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1 hour ago, SockPuppet said:

If do wonder if they will have another April’s Fools video!

They will let us buy Embla's Ward, Múspellflame, and Niðavellir Axiom as Sacred Seals for 1,000,000 Sacred Coins each.

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34 minutes ago, XRay said:

They will let us buy Embla's Ward, Múspellflame, and Niðavellir Axiom as Sacred Seals for 1,000,000 Sacred Coins each.

Don't forget about the Rokkr sacred seal, which I believe would also make any unit immortal (outside of Rokkr Sieges itself, of course) because of how that seal works.

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I don't know if they've already been doing this and I just overlooked it (I only noticed since last time had Eldigan) but I like that they're putting TT units on these.  They're already such a pain in the ass to +10 with grails thanks to IS being stingy with them and they never get rerun so it helps a lot.


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9 minutes ago, Sayyyaka said:

I don't know if they've already been doing this and I just overlooked it (I only noticed since last time had Eldigan) but I like that they're putting TT units on these.  They're already such a pain in the ass to +10 with grails thanks to IS being stingy with them and they never get rerun so it helps a lot.


I believe last month was the beginning of one TT unit per Limited Divine Code selection.
You shoulda been around when we got all those copies of Marth. I think a dedicated player could get enough copies of them to +7 them across all their free appearances, up until the release of the Grail shop.

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37 minutes ago, Sayyyaka said:

I don't know if they've already been doing this and I just overlooked it (I only noticed since last time had Eldigan) but I like that they're putting TT units on these.  They're already such a pain in the ass to +10 with grails thanks to IS being stingy with them and they never get rerun so it helps a lot.

As long as they output at least 700 Ephemera each month -- the bare minimum to get both 5* manuals and the grails manual.

Some neat stuff from the limited manuals though the 5* manuals kind of suck for this month -- Kana is pretty much just merge fodder and Picnic Lukas only has a Sturdy Stance lance and AR-O A-skill (AR-O A-skills aren't as good as AR-D A-skills due to a certain AR-D map archetype).

Celestial Stones are a pretty big update though it's basically just another reason for players to spark on New Heroes and Legendary Hero Remix banners. Kind of I wish that I had picked up Bride Fjorm or Spring Palla since players will be able to choose to get a free Forma Soul every half year if they spark 3 times but oh well.

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Every time I want to start saving long term they release something super tempting. So the new resource can give you a free Forma Soul after 3 spark banners, and in hall of forms you can get 3 more torches, which might be helpful RIP Ruptured Sky on my Spring Palla. It's likely during CYL you can get 4 of the Celestial Stones from one banner, which is pretty good. I can't wait to see the degen stuff people will make, like Firesweep Claude and Lull Res Olwen. I definitely don't want to see a cav healer in HoF.

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Outside special cases, like CYL giving multiples Sparks, we can obtain 3 Celestial Stones in Odd Number months (from New Heroes Banners, Forging Bonds reruns Banners and Legendary Remix Banners), and 1 Celestial Stone in Even Number months (from New Heroes Banners), for a total of 24 Celestial Stones per year.

Of course if someone decide to go for all Sparks... It may hurt this player's wallet a little bit. lol

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More resources to hoard and forget about and time to be disappointed by Marisa's Shamshir because I kept waiting for it to happen. Regardless, if it's decent, I'll +10 her. If not, I guess Kronya or Tanya will become +10 projects because having Duma be the colorless unit during Allegiance Battles is godawful because of armor movement. Couldn't have showed up while I summoned for Dagr, could you, legendary F!Corrin? And then there's Norne who decided rarely showing up is a great idea. +10 Reinhardt is long overdue as well...

Forgot about this, but the weapon update image makes it look like Quan might have a new map ready animation. It could be a custom pose just for the image, a frame of his current animations, or he could be getting an animation update which the last one I recall was with Ephraim.

Edited by Kaden
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Nothing interesting for me in this update 

Celestial Stones is something that I will rarely have. I only sparked 3 times in this game: in CYL 4, in the Church banner and for Winter Altina.

Refinement are... Ok. Manuals are... Ok.

We got Dancer Eldigan in March and Ena in April. Does this mean we will get Ninja Hana in May?  So if this continues, TT units will be like GHB units, that its recommend to wait for the "rerun" to finish the +10 projects.

I liked the top and bottom screen updates, though.

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Celestial Stones are really neat. I've been thinking about moving away from sparks, but I do want more Forma Souls. I don't need more Trait Fruits or Dragonflowers, but I'm curious what else is on the list. Maybe Divine Codes or Heroic Grails?

Most likely, I'll try to spark enough to pick up all the Forma Souls but not worry about doing more than that. This also makes me feel more free to use my current one, at least once something good shows up and once I know I can get another one soon.

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7 minutes ago, Othin said:

Celestial Stones are really neat. I've been thinking about moving away from sparks, but I do want more Forma Souls. I don't need more Trait Fruits or Dragonflowers, but I'm curious what else is on the list. Maybe Divine Codes or Heroic Grails?

Most likely, I'll try to spark enough to pick up all the Forma Souls but not worry about doing more than that. This also makes me feel more free to use my current one, at least once something good shows up and once I know I can get another one soon.

The list seems to be decreasing order in cost of Celestial Stones (unless I'm missremembering), so it will probably be something IS values the same as 100 Dragonflowers. If it is Grails/Codes, probably a smaller number than 100.

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19 minutes ago, Rinco said:

The list seems to be decreasing order in cost of Celestial Stones (unless I'm missremembering), so it will probably be something IS values the same as 100 Dragonflowers. If it is Grails/Codes, probably a smaller number than 100.

Hmm, that fits. Maybe 50?

With this kind of F2P access to Forma Souls, I wonder if sometime we'll get a way for F2P players to get a small number of Resplendent outfits. That'd be nice.

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1 hour ago, Othin said:

With this kind of F2P access to Forma Souls, I wonder if sometime we'll get a way for F2P players to get a small number of Resplendent outfits. That'd be nice.

Would be nice to have Resplendent Outfits in the Celestial Shop. I don't think it would cost 1 Stone... maybe 2 or 3?

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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Why couldn't the free Formas start showing up when I wanted to merge up Hubert not a few months ago.... ;a;

Mostly indifferent on celestial stones... might be useful to stock up on dragonflowers for my fliers (I have a mostly all-flier/infantry barracks so i'm always running low on those).

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And the gap grows wider... I've sparked maybe twice. It takes a lot of dedication/spending in one place to spark. I don't know how friendly this is to f2p players, in reality. I mean, at least it's possible, but...

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21 minutes ago, Mercakete said:

And the gap grows wider... I've sparked maybe twice. It takes a lot of dedication/spending in one place to spark. I don't know how friendly this is to f2p players, in reality. I mean, at least it's possible, but...

It takes a lot of spending in one place to get good odds of getting anything, and sparks are a good way for f2ps to use orbs more efficiently.

Plus, the main thing this means is more Forma Souls, which is great for f2p.

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I don't normally spark since I normally don't want someone on a new heroes banner enough to pull 40 times (or I get who I want before then), but forma souls are tempting.  I have sparked 3 times, on the fallen banner, on the brave banner and on the Christmas banner, so I wouldn't do it that often but I could start thinking about it more with forma souls as a goal.  Though I would only use a forma soul for someone I really like/want so I have time to save up celestial stones for a while before I use them.  I wish IS would put sparks on seasonal banners since I tend to be more likely to pull on those banners then on new heroes.

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As someone who only spends Forma Souls on Grail units and who mostly only spends orbs on Special/Legendary/Mythic Heroes banners that don't have sparks, the ability to get more Forma Souls isn't particularly useful for me. And Forma Souls appear in orb packs faster than Grail units appear in Halls of Forms anyways, at least for now.

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If May's manual lineup has Ninja Hana, I'm going to +10 her even tho I already have Flame Emperor and Caellach at +10. I'd go for Ena right now if her only superboon wasn't her worst stat, and she kinda needs it to reach 180 BST.

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1 hour ago, Rinco said:

If May's manual lineup has Ninja Hana, I'm going to +10 her even tho I already have Flame Emperor and Caellach at +10. I'd go for Ena right now if her only superboon wasn't her worst stat, and she kinda needs it to reach 180 BST.

At max investment, she can reach 51 Spd. If you run Dark Breath, she can swing her Spd to the equivalent of 58, and with Lull and Dark Breath debuffs, she has an impressive 50+ Def/Res. 51 Spd seems pretty solid for Arena, especially with Dark Breath bringing you close to 60.
(27 Asset + 4 Merge + 1 Flower + 3 Refine + 7 Solo + 3 Lull + 6 Solo = 51)

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30 minutes ago, XRay said:

At max investment, she can reach 51 Spd. If you run Dark Breath, she can swing her Spd to the equivalent of 58, and with Lull and Dark Breath debuffs, she has an impressive 50+ Def/Res. 51 Spd seems pretty solid for Arena, especially with Dark Breath bringing you close to 60.
(27 Asset + 4 Merge + 1 Flower + 3 Refine + 7 Solo + 3 Lull + 6 Solo = 51)

Guess that could work out. Only problem is that the only X/Spd Solo 4 fodder I have right now is Freyja and I'm saving her for when I want to build another carry for AR, since she can pass Solo4 + Pulse Smoke. 
Combat Manuals lineup has it on the path I'm currently working on, but it would take some time to get to it.

Hana on the other hand I have all the fodder she would need ready. She'd only come next month, but I think I won't have gotten to Fallen M!Corrin on the path yet to that point.

And, last of all, I've kinda given up on T21 Arena after that whole glitch thing. I don't have much incentive to build units, fish for high scores and focus on playing well if there are people using glitches to get high scores. This 180BST unit I want is more to round up my team on Mjollnir Strike and manage to get up a tier. My mindset for Arena right now is "whatever"

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1 minute ago, Rinco said:

Guess that could work out. Only problem is that the only X/Spd Solo 4 fodder I have right now is Freyja and I'm saving her for when I want to build another carry for AR, since she can pass Solo4 + Pulse Smoke. 
Combat Manuals lineup has it on the path I'm currently working on, but it would take some time to get to it.

Hana on the other hand I have all the fodder she would need ready. She'd only come next month, but I think I won't have gotten to Fallen M!Corrin on the path yet to that point.

And, last of all, I've kinda given up on T21 Arena after that whole glitch thing. I don't have much incentive to build units, fish for high scores and focus on playing well if there are people using glitches to get high scores. This 180BST unit I want is more to round up my team on Mjollnir Strike and manage to get up a tier. My mindset for Arena right now is "whatever"

Yeah, Solos are still a bit expensive, but they are in the normal pool, so I think it is better to save Freyja for merges and just let Atk/Spd Solo pity break you.

ITM!Hana is pretty fun. I remember enjoying using her a lot during her Tempest Trials. I myself am just waiting for a spare Mia so I can pass on Flashing Blade 4 and Null Follow-Up from a spare Mareeta I got some time ago.

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