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I'm indifferent to most of the units on the 8% banner, but I'll definitely be dipping into my stash trying for another Hector.  I'm sick of seeing my Narcian face-tank Reinhardt just for him to be Repo'd away by his cavalry buddies.  I wouldn't mind getting spooked by S!Camilla or Deidre considering I don't have either of them.

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34 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

I’m thoroughly surprised at how people playing since February have a shortage of badges of all things.

Heh heh

please don't be disappointed

I don't have anywhere near as much as everyone else. That's mostly because I don't do all the 10th stratum quests, and I train my units on 8th stratum anyway (though I don't train units that I won't use).

That being said, getting badges is easy anyway so it's a non-issue for me, and probably most others.

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24 minutes ago, Alexmender said:

Let's say that ,outside of the monthly quests, when IS released Chain Challenges there was little reason to use the training tower above the 7th stratum (lower if the unit was strong enough to go against enemies 10 levels above them). Now that I'm lacking a bunch of blue Great Badges to upgrade Squad Ace D that's come to bite me in the back.

That explains it. I did all the Chain Challenges already so I don’t get the SP and EXP bonuses from them. I’ve always used Training Tower up until the Warriors Maps were running, which I then used for grinding SP.

I used to grind SP the slow way in the Tower. I would pit the trainee against units up to five levels lower to squeeze every last drop of SP between levels. That might explain why I still have 1,000+ Great Badges and four to five times as many regular badges after upgrading like four seals.

Tfw no Valor skills

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10 minutes ago, DLNarshen said:

I'm indifferent to most of the units on the 8% banner, but I'll definitely be dipping into my stash trying for another Hector.  I'm sick of seeing my Narcian face-tank Reinhardt just for him to be Repo'd away by his cavalry buddies.  I wouldn't mind getting spooked by S!Camilla or Deidre considering I don't have either of them.

I'm going to try for another S Camilla that isn't -Atk this time.  Even if I get spooked, it will be by good units.  I can replace the Hector I killed for Titania.

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12 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Tfw no Valor skills

I still do the training tower for, you know, training, and not the chain challenges.

Also yeah, no Valour skills either.

Edited by Vaximillian
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I think Heroes has spoiled me on something I didn't expect.

I'm playing PoR again, and I'm on Chapter 17. Twice, I came off worse than I expected because of the lack of auto-equip (Kieran didn't have an axe equipped where I thought he would've,, and Marcia lacked the Full Guard.)

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5 minutes ago, bethany81707 said:

I'm playing PoR again, and I'm on Chapter 17. Twice, I came off worse than I expected because of the lack of auto-equip.

Lack of auto-equip is a double-edfed sword: the AI loves to attack unarmed units, so not auto-equipping weapons is useful, but accessories not getting auto-equipped are baffling.

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11 minutes ago, bethany81707 said:

I think Heroes has spoiled me on something I didn't expect.

I'm playing PoR again, and I'm on Chapter 17. Twice, I came off worse than I expected because of the lack of auto-equip (Kieran didn't have an axe equipped where I thought he would've,, and Marcia lacked the Full Guard.)

When I started playing SS again I had to remember that everyone had more than 2 move






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At one point, I was playing Heroes and Gaiden at the same time, and no other FE games. When I finally did play a different FE game, I didn't even know what to do with all the extra movement. Even armors felt like most mobile units imaginable.

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7 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Lack of auto-equip is a double-edfed sword: the AI loves to attack unarmed units, so not auto-equipping weapons is useful, but accessories not getting auto-equipped are baffling.

I expect to be allowed to manually unequip when necessary. When Kieran gets deployed without the top weapon being equipped, I get confused.

4 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

When I started playing SS again I had to remember that everyone had more than 2 move

Clever placement to block the enemy from reaching a vulnerable unit due to lack of move to get around your units is so hard to do when the enemy has so much of it.

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You know what perplexed me about newer main series?


The tiles are






It was ok in FE11 and FE12 and it was still pretty bad. Then Fates ascended to shit tier.


And going back to GBA is not an answer because muh enemy phase skip

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2 hours ago, bethany81707 said:

I'm not particularly hyped for the banner.

Red- a better nature Celica would be nice, but Ike and Ayra are perfectly fine (even if their +Atk and +Spd are switched).

Blue- The only one I don't want is Fjorm- I need a non -Spd Caeda, and Live for Honour would be peachy.

Green- Hector is always a plus, and my greens are -Atk, but... eh.

Colourless- merges for Brave Lyn and maybe Genny as favouritism.

They're all all right as picks, but I'm not desperate for 'em.

It's the only banner where Non-Genny healers won't wreck your shit with pity breakers. We have two of the best archers as focus and Genny, who's one of two (the other one's bride!Lyn) healers that won't make you cry for pulling at 5*.


Wrathful Staff might be even more valuable since staves now get + versions.


The banner doesn't fix the fact that you'll be getting staves for like 50% of your 4 and 3*s, but, short of a staffless banner, that's always going to happen when you pull colorless anyway.


If one needs any colorless fodder at all this is probably the best banner to roll for them, since the 5*s won't have a 50% chance of being a bad healer.

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3 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

If one needs any colorless fodder at all this is probably the best banner to roll for them, since the 5*s won't have a 50% chance of being a bad healer.

I need Innes as colourless fodder, and the smug dastard is 5★-locked.

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1 minute ago, bethany81707 said:

Don't look at me- Innes won't touch my barracks with a ten-foot pole. Too much Ephraim and Tana.

And I have neither. Only Eirika and Seth among the Sacred Stones peeps.

Ah, and Valter, but we don’t talk about Valter.

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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

And I have neither. Only Eirika and Seth among the Sacred Stones peeps.

Ah, and Valter, but we don’t talk about Valter.

I think those two were the last of the Magvel Heroes I got out of my current collection.

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I love the banner. Mostly because it has a lot of units I don't have and want, but I digress.

Genny and Brave Lyn: Adding more merges too the ones I already have is always nice. Plus I could potentially pull versions of them that have good natures.

S!Camilla: The one I want the most. She will make my flier emblem team become amazing

Dierdre: While not as desired as before the update, she will still be wanted, mostly because having more 5 star green units is something I want.

Hector: I want him a lot. Nuff said.

Bridelia: She is very good unit is this meta and I want her. Nuff said as well.

Ayra: Broken unit who is very strong. Nuff said again.

Ike: Even though I don't know much about him, having him would be awesome and would be very good for my teams.

Celica: After using @NSSKG151's Celica in the voting gauntlet, I really want to build her. Getting her would be awesome

S!Xander: I only see him as "use for badge grinding."

B!Caeda: As much as getting her would be nice, I already have bluemamges that trump her in use ability and availability. 

Fjorm: I'll know what to say once her stats get revealed.


In all, blue seems to be the worst color on this banner. I would probs say Green=Red/Colorless/Blue.


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Forgot to check Fjorm's stats which someone probably already did here, but whatever. The on-map scene has her with 39 HP, 46 Atk, 31 Spd, 30 Def, and 34 Res. Also, she has Atk Def Bond*, Shield Pulse, and I think Drive Atk. Assuming her Leiptr has no stat changes, then her stats would be from that scene: 39 HP, 30 Atk, 31 Spd, 30 Def, and 34 Res which gives her 164 BST.

So, of the Askr trio or the protagonists since Fjorm isn't from Askr nor Bruno whenever he's joining us, she's Sharena if she dumped HP (-4), attack (-2), and speed (-1) for resistance (+12; 6 of which comes from having 164 BST to Sharena's 158) and defense (+1); Sharena has 43 HP, 32 Atk, 32 Spd, 29 Def, and 22 Res.

Of the units she'd be closest to in stats, it's Camilla and young Tiki; Camilla has 37 HP, 30 Atk, 32 Spd, 28 Def, and 31 Res (158) and young Tiki has 41 HP, 30 Atk, 31 Spd, 32 Def, and 29 Res (163).

Fjorm's stats are a bit weird in that 30/31 offenses is average, but 30/34 defenses is really good. She has the highest resistance of all the melee infantry units -- beating Fir by 3 points and Joshua after Audhulma by 1 point. Fliers have Caeda and Florina who match her resistance and generally, the Pegasus Knights have high resistance. Fjorm's resistance is also 1 higher than Sheena who currently has the highest resistance of the melee knights.

Considering her stats, her special, Ice Mirror, which I'm not sure what exactly it does, and that she has Shield Pulse, Fjorm and by extension, Book Two, might push defense a bit more. This is weird, but I kind of hope Book Two introduces skills that are upgraded versions of the Buckler and Holy Vestments skills and maybe extend Holy Vestments skills as being able to be used by ranged units. They could do something like have a Buckler and Retribution hybrid where the reduced damage is used to add onto damage for the a user or a hybrid of Buckler and Daylight where the unit takes reduced damage and can heal back a percentage when striking. I don't know, just something I'm blabbering about.

Also, really weird thing: Anna in that scene has 34 total HP which is her level 40, 2* HP. Alfonse, on the other hand, has 40 HP which he has as a 4*. Not sure about Sharena who's the only one shown having taken damage as she's sitting at 24/?? HP. If she's a 4*, then she should have the same HP as Alfonse since they share the same HP. All three of them are wielding their Silver weapons which 2* units cannot access without inheriting or through merges. If they're all 4*, then I don't know why Anna has 34 total HP

* Atk Res Bond is red and blue while whatever she has is red and yellow. Yellow is associated with defense considering Armored Blow and Steady Stance.

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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

@Kaden: Fjorm also has DC of some nature. It might come from her pokestick (which would be lame) or from her special, Ice Mirror (which would be cool).

Another 1-2 lance would be nice. Camus is the only one? He's certainly the only one *I* have laying around, and he really needs Priscilla to shine.

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I want red for Ayra and Celica. Wouldn't mind an Ike merge.

I want Blue for the Bride Caeda that I never got. Fjorm would be cool. But Spring Xander is gross, and I know if I go blue I'll end up pulling him first.

I want green for Hector. Merges for Cami would be great, and an Atk+ not Spd- Deirdre would be amazing.

Colorless is amazing because more Genny and Brave Lyn. Bridelia sounds nice too.

I wonder if I can actually save orbs this time. I've never really done that.

Edit: Monthly quests exist too! Maybe I won't have to save too much lol.

 When is the banner scheduled to end?

Edited by KongDude
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6 minutes ago, KongDude said:

I want red for Ayra and Celica. Wouldn't mind an Ike merge.

I want Blue for the Bride Caeda that I never got. Fjorm would be cool. But Spring Xander is gross, and I know if I go blue I'll end up pulling him first.

I want green for Hector. Merges for Cami would be great, and an Atk+ not Spd- Deirdre would be amazing.

Colorless is amazing because more Genny and Brave Lyn. Bridelia sounds nice too.

I wonder if I can actually save orbs this time. I've never really done that.

Edit: Monthly quests exist too! Maybe I won't have to save too much lol.

 When is the banner scheduled to end?

I'm honestly starting to think that maybe I should just do full summons for a while, since there are so many units I'd be happy to get. Hopefully I get Mia sometime soon, so I can save for this banner instead.

I don't think they gave an end date, just the start date. If this counts as the special banner for the month (which I'm not sure about, considering we still have Christmas Robin and Tharja to get), then it might be all month. If it counts as a Hero Fest banner, then we'll likely only get it for a week. It could go any way at this point.

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Just now, DefaultBeep said:

I'm honestly starting to think that maybe I should just do full summons for a while, since there are so many units I'd be happy to get. Hopefully I get Mia sometime soon, so I can save for this banner instead.

I don't think they gave an end date, just the start date. If this counts as the special banner for the month (which I'm not sure about, considering we still have Christmas Robin and Tharja to get), then it might be all month. If it counts as a Hero Fest banner, then we'll likely only get it for a week. It could go any way at this point.

Though I don't really know Mia, I would've gone for her because her art is adorable but the banner on the 27th is definitely higher priority so I'm not touching it anymore. I'd like to think she'd show up when I go red but that's not going to happen with a 0% rate. Still going for Sakura tho.

Eck, just a week of it is going to hurt me. I'll probably spend for Sakura until the 20th then stock up on orbs from TT for it.

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12 minutes ago, KongDude said:

Though I don't really know Mia, I would've gone for her because her art is adorable but the banner on the 27th is definitely higher priority so I'm not touching it anymore. I'd like to think she'd show up when I go red but that's not going to happen with a 0% rate. Still going for Sakura tho.

Eck, just a week of it is going to hurt me. I'll probably spend for Sakura until the 20th then stock up on orbs from TT for it.

Honestly, while I do like Mia, I mostly want her to have TT bonus unit. And I missed Ayra, so getting Mia would be a nice substitute, since I don't want to expect to get her on the legendary hero banner. I'm hoping to get some spare money since that banner starts right before my birthday, so with some luck, I should be able to get a decent number of the units.

Just one week to get Julia on the last Hero Fest banner was bad enough, but with how many great units are coming up, it'll almost certainly be far worse. The decision betwween sniping and full summoning will be tough indeed...

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