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Want a challenge? Try to SP grind 4* vanilla Fae while doing the 10th stratum infantry quest. 

I need units with worthy weapons to upgrade to gain divine dew, I even gave Hawkeye Slaying Axe. So I gave Fae Lighting Breath+ to promote her once I get the next 20k feathers, but I didn't notice she is at nearly 0 SP...

@Vaximillian would you merge a second Celica?

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Want a challenge? Try to SP grind 4* vanilla Fae while doing the 10th stratum infantry quest. 

I need units with worthy weapons to upgrade to gain divine dew, I even gave Hawkeye Slaying Axe. So I gave Fae Lighting Breath+ to promote her once I get the next 20k feathers, but I didn't notice she is at nearly 0 SP...

@Vaximillian would you merge a second Celica?

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4 minutes ago, Alexmender said:

So the new banner is Takumi, Ephraim and Lyn (sword). I kind of want Lyn but meh, I'll save my orbs.

My free pull for maybe Ephraim was Shanna. Okay.

Anyway, it’s another chance for @Zeo to get Lyn!

@mampfoid: I’d be torn between merging and giving Faye Distant Def. Faye would certainly benefit from Distant Def.

Edited by Vaximillian
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13 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

My free pull for maybe Ephraim was Shanna. Okay.

Anyway, it’s another chance for @Zeo to get Lyn!

@mampfoid: I’d be torn between merging and giving Faye Distant Def. Faye would certainly benefit from Distant Def.

I was about to tag him hahaha

Also I love how Takumi is yet in another banner lately. Him and Hinoka have been appearing more commonly these past few months as focus units

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12 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

My free pull for maybe Ephraim was Shanna. Okay.

Anyway, it’s another chance for @Zeo to get Lyn!

@mampfoid: I’d be torn between merging and giving Faye Distant Def. Faye would certainly benefit from Distant Def.

Why Faye? What Bow did you give her? Guard Bow?

I'm very indecisive when sacrificing 5* exclusive units. I got spare copies of Celica (candidates for DD are Fae and a Raven tome user, or merge), BH!Lyn (candidates for SP are Elincia, Elincia, Sickbert and Celica) and BH!Ike (no Dorcas yet, but also Fae could run SB). 

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6 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Why Faye? What Bow did you give her? Guard Bow?

Because I like her and want to make her better?

Yeah, I’m probably giving her a guard bow… whenever I get a Setsuna, a Celica, and a huge heap of feathers.

Edited by Vaximillian
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54 minutes ago, LuxSpes said:

You're using Reinhardt and Celica against my 3  lance or sword infantry+Nino team, of course it's gonna get decimated. Surprisingly though this team set-up nets me 10+ defense wins per season, which is more than what my previous "bait bonus unit hiding Reinhardt, Bridelia and a dancer" set-up ever got me.

And accepted. Also, nice Celica with 60 Atk and 47 Spd on initiation at full HP. I wish I had a Swift Sparrow fodder.


Well, at least I fought you on the map with a bunch of breakable walls and defense tiles, so it was a bit harder than it should have been. But I pushed through just fine.

Yeah, Swift Sparrow on Celica is bae. and surprisingly hard to kill.

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16 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Because I like her and want to make her better?

Yeah, I’m probably giving her a guard bow… whenever I get a Setsuna, a Celica, and a huge heap of feathers.

Ehhr sorry, it was not meant like "why make her stronger?", but more like "why DD to make her stronger?". 

I never got a Faye, but a strong Firesweep Bow user would be cool. 

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4 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

I never got a Faye, but a strong Firesweep Bow user would be cool. 

The issue with firesweep on Faye is that her lacking Spd doesn’t allow her to utilise it best. Yeah, she can hit once but only once unless breakers.

With DD and QR she can counter stuff and unleash Icebergs with the guard bow or Glacies with the slaying bow, or even more Icebergs with the slaying bow.

So it’s basically either DD or Warding Stance for A, and Warding is exclusive to Neko Sakura whom I obviously don’t have. DD is available from Rhajat, yes, but I don’t have Rhajat either.

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7 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

The issue with firesweep on Faye is that her lacking Spd doesn’t allow her to utilise it best. Yeah, she can hit once but only once unless breakers.

With DD and QR she can counter stuff and unleash Icebergs with the guard bow or Glacies with the slaying bow, or even more Icebergs with the slaying bow.

So it’s basically either DD or Warding Stance for A, and Warding is exclusive to Neko Sakura whom I obviously don’t have. DD is available from Rhajat, yes, but I don’t have Rhajat either.

Agreed. Faye is bad as a Player Phase unit due to low SPD but I faced a +10 QR DD Faye which made me double think my decision to feed her to Bow Lyn. Haven't done it yet since Faye is not max HM but still unsure if I want to invest into her or just go with cancer Firesweep+Cancel Affinity Bow Lyn.

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Well this is mildly exciting...

I pulled nothing of value from the Weapon Forge banner (neutral Lilina, +Atk -HP Cordelia when I already have a +Atk -Res Cordelia), but I did get someone of personal value: Catria +Spd -Res.

Catria was the first unit I ever 5*ed from a lower rarity, but her nature was +Spd -Atk, and because I never got any of the lances she would want she was exceptionally weak as a result. But now I have a chance to sort of redeem her, improving her Attack while maintaining her high Speed while dropping her average Resistance that I never utilized in the first place...

Finally. I always felt bad having her but never being able to use her...

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4 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

My free pull for maybe Ephraim was Shanna. Okay.

Anyway, it’s another chance for @Zeo to get Lyn!

@mampfoid: I’d be torn between merging and giving Faye Distant Def. Faye would certainly benefit from Distant Def.


4 hours ago, mcsilas said:

I was about to tag him hahaha

Oh son of a-...



Not a single other banner will be receiving my orbs until I have her. Now let's get started.


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41 minutes ago, Zeo said:


Oh son of a-...



Not a single other banner will be receiving my orbs until I have her. Now let's get started.


Wish you luck. Spent around 20 orbs and got her at neutral. Gonna give her LAD3 if I get Hana at some point.

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5 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

A chart showing the Top 20 characters from CYL not in the game yet. And wow, that is a lot of Tellius and Fates characters.

If I had an orb for every time someone misspelt Micaiah’s name, I’d have summoned several hundred Bartres, Raighs, Ests, and Azamas already.

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1 hour ago, MrSmokestack said:

And here we...don’t have a reminder that The Rachel is not in the game @Rezzy

She was less popular than Panne?  Let's twist the knife a bit more.

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7 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Well, at least I fought you on the map with a bunch of breakable walls and defense tiles, so it was a bit harder than it should have been. But I pushed through just fine.

Yeah, Swift Sparrow on Celica is bae. and surprisingly hard to kill.

That map is a pain, especially if the enemy team is a bunch or ranged cavalry (all those overlapping range ugh)

Shame there's no 4* Swift Sparrow fodder in game yet... 

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4 hours ago, Rezzy said:

She was less popular than Panne?  Let's twist the knife a bit more.

Not only that, but Lot somehow got higher than both of them, presumably for meme reasons. Seeing not-Cordelia higher than The Rachel is disappointing as well. I think I've just lost some of my already-shrinking faith in FE fans.

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I heard that Lot got meme status thanks to a popular japanese streamer who got a super blessed Lot while playing FE6. I suppose the Heroes equivalent is "The Reinhardt" meme. 

It's not that surprising that meme characters got that high considering Dorcas and Lute got to the top 20-ish thanks to memes. I wonder where would Bartre and Wrys end if IS did a new CYL poll?

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So I'm approaching 40k feathers again waiting to merge Matt to +2 when a good nature shows up, then I happen upon my mostly useless +SPD/-ATK almost vanilla *5 Cain (with Attack+2)...

..and remembered that I picked up a +ATK/-DEF Cain at *4 a while back along with a Hawkeye for DB2. that's a 9 MT jump.

Decisions... decisions.

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