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50 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

@Tybrosion@Diovani Bressan Good to know, cheers. Do I miss out on anything more important than cooking ingredients if I skip looting any of the sparklies on the ground?

Only cooking ingredients.

And they are not even required to cook. I believe they just increase the chance of getting a good meal I believe.

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4 hours ago, Humanoid said:

@Tybrosion@Diovani Bressan Good to know, cheers. Do I miss out on anything more important than cooking ingredients if I skip looting any of the sparklies on the ground?

You miss the animals too, which can be a decent method of easy resource gathering. Dogs in particular give ore which is used for forging....that being said I didn't realize you had to go to the stables and manually select which five a animals you want hanging out giving you materials until post game, meaning I was using the first five basic animals I found for my entire playthrough.

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That's a shame. But just looked it up and the first guide I saw seemed to concur - just collect 5 dogs and that's optimal, so I guess the strategy is simple at least.

Playing on Normal difficulty so just going to skip cooking, doubt I'd ever need the bonuses.

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3 hours ago, Humanoid said:

That's a shame. But just looked it up and the first guide I saw seemed to concur - just collect 5 dogs and that's optimal, so I guess the strategy is simple at least.

Playing on Normal difficulty so just going to skip cooking, doubt I'd ever need the bonuses.

It never felt like too much of a limiter even though I was playing maddening, so I don't think I shot myself in the foot or anything by messing up my stable use. Ore was still available if not plentiful, and much like in Fates money was more often than not a bigger limiter than materials. Engravings are also a lot more important than forging imo (and don't make the mistake in assuming engraving just mean renaming your forged weapons like in previous games!...another mistake I made and one that made a certain portion of the game a lot more difficult).

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The flame effect in the glowy parts of Sigurd's armor is really pretty. I wish more Hel outfits did something like this instead of just having it look glowy.

I also like that Sigurd mentions Eldigan's Resplendent outfit in his voice lines.


The Resplendent stat boost brings Sigurd's stat spread up to a quite respectable 47/41/38/40/23 with maximum Dragonflowers.

While his default Divine Tyrfing is pretty old, it still holds up well due to granting a sizable +10 Atk/Def, a guaranteed follow-up, and 50% damage reduction against the opponent's first attack if they are a tome unit. For comparison, Arcane Eljudnir grants +6 Atk/Def/Res, the Slaying effect, a guaranteed follow-up, follow-up prevention, and Guard plus your choice of refine stats and is the only other weapon really worth considering outside of niche use cases. Losing the Slaying effect from Arcane Eljudnir isn't too big of a hindrance as it mostly just means he's running Ruptured Sky or Moonbow instead of Luna or Bonfire.

Unlike Legendary Sigurd, Resplendent Sigurd actually has a high-middling Spd stat, which means he can be built to out-speed other units with middling Spd if you so choose, though it's likely still best to run an Atk Asset even for this build.

Optimized builds will probably look something like this:

Sigurd [+Atk]
Divine Tyrfing [unique]
Ruptured Sky
Atk/Def Clash 4 / Atk/Def Catch 4 / Sturdy Surge / Distant Storm / Distant Ferocity / Distant A/D Solo (once released)
Guard 4 / A/D Near Trace 3
Alarm Atk/Def (once released) / Atk/Def Menace / [tier-4 Smoke]
[any Sacred Seal that boosts Atk/Def]

For Spd-based builds, replace Atk/Def-boosting skills with Atk/Spd and Atk/Def-reducing skills with Spd/Def. For Arcane Eljudnir, replace Ruptured Sky with Luna or Bonfire and don't run Guard 4.

Mystic Boost 4 can be used with Distant Counter builds as a counter to staves and to counteract the recoil damage from Distant Storm. However, Distant Counter builds are vulnerable to Special Spiral 4 builds as well as tome units with the Brave effect that bypass Sigurd's damage reduction and exploit Sigurd's otherwise low Res.

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The juxtaposition of Sigurd the Holy Knight being put in an outfit from Hel... hm.
Also makes quite the interesting family dynamic. Hel Sigurd, Dream Fairy Deirdre, Askrian Seliph, and Nifl Julia... what next, muspellian Arvis?

Also wonder if this means Quan, if or when he gets a Resplendent, will also be Hel since he, Sigurd, and Eldigan make up a trio of brothers in arms... or something?

Anyway, my Sigurd is +9 merge and somehow he hasn't appeared to me in the many red 4* special pool freebies I've done, so I'll bite and give Feh Pass another go I guess. Just have to decide if I want Ninian too or take a risk and gamble on getting two unknown Resplendents who I might not care about...

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Resplendent Sigurd looks pretty awesome. The blue and black mesh very well and I like the flame effects.

Also, this year we've gotten Resplendents of female Corrin, Brave Roy, Brave Lyn, Ninian, Palla, Cecilia, and now Sigurd. All notable characters from their respective games. Plus, our first Grail unit with Aversa, and our first OC with Surtr. And last year finished off with Brave Lucina. Does it feel like something is up to anyone else? I can't recall so many notable Resplendents being so close together before. Or am I reading too much into it?

Edited by Fire Emblem Fan
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Other than the introduction of Grail units, I don't really see the recent lineup as being any more exceptional than usual. Surtr being an OC doesn't really change anything, he's functionally the same as any other old 5-star exclusive unit. Look at the first 10 Resplendents ever released and they're all just as notable as the last 10, if not moreso (Sophia and Gordin being probably the odd ones out).

2 hours ago, Xenomata said:

Just have to decide if I want Ninian too or take a risk and gamble on getting two unknown Resplendents who I might not care about...

This time of year is probably one where you can optimise the timing and fit three seasonal banners in addition to two Legendary/Mythic banners into one month of FEH Pass. I reckon if you get Ninian right at the end of her cycle (9 Jun), you get sparking access to the Brides, the May Legendary, the first Summer banner, the June Mythic, and likely the second Summer banner (last year's started on the 7th of July).

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14 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

This time of year is probably one where you can optimise the timing and fit three seasonal banners in addition to two Legendary/Mythic banners into one month of FEH Pass. I reckon if you get Ninian right at the end of her cycle (9 Jun), you get sparking access to the Brides, the May Legendary, the first Summer banner, the June Mythic, and likely the second Summer banner (last year's started on the 7th of July).

Honestly sparks aren't really appealing to me on anything other than Harmonic banners and Arcane weapon banners these days (since Harmonics expand the unit pool for Harmonic Battles, and Arcane weapons are... well, Arcane weapons)
The featured characters on all those banners would need to be characters that I specifically like, and honestly I'm not holding a lot of hope in that regard...

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Next New Heroes re-run poll has the Eir-Grima banner comfortably ahead of second-placed Tiki-Ganglot. I wonder how that second banner holds up once it's up against newer banners that don't have both a Rearmed and an Ascended hero.

Florina-Letizia banner being booted as expected. Next poll in two months time will add the Seidr-Ophelia banner and the Engage one.

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1 hour ago, Humanoid said:

Florina-Letizia banner being booted as expected. Next poll in two months time will add the Seidr-Ophelia banner and the Engage one.

Honestly... I will not be surprised if in the next Forging Bonds Rerun Poll, CYL 6 is the one being booted.

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I just realized the time of the version update.

It will be at 8 PM Pacific Time. Which is usually the time we get trailers and Feh Channels. So I wonder if we will get a Feh Channel at that time, and the update soon after or being available alongside it.

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A nice little boost to the Squad Ace seals, starting with Squad Ace BS (hoho). +5 HP +3 Atk and +3 Spd, pretty decent filler. I might finally grab one of these seals for the first time since Squad Ace J, many, many years ago.

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are these new Ace Seals 240 SP? Because they are agood pick for arena, especially for units that rely on having high HP like Aversa.

Which is funny, considering this month we are also getting a free Red Flying Duel 4.

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Dorothy: Please move out of the way, I need to find Father Saul.
Saul: *is literally three spaces from her*

I think Dorothy needs glasses.

It's even more hilarious when he's right next to her.

Edited by Sunwoo
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We’ve got our second Grail Resplendent arriving after Sigurd, and it’s F!Robin:


Unfortunately, she is not only another Hel Resplendent but she also more or less has the same outfit as Resplendent M!Robin.

Ah well, at least it’s actual F!Robin (aka not Grima) content and her art (first work in quite some time from Fujikawa Akira) is definitely better than Resplendent M!Robin’s.

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