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@Hawk King, I've been thinking about what you told me the other day. I wasn't aware that Donnel's stats are practically the same as B!Ike (one has CYL BST and the other has trainee BST, which is the same). So, I think I'm finally going to build him as a blue B!Ike. The only one I currently have is +Atk/-Spe if I'm not wrong. Would it be a good idea to start working with him until I get a +Atk/-Res? 

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1 hour ago, Loki Laufeyson said:

@Anacybele looks like you need to learn how to build units for versatility. I fell into the same trap you did, by building based on how much raw power a unit has, and following build sites to the letter. This resulted in a shortage of resources, and units that struggled, despite them being high tier or optimal. The true secret to getting gud, isnt brute force characters/teams. Its building teams that are right for your playstyle and to deal with obstacles. Building specialized counters (even on units you built for other stuff, cuz guys doing more than one thing is cool) is a really good idea. Experimenting with builds is fun too. Titania and Anna can be good for you if you try out builds that could work for countering doods like Nowi. Sometimes simple and cheap builds are super effective. I know it can be tough to let loose on a 5* unit, but giving a great skill to a favorite unit can often make a huge difference. 

Once i started getting weird with my builds, i noticed how much better at the game i was getting. Remember, its about fun, first and foremost. 

Um, I know all these things and do them exactly. My builds are fine, at least according to those I show them to here.

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7 hours ago, Anacybele said:

And These units are all meh or not that great in general. I don't use any of them on arena teams. Like I said, we need Nowi counters that are actually useful in situations other than that.

Considering that they, at 4* with a low investment kit, beat 5*+10 heroes that you're having a hard time with, I wouldn't write them off so quickly. Countering Nowi is just one aspect of what they're capable of. Any of these units can become total monsters if they're invested in (well, except maybe Anna I suppose).

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1 hour ago, Javi Blizz said:

@Hawk King, I've been thinking about what you told me the other day. I wasn't aware that Donnel's stats are practically the same as B!Ike (one has CYL BST and the other has trainee BST, which is the same). So, I think I'm finally going to build him as a blue B!Ike. The only one I currently have is +Atk/-Spe if I'm not wrong. Would it be a good idea to start working with him until I get a +Atk/-Res? 

That reminds me of Donnels TTs:


He is +SPD/-HP and was a lot of fun:









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1 minute ago, mampfoid said:

That reminds me of Donnels TTs:

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He is +SPD/-HP and was a lot of fun:









I remember that too!

That seemed a very funny build, but I didn't had Carrot Lance fodder. And now that I've seen the light, I prefer to go the B!Donnel way xD

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4 minutes ago, Javi Blizz said:

I remember that too!

That seemed a very funny build, but I didn't had Carrot Lance fodder. And now that I've seen the light, I prefer to go the B!Donnel way xD

B!Donnel like Brave? Also Harmonic Lance or Slaying Lance would suit him well. 

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Half my heart is telling me to wait for a better S!Innes and the other half is telling me to 5* Barte to give him Fury + Hammer to my -Def / +Res copy and refining +Res. I’m going to wait before I do anything stupid. LMAO.

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If the Nowi counter discussion is still open, then I'll just leave this here.
(Nowi has +Def Lightning Breath+ and Steady Breath; her de-buff isn't affecting Def. Linus has base kit + LaD Basilikos refine.)


Granted he's benefiting from the +4 to all stats that he gets as a bonus unit, but I'd still say that Linus (or by extension Raven, if an optimal one is present) is another solid green candidate for Ana to consider investing in.

Edit: The last part can be ignored. I forgot she already has a 5* Raven.

Edited by Tybrosion
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12 hours ago, Khid said:

Also, speaking of my pity breakers, is -Atk +Def Julia usable at all lmao I’ve been wanting her for a while now but the IVs were kind of disheartening

She is useable. My base for my Julia is actually -Atk/+Spd. The +Def will allow her to not get killed by Nowis who survive the initial attack.

1 hour ago, Javi Blizz said:

@Hawk King, I've been thinking about what you told me the other day. I wasn't aware that Donnel's stats are practically the same as B!Ike (one has CYL BST and the other has trainee BST, which is the same). So, I think I'm finally going to build him as a blue B!Ike. The only one I currently have is +Atk/-Spe if I'm not wrong. Would it be a good idea to start working with him until I get a +Atk/-Res? 

Donnel is interesting because he can run a lot of different builds with his stat spead. +Atk/-Spd might actually be better than +Atk/-Res on a Steady Breath build. I'm assuming you are going to use Slaying Lance+ on him?


@Anacybele With the Close Def 3 seal, even your Frederick should be able to counter kill Nowis. She will do massive damage to him, but he should survive with his high HP stat.

Bottom line though is that sometimes you have to run a unit who is "not that great" if you absolutely need a check to a certain unit. The other 3 units on your team should be able to handle everything else.

I didn't bother to give you a list of units who could counter Nowi because I knew you would say something along the lines of "Those units suck" or "I don't like any of those units".

Pick a unit you like and build them so they can counter Nowi. You're Frederick and Raven are able to do it with the right build and support. I personally use my own Nowi to counter Nowis most of the time.

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All I'm hearing is "I want something that counters Nowi without having to use the things that counter Nowi".

Though, if you really want something that kills Nowi while using only the units you want to use, you do have a few options:

Raven [+Spd, -Res]
Basilikos [unique]
Life and Death 3
Desperation 3
Heavy Blade 3

kills pretty much any Nowi build, even with Nowi on a fortification tile.

You can also do something with Frederick like

Frederick [+Atk, -Spd] +Fortify Cavalry
Slaying Axe+ [Res]
Luna / Bonfire
Close Def 3
Quick Riposte 3
Close Def 3

which takes surprisingly little damage from Nowi. It works reasonably well even without Close Def 3 in the A slot, though that would definitely be the preferred skill for this job. (It's so annoying how expensive Close Def is if you aren't willing to part with a copy of Joshua.)

Edited by Ice Dragon
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1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

Um, I know all these things and do them exactly. My builds are fine, at least according to those I show them to here.

If thats true, why are you still struggling with things that are very obvious to work around?


20 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:


All I'm hearing is "I want something that counters Nowi without having to use the things that counter Nowi".

Though, if you really want something that kills Nowi while using only the units you want to use, you do have a few options:

Raven [+Spd, -Res]
Basilikos [unique]
Life and Death 3
Desperation 3
Heavy Blade 3

kills pretty much any Nowi build, even with Nowi on a fortification tile.

You can also do something with Frederick like

Frederick [+Atk, -Spd] +Fortify Cavalry
Slaying Axe+ [Res]
Luna / Bonfire
Close Def 3
Quick Riposte 3
Close Def 3

which takes surprisingly little damage from Nowi. It works reasonably well even without Close Def 3 in the A slot, though that would definitely be the preferred skill for this job. (It's so annoying how expensive Close Def is if you aren't willing to part with a copy of Joshua.)

This is the kind of workaround i was getting at. Reconstructing a fave to do the job you need done. The fact you are still batting this advice aside, is unfortunate. (If theres no close def fodder, try TA so Fred can block Nowi with his face) 

seems to me you just want an out-of-the-box Nowi delete button with literally zero effort. Is it any wonder why i assumed you were in build pitfalls?

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32 minutes ago, Loki Laufeyson said:


seems to me you just want an out-of-the-box Nowi delete button with literally zero effort. Is it any wonder why i assumed you were in build pitfalls?

That button already exist, is called Julia/Deirdre xD

Edited by Javi Blizz
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I wake up and it's Christmas over in Grand Conquest!

... By that I mean Sharena has one territory in my outrealm. Her home base.

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4 minutes ago, Javi Blizz said:

That button already exist, is called Julia/Deirdre xD

Yes, lmao. I suggested them first, but guess they are "too crappy" or something. :Diadora: 

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God I didn't have time to use a couple of my conquest lances on saturday, now it looks like I won't reach lv 25.  I'm going to miss out on that orb and sacred coins :(

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Man I hate how your stamina isn't spent until you clear a map. When I wake up, I boost 8, hit auto battle, let it run so that I can pick it up again after I've finished with most of my day. But if I forget to tap the screen on END, my stamina won't refill during my down time. 

Edited by Glennstavos
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3 hours ago, Loki Laufeyson said:

If thats true, why are you still struggling with things that are very obvious to work around?

I'd say I'm not as good as some other players at reading the AI and doing good unit placement and such.

3 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:


All I'm hearing is "I want something that counters Nowi without having to use the things that counter Nowi".

Though, if you really want something that kills Nowi while using only the units you want to use, you do have a few options:

Raven [+Spd, -Res]
Basilikos [unique]
Life and Death 3
Desperation 3
Heavy Blade 3

kills pretty much any Nowi build, even with Nowi on a fortification tile.

You can also do something with Frederick like

Frederick [+Atk, -Spd] +Fortify Cavalry
Slaying Axe+ [Res]
Luna / Bonfire
Close Def 3
Quick Riposte 3
Close Def 3

which takes surprisingly little damage from Nowi. It works reasonably well even without Close Def 3 in the A slot, though that would definitely be the preferred skill for this job. (It's so annoying how expensive Close Def is if you aren't willing to part with a copy of Joshua.)

That's not what I was saying at all.

I run a somewhat different build and IVs on Frederick and I don't even have Close Def fodder anyway.

I also run a different build on my Raven, though I suppose I'm fine with making changes on him.

3 hours ago, Hawk King said:

With the Close Def 3 seal, even your Frederick should be able to counter kill Nowis. She will do massive damage to him, but he should survive with his high HP stat.

Bottom line though is that sometimes you have to run a unit who is "not that great" if you absolutely need a check to a certain unit. The other 3 units on your team should be able to handle everything else.

I didn't bother to give you a list of units who could counter Nowi because I knew you would say something along the lines of "Those units suck" or "I don't like any of those units".

Pick a unit you like and build them so they can counter Nowi. You're Frederick and Raven are able to do it with the right build and support. I personally use my own Nowi to counter Nowis most of the time.

I suppose.

Thing is, I run into Nowis a lot, but I also run into other units that the Nowi counter wouldn't counter as well as certain other units would. So for example, while Titania would take care of those Nowis, she's not as good at doing emergency tanking of other units like Frederick. My Frederick is a delete button for anything not magic, basically, even most sword units. I'm mostly an enemy phase style player, and it seems like a lot of actual Nowi counters are player phase.

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@Anacybele I've kinda been following this conversation, and now I'm confused about why you've been complaining about countering Nowi if your Frederick can handle everything? The only places Nowi will be an issue are Arena and AA. In Arena, you've obviously got Frederick to serve that role. You don't need more unless you plan to rotate him out of your team which I know you don't. If AA is the issue, you don't NEED to build units to counter things like your Frederick does. Have a problem unit? Build a few specific unit just to counter that one unit (and maybe a few others like it). 

Armors give me trouble in AA, especially when they're running things like DC, Bold/Vengeful Fighter, etc. My dediated Arena team can handle them, but I only get to use them in the first match. So I built a few budget units (very minimal) resources, to use along with the OP units I've built. Green Armors? Throw in Tobin or Hinata. Blue Armors? I've got my 4 star Frederick and Bartre. Halloween Jakob? High DEF -raven mage w/ bowbreaker. Building hard counters takes VERY little work, and it's worth it to have these units that you can use if those problem units pop up. You can use your favorite characters for literally every other mode in the game because unless we get more dev maps, the only place you'll see OP dragons are in Arena and AA.

Also, any of the units that have been listed to you like Hawkeye, Titanita, etc. can easily be enemy phase. See dragon. Put counter in front of dragon. Dragon dies. (With the right build of course...which once again takes very few resources.)

IS might release a new unit with a dragon slaying kit and stat boost that lets them kill all the things you want them too. Cool. But it might also be a character you hate. Or you might not be able to get them because IS decides to lock them behind a limited banner or a banner where they share a color with another focus unit. And even then, you only get to use them once in AA which means you'd need to wait and pull for several more characters that meet your same requirements. It's so much cheaper and worthwhile to build a hard counter.

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1 minute ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

@Anacybele I've kinda been following this conversation, and now I'm confused about why you've been complaining about countering Nowi if your Frederick can handle everything? The only places Nowi will be an issue are Arena and AA. In Arena, you've obviously got Frederick to serve that role. You don't need more unless you plan to rotate him out of your team which I know you don't. If AA is the issue, you don't NEED to build units to counter things like your Frederick does. Have a problem unit? Build a few specific unit just to counter that one unit (and maybe a few others like it). 

Armors give me trouble in AA, especially when they're running things like DC, Bold/Vengeful Fighter, etc. My dediated Arena team can handle them, but I only get to use them in the first match. So I built a few budget units (very minimal) resources, to use along with the OP units I've built. Green Armors? Throw in Tobin or Hinata. Blue Armors? I've got my 4 star Frederick and Bartre. Halloween Jakob? High DEF -raven mage w/ bowbreaker. Building hard counters takes VERY little work, and it's worth it to have these units that you can use if those problem units pop up. You can use your favorite characters for literally every other mode in the game because unless we get more dev maps, the only place you'll see OP dragons are in Arena and AA.

Also, any of the units that have been listed to you like Hawkeye, Titanita, etc. can easily be enemy phase. See dragon. Put counter in front of dragon. Dragon dies. (With the right build of course...which once again takes very few resources.)

IS might release a new unit with a dragon slaying kit and stat boost that lets them kill all the things you want them too. Cool. But it might also be a character you hate. Or you might not be able to get them because IS decides to lock them behind a limited banner or a banner where they share a color with another focus unit. And even then, you only get to use them once in AA which means you'd need to wait and pull for several more characters that meet your same requirements. It's so much cheaper and worthwhile to build a hard counter.

Well, Frederick's low Res makes it hard to take out Nowis who are getting significant buffs and such. He can't double her or anything either unless it's enemy phase, and even then, he's taking massive damage.

He can sometimes take her out, but not always. But I see.

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Wow, on my GC map Alfonse has only one map, That's terrifying but Sharena's team used a lot of crest on round 21, Anna's team did as well (but a bit less) So my prediction is First:Alfonse Second:Anna and third:Sharena. This is the funniest game mode imo. 

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I feel sorry for Team Sharena in my Outrealm, but strategy is strategy and steamrollers are steamrollers. They're currently locked to only 1 node other than their base because everything else around them that they could have contested has been completely knocked out by Team Anna (my team).

Team Alfonse has only one contestable border node (the other border has already been knocked out by Team Anna), but they can at least eat into Team Anna's territory by knocking that out... if they can.


EDIT: Team Sharena now has only their base and is surrounded by knocked out nodes. Really sucks for anyone on who hasn't yet used the last of their lances.

There's only one contested node left on the map, and if Team Anna takes it, there will be no more playable nodes left.


EDIT 2: The round is now over in Outrealm 10138 with more than 60 minutes left on the clock. Every border node has now been knocked out.

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It seems there's a great difference between my map and your... Because team Sharena still fight-back and team Alfonse makes a come-back. 

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25 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

EDIT 2: The round is now over in Outrealm 10138 with more than 60 minutes left on the clock. Every border node has now been knocked out.

Wow! Definitely not as many people awake in my outrealm. Our Team Sharena clearly has the most players, but they're quite inept in this final round. Pushing hard for a node that won't gain them any ground since all adjacent nodes were knocked out early or owned by them. I'm dumping the last of my stamina right now for a crucial knockout that will wall out most of our territory if we end up being the final target at the end. It's also adjacent to two other spaces that may be taken in the process and further push into their space~

Man this mode is cool. And we got Voting Gauntlet tomorrow? Ugh. Well feathers are feathers.

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So uhh Team Anna started off with around 21 areas at the start of the FINAL ROUND.

Now that 10 minutes remain and all the areas have been knocked out, here are the results from my outrealm (10216 is the number by the way):

Team Alphonse: 15
Team Sharena (my team): 14
Team Anna: 1

21 controlled areas to 1 controlled area in one round. Holy crap I feel so sorry for anyone on Team Anna in that outrealm.

EDIT: Guess I'm not the only one in that situation. As much as I love this mode, it kinda needs some tweaking.

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