Armors.

Support Partner: Nino.

With this team, I don't really think there's anything I couldn't handle content wise. It lacks a healer for something like Tempest or CC, but as far as Arena goes I don't think there's anything that could stop them. I doubt they function well as a Defense team as they are a bit surgical as a unit.

As far as healers go, I would probably swap out Lukas with the healer I would want to take up to +10.

Serra (Descendant of Sheep):



Left Serra: With this build she's the spiritual successor to my Genny right down to the Physic+ staff. Hits hard (and fast), cripples enemy movement and doubles as a magic soak and buff bot. Simple, sweet and with the added bonus of doubling, something Genny could almost never do.

Right Serra: The more traditional high end healer build with extensive damage across the spectrum. Miracle thrown in so she can also be used as a panic button in the worst of cases.

Role: The Healer. Obviously. She heals and can either buff stats or cripple the opponent. Genny serves me well now and Serra will do the same in the future.

Skill Swaps: The staff and special skill would be swapped out as necessary. For the pain build Poison Strike may be better than Wrathful Staff since killing outright isn't necessarily the endgame for her.

Weaknesses: 1 range units obviously. Serra doesn't want to see combat and as long as she initiates, she never will. She can take one hit from just about anyone, after that she's done.

Support Partner: Chrom/Sword unit.

The Genny/Ayra combo has served me quite well and I can't imagine I could go wrong sticking to my guns.

These are my endgame units and what's funny is that most of it is all realistic and I have some of the fodder necessary already. Stuff like a +10 Lyn or Hector obviously is a dream only possible to a whale, but as far as realistic goals go: These are my most desired units to +10. Only headscratcher is Chrom who I've only ever pulled 3 of (and I foddered one off for Sol, doh.). I like a couple of other units that I wouldn't mind +10ing like Eliwood, Athena, Rebecca, Marth, Sothe and most prominently: Raven. But these 5 stand at the top of my list of most desired "endgame" units.

So yeah, you all got to pick my brain a bit just now if you spared the time.

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8 minutes ago, Othin said:

I get deathless 7-win streaks every week, and generally without too much difficulty. Bear in mind that defense and offense performance don't necessarily go hand in hand: a good offense team can be ineffective on defense if it doesn't work well enough in the AI's hands or doesn't have a score that will get it a lot of opponents, while a good defense team can be ineffective on offense if it's effective against certain team types but not others.

As the number of powerful units in the game keeps increasing, there's more and more you have to account for in order to be able to make a team that can win against any other one (or almost any other), but it's possible.

What's your current team? Personally, I use BK, Christmas Robin, and Hector pretty much every week and rotate the fourth slot to various bonus units.

I have a hard time believing that. I'm running into units that could one-shot or one-round my entire team and of course I use a balanced one. It's like, why does the weapon triangle even exist? What's the point of building any units you get if they'll never be good enough for the arena?

Doesn't matter who my team is. I've already tried my best units. I don't have anyone better. And I'm not even always doing advanced matches. Sometimes I do intermediate too. Though it also doesn't help that I don't have very good choices of bonus units and that some of these maps are awful.

Edited by Anacybele
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2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Can anyone get seven win streaks in the arena anymore? Because I sure can't. I don't know why. My team is fine, since they've gotten me several defense wins.

I’ve had problems with it too. I was so hyped to use my new team with +4 B!Ike from the Hero Fest banner and finished using my usual BK/Hector/C!Robin team...and using 65 duel crests (half of my stock) to get a deathless run that may not be even enought to enter tier 20 again -.-

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7 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Wait then... I think I understand kinda better now (they're called Growth points and Growth values in the Gamepress wiki), but at the same time I don't understand why there'd be a "Super boon" possible at such a higher growth rate. In fact Hector seems to be the only one with a base growth point at 10 (excluding HP), making him the only character who can have a Super Boon in one of his highest stats (excluding HP). The only character with a higher growth point value (excluding HP) is Myrrh in Defense, and her Defense base being 3 seems to counter that...

This is probably why I don't pay attention to the in-depth of calculations and only the lv 1 and lv 40 stats... I also now think that the higher growth values were probably originally meant for HP and not quite the other stats as much...

Rounding error.

Explanation in the spoiler:


A unit's level 40 stats are determined by

[level 40 stat] = [level 1 stat] + floor(39 × [modified growth rate])

with the "floor" function defined as rounding down to the nearest integer. In layman's terms, you multiply the growth rate by the number of gained levels (always 39) and round down, then add that to the level 1 stat. Note that this only works for level 40 stats and not any level between.

The "modified growth rate" is the growth rate after applying the rarity bonus:

[modified growth rate]% = floor([base growth rate] × (1 + 0.07 × ([rarity] − 3)))%

In layman's terms (because there are a lot of parentheses), multiply the base growth rate by 1.14 for a 5-star unit, 1.07 for a 4-star unit, 0.93 for a 2-star unit, and 0.86 for a 1-star unit, then round down. 3-star units use the base growth rates.

So, for a 5-star unit, to get the level 40 stat, you

  • Take the base growth rate (as a percent) and multiply by 1.14. Round down.
  • Take what you get from that (as a decimal) and multiply by 39. Round down.
  • Add what you get to the base stat.

In the end, we get these values for how much a stat goes up between level 1 and level 40 for a 5-star unit:

  • 20% → +8
  • 25% → +10
  • 30% → +13
  • 35% → +15
  • 40% → +17
  • 45% → +19
  • 50% → +22
  • 55% → +24
  • 60% → +26
  • 65% → +28
  • 70% → +30
  • 75% → +33

Notice how there's a difference of +2 between any two tiers except the jumps from 25% → 30%, 45% → 50%, and 70% to 75%, where it is instead +3? That's what causes a "super boon".

A boon or a bane is a modification of ±1 to the base stat and ±5% to the base growth rate. This means that "normal" boons and banes result in ±3 to a stat: 1 point from the change to the base stat and 2 points from the change in the growth rates. A "super" boon or bane results in a ±4 to a stat because adding or subtracting 5% to the growth rate at that particular value results in ±3 instead of ±2.

As you keep going up infinitely, you'll note that exactly 14 out of every 50 intervals will be +3 instead of +2 for 5-star units.


Also as a note, 2-star and 1-star units have the exact opposite happen because their growth rates are decreased from the base value. If there were 2-star and 1-star units with access to natures, players would be able to notice that there are certain growth rates that result in the stat going up or down by only ±2 instead of the usual ±3.


24 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

but at the same time I don't understand why there'd be a "Super boon" possible at such a higher growth rate.

There are "super boons" going infinitely up. Base growth rates of 90%, 110%, 135%, and 160% are also "super boons" for 5-star units. There just don't exist any units that have growth rates that high (80% is currently the highest in the game).

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33 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I have a hard time believing that. I'm running into units that could one-shot or one-round my entire team and of course I use a balanced one. It's like, why does the weapon triangle even exist? What's the point of building any units you get if they'll never be good enough for the arena?

Please stop saying you have a hard time believing other players can do stuff just because you're having a difficult time with it. I can get a deathless 7-battle streak in the arena every week, even though I do have quite few hiccups in the process of doing so. If I care enough to do so, I can do the same with my friends' teams even though their units have much less SI than I do. It's certainly not impossible.

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5 minutes ago, Javi Blizz said:

I’ve had problems with it too. I was so hyped to use my new team with +4 B!Ike from the Hero Fest banner and finished using my usual BK/Hector/C!Robin team...and using 65 duel crests (half of my stock) to get a deathless run that may not be even enought to enter tier 20 again -.-

So I'm not the only one. That's sort of comforting, because it doesn't necessarily mean I just suck. But yeah, I'm using a +6 Frederick and while he's swept whole teams once in awhile, I just also keep running into teams that have units no one can really do damage to or something.

4 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Please stop saying you have a hard time believing other players can do stuff just because you're having a difficult time with it. I can get a deathless 7-battle streak in the arena every week, even though I do have quite few hiccups in the process of doing so. If I care enough to do so, I can do the same with my friends' teams even though their units have much less SI than I do. It's certainly not impossible.

Can you not tell me what to do? And there's nothing wrong with having a hard time believing some things.

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

Can you not tell me what to do? And there's nothing wrong with having a hard time believing some things.

Dismissing someone else's personal experience with "I find it hard to believe" because it doesn't line up with your own is rude. And instead of complaining at me to not tell you what to do, maybe think about wording your phases better so I can just ignore you. Not everything is on someone else.

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30 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I have a hard time believing that. I'm running into units that could one-shot or one-round my entire team and of course I use a balanced one. It's like, why does the weapon triangle even exist? What's the point of building any units you get if they'll never be good enough for the arena?

Doesn't matter who my team is. I've already tried my best units. I don't have anyone better. And I'm not even always doing advanced matches. Sometimes I do intermediate too. Though it also doesn't help that I don't have very good choices of bonus units and that some of these maps are awful.

What exactly do you mean by "best units"?

Personally, I have a lot of best units. Only a few of them spend any time in the arena, but the rest play other roles. For example, today I did the Lloyd Elite GHB quests. Those required four different, powerful teams, which I formed out of 16 of my best units. Those included my best flier team and my best cavalry team, as well as armor and infantry teams I arranged specifically for the missions. Of those three armors I use every time in the arena, only the Black Knight was actually in that particular armor team, because I decided the others weren't as suited to the particular strategy I wanted to go for.

I assume one of your arena units is Frederick. Aside from the bonus unit, are the others a cavalry team that can share high-power buffs with him? In addition to the other colors, do they cover his other weaknesses, such as difficulty dealing with mages?

2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

So I'm not the only one. That's sort of comforting, because it doesn't necessarily mean I just suck. But yeah, I'm using a +6 Frederick and while he's swept whole teams once in awhile, I just also keep running into teams that have units no one can really do damage to or something.

Can you not tell me what to do? And there's nothing wrong with having a hard time believing some things.

What sorts of teams are those? Were they on defense tiles? Do you have any magic attackers?

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@Anacybele, as for the bonus units, Fjorm comes with a good set out of the box (I think this is the correct expresion), Alfonse just needs Axebreaker and he does quite well (in fact, he’s my favourite bonus unit right now), Anna works fine with Fury+Desperation. Sharena is my main drawback, as I can’t find a cheap build for her that work as good as the other 3.


Also, lol @Othin, we use the same Arena Team hahaha

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6 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Dismissing someone else's personal experience with "I find it hard to believe" because it doesn't line up with your own is rude. And instead of complaining at me to not tell you what to do, maybe think about wording your phases better so I can just ignore you. Not everything is on someone else.

No one but you is taking any issue with what I'm saying though. And I didn't complain about anything to you or blame anyone for anything?

6 minutes ago, Othin said:

What exactly do you mean by "best units"?

Personally, I have a lot of best units. Only a few of them spend any time in the arena, but the rest play other roles. For example, today I did the Lloyd Elite GHB quests. Those required four different, powerful teams, which I formed out of 16 of my best units. Those included my best flier team and my best cavalry team, as well as armor and infantry teams I arranged specifically for the missions. Of those three armors I use every time in the arena, only the Black Knight was actually in that particular armor team, because I decided the others weren't as suited to the particular strategy I wanted to go for.

I assume one of your arena units is Frederick. Aside from the bonus unit, are the others a cavalry team that can share high-power buffs with him? In addition to the other colors, do they cover his other weaknesses, such as difficulty dealing with mages?

I mean my best units. My +6 Frederick, RD Ike, and my go-to dancer Azura. I only switch one of them out if a bonus unit I have would balance the team better. My bonus unit is Myrrh. But she's honestly not good. I've given her SI too.

I'm not using a horse team right now because I don't have a bonus unit that's a horse.

7 minutes ago, Othin said:

What sorts of teams are those? Were they on defense tiles? Do you have any magic attackers?

No and no. I don't always need magic attackers. And honestly, aside from Reinhardt and Linde, I really don't care to use them.

4 minutes ago, Javi Blizz said:

@Anacybele, as for the bonus units, Fjorm comes with a good set out of the box (I think this is the correct expresion), Alfonse just needs Axebreaker and he does quite well (in fact, he’s my favourite bonus unit right now), Anna works fine with Fury+Desperation. Sharena is my main drawback, as I can’t find a cheap build for her that work as good as the other 3.

Fjorm and Alfonse aren't bonus units this week. And I don't have the latter at 5 star. Anna is 5 star now, but not leveled up. Sharena is not a bonus unit this week.

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37 minutes ago, Zeo said:

With this team, I don't really think there's anything I couldn't handle content wise. It lacks a healer for something like Tempest or CC, but as far as Arena goes I don't think there's anything that could stop them.

Zelgius has a chance of giving you some issues. In the high Arena below 746, there's a decent number of them running Alondite, Black Luna, Steady Breath, and Bold Fighter 3. Lukas is going to be eating a Black Luna regardless of who initiates. Lukas might not die to it, but he's sure not going to like taking that hit without a fortification tile.

I'd personally run Guard with the Quick Riposte Sacred Seal.

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@Anacybele I know that Fjorm, Alfonse and Sharena aren’t bonus unit this week. But there’s a rotation between Anna-Sharena-Alfonse-Fjorm, so always one of them is a bonus hero. So, if you have the 4 leveled up to 5* level 40, and with a bit of SI, you can have a guaranteed bonus unit every week

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11 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Zelgius has a chance of giving you some issues. In the high Arena below 746, there's a decent number of them running Alondite, Black Luna, Steady Breath, and Bold Fighter 3. Lukas is going to be eating a Black Luna regardless of who initiates. Lukas might not die to it, but he's sure not going to like taking that hit without a fortification tile.

I'd personally run Guard with the Quick Riposte Sacred Seal.

Guard certainly came up in my head. Issue is it significantly takes down his ability to tank magic. Sure Matthew can fill in and take the Distant Def seal off his hands, but it's rough.

As far as Zelgius in particular. I did account for him but only one specific build is guaranteed to be a headache. Alondite, Black Luna, Steady Breath, Bold Fighter, Quick Riposte seal. If they run that I'm stuck eating a Black Luna no matter what. Otherwise Matthew can initiate against BK if he runs Bold fighter or bait him (if we're even using Matt here) and another team mate will finish him unless Vantage is a thing. Or we can just give Matthew Windsweep and completely trivialize him as a whole.

Guard is a good alternative though I will admit. Lukas will probably learn it anyway at that point just in case.

Also in the case of Arena where one of these units is not a bonus unit, who is the most droppable out of the 4?

Edited by Zeo
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4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

No one but you is taking any issue with what I'm saying though. And I didn't complain about anything to you or blame anyone for anything?

I mean my best units. My +6 Frederick, RD Ike, and my go-to dancer Azura. I only switch one of them out if a bonus unit I have would balance the team better. My bonus unit is Myrrh. But she's honestly not good. I've given her SI too.

I'm not using a horse team right now because I don't have a bonus unit that's a horse.

No and no. I don't always need magic attackers. And honestly, aside from Reinhardt and Linde, I really don't care to use them.

Fjorm and Alfonse aren't bonus units this week. And I don't have the latter at 5 star. Anna is 5 star now, but not leveled up. Sharena is not a bonus unit this week.

I did think it was pretty insulting that you called my story difficult to believe, especially when I have no reason to lie. I didn't say anything, but that doesn't mean I didn't take any issue with it.

Mixed teams can be difficult to use. Tactic skills can help, though, and Ike comes with Def Tactic. Have you been able to get any other Tactic skills for your other two regulars? Equipping Earth Blessings to your other two regulars could also help, at least once enough become available. In any case, what units most often give you trouble? Personally, Brave Lyn tends to be my biggest challenge, since I can't get a weapon triangle advantage against her and she's usually impossible for me to counterattack against.

You don't need a cavalry bonus unit to go for a cavalry team. I stick with my armor team even though I rarely have an armor bonus unit. In fact, I'm also using Myrrh as my bonus unit right now. I don't usually find her particularly important in combat (like you, I have a perfectly competent green axe tank in my main team) but she sometimes helps out with movement through her Reposition skill and Guidance seal.

Personally, I got the full Askr trio to level 40 5* a while ago just to keep them on hand as bonus units, although I usually manage to find a better one. I certainly wouldn't expect Anna to do any better than Myrrh.

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10 minutes ago, Javi Blizz said:

@Anacybele I know that Fjorm, Alfonse and Sharena aren’t bonus unit this week. But there’s a rotation between Anna-Sharena-Alfonse-Fjorm, so always one of them is a bonus hero. So, if you have the 4 leveled up to 5* level 40, and with a bit of SI, you can have a guaranteed bonus unit every week

They're weak though, since IS refuses to give the Askrs any boosts and my Fjorm doesn't have merges like some of my other blue units. She's also neutral since this is the free one.

2 minutes ago, Othin said:

I did think it was pretty insulting that you called my story difficult to believe, especially when I have no reason to lie. I didn't say anything, but that doesn't mean I didn't take any issue with it.

Mixed teams can be difficult to use. Tactic skills can help, though, and Ike comes with Def Tactic. Have you been able to get any other Tactic skills for your other two regulars? Equipping Earth Blessings to your other two regulars could also help, at least once enough become available. In any case, what units most often give you trouble? Personally, Brave Lyn tends to be my biggest challenge, since I can't get a weapon triangle advantage against her and she's usually impossible for me to counterattack against.

You don't need a cavalry bonus unit to go for a cavalry team. I stick with my armor team even though I rarely have an armor bonus unit. In fact, I'm also using Myrrh as my bonus unit right now. I don't usually find her particularly important in combat (like you, I have a perfectly competent green axe tank in my main team) but she sometimes helps out with movement through her Reposition skill and Guidance seal.

Personally, I got the full Askr trio to level 40 5* a while ago just to keep them on hand as bonus units, although I usually manage to find a better one. I certainly wouldn't expect Anna to do any better than Myrrh.

Can't imagine why, I didn't flame you or anything. And I'm not saying you're a liar. It's just that the arena is extremely hard, so I can't imagine anyone having an easy time with it at all. You could be telling the truth, but I don't know if you are. I'd need some evidence.

No, I've hardly pulled anyone that has those skills. They seem to be extremely rare. So rare, in fact, that I had no idea they existed until RD Ike happened.

Horse mages, dancer + Reinhardt/CYL Lyn combos, and sometimes dragons. I haven't run into any all dragon teams, and yet Myrrh seems to constantly one-round my Ike for some reason while he does very little damage to her. It makes zero sense when Ike is a red unit and she's a green one and her defenses are lowish while his attack is high. Maybe all these Myrrhs have merges? Mine doesn't and she also kind of sucks. She's slow and doesn't have very high defenses.

Yeah, I'd prefer to find better bonus units too, because as long as IS keeps neglecting them, the Askrs will remain some of the weakest units due to a lack of merges and weapon refine boosts and such.

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...so on a hopefully brighter (or more likely bitter toward RNG/me) note, how are you guys handling Sothe being 4* and giving LnD3 as a 4* unit?

Counting the one I already used on my Cain, I've so far pulled 3 of him at 4* (and a 4* Klein in the middle) and now I don't know what to do because I've never had this many LnD3 fodders at once. I might give one to Olwen since she desperately needs literally anything to give her an edge in battle, my Delthea being +Spd -Res would appreciate it, Raven is an obvious pick for it, Jeorge with his decent speed might like it, my HNY!Takumi being +Spd -Atk would beg for the skill, Soleil'd be an obvious one but I also don't really feel like she'd make the best use of it considering her being infantry and all, Caeda now that she is an armorkiller might like the extra power without losing much speed, ToD!Nowi might like the little extra speed and power when she doesn't even take hits that well after Fort Fliers anyways, and I do have this Setsuna, +Atk -Def, who I've been wanting to build a little anyways... maybe give her one of these Firesweep Bows I never use while I'm at it.

...also Summoning Focus Falchion I just noticed... god that sounds like a nightmare.

Edited by Xenomata
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10 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Also in the case of Arena where one of these units is not a bonus unit, who is the most droppable out of the 4?

Whoever you have the best substitute for among the bonus unit list. I'd personally say Chrom or Nino.

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25 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Damn, that sounds good. I'll have to think about it more. My Masked Marth does have the Fury build, so maybe I can just have her be the EP focused one...

Yeah. With unit support, a hone buff and her Falchion, she pretty much gains +10 to that stat. Add the 3 points from Fury and that's a lot of bonus stat to work with. I might try giving Lucina my Summoner support instead of Nino. It would help compensate for her not being +10. Though summoner Support gives my Nino a really good defensive stat line.(a 42/28/32 defensive spread on a blade mage with 55/48 offenses is ridiculous).


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13 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Can't imagine why, I didn't flame you or anything. And I'm not saying you're a liar. It's just that the arena is extremely hard, so I can't imagine anyone having an easy time with it at all. You could be telling the truth, but I don't know if you are. I'd need some evidence.

"I don't believe you" is considered rude, especially in response to someone who has no reason to lie.

The Arena discussion thread is full of other players who are doing well and other players who are struggling.


8 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

It makes zero sense when Ike is a red unit and she's a green one and her defenses are lowish while his attack is high.

Myrrh has one of the highest Def stats in the game at 36 base.

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