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Bleh, a second summer gauntlet. And with mostly crappy characters, of course, since it had to use the newest ones. I guess I'm going Laevatein to start and if she and Gunnthra lose, I'm out. There's nobody else I care about.

And I'm no longer in Claude's army in GC. It switched me to Dimitri. Disappointing... I really don't get why we can't pick our team here like in VG.

Edited by Anacybele
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6 hours ago, Zeo said:

Never have I wanted to sac a unit as much as I want to kill my +SPD/-HP Takumi right now.

Serra really, really wants that Close Counter.

21 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

do it. DO it for the Countess. 

If you do not want to do anything you might regret and can handle the wait, the next Close Counter fodder to appear would be FIH!Xander during the Festival in Hoshido rerun, which should be available around the next new Special Heroes Focus, so at most about 2 months. He also brings Odd Def Wave. Additionally, he got Quick Riposte too, but I rather just promote Subaki for that since you do not see Odd Def Wave everyday.

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I noticed that that it says something like "Just 1 more for a perfect run!" at the end of tap battle stages now. Has this always been there and I just never noticed, or was it added in some update? Also, what exactly does this number mean? It's pretty obvious on regular stages, but on boss stages I feel like I have gotten perfect runs without hitting everything perfectly, or other times I'm almost certain I hit everything perfectly but it still says "1 more". If the combo counter still counts during the boss battle, why isn't it displayed?

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38 minutes ago, BoaFerox said:

I noticed that that it says something like "Just 1 more for a perfect run!" at the end of tap battle stages now. Has this always been there and I just never noticed, or was it added in some update?

It has always been there.

38 minutes ago, BoaFerox said:

Also, what exactly does this number mean? It's pretty obvious on regular stages, but on boss stages I feel like I have gotten perfect runs without hitting everything perfectly, or other times I'm almost certain I hit everything perfectly but it still says "1 more".

You have to tap perfectly both in the regular portion and the boss portion. You will know if you tapped an enemy perfectly when there are sparks and musical notes bursting out.

40 minutes ago, BoaFerox said:

If the combo counter still counts during the boss battle, why isn't it displayed?

You can ask the developers via sending them feedback.

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11 hours ago, Kaden said:

I said stupid not torturous.

I don't think it's possible to beat any chain challenge with only two 1* units even if they were +10 and on hard difficulty. My remaining 1* units are Stahl and Virion. They're a novelty, but I kind of wished we could get more 2* and 1* units.

Isn't that the same?

One of my favourite ever GHB clears is that where someone beat Valter's Infernal map with a 1* Felicia:

(Attention, hilariously accelerated Astra damage sound)

10 hours ago, Zeo said:

Never have I wanted to sac a unit as much as I want to kill my +SPD/-HP Takumi right now.

Serra really, really wants that Close Counter.

One of my best moments in FEH history: killing my only OG Ike (ATK boon) for Heavy Blade. Cherche was so grateful! 

(aka: All-In for the favs!)

7 hours ago, Humanoid said:

I have no hard data, but the level 100 tap battle stage feels significantly longer than it is usually, and that's on normal. Bloody hell.

Edelgard took nearly no damage, such an annoying mode. 

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10 hours ago, Humanoid said:

I have no hard data, but the level 100 tap battle stage feels significantly longer than it is usually, and that's on normal. Bloody hell.

I just completed it, and yeah, 103 for the regular portion is definitely much longer than previous stage 100 regular portions. In the past, they are usually around 80 something. For the boss portion, it feels longer too, but I cannot really say how long since they do not keep track of your streak during boss battles.

My hands got really sweaty so I had to restart my first few tries before putting baby powder on my hands.

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I was hoping to pull a second summer Takumi and summer Linde, so that's a bummer. Also, aside from my summer Xander all of my summer Nohrian units have bad natures. EDIT: Here's hoping that they do rerun the banner eventually.

Edited by Sunwoo
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1 hour ago, Sunwoo said:

I was hoping to pull a second summer Takumi and summer Linde, so that's a bummer. Also, aside from my summer Xander all of my summer Nohrian units have bad natures. EDIT: Here's hoping that they do rerun the banner eventually.

Yeah, I'd like Summer Elise since she's the only one of the three Elises that I'm missing. I initially passed her over because I was raging over the game shoving Nohr down our throats and not giving us much Hoshido. And I think I had tried for her when she appeared on a legendary banner, but I didn't get her.

On another note, I've finally made a 5 star Lukas! I'd put him off because I had a few +10 projects to finish and those are done. I'm just casually working on +10ing Reinhardt and Klein now while also upgrading more 4 stars in the meantime. But Lukas finally got his turn now because he's my favorite Echoes peep. :3

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Hm, legendary trailer tomorrow eh? Kinda hoping it's not Sothis so the game can have some time to be out so she can be a bit more fleshed out when she eventually comes out. Plus she seems like she wouldn't be colorless which is what the likely Mystic Hero is going to be. She strikes me Green > Red > Blue > Colorless.

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3 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Hm, legendary trailer tomorrow eh? Kinda hoping it's not Sothis so the game can have some time to be out so she can be a bit more fleshed out when she eventually comes out. Plus she seems like she wouldn't be colorless which is what the likely Mystic Hero is going to be. She strikes me Green > Red > Blue > Colorless.

Yeah, I hope it isn't her either because I feel she'd probably end up being either too spoilery or not fleshed out enough because of avoiding spoilers. I do hope this Mythic isn't colorless as well since we have two already. I wanted a red one, but I think that color is full this time.

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I've been so busy with 3H I've sort of let things slip in FEH.  I might drop to Tier 19 in Arena, and I've not really been doing much with GC.  Hopefully it won't be too much trouble to climb back in Arena at least once I've beaten 3H.

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Oh new weapons/refines for four units I barely use anymore. Maybe this'll change that.

Beruka I can only assume will get Killer effect plus a defensive-based refine, maybe just Steady Stance or Sturdy Stance since other defensive weapons have those. Her personal from Fates really doesn't seem like it'd translate well otherwise (bonus damage if the enemy can't counterattack), and the weapon itself was just a heavy version of the Killer Axe...
Selena will probably just get Armorslaying and god hopes some way to fix her low Atk. Her personal was useless in Fates unless you were using someone equally weak enough that even a crit wouldn't net a kill, and the Selena's Blade itself is.. weird. The best way to describe it is as a mesh of the Steel Sword and Killing Edge, having lower Might than the Steel and lower Crit and no 4x crits compared to the Edge, but not having an Avoid penalty (though it does have a Crit Dodge penalty) while having the same -3 Effective Spd penalty as the Steel (Effective Spd only affects ability to double attack, not any other Spd-based bonuses. I dunno, it just better beat out a Wo Dao in keeping her damage high at least on Special Triggers.
Boey and Mae... I have no idea. They could just get prf Owltomes with Boey getting something defensive or even conditional Close Counter, while Mae could get something with a little more oomph to compliment her high Atk, maybe an additional Owltome layer focused on her Atk and Spd or Res.

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16 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Boey and Mae... I have no idea. They could just get prf Owltomes with Boey getting something defensive or even conditional Close Counter, while Mae could get something with a little more oomph to compliment her high Atk, maybe an additional Owltome layer focused on her Atk and Spd or Res.

I rather like for them to add a new skill for Boeys special refine that forces the enemy to target his DEF stat when calculating Damage. Conditional Close Counter might work too, but it depends on the condition... and hopefully they widen the range of the owltome to 2 spaces instead of adjacent.

I would also be happy with

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Can I just say, by the way, learning about new weapons/refines kinda sucks in not the way you're thinking?

Like, I already have a number of other units who would appreciate what amounts to a bonus passive skill on top of the existing 3 passives and Sacred Seal they can already have, you don't need to throw in another 4 every month and make me reconsider my plans. Now I have to hold out on using my existing Divine Dews for at least another 2 weeks before I decide if I should save them for one of the upgraded units or if it's safe to finally upgrade... for instance, Elincia the strongest Quadder in the game.

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I love how ugly Beruka's Axe looks. I know it's a retextured Iron Axe in Fates and Heroes, but it looks so ugly and unfitting for an assassin. Usually, you'd want to keep your weapon in tiptop condition, especially as an assassin who'd probably want her axe to actually cut through things as cleanly as possible instead of probably getting stuck and causing unnecessary pain and therefore leading to unnecessary screams from the poor schmuck she was assigned to killing.

1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

Selena ...  I dunno, it just better beat out a Wo Dao in keeping her damage high at least on Special Triggers.

Enjoy Fortress Def/Res on her new sword which totally would be the best thing ever as an effect for Azama's maybe eventual personal staff.

If she somehow ends up with a sword version of Dauntless Lance, she should be fine. Add in a Guard effect like The Land's Bounty inheritable weapons and there you go. Or Dull All like on Divine Naga and unique refined Fensalir. Wing Sword would work too as effective damage goes a long way and for what it's worth, infantry Caeda with good mixed defenses isn't something we have.

1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

Boey and Mae... I have no idea. They could just get prf Owltomes with Boey getting something defensive or even conditional Close Counter, while Mae could get something with a little more oomph to compliment her high Atk, maybe an additional Owltome layer focused on her Atk and Spd or Res. 

I was wondering if they would ever stack -owl effects with the 2 spaces Bond effects like on Muspell Fireposy, Nifl Frostflowers, and Wolf Queen Fang i.e. this effect: " During combat, boosts unit's Atk/Spd by number of allies within 2 spaces × 2. (Maximum bonus of +6 to each stat.)" Boey stacking Atk/Def or Def/Res makes sense and even Atk/Res would work since he's the bulkier of the pair while Mae stacking Atk/Spd or Atk/Res works. Being within 2 spaces of an ally would grant them at max X/Y+6 and being adjacent to them would grant them another +6 to those stats and the rest of their stats.

Boey stacking Def/Res like that would be able to get Def/Res+12 giving neutral Boey 44 Def and 30 Res in combat. Considering only Atk, neutral Mae would have 62 Atk in combat; 36 base + 14 Mt + 6 -owl + 6 two space Bond.

Also, I wished they had called Mae's tome: Big Hurty Lightning or even Big Hurty Magic if they couldn't fit Lightning in.

Edited by Kaden
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So I just finished all the old Blessed Gardens maps I'd left undone, didn't know Blessed Gardens was discontinued. Makes sense since there's 4 new types of blessings and it restricts the units you can use, making new gardens for all 4 new blessing types would have been nonsense.

Have to say I'd forgotten how difficult these were because of that though. I really struggled with the last earth one. The wind one too though. What made these tough was that it limited the units you used to the corresponding blessings. I have tons of nukes and supertanks but they're spread throughout my teams and blessings and can only be used once if they happened to be the particular blessing type for that garden.

Matt has a light blessing so he was unavailable for all of the maps. Not having him available to trivialize all the maps really made me rediscover my barracks and think about what I wanted to do. Made me get tactical which is something I rarely do outside of clears. Also makes me appreciate all those units I built up that I never used or use anymore. Almost makes me sad that it's over.

20 hours ago, daisy jane said:

do it. DO it for the Countess. 

16 hours ago, mampfoid said:

One of my best moments in FEH history: killing my only OG Ike (ATK boon) for Heavy Blade. Cherche was so grateful! 

As much as I want to, got to have self control. I'll never pull a perfect nature Takumi again more than likely. I have never foddered off the only copy of a *5 that I have, not even for my favorites. I may start one day, but not today.

19 hours ago, XRay said:

If you do not want to do anything you might regret and can handle the wait, the next Close Counter fodder to appear would be FIH!Xander during the Festival in Hoshido rerun, which should be available around the next new Special Heroes Focus, so at most about 2 months. He also brings Odd Def Wave. Additionally, he got Quick Riposte too, but I rather just promote Subaki for that since you do not see Odd Def Wave everyday.

I'll wait for him. The idea of having to pull 2 of him however, makes me want to puke. Might fodder the only copy in the worst case. I'm really not interested in Xander. Even if foddering off a dancer seems silly.

Lastly the refines.

Beruka will likely just get a Steady Stance/Guard/Iote Shield passive refine with a killer effect. A Steady Breath refine would be incredible for her if they had the guts though.

Boey needs something to take advantage of his bulk. I'm praying they don't get lazy and give him a Raven tome but I'm feeling like an Owl Tome with Close Counter as the refine is pretty realistic for him. That or the good ol' if blah blah blah is near get +ATK/DEF +5 or something completely disappointing.

Mae will probably get a refine of the Owl tome as well. Her ATK is sky high and I hope they take advantage of that but Death Blow would be boring since it's Lillina's refine. Swift Sparrow is just as lazy. Something like a "if unit's ATK > foe's ATK, unit is granted a guaranteed followup attack" would be pretty sweet.

Selena... there's really no way of knowing what they'll do with her. I'll probably be a refined armorsmasher which is fine but she's so versatile they could do anything. She's speedy, her bulk is surprisingly good also. Her ATK sucks though, it'll likely try to patch it up.

Either way, none of these units am I particularly interested in. I wanted to build up a Boey and Mae back in the day, but that was back when I had a lot, and I mean a LOT less resources and powerful units. Now, it's not really worth my Dew. It's a good time to save up.

Now... time to sleep.

Edited by Zeo
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