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I just had a thought about clearing Røkkr Sieges as quickly as possible.

Arden can quad attack AND shut down Specials, on BOTH phases. As an armor unit, he also has access to SAVE skills to force enemy engagements away from his allies and ONTO himself. The Røkkr is basically forced to eat four hits on enemy phase and at least sixteen hits on player phase. Dancers/Singers and Galeforce can make those hits increase even more. Off the top of my head, I am not sure if Astra is more optimal though.

Arden #1
Arden's Blade [Special]
Pivot — Swap
Galeforce — Astra
Atk/Res Bond — Distant Counter
Follow-Up Ring
AR Near Save
Def/Res Bond

Arden #2
Arden's Blade [Special]
Pivot — Swap
Galeforce — Astra
Distant Counter
Follow-Up Ring
AR Far Save
Atk/Res Bond

Reyson #1 and #2
Heron Wing
(Any Special)
(Any A)
Guidance — Drive Res
Drive Res — Guidance

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Your mentioning Save skills reminded me that I should try out dumb Save strats.

So I now have a dumb Save strat with Halloween Mia, Legendary Azura, Valentine Henriette, and Legendary Leaf.

I can easily get Leaf up to 36 Spd (+8 merge, +10 Dragonflowers, Leila cohort, Swift Sparrow 2 Sacred Seal, Spd Tactic 3 on Azura), which is hilariously enough to quad both Takumi and Hinoka on Advanced. I can consistently hit 200,000 points on turn 5 or 6.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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17 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

So, has anyone else noticed this? We're now five books into FEH's story, and there still isn't a single FEH original character (out of 34 characters) whose main weapon of choice is a bow (or dragonstone, but I personally find the lack of bows more interesting):

Swords (7): Alfonse, Hrid, Laegjarn, Laevatein, Lif, Mirabilis, Reginn
Lances (3): Sharena, Fjorm, Fafnir
Axes (8): Anna, Gustav, Surtr, Helbindi, Hel, Otr, Dagr, Thorr
Beasts (2): Freyr, Freyja
Daggers (2): Ylgr, Eir
Tomes (8): Kiran, Veronica, Bruno, Gunnthra, Thrasir, Peony, Triandra, Plumeria
Staves (1): Loki
Main Weapon Choice Currently Unknown (3): Henriette, Eitri, Nott

If Henriette becomes playable, I expect her to be a tome user, based on her artwork. I will guess that Nótt will be a sword user, based on the trailer... but I am still not sure about that. The sword she is holding is Gramr, so I don't know if she will use that as a weapon, or she is holding that in the trailer just to tell us that they have that.

Eitri... is hard to guess... since I have no idea what is that thing she holds in her art. It kinda looks like a gun? I will say maybe she ends as a colorless tome user (if she becomes playable or at least appears as an enemy unit). Could that be consider a bow? I have no idea.

It is weird that we have no OC with a bow as main weapon of choice.

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Last day to subscribe for resplendent CYL Ike. I'm tempted. Probably going to be annoyed if the next resplendent after Tana is Clair or Sonya. Maybe Cherche or Nephenee. Gonna be real mad if it's Reinhardt since I figure I should +10 him by now.

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There's something almost somber about the way Elincia looks here... it's a much different look from the honestly kinda bright-eyed look her normal art has.



I guess that's another Resplendent that I already +10ed prior. With Resplendent stats on top of her already good Spd and refine, Amiti really doesn't even have a Spd penalty anymore.

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I still hate fairies, but Elincia is the exception. The best I can say for even Delthea and Tana is that they aren't bad - just thoroughly outclassed by their defaults. Elincia's is actually good.


1 hour ago, Sunwoo said:

I wish they'd either give us a male fairy resplendent already, or stop saddling female characters I like with this outfit >_>

The latter. Don't bring down the males or the females.

Edited by Fabulously Olivier
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It's well-executed but the edgy vampire look isn't for me. Admittedly I only skimmed the art when he was released, which is true of all resplendents. In terms of degree of improvement I'd call it middle of the pack, in terms of overall look I can see top half-dozen.

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Maybe I regret not subscribing for CYL Ike and Elincia... Ike is Ike, CYL Ike is stupidly good because of what they gave to him with unique refined Urvan, but Ike isn't a super favorite of mine and I kind of don't really want to spend on FEH. For Elincia, I really like Kippu's art, but dökkálfr Elincia looks amazing. Going to wait until the next resplendent after her.

2 hours ago, Xenomata said:

With Resplendent stats on top of her already good Spd and refine, Amiti really doesn't even have a Spd penalty anymore.

In terms of raw stats, I think resplendent Elincia just did what resplendent Cordelia did to lance fliers or what Lewyn did with Forseti's refinement to Asbel's Grafcalibur being kind of similar. In her case, Annand and New Year's Gunnthra exist now.

Elincia has 35 HP, 34 Atk, 36 Spd, 24 Def, and 27 Res. Same offenses as Lucina or masked Marth, but as a flier or -1 Atk/+1 Spd compared to Cordelia. With resplendent, she will have 37 HP, 36 Atk, 38 Spd, 26 Def, and 29 Res. Compared to Annand, +1 Atk, -1 Spd, -1 Def, and -5 Res and compared to NY Gunnthra, -1 HP, +2 Atk, +1 Spd, -1 Def, and +3 Res. Not as magically bulky as Annand, but slightly better offenses and resistance compared to NY Gunnthra.

Sword Catria and legendary Ryoma are also comparable where Elincia has swapped offenses compared to sword Catria and trades HP for resistance compared to sword Catria and legendary Ryoma. Sword Catria has 41 HP, 38 Atk, 36 Spd, 27 Def, and 24 Res, so -4 HP, -2 Atk, +2 Spd, -1 Def, and +5 Res while legendary Ryoma has 41 HP, 34 Atk, 39 Spd, 28 Def, and 20 Res, so -4 HP, +2 Atk, -1 Spd, -2 Def, and +9 Res.

And there's summer Fiora and bride Sigrun who have less attack, but comparable remaining stats to resplendent Elincia.

The thing now is that Elincia is one of the special 4* heroes and she is part of the weekly revival banners, so people know she will be on a banner. Aside from summer Fiora who is a grail unit, the others have it rougher, especially NY Gunnthra and bride Sigrun who are seasonal units and so far. Anyway, Elincia showing up would be a bit more common than the other units. Not as common as a 3* to 4* unit or a launch unit like Cordelia, but probably decent enough that a merged Elincia wouldn't be that farfetched. Offensively, Elincia has a prf Brave Sword that inflicts Spd-2 and with Swift Sparrow 2 as its unique refinement. On player phase, she will have 51/40 offenses and on enemy phase, 47/36. With her default Death Blow 3, she will have 57/40 offenses on initiation. You can replace Death Blow 3 for whatever and she would probably be pretty decent with Dive-Bomb if you can get her speed that high and she doesn't have to worry about another HP check like Cordelia does with her lance's unique refinement in return for not having Atk/Spd+4 on enemy phase on the rare occasions you would want that for a player phase-only Brave weapon. Or go with the usual Desperation instead.

Her stats are flexible enough that she can run other weapons and skills like Cordelia. Firesweep Sword is in the 3* to 4* pool thanks to Soleil and resplendent Elincia would be the second fastest non-5* exclusive option under resplendent Caeda, but Caeda's attack is very low compared to Elincia. Previously, it was summer Fiora with her 32/37 offenses who would have higher attack than +Atk Caeda, but with the same speed. Between resplendent Caeda and resplendent Elincia, Elincia trades 1 base neutral speed for 11 more base neutral attack.

Anyway, Annand came to mind as she was recently introduced and now we have resplendent Elincia coming up. While she isn't one of the stars of the banner, Annand being a sword flier and one with good offenses stands out with sword fliers being fewer than lance fliers. By default, Unbound Blade, Sturdy Impact, and Guard Bearing can make her deceptively bulky, although, as neat as Guard Bearing is and perhaps as with Sturdy Impact as a reference to Shield Ring, maybe Pegasus Flight would have been better for her. At least there would be another unit with it and she does have the speed and resistance to make use of it. Otherwise, her stats can let her do whatever, especially by making use of her speed as she is the fastest sword flier in the regular summoning pool.

I don't know. I like Annand, I like Elincia, but kind of interesting how the introduce a unit who stands mainly on her stats as her skills can be used just as well by others only for Elincia to be announced for a resplendent.

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I don't really understand the choice behind making Elincia a dark fairy. Until the events of PoR, she had a pretty good life. She seems to fit the theme of Nifl better, if you ask me. The art is good, but the theme choice just confuses me too much for me to really appreciate it.

Also, I am very sad to pass on Nidvalir Ike. 😞 I just can't spend money on this game, but...

Anyway, maybe next year or something, you'll be able to earn resplendent armor or something as a consumable item. We got a free forma soul this year, so it could happen, right?

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Oooh, this might be the first resplendent that I'll actually use and not instantly fodder. :o   I collect mostly villains, anyway, so she won't look out of place in the barracks for once, and the art is freaking sweet.

Reminds me of that glorious grimdark fic where it's basically fallen!Elincia's as a protagonist instead of Ike.  Yeah, this might be the first time the Pass is earning its keep. :3

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Yes. Oh my god just yes. Teal and black is an amazing color combo, and the gradient to orange looks magnificent. SSS-tier artwork, right alongside Eldigan.

And 51/40 neutral offenses with a Brave weapon is excellent. That scarily makes her Atk equal to that of Meister Reinhardt when both are running an Atk Asset. I can't wait.

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off topic to resplendants: is it just me, or is the best counter to Serios ... a bolt trap?

The amount of times i've been able to fold a AR-D team after strategically setting off their bolt trap with Valter (who appreciates the health drop) and then sniping is.... amusing.  Especially when their Seiros would've been able to tank and kill my entire team otherwise.

why would you stick a bolt trap so close to your own omnitank, i'll never know.

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I got to say, I'm really glad I pulled Triandra on her mythic banner a few months ago. She's really been earning her keep in Rokkr Sieges, I don't have to worry about having guard or an HP requirement with her around. And even though I have Silque and Halloween Mia, Triandra gives people an extra turn while doing what she does.

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1 hour ago, kradeelav said:

off topic to resplendants: is it just me, or is the best counter to Serios ... a bolt trap?

The amount of times i've been able to fold a AR-D team after strategically setting off their bolt trap with Valter (who appreciates the health drop) and then sniping is.... amusing.  Especially when their Seiros would've been able to tank and kill my entire team otherwise.

why would you stick a bolt trap so close to your own omnitank, i'll never know.

They are probably trying to counter a different type of offense team. If you put Bolt Traps too far forward, it gives player phase teams on offense free access to Desperation and Wings of Mercy without any sort of risk. By placing it closer to the back, player phase teams will need a more elaborate plan to extract everyone out of enemy range, or trap and isolate ranged units.

In my opinion, a poorly placed Bolt Trap in the back is better than a poorly placed Bolt Trap in the front. 

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Has anyone else experienced an EXTREME difficulty spike in Arena? For two years now I've been at Tier 20, occasionally gone to 21 (but pretty much always 20), but now all of a sudden I can't seem to even win three freakin' matches in a row. I went from having SO MANY swords to use, literally hundreds, down to ZERO, and have yet to win five consecutive matches this week. This is way too much to be just bad luck.

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Datamine notes [SPOILERS]: 

  • Atk/Spd Catch is fliers and cavalry only.
  • The Three Heroes quests feature Fae, Nowi and adult Tiki.
  • The next set of bonus heroes for Arena (for 03/02 - 03/08 and 03/09 - 03/15) are: Legendary Claude, Annand, Erinys, Azelle, Lex, Dithorba, Lugh, Sothe, Lon,qu, Sharena. The elements are Earth/Fire/Light/Dark (for 03/02 - 03/08) and Earth/Wind/Astra/Anima (for 03/09 - 03/15).
  • The next set of bonus heroes for Aether Raids (for 03/09 - 03/15, so not next week) are: Altina, Duma, Annand, Erinys, Azelle, Lex, Dithorba, Camus, Legendary Julia, Sharena. The bonus structure is Armor School and the elements are Earth/Wind/Astra/Anima.
  • The Heroes with Moonbow will likely feature the following characters (plus a third unknown one): Julian, Gatrie
  • The Heroes with Moonbow will likely not feature any of the following characters: Tsubasa, Lysithea, F!Kris, Brave Claude, Brave Lysithea, Jill, Shamir, Asbel.
  • Version 5.3 will likely be released on March 3rd (next Wednesday).


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1 hour ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Has anyone else experienced an EXTREME difficulty spike in Arena? For two years now I've been at Tier 20, occasionally gone to 21 (but pretty much always 20), but now all of a sudden I can't seem to even win three freakin' matches in a row. I went from having SO MANY swords to use, literally hundreds, down to ZERO, and have yet to win five consecutive matches this week. This is way too much to be just bad luck.

For me that spike sort of came in with the introduction of the current gen units, notably the CYL units. I mean, I've always just used a generalist team so have always been vulnerable to supertanks or certain Vantage units, but the number of options for those teams seem to have multiplied and so I withdrew from being ~T20 to being T18.5. Even dropped to T17 a couple of times. Hell I still got wrecked trying to get out of T17 at times. The sensible thing for me to do would probably to ditch my old favourites and embrace the new shinies, even if they're only +1 on average.

That said, I still have over 1800 duelling crests, as I've never been one to fish much. Happy to take my mere 6 crowns when the opportunity presented without trying too hard.

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