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1 hour ago, Lewyn said:

Certainly depends on the unit.  Some units are so slow, like Lukas, that their speed stat can't be salvaged (or would take incredible buff stacking).  However for units with a workable speed stat usually much better to invest in that over more def or res.  

The problem with that is that increasing Spd has smaller marginal returns whereas increasing Def or Res has larger marginal returns (until it gets too high).

Increasing your Spd stat only decreases the amount of damage you receive from enemies that no longer double you due to the increase. Any enemy that already couldn't double you is still hitting just as hard, and any enemy that doubles you regardless is also still hitting you just as hard. Additionally, as you increase your Spd stat, the number of potential opponents that you prevent from doubling you decreases. On top of that, units like armors and Ephraim exist that can double regardless of the Spd check, and Brave weapons exist that always hit at least twice.

On the other hand, increasing Def affects the damage you receive from all physical opponents except those that couldn't damage you to begin with. Furthermore, the less damage the opponent deals to you, the more effective a small boost in Def brings in terms of boosting your sustain. The 3-point difference between taking 20 damage and 17 damage isn't much, but the next 3 points helps even more and more, with the difference between 8 damage and 5 damage being much larger. Additionally, Def and Res do double duty against opponents that will double you regardless with each 1 point always blocking 2 damage (unless the opponent couldn't damage you in the first place). In addition to sustain, this also helps the unit keep skills like Quick Riposte active longer.

Finally, there are no inheritable Special skills that deal damage based on a unit's Spd stat, but there are ones that deal damage based on Def, meaning every couple points of Def you gain also helps your damage output.

And so, while Spd tanks do appreciate keeping their Spd, they don't have quite as much to gain from improving their Spd stat compared to stats like Def or Res.

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9 hours ago, Lewyn said:

Yes it is.  Cause if you allow yourself to be doubled many units will get their specials off, and the def/res reducing specials can cut through the mightiest tanks like a hot knife through butter.  Preventing doubles at the very least halves damage and many times it does much more.  QR allows a unit to counterattack twice, but doesn't prevent the opponent from hitting twice...you might be dead before you can do your 2nd attack.  Speed might be the most important stat.  It allows doubling on the player phase allowing unit to hit twice and get off low cd specials every combat easy, on the enemy phase it prevents the opponent from being able to double and likewise many times prevents them from getting their special off.  

@mampfoid Oh definitely there are better seals.  However this is one that i think can fix/help a lot of units, it might even be preferable to close defense/distant defense on many units.  

This totally depends on the unit and on the enemy you are faceing. In Tier 21/high 20 Arena SPD is really not so much important because of Bold fighter/QR/whatever double phase Armorers you will be faceing constantly, since your enemys will double your units no matter which phase. The most important stat or better said skill for me in that is Guard and high physical bulk. A Lukas with Guard and very low spd will work much much better against those units (unless dragon armorers...). Triangle Adept too.

I agree though when faceing the "regular Arena" Teams SPD becomes important because you will face alot more ranged units and you want to make sure you survive ranged units AND can finish them off. So spd becomes revelant because all the other classes/movement types dont have access to bold fighter.

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10 minutes ago, Garlyle said:

Well that is a rare aight in AA


Wow! Someone loves Felicia a lot! I can see, just from this image, that a Brave Celica, a Festival Elincia and a Summer Linde died for this team (only counting 5* exclusives, because a Saizo died for Smoke dagger too). Were they all +10 units?

Edit: Also, I don't know if the "Bunny Felicia" has Aether or Miracle, because a dagger unit cannot have Galeforce.

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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31 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Wow! Someone loves Felicia a lot! I can see, just from this image, that a Brave Celica, a Festival Elincia and a Summer Linde died for this team (only counting 5* exclusives, because a Saizo died for Smoke dagger too). Were they all +10 units?

Edit: Also, I don't know if the "Bunny Felicia" has Aether or Miracle, because a dagger unit cannot have Galeforce.

The team was actually scarier than it first looks. Imagine someone would say you can't make a good Felicia and you make 4 good ones.

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with Grand Conquest coming - what are the best tips/tricks to try to maximize your rewards? 
(this is one of those things where not having an actual data plan sucks, because I can only play when i'm at home). usually what I do is play for a bit- and then when i stop use ALL my Conquest Lances and all it a day. (obviously not the ideal move). thanks in advance :)

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1 minute ago, Usana said:

@daisy jane I tend to just assume there is little you can do to influence who wins the rounds so mostly just focus on making sure I make it all the way through our personal tier list. Doesn't exactly make me a team player though. Maybe others have different advice.

lol its okay. i think the way i've played @Usanai'm probably not the best team player either. 

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38 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

with Grand Conquest coming - what are the best tips/tricks to try to maximize your rewards? 

I make a strong cavalry-based brigade with my best units and seals. (Cavalry's greater movement really helps with the turn limit.) I space out the units in the brigade so that my reinforcements will have even representation for color, attack type, etc. This gives me good results on Rival Domains and Grand Conquest maps. For each match, I autobattle the first portion and then take over near the end to make sure it turns out alright. I save most lances for the cavalry bonus round and use them all on lower lunatic difficulty (level 40). On non-cavalry rounds, I play the same way, but only on the hard difficulty (level 35). I usually reach around tier 24. If I manually play several non-cavalry rounds on the lower lunatic difficulty (level 40), then I can reach tier 25, but it's not worth it to me. I have only used my own units so far;  it would probably be easier with friend units.

Edited by Tree
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22 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

with Grand Conquest coming - what are the best tips/tricks to try to maximize your rewards? 
(this is one of those things where not having an actual data plan sucks, because I can only play when i'm at home). usually what I do is play for a bit- and then when i stop use ALL my Conquest Lances and all it a day. (obviously not the ideal move). thanks in advance :)

As the self-proclaimed King of Grand Conquest, here's a few tips for getting a decent score:

  • Check out the Friend Code Thread or ask people if you need more friends. Many of us who have been playing for a while have excellent units to field that can really make a difference. My own code is 3589968470 if you wanna add me. If you have blank slots in your Brigade, the game just gives you random lead units from other players on your side.
  • Build a brigade that fulfills diverse battle roles. A good spread of different weapon types is important. Also, if you can use one, either your own or someone else's, bring a dancer with Wings of Mercy in your starting lineup. Dance/Sing and Galeforce are amazing for this (note that you only get to bring 1 dancer). Wings of Mercy is also amazing, especially on the back-up units who need to catch up to your front line. Armored units are... tricky to use due to their poor movement (unless you have the Area Bonus that gives them permanent Armor March), so I'd advise against using them unless you can ensure their mobility (Guidance, Wings of Mercy, etc). Note that, in a given round (2 day period), one movement type will get +4 to all stats, and a unique extra bonus depending on the area you're fighting in.
  • Check the maps before you fight and stick with the ones that you like. Some maps are really bad for certain teams (my own cavalry heavy team suffers in forest/water maps), so if you find a map that you find to be easy to repeat with your team, just stick with it.
  • Pick a difficulty that best suits you. If you're winning things effortlessly, consider trying a harder difficulty, but if that ends up being too frustrating or difficult, then stick with an easier one. Note that enemies have reduced stats/skills depending on the difficulty, and only on Infernal do they reach their actual strength (and in Infernal+, they get boosted...)
  • It's OK to have units fall in battle. While you don't wanna be reckless of course, letting one of your units die so you can advance on the enemy fort or base can be wise. Likewise, a unit that is dying and can't safely fight is probably better off getting beaten so they can be replaced by whoever is next in line.
  • It's OK to use all your stamina when it's convenient for you. A lot of people end up wasting their stamina lances because they feel obligated to save it. Just use it when you want, you're still helping the team.

You don't owe it to your team to be a one woman army, just have fun with it. As long as you're playing, you are helping the team, even if you're not scoring very high.

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1 minute ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Think we'll be getting the next New Heroes trailer tonight or tomorrow?

They're coming Tuesday, so tomorrow night most likely. They usually put them up like 28 hours before the banner launches, and I don't think they ever do them on Fridays or Saturdays.

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30 minutes ago, Tree said:

I make a strong cavalry-based brigade with my best units and seals. (Cavalry's greater movement really helps with the turn limit.) I space out the units in the brigade so that my reinforcements will have even representation for color, attack type, etc. This gives me good results on Rival Domains and Grand Conquest maps. For each match, I autobattle the first portion and then take over near the end to make sure it turns out alright. I save most lances for the cavalry bonus round and use them all on lower lunatic difficulty (level 40). On non-cavalry rounds, I play the same way, but only on the hard difficulty (level 35). I usually reach around tier 24. If I manually play several non-cavalry rounds on the lower lunatic difficulty (level 40), then I can reach tier 25, but it's not worth it to me. I have only used my own units so far;  it would probably be easier with friend units.

thanks! :) I'm starting to build my calvary team (I just need to get Frederick and Berkut going).  but that's really helpful! :)



20 minutes ago, Johann said:

As the self-proclaimed King of Grand Conquest, here's a few tips for getting a decent score:

  • Check out the Friend Code Thread or ask people if you need more friends. Many of us who have been playing for a while have excellent units to field that can really make a difference. My own code is 3589968470 if you wanna add me. If you have blank slots in your Brigade, the game just gives you random lead units from other players on your side.
  • Build a brigade that fulfills diverse battle roles. A good spread of different weapon types is important. Also, if you can use one, either your own or someone else's, bring a dancer with Wings of Mercy in your starting lineup. Dance/Sing and Galeforce are amazing for this (note that you only get to bring 1 dancer). Wings of Mercy is also amazing, especially on the back-up units who need to catch up to your front line. Armored units are... tricky to use due to their poor movement (unless you have the Area Bonus that gives them permanent Armor March), so I'd advise against using them unless you can ensure their mobility (Guidance, Wings of Mercy, etc). Note that, in a given round (2 day period), one movement type will get +4 to all stats, and a unique extra bonus depending on the area you're fighting in.
  • Check the maps before you fight and stick with the ones that you like. Some maps are really bad for certain teams (my own cavalry heavy team suffers in forest/water maps), so if you find a map that you find to be easy to repeat with your team, just stick with it.
  • Pick a difficulty that best suits you. If you're winning things effortlessly, consider trying a harder difficulty, but if that ends up being too frustrating or difficult, then stick with an easier one. Note that enemies have reduced stats/skills depending on the difficulty, and only on Infernal do they reach their actual strength (and in Infernal+, they get boosted...)
  • It's OK to have units fall in battle. While you don't wanna be reckless of course, letting one of your units die so you can advance on the enemy fort or base can be wise. Likewise, a unit that is dying and can't safely fight is probably better off getting beaten so they can be replaced by whoever is next in line.
  • It's OK to use all your stamina when it's convenient for you. A lot of people end up wasting their stamina lances because they feel obligated to save it. Just use it when you want, you're still helping the team.

You don't owe it to your team to be a one woman army, just have fun with it. As long as you're playing, you are helping the team, even if you're not scoring very high.

thanks, I'll add you (my username is the same - DaisyJane). 
Only use armoured units with Armoured Boots/or WoM/Guidance, Got it..
Stick with the one map that makes sense.

those are great tips! (I should put my friend code in the friend code thread) and I will keep some empty slots.  Thanks, Johann! :)


10 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

Yeah, probably tomorrow, otherwise, Monday~ They usually do it with a day inbetween the trailer and the Banner dropping~

very curious who they'd be. 
if game is nice, i'll get one of them as my free summon :D

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So my Mia has already payed her way. And she even needed to be +DEF and not -HP to do it. I haven't been doing too many of the abyssal clears, but I figured I would try for the golden dancer mask. Problem was Michalis was wrecking everyone. I needed to knock that 91+ damage special off its charge since it ignores color. Seriously. He one shot Halloween Myrrh with that bull. Anyways used a Red/Blue Blade tag team of Tana and Corrin along with Flying Azura and Witchy Mia to clear it. The key point came after knocking his special out. Mia would have to survive one attack from him. +DEF/-ATK Mia survived with 2 hp left. So yippe for a terrible boon/bane combo? And yes, to those paying attention Flying Azura's +2 def/res to nearby ally axe was kinda important here too.

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Small milestone for me tonight, I am now the owner of a 5* copy (regular form) of every single main character from each Fire Emblem game, including...

  • ~Marth (Shadow Dragon/MotE)
  • ~Alm and Celica (Gaiden/Echoes)
  • ~Sigurd and Seliph (Genealogy of the Holy War)
  • ~Leif (Thracia 776)
  • ~Roy (Binding Blade)
  • ~Lyn, Eliwood, and Hector (Blazing Sword)
  • ~Eirika and Ephraim (Sacred Stones)
  • ~Ike, probably Elincia? (Path of Radiance)
  • ~Micaiah, probably Elincia again, and Vanguard Ike (Radiant Dawn)
  • ~Chrom, Robin (both genders), and Lucina to at least some extent (Awakening)
  • ~Corrin, probably also Azura, Ryoma, and Xander to some extent (Fates Birthright, Conquest, and Revelation)
  • ~The Askr Trio, Alfonse Sharena and Anna (Heroes)

Everyone is at least somewhat competently built to, save for those who don't have refined weapons or weapon upgrades yet (Celica, Seliph, Lyn, Ephraim, Chrom, Lucina, and the Askr trio)

Now for them to put the lords of Warriors and Three Doors in the game so I can complete the collection two more times...

Edited by Xenomata
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Ugh... Heroes feels like a chore again. Maybe Tempest Trials is getting to me. I am not looking forward to Grand Conquest either.

I wish there was more time between events so I feel less burned out.

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So there's three maps to the Blessed Gardens now. Managed to do it without too much trouble, but building three diverse teams for all elements is a bit tricky when I've previously gone with what I thought fit the character. (so I don't have many red water heroes for example)

I guess this wouldn't be too much of a problem if they also increased the rewards for beating it at least as far as blessings went, but I guess that's not happening.

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