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1 minute ago, Lord-Zero said:

Meh. It was expected. Surtr dying for good so early was going to be anticlimactic. They just need to find a way to undo Surtr’s Rite of Fire jutsu. 

Alfonse is going to visit a giant turtle to learn Energy Bending so he can seal Firelord Surtr's elemental magic.

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49 minutes ago, Baldrick said:

Luna is only as good as your dark mage's attack stat. A base of 10 and 45% growth means he requires a fair bit of work, and his speed is middling enough that Flux will be as good or better against 95% of enemies.

Not to mention, more than half the bosses you want to use Luna on are in the endgame, where you have a guaranteed 30 attack Athos who rather'd use it.

That's why the game forks over two luna tomes. One for Athos, and one for Canas. Both are the only units capable of one rounding the boss if they land a single crit. I should also point out that Athos can only double the final boss if you've saved a speedwing or body ring for him and Canas is another vital consideration for such items. Canas is far from necessary for a playthrough, but I'd rank him as a high tier investment of exp among magic users. Even if he doesn't crit, he'll pan out more damage than most of your units could with Luna in that final chapter and he has staff utility on promotion. 

Book 2 Chapter 10 panned out pretty predictably. We got the plot macguffin, we got the sacrificed character. Time to storm the castle and deliver the fatal blow and...phoenix down. You know it's not the end when things appear to be progressing so quickly. I don't like the foreshadowing of us joining forces with Nifl Brother. If he really is the key then you can't just spoil it. My guess is that his weapon will be named yngvi or some corruption thereof. Also the Loki disguise theory seems more probable as we don't see Loki divulge information with the Muspell brats in person.

Edited by Glennstavos
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1 hour ago, Vaximillian said:

I mean, I like Karla and all, and I wanted her to get into the game, …but not like this. She has nothing going for her to be so broken.

Might be that story and family matters more than gameplay. Karel is so-so and worse than Harken in the original game, but the lore is that he's a nutty serial killer that people fear and that he is looking for strong opponents. His stats are poor, but story implies that he would slay even Hector based on those creepy forshadowing quotes of having the Lords be stronger attest to that

Since Karla is Karel's sister and Fir's mother, she had to have some skill of her own. Also, the B support in Binding Blade between Bartre and Karel states that she was the first to beat Bartre.

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So, Kaze's in the banners, Four Heroes looks to be Three Heroes's replacement, accessories look alright, Linus looks amazing as a unit, Fog Breath's worth it for M!Tiki and Canas's stats from the datamine look nice.

So I like everything except the menu change. Man, it is just too bizarre having learn and equip skill in different tabs.

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2 minutes ago, Dayni said:

…Canas's stats from the datamine look nice…

…You are literally the first person ever I see to say this. How is “Literally Raigh with –1 Def and +4 Res” anything like nice?!

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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

…You are literally the first person ever I see to say this. How is “Literally Raigh with –1 Def and +4 Res” anything like nice?!

Yeah, probably not. I mean, I'm clearly biased. Probably should have been comparing more intently.

Clearly I didn't think it was as bad in isolation. It's not like his attack or even speed (I'm actually surprised) was utterly crippled at least.

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The Tiki's with Falchion breath = Nice

Linus looks hot!

And as for Canas? Honestly, his stats look better than I thought they would. He wasn't a statistical powerhouse in FE7.

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So... who do you think was sacrificed so Surtr could get a free extra life, Veronica or Xander?

...what? It's a free extra life, something like that comes at a cost, and Veronica's been silent for a few chapters now.

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1 minute ago, Xenomata said:

So... who do you think was sacrificed so Surtr could get a free extra life, Veronica or Xander?

I’m calling Gustav. I’ll be always calling Gustav.

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6 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I’m calling Gustav. I’ll be always calling Gustav.

Smart choice. I'll also guess Gustav every single time, and here it would make the title less misleading, as a King would have truly found his demise in that case.

Ultimately, whoever it was, it was a bad decision for the story, or rather a total waste of a character, once again. Let's find the brother so he can tragically die as well after two uttered sentences, in a heroic manner, of course.

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They'll have it so that the main villain from each book will always kill the main villain from the previous book, ensuring the Askrians never kill anyone at all.

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That was a little bit of a cop out. I kinda expected them to kill Surtr and save Veronica for a free unit.

and Fjorms sister is still really obvious about being Loki. Yeah her prison window reaaaally gave her a good impression of the castles weak spot. Sure.


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My god, how much longer they can drag this out!? Just start the next book already!


1 hour ago, Lord-Zero said:

Meh. It was expected. Surtr dying for good so early was going to be anticlimactic. They just need to find a way to undo Surtr’s Rite of Fire jutsu. 

How is dragging out 3 more chapter going to right number to finish it exactly? It's not like IS makes profit out of their story mode for FEH



1 hour ago, silverserpent said:

Title was a bit misleading. Though with Hrid off on his own, we might see him as a LH sometime soon? They seem to be making him pretty useful offscreen. Or he's the one that finds out how to counter Rite of Flame via dues ex machina.

Because we need counter his counter with another counter therefore nullifying his counter to begin with.


1 hour ago, Glennstavos said:

Book 2 Chapter 10 panned out pretty predictably. We got the plot macguffin, we got the sacrificed character. Time to storm the castle and deliver the fatal blow and...phoenix down. You know it's not the end when things appear to be progressing so quickly. I don't like the foreshadowing of us joining forces with Nifl Brother. If he really is the key then you can't just spoil it. My guess is that his weapon will be named yngvi or some corruption thereof. Also the Loki disguise theory seems more probable as we don't see Loki divulge information with the Muspell brats in person.

I swear to god if Hrid is actually Bruno I'm just going to give up. This is all feel force at this point to introduce the brother when he could've easily been introduce here.

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As I usually do, I checked the new characters' quotes. Nino mentions a fluffy someone as why she can ride a pegasus. She even calls Florina her big sister. And I think regular Nino mentions it too, but Giga Nino also mentions Rebecca and cooking. Nino is so precious.

Moving on, I think Karla references Bartre in her 5* level 40 dialogue. Not entirely sure, though. It's just one sentence, though, the line I think is about Bartre and not her 5* level 40 dialogue.

Linus sounds really different in English and Japanese. In English, he sounds young, rough, and reckless. Almost like a younger Ike if he was misguided. In Japanese, Linus sounds much older. I get the idea of him having a deep voice works to make him sound gruff, rough, and brash, but he sounds like he's in his mid to late thirties and early forties. It's really weird despite the voice acting being really good.

Also, Canas and Lyon are Fox and Peppy, respectively. We're just two characters being voiced by missing Jacob Craner (Falco) and Shannon Torrence (Slippy) to have a team Star Fox in Heroes. Well, the ones from the Star Fox Zero: The Battle Begins short since 64 (3D) and Zero have different voice actors.

Edited by Kaden
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@Zangetsu: Dragging? Strange, I never felt the story was dragging at all. I mean, it really hasn’t been that long since Book 2 started. Besides, IS doesn’t really benefit from finishing the “story” quickly. They WILL drag this as long as they possibly can for maximum profits. The profits, you ask? The “New Heroes” banners, of course. The “story”, as subpar as it is, is the one part keeping everything together and it’s the main reason Kiran was even brought in and do his summoning thing. 

Anyway, it looks like the Askr group + Fjorm  will have to find the prince first before trying to find a way to undo Surtr’s jutsu. Maybe the prince can provide us with a lead since he fought Surtr before us. 

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19 minutes ago, Zangetsu said:

Because we need counter his counter with another counter therefore nullifying his counter to begin with.

I don't understand why they would do this. It's just a completely pointless manipulation of a story structure. The story goes:
1. Heroes encounter invulnerable enemy, they search for someone who can help.
2. The person they seek is killed but tells them how to defeat the invulnerable enemy.
3. The heroes acquire the means to defeat the enemy.

Step 4 should be "The invulnerable enemy is defeated to conclude the story arc" but instead it cycles back to step 1. What really gets me, is that there is no reason for this plot twist. If they want to draw the story out, they don't need to immediately show up at Surtr's doorstep. They can join forces with Hrid, fight some new Muspell lieutenant, hell, they can get trapped in a illusion by Loki, if they really want to halfass the progress being put on hold. But what they did instead was say "everything that happened in the story up to this point was just a waste of time, because the solution you sought it now useless." 

15 minutes ago, Zangetsu said:

How is dragging out 3 more chapter going to right number to finish it exactly? It's not like IS makes profit out of their story mode for FEH

Before I might have said that they're dragging it out to sell us more OCs for legendary heroes but considering literally any fairly significant character in the series can become a legendary hero, it's not like they need to be OCs. It's really quite perplexing.



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I thought the accessories were going to be something I didn't really bother with. I made the mistake of putting the seashell hair clip thing on Lucius, and my stupid heart melted, and now my entire Arena team has trinkets because I didn't want Lucius to feel self-conscious for being so pretty now. ;A; 

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1 hour ago, NekoKnight said:

I don't understand why they would do this. It's just a completely pointless manipulation of a story structure. The story goes:
1. Heroes encounter invulnerable enemy, they search for someone who can help.
2. The person they seek is killed but tells them how to defeat the invulnerable enemy.
3. The heroes acquire the means to defeat the enemy.

Step 4 should be "The invulnerable enemy is defeated to conclude the story arc" but instead it cycles back to step 1. What really gets me, is that there is no reason for this plot twist. If they want to draw the story out, they don't need to immediately show up at Surtr's doorstep. They can join forces with Hrid, fight some new Muspell lieutenant, hell, they can get trapped in a illusion by Loki, if they really want to halfass the progress being put on hold. But what they did instead was say "everything that happened in the story up to this point was just a waste of time, because the solution you sought it now useless." 

Before I might have said that they're dragging it out to sell us more OCs for legendary heroes but considering literally any fairly significant character in the series can become a legendary hero, it's not like they need to be OCs. It's really quite perplexing.



Maybe we haven’t gotten close enough to the conclusion of this arc and simply...Fjorm wasn’t completely informed and needed something more than just the Rite of Frost to crush Surtr and even with that, he’ll most likely have a monster dragon form to use as a last resort to screw them over. The stuff with Bruno and Embla is still on but that took a pause in favor of the whole Múspell thing. They still don’t know anything about the prince’s status. Only the gyaru sisters know. For the Askr people + Fjorm group, gathering information about the Rite of Fire and finding the prince should be their priority as well as getting rid of Loki’s surveillance if they ever figure out that Loki is watching them. 



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Ugh, am I the only one who is disappointed by Aura losing Breath of Life after refinement? I get that it's going to be a beastly bonus to Litrblades, but I liked that Linde can also act as a pseudo-healer with Aura+BoL3+BoL3 seal. Now I need to find another good mage to take along.

Also, is Merric still blegh, or Excalibur's refinement made him more usable?

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I put the seashell clip on Axura since she's a waterbender. I mean the mask also fits her but it actually fits Lyoma right now pretty well with his flying lobster armour.

But then I also want to give him the Feh accessory so he has two birbs with him...

But for now Feh is on top of Halloween Henry's head because there is no crow sprite for his crow friends...

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If there is one thing I am hyped for, it’s summonable Kaze and The upcoming legendary banner. Especially the legendary banner, since it has a possibility of having W!Tharja and NY!Camilla

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46 minutes ago, Kruggov said:

Ugh, am I the only one who is disappointed by Aura losing Breath of Life after refinement? I get that it's going to be a beastly bonus to Litrblades, but I liked that Linde can also act as a pseudo-healer with Aura+BoL3+BoL3 seal. Now I need to find another good mage to take along.

Also, is Merric still blegh, or Excalibur's refinement made him more usable?

You're not the only one. I was hoping Linde would get Absorb+'s heal-allies-within-2-spaces effect, myself, though maybe for 8 or 10 HP instead of just 7. Being Dark Aura for magic-users is nice too I suppose, but I was expecting something else.

As for Merric... Flier-effectiveness was kept, and he got a shorter Cooldown on his Specials, and he can have ATK/SPD +5 when near a mage or staff-user. I think he's definitely more usable now (if nothing else, Slaying effect should see to that), but I don't know for sure just yet (haven't given him his refinement, still grinding SP).

If nothing else, these two getting refinements means that weapons that upgrade into other weapons might get their own refinements now. Can't wait to see what they give Naga!

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