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10 minutes ago, Rinco said:

When did we get the mass demote last year? Was it March or April?

I'm holding on my feathers for now waiting to see if we get something good this year.

Both previous mass demotes were in April.

I'm guessing this April, we'll get all current 4-5* units (Reyson, Thea, Mordecai, Brady, Mercedes, Norne, Python, Tethys, Echidna, and Altena) dropped to 3-4*, now that Rath suggests they're putting all demotes straight to 3-4* rather than 4-5*. Who knows if they'll change anything about the Book 1 or Book 2 5* units - could be neat if they did, but I don't expect it.

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Went to turn off Smart End for a turn to use a duo skill after moving and noticed that it has an "Excluding Pair/Duo" option. That's useful.

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Impulse spending got the better of me in a moment of weakness. I looked at my Ross and his Odd SPD Wave 3 in his C slot and I thought about how I want Time's Pulse for him and OG Lyn, but also how now I'd prioritize giving it to him, so I went into the Chrom Legendary when I remembered Sothis was on a banner right now. The result? 20 orbs out and nothing.

Then I remembered that I have enough orbs in my mailbox for a full summon session but I have no desire to spend them or take them out, unlike the orbs I see on my screen which makes me think? "What if IS introduced an Orb Vault mechanic?"

Like... the ability to deposit orbs into a bank/vault or simply give them to FEH to store in your mailbox. If you want to take it a step further you could even put a "lock" mechanic. Where you can select how many days you want a certain amount of orbs in the vault to be locked in the vault before being open to be collected. This would discourage players from moments of weakness and impulse spending and help training and developing discipline. I'm far less inclined to pull the orbs in my mailbox than the ones sitting on my screen. Perhaps it's because I can't see them so half the time I'm not even thinking about them. The idea that my stockpile grows slowly even if I spend the orbs on my screen is nice, but it could be so much faster and easier if I could make even those disappear.

Of course I doubt IS would ever do this. It would discourage players from spending orbs (and eventually money) which is the exact opposite of what they want you to do. They want you to spend those limited orbs and then when they run out force you to spend money to get that unit you want or that +10. Rather than encouraging good habits.

It's just a dream, I suppose.

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17 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Then I remembered that I have enough orbs in my mailbox for a full summon session but I have no desire to spend them or take them out, unlike the orbs I see on my screen which makes me think? "What if IS introduced an Orb Vault mechanic?"

Look for them to lock this to FEH Pass users

It's a good idea, seriously speaking, though some may think it counter-intuitive in a way.

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Me not paying attention to things or bothering to watch any of the FEH channel videos probably led to me learning about this late: apparently, each path of the Compile Combat Manuals will cost 6000 Divine Codes. Eventually, like with feathers, we might get a lot of Divine Codes, but still, that's a lot considering there are multiple paths and not everyone wants every manual in each path. 2000 or how many it is cumulative and per path is still a lot, but more reasonable. Found out on the FEH subreddit.

Unrelated, but with new units sometimes coming with personal weapons that were made up for them in Heroes, I wonder if people would like it if they also came with the + version of whatever their generic weapon is. For example, had Karla come with Wo Dao+ just learned and there as part of her default kit. The idea came to mind when I thought about Three Houses and with crests and relics, I figure a lot of the units would likely come with a personal weapon. That's not a bad thing nor is it a major inconvenience, but it would be nice, for example using the idea of Karla having Wo Dao+ as part of her default kit, that if you wanted to inherit her skills to a sword user, you could if you wanted to grab Wo Dao+ and Draconic Aura, Wrath 3, or Even Spd Wave 3 by inheriting Wo Dao from someone a 3* Athena.

That said, there is the issue of a lot units having a Silver weapon as their weapon before their personal weapon. Some of it is inconsistent, though, like Igrene, Larcei, Mareeta, Osian, and Shannan all having a Silver weapon before their personal Killer weapon whereas Ares and Eldigan have a Slaying Edge or a Killing Edge prior to their Dark Mystletainn and Mystletainn, respectively. Or not all versions of lance-wielding Ephraim having Heavy/Slaying Spear; only regular Ephraim and Ephraim & Lyon have Heavy/Slaying Spear while legendary and winter Ephraim have Silver Lance instead.

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9 minutes ago, Karimlan said:

Look for them to lock this to FEH Pass users

It's a good idea, seriously speaking, though some may think it counter-intuitive in a way.

The biggest issue I see is the lack of foresight on some users part. You could lock a certain amount of orbs for say a week and then a banner drops you didn't allot for and you want to spend on it but can't. Those types of situations would suck the most, but this is mostly a user error thing and 90% of banners you can prepare for or see coming. The calendar ensures that outside of stuff like the first double special heroes banner, unannounced reruns of seasonals (Which you generally know the time they'll drop regardless) or "heroes with xxx" you generally know what's coming and can prepare accordingly. 

The idea that I could lock 500 orbs and then an OG Lyn or Dawn Brigade (Edward) banner pops up would be horrifying if the orbs don't unlock before the banner expires, but it's also completely my own fault for 1: locking the orbs before finding out what was coming and 2: locking them for too long a period. A week should be the reasonable max to lock your orbs.


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I've been consistently keeping a stockpile of at least a few hundred orbs in the bank for a while. Saving is valuable, and if you're looking for assistance in doing it, I'd suggest working on strategies for being more careful about your spending, to keep it where you really want it without the need of such a mechanic. It's a skill with a lot of value outside of Heroes, as well.

Right now, I've been holding back on the urge to summon on the legendary banner until I get more information about Sothis's odds of winning the gauntlet.

Edited by Othin
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54 minutes ago, Othin said:

I've been consistently keeping a stockpile of at least a few hundred orbs in the bank for a while. Saving is valuable, and if you're looking for assistance in doing it, I'd suggest working on strategies for being more careful about your spending, to keep it where you really want it without the need of such a mechanic. It's a skill with a lot of value outside of Heroes, as well.

Right now, I've been holding back on the urge to summon on the legendary banner until I get more information about Sothis's odds of winning the gauntlet.

Controlling your urges is ultimately something that's entirely up to you. But I do feel as if this would be a push in the right direction. Once trained to a certain extent, I can only imagine the abstinence would be natural, at least based upon how I feel about the orbs in my mailbox. The impulse spending I did was a singular moment of weakness. I saw a unit I had that needed fodder that I could potentially get and in that single moment of weakness and desire I went and spent the orbs. Locked orbs would prevent moments like that until they eventually stop coming.

Of course, actually getting what you want doesn't help. It only encourages the behavior. Had I simply gone for free pulls and not spent a single orb, I wouldn't have the Igrene I recently pulled. I wouldn't have a lot of units I have, honestly.

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17 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Once again we get no trailer when I think it's going up. Why does this keep happening... I mean why do I keep getting it wrong.

Honestly, it's not the big of a deal in this case since we'll also get to see the stats of those characters early due to the version update dropping late Wednesday / early Thursday (depending on time zone of course).

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7 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Honestly, it's not the big of a deal in this case since we'll also get to see the stats of those characters early due to the version update dropping late Wednesday / early Thursday (depending on time zone of course).

Well, that's a nice thing to know for sure.

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Hm...According to my estimates, trailers usually show up on the YouTube Channel at ~11 p.m. EST 2 days before the actual banner begins, or 1 in the case of "Summer Returns". Maybe tomorrow.

Edited by Morgan--Grandmaster
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2 hours ago, Zeo said:

Controlling your urges is ultimately something that's entirely up to you. But I do feel as if this would be a push in the right direction. Once trained to a certain extent, I can only imagine the abstinence would be natural, at least based upon how I feel about the orbs in my mailbox. The impulse spending I did was a singular moment of weakness. I saw a unit I had that needed fodder that I could potentially get and in that single moment of weakness and desire I went and spent the orbs. Locked orbs would prevent moments like that until they eventually stop coming.

Of course, actually getting what you want doesn't help. It only encourages the behavior. Had I simply gone for free pulls and not spent a single orb, I wouldn't have the Igrene I recently pulled. I wouldn't have a lot of units I have, honestly.

Sometimes it's worth spending a little more orbs in the circle. A lot of times I almost run out of fodder, but then I get lucky and get a Shanna out of a 4 orb summon.

I mean the new divine code manuals help a little bit for these thing, even if the prices are expectedly high. Sometimes dipping a little bit helps

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8 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Sometimes it's worth spending a little more orbs in the circle. A lot of times I almost run out of fodder, but then I get lucky and get a Shanna out of a 4 orb summon.

I mean the new divine code manuals help a little bit for these thing, even if the prices are expectedly high. Sometimes dipping a little bit helps

It's actually pretty incredible that people in this day an age still run out of fodder to me. Maybe they're just that unfortunate when it comes to pulling certain units. I used to struggle pulling Fury/Desperation and skills like that, these days and times I have 10+ of most common fodder units and would have more of some if I hadn't started doing *4+10's.

I can't remember the last time I wanted to build a unit and didn't have the fodder (and it wasn't *5 exclusive fodder). I'm kind of a hoarder though, honestly. I still haven't killed my Xander and fed him to Serra. His nature sucks, but he's my only copy, he's seasonal and he's a dancer. I'm almost considering the Fates manual path just so that I don't have to sac him.

Back on the subject of saving though, I just have to work more on my self control. I've gotten comfortable letting rates die if I don't care about the banner. But when fodder I actually need is on a banner it's harder to resist pulling. The Shannan/Larcei banner was tempting but I knew I could skip it even with the 3.50% rate I had. On the other hand, Ross really wants Time's Pulse for his one-shot-one-kill build with Wo Gun+Wrath and Sothis is on a banner right now. Ross is in the top 3 characters I'm building above all in the game, so fodder for him takes priority which makes it harder to save still.

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1 minute ago, Zeo said:

It's actually pretty incredible that people in this day an age still run out of fodder to me. Maybe they're just that unfortunate when it comes to pulling certain units. I used to struggle pulling Fury/Desperation and skills like that, these days and times I have 10+ of most common fodder units and would have more of some if I hadn't started doing *4+10's.

I can't remember the last time I wanted to build a unit and didn't have the fodder (and it wasn't *5 exclusive fodder). I'm kind of a hoarder though, honestly. I still haven't killed my Xander and fed him to Serra. His nature sucks, but he's my only copy, he's seasonal and he's a dancer. I'm almost considering the Fates manual path just so that I don't have to sac him.

Back on the subject of saving though, I just have to work more on my self control. I've gotten comfortable letting rates die if I don't care about the banner. But when fodder I actually need is on a banner it's harder to resist pulling. The Shannan/Larcei banner was tempting but I knew I could skip it even with the 3.50% rate I had. On the other hand, Ross really wants Time's Pulse for his one-shot-one-kill build with Wo Gun+Wrath and Sothis is on a banner right now. Ross is in the top 3 characters I'm building above all in the game, so fodder for him takes priority which makes it harder to save still.

It's more I still have maybe 6-8 Shannas, but I'm more hesitant in using Desperation builds these days because having 3-4 left is low in my mind.

Plus I rarely pull blue these days because it has a lot of 4*-5* units (looking at you Mordecai during New Year....TWICE.). 

I'm very much a hoarder and am so glad Xander is there on the Path since mine is +Atk. 

As for Sothis, it helps me not be tempted to try for her in the legendary banner right now (will have to wait for the results first). But I guess if you want the neutral one and a fodder one then yeah maybe have to summon a bit more I suppose. Wish you luck!

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3 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

It's more I still have maybe 6-8 Shannas, but I'm more hesitant in using Desperation builds these days because having 3-4 left is low in my mind.

Plus I rarely pull blue these days because it has a lot of 4*-5* units (looking at you Mordecai during New Year....TWICE.). 

I'm very much a hoarder and am so glad Xander is there on the Path since mine is +Atk. 

As for Sothis, it helps me not be tempted to try for her in the legendary banner right now (will have to wait for the results first). But I guess if you want the neutral one and a fodder one then yeah maybe have to summon a bit more I suppose. Wish you luck!

Funny, on the other hand I'm more hesitant to use Shanna for desperation because she's the most appealing blue flier to build amongst the choices. I know Cordelia is powerful and Catria was my first lance flier in FEH, but Shanna has the funnest and most appealing lance to me. I never technically decided who would be my eventual +10 lance flier. I just know it wasn't going to be like... Subaki or Shigure.

Oh so someone else was getting pitybroken by terrible *4-5 units on the New Years banners? I pulled 2, 2 -ATK Pythons and a -SPD Thea before I got Duo!Alfonse literally 12 minutes before the banner expired. I knew it was God at the end getting him because it was literally the very last few orbs I had after spending the entire month's worth on that banner.

The Paths are all decent but 6k codes is just unreasonable. We need to either get a lot more codes from multiple events (40 from arena weekly doesn't cut it) or Mjolnir's Strike basically needs to always be going. Literally every one rest day, one shield and then one counter on a constant rotation. Otherwise it could take literal years to go through even 2 or 3 paths.

I really should just leave well enough alone and save. But I'm going to see the results of AHR. Since I historily never fodder my only copy of a unit (even when it's a useless unit like my -SPD S!Cordelia) if Altina wins then there will be no point pulling anymore. If Sothis wins however, I'll be free to fodder the second copy if I pull one.

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@Zeo I should build a Shanna one day, her lines are fun and her art is great enough.

Well at least you got the duo, so glad you did. Double Pythons were unfortunate, but I like the guy enough and use him as a very reliable Azura counter for AA so he's not terribly useless objectively. I understand the frustration though.

Well it will be months before Xander will be back, so I don't mind piling up the resources since it will take a while either way for me. S!Cordelia is -Atk so her being the first manual available works out for me since she has a nice +Spd boon. I don't specifically need Male Corrin so I just need to stop at Xander, then maybe switch to the GBA path for the eventual Vector.


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6 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Once again we get no trailer when I think it's going up. Why does this keep happening... I mean why do I keep getting it wrong.

Because if you don't live in a specific timezone then the callender lies and says the banner is a day earlier than it actually is.

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I kinda expect the trailer on Wednesday. IntSys likes to release the trailer during the final day of Voting Gauntlet, since a lot of players will be ready for the final multiplier and they check the trailer as well.


Anyway, now that we got the amount of divine codes in AR and Arena, I did a analyses about it...

Let's consider that we get 4 seasons per month, and one MS per week (so one MS per season).

  • Arena: Since I am Tier 20.5 player, I will get 50 in odd seasons, and 40 in even seasons, so ~180 codes per month.
  • Aether Raids: I am confiant in AR that much, so I will say top 3k for me, which is 36 codes, resulting in 144 codes per month.
  • Mjolnir Strike: I believe I can do well in MS. I think I will probably be around Tiers 18-20, so I considered the Tier 19 rewards which is 76 codes, resulting in 304 codes per month.

With that said, it would be... around 628 Divine Codes for me per month. Sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less. This means it would take around 9-10 months to complete one path in the manual shop.

EDIT: Still considering the 4 seasons per month situation, a player with high paid investment, that always get Tier 21 in both Arena and Mjolnir's Strike and always Rank top 1k in Aether Raids (whale) will get 800 Divine Codes per month, which still takes a good amount of time to finish a path: 7-8 months.

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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5 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

With that said, it would be... around 628 Divine Codes for me per month. Sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less. This means it would take around 9-10 months to complete one path in the manual shop.

EDIT: Still considering the 4 seasons per month situation, a player with high paid investment, that always get Tier 21 in both Arena and Mjolnir's Strike and always Rank top 1k in Aether Raids (whale) will get 800 Divine Codes per month, which still takes a good amount of time to finish a path: 7-8 months.

Sounds pretty reasonable when you compare it to getting a Grail unit to +10, which I think takes a similar amount of time.

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7 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Because if you don't live in a specific timezone then the callender lies and says the banner is a day earlier than it actually is.

That's not the issue. I'm fully aware of this. I thought the trailer would go up four nights before the banner. Yesterday was four nights before Friday.

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1 hour ago, XRay said:

Sounds pretty reasonable when you compare it to getting a Grail unit to +10, which I think takes a similar amount of time.

Yeah. The recommendation would be to wait for a good path to open or a unit that the player really want to get a merge and use them. None of the current paths is attractive for me, so I will save.

44 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I thought the trailer would go up four nights before the banner. Yesterday was four nights before Friday.

It's pretty random when we usually get the trailer. Some times is four days before the banner, others is 2 days.

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