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I'm guessing Christmas starts when the hero fest ends. I hope this Christmas banner isn't another 2 week one like last year, but they may again not want it to overlap the next New Years one much.

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1 hour ago, silveraura25 said:

If there's Christmas, if there's New Year's, if there's beast units that are popular with no demotes, how long will the no demote period last?

the demote problem is far larger then this. I can understand that new skills can be locked exclusiv, but we are at a point where it has become basicly impossible to built good units without sacrificing any form of 5 Star units because... well the pool is bloated like never before and even if demotes happen chances are you wont pull that 4 Star unit for the skill to inherit. you either poor in on banners if that skill shows up or you well, just sit on the unit not being optimal. It kinda devalues one of the main selling points of FEH namely Skill inheritence and the ability to built units you desire to do.

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11 minutes ago, Hilda said:

It kinda devalues one of the main selling points of FEH namely Skill inheritence and the ability to built units you desire to do.

Not for me. There are plenty of good 3-4 star skills, and in many cases they’re the best ones for the job. If you absolutely need any given new skill, you spend your stash for it. That’s how this kind of game works.

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2 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

You can’t spell best without Est. Est says fuck you to Surtrs and Grimas, and asks for more. You can also say fuck you to Surtrs and Grimas in a more conventional way by using Palla. And Catria is just the queen of the skies, as she’s supposed to be.

The Whitewing sisters are awesome now.

Palla is 5* since a very very long time, but Est, Catria and Shanna had always big competition in my roster and were denied the promotion so far. 

Est would work in my fire blessing teams, since they are flier only (+ Lector). Not yet sure if to make her 4*+9 or 5*+0. 

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I really hate how good this Hero Fest banner is. New chick is pretty good with great fodder and all of the others are great units with great fodder as well. I don’t have Ophelia or Owain, and I would have liked to get some Special Spiral fodder for some fun builds. 

I need to get a lot better at being F2P and hoarding my orbs. 

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@Ice Dragon Oh yeah, I forgot to mention---but our horse v. Dragons & Armors argument has come to the point that you just win, now, at least in Aether Raids.


I think we both value being able to clear as the most important thing, and that means if a unit type doesn't have enough stats to kill everything on the map then the unit type doesn't function. Horses had enough until this point that I valued them being able to clear quickly more than Armors' and Dragons' ability to clear with less effort, but you're able to get enough stats in Aether Raids defense teams where horses can be straight up walled, now.

None of their advantages that I care about matter if they can't clear the god damn map.

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2 hours ago, Hawk King said:

I really hate how good this Hero Fest banner is. New chick is pretty good with great fodder and all of the others are great units with great fodder as well. I don’t have Ophelia or Owain, and I would have liked to get some Special Spiral fodder for some fun builds. 

I need to get a lot better at being F2P and hoarding my orbs. 

I have support for that (nods) it is TOUGH lemme tell you. 
But i saved my 275 orbs the last two weeks so. as much as i like to get more Lewyns and stuff. these orbs have plans. 

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21 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

I have support for that (nods) it is TOUGH lemme tell you. 
But i saved my 275 orbs the last two weeks so. as much as i like to get more Lewyns and stuff. these orbs have plans. 

It's much easier to save when you have units that can basically get just about everything done in the game.  I currently have 580 orbs, so keep saving!  The longer you've been playing, the easier it gets.  Hang in there @daisy jane and @Hawk King!  Keep your goal(s) in mind!

Don't be tempted - or at least wait until you get all 7 Free Summon Tickets before pulling if you haven't already.  That's my plan.  It's easy to want to summon when others have gotten good units from Hero Fest.  Remember - you might not get the heroes you want if you're really unlucky.

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Just now, DarkAlf said:

It's much easier to save when you have units that can basically get just about everything done in the game.  I currently have 580 orbs, so keep saving!  The longer you've been playing, the easier it gets.  Hang in there @daisy jane and @Hawk King!  Keep your goal(s) in mind!

Don't be tempted - or at least wait until you get all 7 Free Summon Tickets before pulling if you haven't already.  That's my plan.  It's easy to want to summon when others have gotten good units from Hero Fest.  Remember - you might not get the heroes you want if you're really unlucky.

:) I have 675 orbs. 
(275 is for this months Legendary. 400 is for Airzura (and other "I NEED THEM UNITS"). 
it's tough because i still don't have the strongest barracks, but people have been helping me with making the most of my lemons to make passable lemonade :) 

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@daisy jane That's great that you've saved all those orbs!  I'm practically in the same boat as you!  I'm planning to spend 500 on the month's legendary banner for Fjorm and L!Hector merges and hopefully no more than 200 for NY!Azura (I need Hone Fliers and another flying dancer/singer!).  Perhaps I'll spend some on Hero Fest (maximum 100 for Eir merges, if I go that route) and whichever banner is linked to the next set of Tempest Trials (75-orb limit) so that I can hopefully pull a new unit for HM farming, but I'll wait for the calendar to post first before deciding.

I've had to build lemonade myself to grind HM in Tempest Trials on units I don't usually use.  I actually used Raigh for grinding last time!  Anything can indeed be done!

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Just now, DarkAlf said:

@daisy jane That's great that you've saved all those orbs!  I'm practically in the same boat as you!  I'm planning to spend 500 on the month's legendary banner for Fjorm and L!Hector merges and hopefully no more than 200 for NY!Azura (I need Hone Fliers and another flying dancer/singer!).  Perhaps I'll spend some on Hero Fest (maximum 100 for Eir merges, if I go that route) and whichever banner is linked to the next set of Tempest Trials (75-orb limit) so that I can hopefully pull a new unit for HM farming, but I'll wait for the calendar to post first before deciding.

I've had to build lemonade myself to grind HM in Tempest Trials on units I don't usually use.  I actually used Raigh for grinding last time!  Anything can indeed be done!

yah. Halloween was pretty much my breaking point. i spent. way. way too much money and while i got Myrrh, I didn't get Mia, and i was just mad etc. so i just said okay that's it. we don't spend anymore on the game (other than the monthly pack and getting to a "round number" so if i am like this close to like 350 - i'll put in a ten pack or something. but i won't feed the gatcha beast more than that for any unit. (even Micaiah + Myrrh lol). and knowing how much i get via F2P it's dooable. it's just making those decisions of whom i really wanna gun for. 

I really want a Winter Tharja (i have zero range armour), and I'd like to get Tibarn/Naliah so it's gonna be tough to quote Silvia. LOL but i've gotten pretty darn good at ignoring banners (or talking out why i need to and it usually chalks up to "i wanna summon"  

(though if Olivia gets a banner. i am gunning for her. i need a Flying Olivia.... why she didn't come home on legendary. (SOB!))

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So should I go and grail up Aversa or keep saving for now in the hopes that the next TT/GHB is the one I want to try and +10. She is probably my preferred candidate for R Flying Duel. Decisions Decisions. All well I don't have the feathers right now anyways. So I'll hold onto my grails for now.

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12 minutes ago, Usana said:

So should I go and grail up Aversa or keep saving for now in the hopes that the next TT/GHB is the one I want to try and +10. She is probably my preferred candidate for R Flying Duel. Decisions Decisions. All well I don't have the feathers right now anyways. So I'll hold onto my grails for now.

If you're planning to grail her for Arena then I have no comment either way, but if part of your decision involves Aether Raids then I'd suggest waiting and seeing for a bit to see how many blessed units you run into.

Mythic Blessed units get +5 hp per Mythic Hero on their team, which means she'd be trying to Panic people with, say, +20 max hp if you run into a team with 4 mythics and 2 Blessed.

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11 minutes ago, Usana said:

So should I go and grail up Aversa or keep saving for now in the hopes that the next TT/GHB is the one I want to try and +10. She is probably my preferred candidate for R Flying Duel. Decisions Decisions. All well I don't have the feathers right now anyways. So I'll hold onto my grails for now.

I am hording my grails until next month at least, in case Naesala is a GHB/TT reward.  If you use Aversa a lot and she is part of your core team then go ahead, but otherwise I say hoard until you get enough to +10 your favorite.

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The Hero Fest banner is really bad timing for me.  Didn't get to save for even a month before Lewyn showed up again. =[  I Couldn't get him with the 150 orbs I still had, but I still have a fair bit of story/quest orbs to claim.  I really want a second Eir too so Julius can get Mystic Boost...

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My last Clair merge showed up as my free ticket summon on the Hero Fest banner for today. Maybe I should give her Fury one day.


I could get Lilina to +7, but I'd like to do a colorless or green merge project. Maybe I really should just go ham with Shield Pulse Raven, but if the game gave me a bunch of Jaffars or Legaults...

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I was thinking about hoarding orbs for either Christmas, Christmas rerun, or December's legendary banner.

And then they had to drop normal Ike and Elincia on me. And I'm barely getting any red orbs.


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8 hours ago, Landmaster said:

Christmas Banner will definitely be soon, since they datamined the Accessories for Tap Battle and they're Christmas related~ The Calendar will  hopefully be either today or tomorrow~



Actually, only one of the accessories is Christmas related. The other, the Kagami Mochi, is New Year Takumi's weapon. Which is interesting cause I doubt we're getting the New Years banner anytime soon. Also Takumi is carrying the Kagami as his weapon, I wonder how they're gonna make the units wear it as an accessory, on their heads?

Even more interesting is that since it's two accessories, it can be assumed we get them from the next tap battle. But the next tap battle is called Kingdom of Hoshido so seems to have nothing to do with christmas OR new years...



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Actually, since the New Year banner we've had took on the Japanese tradition of Hatsumode I could see them being correlated, if it wasn't a bit too early for that. I still wouldn't be surprised to see Newmilla and Festival!Xander show up in that tap battle, since the Hoshidans are never allowed to have anything for themselves ever.


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