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14 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Anyone have any idea how other gatchas address this? -If any gatchas last long enough to have this problem?

To my knowledge, the majority of gacha games have their characters locked to one specific rarity with maybe a handful of characters that have exceptions. For example, in F/GO, the only character that changes rarity is Mash (the equivalent of the Askr trio in Heroes), who promotes from a 3-star character to a 4-star character during a story event. In Tales of Asteria, certain 5-star characters have the ability to promote into 6-star characters (and may or may not still be the only way to obtain 6-star characters in the game).

As for dilution of the summoning pool, F/GO gets around this by making more than half of its characters limited and releasing only one or two brand new characters a month (with the exception of the summer event), meaning additions to the standard summoning pool are uncommon. With some exceptions, limited characters usually have a banner about once or twice a year (generally less often for stronger characters).


8 hours ago, DraceEmpressa said:

I also tested if Poison Dagger works on Nailah. It does. 

Of course it does. Being an infantry unit has nothing to do with a unit's weapon type.

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Maybe they'll add weapons effective against both beasts and dragons, since the two are associated?

That'd mean writing out all eight weapon types, which would be kind of long but not unreasonable, I think.

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16 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Anyone have any idea how other gatchas address this? -If any gatchas last long enough to have this problem?

One other example i know is BF. Brave Frontier kinda did jack about it beyond having generally speaking much better summon rates than other gacha. A former insider actually notes that BF gacha rates in Global is humongous despite a lot of complaints about it. They constantly have rates up for recent units so getting them isn't too hard.

Their rates generally plumets during "power creep and when i say power creep here, its actually much worse than power creep you'd think of since their power creep was making an entire new rarity while slowly adding this new rarity on older units(much higher stats and all. This generally makes only the later ends of previous rarity survive) without seprarating the gacha. After that it took several banners before they transition fully into this power creep era, and for the players they generally had the starter unit next rarity upgrade as a safe spot


Most of which kinda sucked until way later so >_>


A particularly notable one about the way they do power creep is that usually for the first few months of this power creep era, the strongest unit was the older units upgrade they added alongside new banner units. In FEH terms, think of it like FEH refine, but strong enough to put the unit into Tier 1 spot. Usually the older units update starts extremely strong and then drops off in the middle, and picks back up in later times.

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@Interdimensional Observer GC orbs are tied to tier. Every time you battle you score points and go up in tier until you hit tier 25, not counting the 3 orbs from the quests you can get a total of 14 orbs if you get to tier 25 over the 6 days GC goes on.

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17 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Anyone have any idea how other gatchas address this? -If any gatchas last long enough to have this problem?

Pretty sure most gacha don't particularly address it, they just live with it. That said, one example I can think of is Chain Chronicle which had multiple gacha pools from the start. These pools were based on locations on the in-game map and characters were divided based on where they lived (generally). New characters would then either be added together with a new area in story or to old existing pools.

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Don't know if anyone else has done something like this, but here's a visual representation of every character who has an alt so far (in chronological order based on when each character got their first alt) as we head into a stretch of (at least) two straight Special Hero banners.


For the purposes of this, Inigo & Laslow, Black Knight & Zelgius, and Owain & Odin are all included here on the basis that they're the same character despite the different identity. Also, I counted young Tiki & adult Tiki, M!Robin & F!Robin, and M!Corrin & F!Corrin as separate from each other.

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18 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Don't know if anyone else has done something like this, but here's a visual representation of every character who has an alt so far (in chronological order based on when each character got their first alt) as we head into a stretch of (at least) two straight Special Hero banners.


For the purposes of this, Inigo & Laslow, Black Knight & Zelgius, and Owain & Odin are all included here on the basis that they're the same character despite the different identity. Also, I counted young Tiki & adult Tiki, M!Robin & F!Robin, and M!Corrin & F!Corrin as separate from each other.

By your logic, Young Azura should be separate from the other Azuras too then, since you separated the young and adult Tikis. Otherwise, looks accurate, yeah.

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3 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Anyone think that the amount of aether required to do a raid should be lowered? I was only able to do one battle, which I lost because I was given a horrible matchup I guess, and now I suddenly don't have enough aether anymore. For some reason, my aether wasn't completely restored after yesterday when I booted up the game today either. I only had half of the max amount.

I think so, yeah. It's silly how high it is.

Also Brom is getting a Cipher card now so put him in Heroes, IS!

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12 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

By your logic, Young Azura should be separate from the other Azuras too then, since you separated the young and adult Tikis. Otherwise, looks accurate, yeah.

To be fair, young Azura is a difference of a lot less than 2000 years.

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2 minutes ago, Othin said:

To be fair, young Azura is a difference of a lot less than 2000 years.

She's still a child though, just like young Tiki. Tiki just physically grew up a lot slower.

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16 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

By your logic, Young Azura should be separate from the other Azuras too then, since you separated the young and adult Tikis. Otherwise, looks accurate, yeah.

I don't think Azura should be treated like Tiki~ A!Tiki and OG!Tiki are treated like different entities (A!Tiki is treated as an Awakening character and has her own Alts, OG!Tiki is a Mystery Character and has her own sets of Alts). I don't anticipate we'll be seeing any Young Azura alts~

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18 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

By your logic, Young Azura should be separate from the other Azuras too then, since you separated the young and adult Tikis. Otherwise, looks accurate, yeah.

The way I see it, the Tikis have an establishment in the mainline games whereas loli Azura was specifically created for Heroes (a spin-off that may or may not be canon to the series as a whole) and likely isn't going to be used for anything else going forward. That's the basic gist of why I just lumped loli Azura in with the others instead of keeping her separate.

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4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

She's still a child though, just like young Tiki. Tiki just physically grew up a lot slower.

It's not so much a matter of being a child or not as being in from a completely different time period. I think you'd have more of a case for counting FE6 vs FE7 versions as different, since those are from different games and 20 years apart.

Also, note how they're arranged in the Catalog of Heroes. Child Azura is in the middle of all the other Azura versions, arranged in chronological order before and after her. In contrast, male/female Robin and Corrin have each of their gender variations in chronological order within the gender, but all the male versions are before any female ones, regardless of chronology. Since they're counting the male Corrin alts as specifically alts of male Corrin, not Corrin in general, etc.

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And another GHB Infernal foe falls to the boy band. I'm half tempted to actually record these clears for posterities sake ?

Edit: I REALLY need to start recording these. Just toppled Lloyd using my dubbed Boy Band on Abyssal. I think I'll give the golden ribbon to Reyson, it'll look fetching on him.


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32 minutes ago, Sylphid said:

@silverserpent If you don't mind me asking, what is this boyband team? Sounds fancy.



Boy Band is what I've dubbed my team of Reyson, Tibarn, NY!Hríd and Naesala since they're currently my favorite bishies that I have. And their general team appearance just screams "boy band" to me. That one IS a singer...kinda sealed the phrase and team name ?

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@Anacybele My opinion about the Tikis and Azuras discussion: Young Azura isn't canon. There isn't a Young Azura in Fates, so I consider her a Alt. I consider Young Tiki and Adult Tiki different characters because they are from different game, have different personalities, and both Tikis are canon.

Also... unpopular opinion: I don't consider the Male and Female versions of Robin and Corrin different characters, because they have the same personality and both don't exist at the same time. They are basically the same, but with different gender.

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51 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

@Anacybele My opinion about the Tikis and Azuras discussion: Young Azura isn't canon. There isn't a Young Azura in Fates, so I consider her a Alt. I consider Young Tiki and Adult Tiki different characters because they are from different game, have different personalities, and both Tikis are canon.

Also... unpopular opinion: I don't consider the Male and Female versions of Robin and Corrin different characters, because they have the same personality and both don't exist at the same time. They are basically the same, but with different gender.

that logic makes no sense. By your definition Odin and Owain dont count as alt because 2 different games and 2 different personalities (because one has a complete memory wipe). 

By your logic Azura and Axezura arent alts either. 2 games with different timelines and choices. Axezura never apears in Fates.

Lets just keep it simple Tiki and young Tiki are alts period.

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1 hour ago, Hilda said:

2 different personalities (because one has a complete memory wipe). 

Complete memory wipe? No, he still remembers where he is from, just not the stuff about Anankos. He and Laslow still talk about their old lifes, and he knows exactly what it means when Ophelia gets the mark of the exalt. They still have the same personalities too. Odin is slightly more mature, but nowhere near as drastically different as Young Tiki and Adult Tiki.  

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2 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

My opinion about the Tikis and Azuras discussion: Young Azura isn't canon. There isn't a Young Azura in Fates, so I consider her a Alt. I consider Young Tiki and Adult Tiki different characters because they are from different game, have different personalities, and both Tikis are canon.

Do you consider Karel from 6 and 7 to be the same?

Because it's literally the same circumstance as Tiki.

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@Hilda Owain and Odin aren't alts of either one though, what are you talking about? Owain is the character from Awakening, and Odin is the same character in Fates. Who's suggesting otherwise?

@Nanima I don't remember any mention of a memory wipe at all. In fact, I'm fairly certain there is no memory wipe at all. What I remember is that Owain is not allowed to mention any of the details of the mission given to him, Inigo, and Severa to anyone at all because of the Valla Curse. I'm not sure about the specifics of what he isn't allowed to mention, but I assume they're playing it safe and keeping everything under wraps so that they don't compromise any part of their mission to assist in the defeat of Anankos.

@TheWill I'm fairly certain they're not considered the same even officially, because the two Karels had different entries in the CYL poll, though then again every unit has an entry for each game they appeared in that isn't a remake (Leif has an entry between GotHW and T776) and that they had an actual canon presence in (specifically mentioning the Einherjar)

...though all things considered, Karel (Binding Blade) and Karel (Blazing Sword) couldn't be more different if they flat out made them separate characters...

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1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

I don't remember any mention of a memory wipe at all. In fact, I'm fairly certain there is no memory wipe at all.

I could have sworn they didn't remember Anankos, because we all tend to harp on Azura alone for never doing anything about that particular problem outside Revelations.

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3 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Also... unpopular opinion: I don't consider the Male and Female versions of Robin and Corrin different characters, because they have the same personality and both don't exist at the same time. They are basically the same, but with different gender.

Same here. And in FEH it's a little annoying, since them being identical doesn't affect the number of characters featured on a banner. So they end up "stealing" a slot somebody else could've gotten. Not that much really, Adrift was terrible idea no matter who got on it, and Seasonals could consist of nothing but Boeys for all I care.

Nonetheless, whenever Kris rolls around, it will be a criticism of the banner, even if Archanea doesn't have an ocean of deep characters to add and you don't care about the minnows, the rarity of Archanean banners is such that it is possible not even all of the good ones get in, and it will partly be a fault of Kris.


1 hour ago, Xenomata said:

...though all things considered, Karel (Binding Blade) and Karel (Blazing Sword) couldn't be more different if they flat out made them separate characters...

That was pretty intentional. Hard to think it is not. You have an old guy called the Sword Saint whose philosophy is against using the sword for battle. And then you have a younger man referred to as the Sword Demon who is willing to kill his own sister and says things like "It will rain soon. Blood will fall like rain…". The point was to show another, totally different side to Karel. A side which you can see the pivoting in when you get to his A Karla, where he quietly hesitates to kill her, and his A Lucius:


Karel: Lucius.
Lucius: Karel…
Karel: …You are not a fool. And you are weak. That is why I do not need to kill you.
Lucius: ……
Karel: Perhaps that also is why… When I am near you, I feel…calm.
Lucius: …You look tired.
Karel: …What?
Lucius: Your face seems pallid, drawn, and worn. It looks unhealthy.
Karel: Perhaps…I am…tired. When I fight, my entire body is filled with a hunger I cannot suppress. …I have never had the luxury even to imagine fatigue…
Lucius: I don’t care about your fighting. I cannot change the way you live. Nor would I. We both follow our beliefs.
Karel: ……
Lucius: I don’t know why you believe this killing is your destiny, but I pray that you will someday know peace.
Karel: I want…to sleep. If only for a while…
Lucius: Rest now…

I like this even more than his A Karla. Karla appeals to old family memories as a sentimental sister, which doesn't seem so unique to me. This on the other hand is something I'm not sure FE had ever done before, or since.

If I get a Karel, I might just have to S him with Lucius for this reason provided I can get past him being Staffed and poorly drawn. Blucius alt sans lipstick please.


20 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

whereas loli Azura was specifically created for Heroes (a spin-off that may or may not be canon to the series as a whole) and likely isn't going to be used for anything else going forward.

Fire Emblem Chariots you forget. She'll be there, and for fair representation of the franchise, Lil' Marth, Lil'Ike, Lil'Hector, Lil'Lyn, and Young Tiki will all be joining her in the Babyweight class. For Awakening fans, worry not, Blue Cobalt Lucina will be there with Amethyst Robin.

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4 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Also... unpopular opinion: I don't consider the Male and Female versions of Robin and Corrin different characters, because they have the same personality and both don't exist at the same time. They are basically the same, but with different gender.

I feel like people who say this have either never played Awakening or didn’t care enough to actually read the supports Robin had. Basically, male Robin is more mellow, humble, and overly concerned about others while the female is temperamental, competitive, and displays more confidence. A way to see the differences is to see their supports with Chrom, Lon’qu, and Aversa to name a few. Sadly the distinction is kind of blurred with the entries of Heroes and Warriors. With the former the female is mostly copy-pasted off the male with little to no changes (outside of their seasonal alts since they take place is vastly different times of the year) likely to minimize effort, and the latter has female Robin as a mere costume change. Still, it’s always kinda bugged me when people say the Robins are the same regardless of gender.

As for Corrin, I think the only real difference is that it’s implied the male joins Hoshido while the female backs Nohr (the Revelations route gives no such hints). As for the personalities... well, you got me there. If there was any, it was likely too subtle for me to pick up. The Wiki says the male is sweet while the female is more mischievous for what it’s worth, but otherwise I can tolerate the Corrins being held as one in comparison.

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