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4 hours ago, mampfoid said:

I know this will drown in walls of text, but I found my perfect recipient for Darting Stance seal:


Mine is +SPD and has natural 38 SPD, with Dating Stance and Hone Armors she can arrive to 50 SPD on EP. Player Phase speed doesn't matter because of Bold Fighter. Thanks to Fierce Breath she can charge her special (Bonfire currently) on both phases. 

Daaaaang, that sounds awesome!

Also thank you so much for reminding me that seal exists because now I was able to do this: is it practical? Not at all. Is fun to watch her double enemies like the 38 speed red mage in Ephraim and Myrrh’s Infernal Battle? Absolutely. 


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In case others are interested, using combat manuals for merge fodder works exactly as @Ice Dragon said it would: combat manuals only get their default skills for free at 5* rarity. If you promote a character with a PRF weapon that wasn't part of their base kit when they were introduced(as in their PRF weapon was added via a weapon refinement and so they have a weapon with a + after it AND a PRF weapon) and merge a 5* combat manual into your 5* merge base, the unit only gets the weapon+ for free so you'll have to spend SP to get their PRF weapon. I just tested with Felicia. I promoted a 4* copy and a 4* combat manual and merged the 5* Felicia combat manual into the merge base Felicia and she only got Silver Dagger+ for free.

Edited by Flying Shogi
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1 hour ago, mcsilas said:

Definitely great for healers. If you autobattle you can even unequip their staff so they focus on healing (and gain SP) and don’t attack enemies they’d lose to

Dancers not so much if they’re fragile. I’d go for training maps for those. Dancers main job in TT is to dance and spend less turns per map, but if they can get a kill then i give them that for a little bit of SP

thanks for that.
I've finished TT (maxed out at 50,000 points. hurrah), but i want to take the time to level up some characters.

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1 hour ago, LordFrigid said:

Then, yes, Swift Sparrow would bump her up a SP bin.

I looked at +6 Caeda's matchups vs +10 foes (idk how often she sees them, but it doesn't hurt to be prepared) when she receives Def Tactic, and it looks like Swift Sparrow and Fury perform pretty similarly at that stage. If you have plans to eventually +10 her, Swift Sparrow performs better than Fury at that level (even if her nature is switched to +Atk).

She does see +10 enemies quite often even at my score range and I do plan to +10 her. It’s only feathers that hold me back. Sounds like it’s a pretty safe decision to switch to Swift Sparrow then, huge thanks!

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12 hours ago, Mau said:

Just...ask that question to yourself. Would you rather never be able to get a unit you really want? Not being able to get a unit at all is never better. 

No, but I am in favour of more banners and more choice. The more options one has, the better one can decide what one really wants.

Less banners and less choice is also never better.

12 hours ago, Mau said:

"Granted, if unit A1 and unit B1 both come in January, you'd only be able to get one. But you could then save in February."

No, cause in February there would again be a unit A2 and unit B2 I want.

So you could get one of A1 and B1, and one of A2 and B2. Two heroes in all.

16 hours ago, Mau said:

If I can summon unit A1 in one month, and then summon for unit B1 in the next month, I can have both units in two months.

But you can't get unit A2 and B2, so again, you're getting two heroes in total.

It doesn't matter how the schedule is, you can only get a certain number of focus units per month. If you want more than that, you have to buy orbs.

I just noticed the Priest made a thread for this discussion, so I'll leave it at this for now.

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@LordFrigid Alright, growing strong! Only 51,300 feathers separate her from +10-hood now:


I keep thinking about her place on the tactics team. She is usually carrying the Res Tactic seal and Marth is carrying the Def Tactic seal. I recently realised that giving Cecilia Atk Tactic wasn’t a great idea and instead should have given it to Caeda or Marth, putting eventual Spd Tactic on the remaining Cecilia. How does this arrangement sound? Maybe there are better combinations?

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1 hour ago, Vaximillian said:

I keep thinking about her place on the tactics team. She is usually carrying the Res Tactic seal and Marth is carrying the Def Tactic seal. I recently realised that giving Cecilia Atk Tactic wasn’t a great idea and instead should have given it to Caeda or Marth, putting eventual Spd Tactic on the remaining Cecilia. How does this arrangement sound? Maybe there are better combinations?

If you plan to give everyone one Tactic skill, because they can't buff themselves, it's best to give them the Tactic they don't need. For example, Caeda would want Def Tactic. 

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28 minutes ago, Baldrick said:

If you plan to give everyone one Tactic skill, because they can't buff themselves, it's best to give them the Tactic they don't need. For example, Caeda would want Def Tactic. 

I have decided on the composition. Marth will carry Atk and Def, Cecilia will carry Spd, and Caeda (Clair when Alfonse is the bonus) will carry Atk and Res.

I just need three Legaults and an 8% Lyn.

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I was checking the ivs of my multiple units 
I found another completely neutral unit (this one is Cherche). However I did find one +atk (- defense, naturally), and another -at + defense). so those two will be the ones I promote to start my Cherche project. (would I promote the Neutral as well? (and build into neutral at the end? or now that I have a + atk and a + defense - I can nix the Neutral IV?)  I never expected to find two neutral units in two days! So weird. 

I also went through my Ravens and Ares. I found two out of the 7 that were good IVs for Ares (and 3 out of the 8 i have for Raven) So i figure the ones that aren't + Atk or +speed (For raven) and whatever Ares needs - those should be booked, correct? (and then when I'm ready to +ten something, I can just grab 1 from the combat manual?) I'm understanding that correctly?

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5 hours ago, XRay said:

Not as useful in Tier 21 with primarily armor units, but in lower tiers like Tier 18 or 19 where you will see units built for performance, Spd tanks can tank fast nukes pretty decently. Spd tanks are generally more vulnerable to one shot nukes and Brave nukes though.

Well that explains a lot. Also probably why I don't care too much about arena portion for that matter

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34 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

I was checking the ivs of my multiple units 
I found another completely neutral unit (this one is Cherche). However I did find one +atk (- defense, naturally), and another -at + defense). so those two will be the ones I promote to start my Cherche project. (would I promote the Neutral as well? (and build into neutral at the end? or now that I have a + atk and a + defense - I can nix the Neutral IV?)  I never expected to find two neutral units in two days! So weird. 

I would promote the netural only if you plan to give her a different axe. Since her axe has a brave effect, I think +atk -def would be the best of those three, even if the bane isn't ideal.


34 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

I also went through my Ravens and Ares. I found two out of the 7 that were good IVs for Ares (and 3 out of the 8 i have for Raven) So i figure the ones that aren't + Atk or +speed (For raven) and whatever Ares needs - those should be booked, correct? (and then when I'm ready to +ten something, I can just grab 1 from the combat manual?) I'm understanding that correctly?

Yeah, you can book every copy that doesn't have the IVs you want.

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Like. i don't know. I mean I'm happy that I am getting to the point where i can get some of the harder orbs before. but i know for a lot of the "everyone stays alive." i can't do those ones (a chunk of ones i can't do either). a lot of people here have been helpful trying to help me get strategies so i am really clicking along now.

@daisy jane Have you tried looking on youtube for F2P guides? Like I can't do a lot of those maps either but I sure as hell ain't missing out on those 4 orbs from Infernal BHBs, so I just type "Ephraim BHB Infernal" on youtube for example and you get lots of people doing the map with only F2P units (e.g. Fjorm, L!Ike, 4* Olivia, Wrys, etc.). Might feel like cheating I guess, but I always do first try to do the thing myself, but some of those maps are just impossible for me to do, I'm just not good enough at this ^^; I am getting better though, did manage to do this BHB by myself, after an hour of trying or so but it still counts haha.

Also, for some reason the quote button doesn't work for me anymore, no matter how much I click, it doesn't show up in the reply box. Anyone know what's up with that?

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7 hours ago, daisy jane said:

thanks, I'll check this one out. mine is not + speed, but i mean it shouldn't hurt, right?

No it won't hurt. It's still enough Speed to not get doubled most of the time and still double enough opponents. 

7 hours ago, Lewyn said:

I think the darting stance seal is being overlooked, speed is actually the most important defensive stat.  Being able to prevent doubles from the opponent is so important considering how many units can speed up their specials.  This also makes darting stance A slot a cheap good skill too.  Using both you get +12 speed on the enemy phase, this allows middling speed units to get to top speed, it can allow slow units that are always doubled to get to middling speed.  I'm glad I upgraded this one.

8 hours ago, Zangetsu said:

I think there are still better A-Skills that would be awesome as a seal, but Darting Stance has got a nice niche and it's fun to find out working combinations with seals like that. 

5 hours ago, daisy jane said:

is Tempest Trials the best place to train my dancers and healers? I need to get them going. and it takes soooo loonnng. 
(all extra os and ns needed). 

In addition to what @mcsilas wrote: 

You can gain a lot SP also with dancers in TTs, but I usually unequip their Assist skill doing so.

Why? Because personally I tend to use them as refresher more than to kill otherwise and that's not giving them SP. Also they can get refreshed themselves when unequipping dance/sing. 

3 hours ago, kirauza343 said:

Daaaaang, that sounds awesome!

Also thank you so much for reminding me that seal exists because now I was able to do this: is it practical? Not at all. Is fun to watch her double enemies like the 38 speed red mage in Ephraim and Myrrh’s Infernal Battle? Absolutely. 

Ha, that looks cool. 

It reminds me of my own Micaiah. Her +HP/-SPD works well enough with QR or Swordbreaker, but I do have a +SPD/-HP copy collecting dust at level 1 ...


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4 hours ago, Mau said:

@daisy jane Have you tried looking on youtube for F2P guides? Like I can't do a lot of those maps either but I sure as hell ain't missing out on those 4 orbs from Infernal BHBs, so I just type "Ephraim BHB Infernal" on youtube for example and you get lots of people doing the map with only F2P units (e.g. Fjorm, L!Ike, 4* Olivia, Wrys, etc.). Might feel like cheating I guess, but I always do first try to do the thing myself, but some of those maps are just impossible for me to do, I'm just not good enough at this ^^; I am getting better though, did manage to do this BHB by myself, after an hour of trying or so but it still counts haha.

Also, for some reason the quote button doesn't work for me anymore, no matter how much I click, it doesn't show up in the reply box. Anyone know what's up with that?

 I have! the issue is, one or two of the people i need are either underlevelled - or i don't have them.  I tried doing it with a 22 lvl Olivia, but poor thing keeps getting murdered by the axeman hahaha (or Talitu (again, only level 22) gets murdered  by Myrrh). I figure, if I figured out how to to do Hard + Lunatic on my own, I can get help on Infernal LOL. it drove me insane to give up the Ishtar one. too. honestly in the next melee/workout map, a lot of people are going to go through their paces. 

4 hours ago, Baldrick said:

I would promote the netural only if you plan to give her a different axe. Since her axe has a brave effect, I think +atk -def would be the best of those three, even if the bane isn't ideal.

Yeah, you can book every copy that doesn't have the IVs you want.

Okay.. No - I don't really plan on giving her a different axe. (her axe seems pretty lethal as it is (just looking at other builds, they suggest a "Slaying Axe".  so don't bother w/my neutral one. got it. 

I'll go with the + Atk one first then :) thanks :)

4 hours ago, mampfoid said:

No it won't hurt. It's still enough Speed to not get doubled most of the time and still double enough opponents. 

I think there are still better A-Skills that would be awesome as a seal, but Darting Stance has got a nice niche and it's fun to find out working combinations with seals like that. 

In addition to what @mcsilas wrote: 

You can gain a lot SP also with dancers in TTs, but I usually unequip their Assist skill doing so.

Why? Because personally I tend to use them as refresher more than to kill otherwise and that's not giving them SP. Also they can get refreshed themselves when unequipping dance/sing. 


Darting Stance for L!Tiki. Got it!

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43 minutes ago, LordFrigid said:

Nice, she’s looking great! Best of luck in your feather/fodder hunting.

Will rival domains be back in a week? I do have four HM-less units for potential twenty thousand in that case, and with the tempest, grand conquest, and possibly other events, I’ll reach +10 in no time. Thankfully, I already have all the copies I need.

…And then to wait for 8% Lyn’s return, I guess.

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18 hours ago, Zangetsu said:


Is it though? I found speed to be the most expendable when it comes to stats. Especially if there's nothing to salvage about said unit SPD. Doesn't seem all that worth it when your ATK is in the single digit. Maybe I'm glorifying it but QR helps immensely for tank units in general. Not like I'm a expert on these kind of things, just putting my 2 cents.



Yes it is.  Cause if you allow yourself to be doubled many units will get their specials off, and the def/res reducing specials can cut through the mightiest tanks like a hot knife through butter.  Preventing doubles at the very least halves damage and many times it does much more.  QR allows a unit to counterattack twice, but doesn't prevent the opponent from hitting twice...you might be dead before you can do your 2nd attack.  Speed might be the most important stat.  It allows doubling on the player phase allowing unit to hit twice and get off low cd specials every combat easy, on the enemy phase it prevents the opponent from being able to double and likewise many times prevents them from getting their special off.  

@mampfoid Oh definitely there are better seals.  However this is one that i think can fix/help a lot of units, it might even be preferable to close defense/distant defense on many units.  

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1 hour ago, Lewyn said:

Speed might be the most important stat.

The importance of Spd depends entirely on the unit's role and other stats.

On units that use Spd to double on player phase or have enough Spd to reliably prevent enemy doubles on enemy phase, it's a very important stat to have a high value of. On units that have massive bulk, and can afford to take multiple hits to charge up their Special skill faster, it's a stat you want to have as low as possible.


1 hour ago, Lewyn said:

and the def/res reducing specials can cut through the mightiest tanks like a hot knife through butter.

Black Luna is the only one that has the power to do so. Luna (and Aether by extension) is not powerful enough for the bulkier tanks.

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Well. I'm nearly done cleaning out my barracks
All 3 of my Tailtius are plus attacks and somewhat high speed as well. I am going to keep one for 4* Army, and move one to Gold-em. and all of my Gwens are perfect, so that's a mollification. 

I have a nice + Atk Rebecca, so i can put her aside (for a bit), because i already have a 39 Rebecca (not that hot). but this was before i knew about IVs. 
I just have to check my Corrins (F) and my Nowis and see what i can do with them. 
I sacrificed a few Olivias for my Dancers (Hone Attack 3). I need to find a good B Slot for Azura (Axe version). Now that I have a +Atk Sylvia, I'll mark her for Gold, but train her a bit up for skills/SP. and keep original Olivia at 4* for the 4* army. :)

I am kinda bummed because i thought okay i have all of these guys and poof. +10 galores, LOL. not so easy there, i guess. 
I'm hoping the Melee or Workout map is tomorrow. I have a TONNE of grinding to do, starting with Olivia + Talitu so i can try getting the last BHB before it goes away. I want those 4 orbs! and I can get cracking with Cherche and Raven too. (Lukas is going to be my defensive infantry project, and Berkut for my Cav-Lance). 

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22 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Today is bows, so tomorrow will be magic.

The rotation is

  1. Melee
  2. Ranged
  3. Bows
  4. Magic
  5. Workout

in that order.

oh spiffy! well magic works too because i've got some units to get going too! :) i'm hoping to finish up Inigo, Spring Catria and Tailitu. thanks for the order. :)

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I was bored and decided that I wanted SM!Eirika despite only having like 60 orbs. I'm paying for that decision. Went in with 9 orbs and it gave me 3 red stones :sob:

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2 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

The importance of Spd depends entirely on the unit's role and other stats.

On units that use Spd to double on player phase or have enough Spd to reliably prevent enemy doubles on enemy phase, it's a very important stat to have a high value of. On units that have massive bulk, and can afford to take multiple hits to charge up their Special skill faster, it's a stat you want to have as low as possible.


Black Luna is the only one that has the power to do so. Luna (and Aether by extension) is not powerful enough for the bulkier tanks.

Certainly depends on the unit.  Some units are so slow, like Lukas, that their speed stat can't be salvaged (or would take incredible buff stacking).  However for units with a workable speed stat usually much better to invest in that over more def or res.  

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@daisy jane The Ephraim & Myrrh battle is a pretty decent training ground for mages, since you can use Reposition or Dance to get a mage in range to attack Ephraim. His Spd and Res are so poor that most mages should be able to kill him, and you can just restart til you're happy with the exp/SP you're getting.

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