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3 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

And I still can't win advanced arena matches. Fucking perfect.

Why? Just, why? I was winning beginner and intermediate just fine before after I put Sakura on my team. I then won an advanced one easily too. Then the rest I all lost badly. Enemy units did way more damage to mine than I could to them. I also keep running into glitches where my unit won't attack even though I had them target an enemy unit right there. I also all of a sudden saw my male Robin's HP at 5 when I'm pretty sure no one actually hit him that hard. I have no idea what happened there. The former could actually just be me not properly moving the unit, but I can't say for sure. So I assume glitch for both.

I hope IS fixes it in the maintenance patch if it is glitches. But that won't suddenly make me win 7 advanced arena matches in a row with few to no deaths. I've changed my team up several times, I have 5 star characters to use now, nothing works. Why is there no answer? Why is it impossible for me to win these matches? I don't understand it and it's not fair to me as a player. If I can't change things on my own here, I can only assume/hope that the upcoming arena changes will make it a lot easier.

Then don't do advanced. There's not that many people who can do 7 advanced deathless runs. Keep switching around your team, make sure it's balanced, and accept that sometimes you're going to be screwed with your matchup. Make sure you are taking advantage of skill inheritance, because everyone else is which will make it harder. Find a team with good synergy. For example, Frederick is a tank with high movement. Have him bait with someone to buff his defense and then you can whale on the other team. Take advantage of type matchups too by luring some units to the sides so you can go 4 on 2 at the beginning to drop down the opponents numbers.

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5 minutes ago, immatx said:

Then don't do advanced. There's not that many people who can do 7 advanced deathless runs. Keep switching around your team, make sure it's balanced, and accept that sometimes you're going to be screwed with your matchup. Make sure you are taking advantage of skill inheritance, because everyone else is which will make it harder. Find a team with good synergy. For example, Frederick is a tank with high movement. Have him bait with someone to buff his defense and then you can whale on the other team. Take advantage of type matchups too by luring some units to the sides so you can go 4 on 2 at the beginning to drop down the opponents numbers.

Not that many? Practically everybody here does 7 advanced runs that get them scores of like 4500, what are you talking about? You have to do advanced to get a really high score. And I've already switched my team around as much as I can while still including a bonus unit. I have no options left there.

I can't use skill inheritance right now, I have no skills to give anybody at present.

I try to do all that. But the enemy is too unpredictable and just finds a way to clobber me anyway. And sometimes my units' placement is awful for that to work. It might have male Robin closest to green units and Frederick closest to red ones, making it harder for me to keep them from dying to the units they're weak to. I know sometimes I'll get screwed, but so far, I'm being screwed in every match and that's definitely not supposed to happen.

I've tried doing everything you said, believe me. I've tried using people's advice here. I really did, and I appreciated those people giving it to me. But it just doesn't work. There seems to be no options left.

Edited by Anacybele
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1 hour ago, Elieson said:

I know, it's pathetic. I just 5*'d my Alfonse Elric this morning and I'll be replacing him over Seliph, so I can run Julia over Bunnilla and Nowi/Sharena for some 4600 deathless scores. This'll be much better...it'll be my first time running all 5*s. 4492 still got me ranked decently enough...a deathless 4550 would've given me an extra 500 feathers only.

Alfredo is a pain in the ass to use though. I wish he could inherit WaryFighter

Actually Alfonse is pretty easy to me to use. I slapped Swordbreaker on him and does wonders. His mayor threat is 30spd Tiki that one rounds him. But he laughs at non-swordbreaker sword units and greens (hector). I also gave him swap which is hella useful specially with his spur atk.

38 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

Julia's definitely a great choice for your team, but I wouldn't bother with Fury on her for BST purposes considering we're getting the Arena update in less than 24 hours. 

EDIT: Also, I find that grinding for SP after level 40 isn't as bad as people make it out to be. I started grinding with Julia on Saturday and amassed over 400 SP within those two days just grinding levels 8-10 of the Training Tower. It goes a lot faster (esp with ranged characters) if you're using two dancers, which is what I did to speed things up. But even using a single dancer speeds things up considerably. 

Ah ok, I'll wait for the update before running into inheritance.

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5 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Not that many? Practically everybody here does 7 advanced runs that get them scores of like 4500, what are you talking about? You have to do advanced to get a really high score. And I've already switched my team around as much as I can while still including a bonus unit. I have no options left there.

I can't use skill inheritance right now, I have no skills to give anybody at present.

I try to do all that. But the enemy is too unpredictable and just finds a way to clobber me anyway. And sometimes my units' placement is awful for that to work. It might have male Robin closest to green units and Frederick closest to red ones, making it harder for me to keep them from dying to the units they're weak to. I know sometimes I'll get screwed, but so far, I'm being screwed in every match and that's definitely not supposed to happen.

I've tried doing everything you said, believe me. I've tried using people's advice here. I really did, and I appreciated those people giving it to me. But it just doesn't work. There seems to be no options left.


I did get stomped by a fucking 52 attack Reinhardt accompanied by Eldigan, Linde, and Ryoma. I should have sacrificed Camilla to stop this fucker but I was stubborn. So, it happens.
Right now who are you using on your team?

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

Not that many? Practically everybody here does 7 advanced runs that get them scores of like 4500, what are you talking about? And I've already switched my team around as much as I can while still including a bonus unit. I have no options left there.

I can't use skill inheritance right now, I have no skills to give anybody at present.

I try to do all that. But the enemy is too unpredictable and just finds a way to clobber me anyway. And sometimes my units' placement is awful for that to work. It might have male Robin closest to green units and Frederick closest to red ones, making it harder for me to keep them from dying to the units they're weak to. I know sometimes I'll get screwed, but so far, I'm being screwed in every match and that's definitely not supposed to happen.

I've tried doing everything you said, believe me. I've tried using people's advice here. I really did, and I appreciated those people giving it to me. But it just doesn't work. There seems to be no options left.

I don't know about that. I think there's only about 20k people who hit 4500. I had my best score last week with 4240, I had 5 deaths. Usually I get 2 or 3 deaths but score 100 points lower, so no deaths isn't always the best thing for you.

Sometimes it is, but usually it's not. The ai will almost always go for someone they are strong against, unless there is someone in their range, in which case they will attack, but prioritize units they are strong against. The situation where M Robin is across from greens is actually ideal. By moving M Robin into a corner and not moving your other units forwards you can funnel the enemy units towards your main force that M Robin can join back up with, but the enemy green will be a turn behind giving you a temporary 4 on 3.

Just remember, advice doesn't work for all teams. Take everything with a grain of salt. Personally, I like waiting back, have someone tank a hit, and then nuke everyone with the help of a dancer. Iirc correctly @Thor Odinson pushes forwards right away and doubles nukes with Nino to halve the opponents units. That wouldn't work for my team, but it works great with his. You just have to find you team's strat :)

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6 minutes ago, Jason Funderburker said:

I did get stomped by a fucking 52 attack Reinhardt accompanied by Eldigan, Linde, and Ryoma. I should have sacrificed Camilla to stop this fucker but I was stubborn. So, it happens.
Right now who are you using on your team?

I've never seen a Reinhardt in the arena...huh. Linde is the only one of those four I've actually seen multiple times there, in fact (I saw Ryoma like once...).

And I don't think it matters who I'm using anymore, but 5 star Frederick, 4 star Palla, male Robin, and Sakura. I wanted to drop Palla for my 5 star Marth, but she became a bonus unit while Marth is not one. The only other bonus unit I have is Bunny Xander and he turned out to be rather meh. He also doesn't kill reds like my male Robin does since the latter has T-Adept and Swordbreaker.

@immatx Yeah, I don't have a viable dancer either. All I have is a -spd Olivia that gets doubled and killed by just about everything because her defenses are awful. No, I don't put her in the front lines. Mages and daggers mainly pick her off. But I do like letting the enemy come to me so I can take them out one by one. I'm more of a defensive player than an aggressive offensive one.

But that strategy with male Robin ending up near greens actually sounds viable. Maybe it's not such a bad thing.

Edited by Anacybele
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9 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

Actually Alfonse is pretty easy to me to use. I slapped Swordbreaker on him and does wonders. His mayor threat is 30spd Tiki that one rounds him. But he laughs at non-swordbreaker sword units and greens (hector). I also gave him swap which is hella useful specially with his spur atk.

Ah ok, I'll wait for the update before running into inheritance.

I've got 4 Sullys to burn for Swordbreaker but I'm hanging onto them until the new Arena thing clears up before taking the plunge

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9 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

And I still can't win advanced arena matches. Fucking perfect.

Why? Just, why? I was winning beginner and intermediate just fine before after I put Sakura on my team. I then won an advanced one easily too. Then the rest I all lost badly. Enemy units did way more damage to mine than I could to them. I also keep running into glitches where my unit won't attack even though I had them target an enemy unit right there. I also all of a sudden saw my male Robin's HP at 5 when I'm pretty sure no one actually hit him that hard. I have no idea what happened there. The former could actually just be me not properly moving the unit, but I can't say for sure. So I assume glitch for both.

I hope IS fixes it in the maintenance patch if it is glitches. But that won't suddenly make me win 7 advanced arena matches in a row with few to no deaths. I've changed my team up several times, I have 5 star characters to use now, nothing works. Why is there no answer? Why is it impossible for me to win these matches? I don't understand it and it's not fair to me as a player. If I can't change things on my own here, I can only assume/hope that the upcoming arena changes will make it a lot easier.

Watch out for specials....My Robin got reduced to 10hp by a takumi because I wasn't careful and didn't realize Takumi had vantage + vengeance charged up. Advanced arena battles are hard to do deathless even with your average full 5* team. And sometimes the map + enemy team composition will mess you up or even sometimes make it impossible to win (Reinhardt, Eldigan, and dancer wrecked my team last season). While its better to have 5*s, its more important to have team synergy.

Might also help to learn a bit of basic AI movement. That has definitely saved me more than once. Also learn the in and outs of your units. For example for me, Roy can tank a decent hit from most Reds, except for Lucina who wrecks him. Michalis being 4*, wants to just fight blues while also avoiding blue dragons if he can help it.

Lastly, make use of each unit's skills! Does a certain unit need a boost in stats to ORKO a certain unit or survive an attack? Make use of those hones/spurs/threatens. it might do to invest in some re-positioning skills. Those skills are useful and can help either baiting or rescuing a unit. 

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I just got 2 4☆ Reinhardts from spring banner, both are +spd -atk which is kinda a shame but I guess I can dump fury on him to fix it and have the extra stats. I'll need to 5☆ it but that'll be in a distant future lol. Although Goad Cavalry is godsend.

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6 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I've never seen a Reinhardt in the arena...huh. Linde is the only one of those four I've actually seen there, in fact.

And I don't think it matters who I'm using anymore, but 5 star Frederick, 4 star Palla, male Robin, and Sakura. I wanted to drop Palla for my 5 star Marth, but she became a bonus unit while Marth is not one. The only other bonus unit I have is Bunny Xander and he turned out to be rather meh. He also doesn't kill reds like my male Robin does since the latter has T-Adept and Swordbreaker.


You could use Fred, Robin Palla and Marth instead of Sakura. When playing arena you should focus on separating threatening units and killing before getting killed.
Frederick should be used bait sword users(while standing out of their range) and making them pay with Robin while checking blue units, Marth gives coverage against Greens and Dragons.
Also, don't be afraid to lose a unit if It means you will continue your winning streak.

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4 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

I just got 2 4☆ Reinhardts from spring banner, both are +spd -atk which is kinda a shame but I guess I can dump fury on him to fix it and have the extra stats. I'll need to 5☆ it but that'll be in a distant future lol. Although Goad Cavalry is godsend.

I got a 4⋆ +Atk, −Res Reinhardt from the wyvern banner.
He will be beyond awesome when I suppress the miser inside me to shower him with feathers.

Edited by Vaximillian
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I really hope the new Arena matching straightens things out.  I was doing alright this morning for six Intermediate matches in a row.  Then another Intermediate match pits my four high-teen/low-twenty heroes against three level 1's and a level 30 who none of my guys could even scratch.  At this point, I have a tendency to just fight enough that I'm guaranteed 1,000 feathers for the week, then leave the Arena alone except when required by quests.  I get that it's not supposed to be a cakewalk, but some of these match-ups are straight-up trolling!

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4 minutes ago, Kiran said:

Might also help to learn a bit of basic AI movement.

Like I said, the enemy can't really be predicted a lot of the time. I was always trying to predict them, but they always did something totally different.

Skillsets though, you're right on that one. I often forget to check what they have.

1 minute ago, Jason Funderburker said:

You could use Fred, Robin Palla and Marth instead of Sakura. When playing arena you should focus on separating threatening units and killing before getting killed.
Frederick should be used bait sword users(while standing out of their range) and making them pay with Robin while checking blue units, Marth gives coverage against Greens and Dragons.
Also, don't be afraid to lose a unit if It means you will continue your winning streak.

Then I'm out a healer and my total BST goes up too high. I'll get matched up with teams that are even more powerful. The rest of what you said though, that's fair enough. I don't mind losing one unit once in awhile. I just don't want to lose two or nearly everyone.

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5 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Then I'm out a healer and my total BST goes up too high. I'll get matched up with teams that are even more powerful. The rest of what you said though, that's fair enough. I don't mind losing one unit once in awhile. I just don't want to lose two or nearly everyone.


Except if your Robin is 4* you should not be afraid of higher BST, especially if it means you're facing more Takumi's. You just have to play it carefully and abuse the dumb things AI does.
Did you try to level up Olivia? Dancing teams have monstrous movement across the map ( even more with inherited repositioning skills) and she also has Hone Attack +3 at 4* which means that you can just Throw Robin at Takumi's range and 1RKO in enemy phase.

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4 minutes ago, Jason Funderburker said:

Except if your Robin is 4* you should not be afraid of higher BST, especially if it means you're facing more Takumi's. You just have to play it carefully and abuse the dumb things AI does.
Did you try to level up Olivia? Dancing teams have monstrous movement across the map ( even more with inherited repositioning skills) and she also has Hone Attack +3 at 4* which means that you can just Throw Robin at Takumi's range and 1RKO in enemy phase.

Fine on the first part, I suppose.

Yeah, I did level Olivia up, she's lv. 36 and 4 star. But she's still too easily killed. 4 Star Robin never one-rounds Takumis though, even with stat boosts. Also, even if my Olivia was good, if my team is Frederick, Marth, Palla, and Robin, there's no room for Olivia.

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12 minutes ago, Jason Funderburker said:

Except if your Robin is 4* you should not be afraid of higher BST, especially if it means you're facing more Takumi's. You just have to play it carefully and abuse the dumb things AI does.
Did you try to level up Olivia? Dancing teams have monstrous movement across the map ( even more with inherited repositioning skills) and she also has Hone Attack +3 at 4* which means that you can just Throw Robin at Takumi's range and 1RKO in enemy phase.

It takes Triangle Adept + a buff (or +atk nature) for Robin to ORKO Takumi. Note that this is at 5*.

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3 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

4 Star Robin never one-rounds Takumis though, even with stat boosts.

Even with Triangle Adept? I recall you maaaaaybe once getting a Selena. Or am I mistaken? I probably am.

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Just now, Vaximillian said:

Even with Triangle Adept? I recall you maaaaaybe once getting a Selena. Or am I mistaken? I probably am.

Yeah, even with T-Adept. Yes, I had a Selena recently, but I gave her up for Reposition on my female Robin. I plan to use her on some teams. She's handy for taking out cavalry too. In fact, she laughs at Reinhardt, Olwen, and Ursula because she gets both a cavalry effective tome and blue Tomebreaker. And I'd say those three are tough to counter otherwise.

My male Robin got T-Adept from a Cordelia. I hope to pull another Cordy though, because I like her as a character.

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9 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Fine on the first part, I suppose.

Yeah, I did level Olivia up, she's lv. 36 and 4 star. But she's still too easily killed. 4 Star Robin never one-rounds Takumis though, even with stat boosts. Also, even if my Olivia was good, if my team is Frederick, Marth, Palla, and Robin, there's no room for Olivia.


5 minutes ago, Kiran said:

It takes Triangle Advantage + a buff (or +atk nature) for Robin to ORKO Takumi. 


4 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Even with Triangle Adept? I recall you maaaaaybe once getting a Selena. Or am I mistaken? I probably am.

M!Robin would need 49 attack to OHKO a neutral 5* level 40 Takumi without Triangle Adept and 42 attack with Triangle Adept 3. 

Even a +Atk M!Robin doesn't go any higher than 37 attack without buffs if he's only 4*, so Ana is right.

Neutral attack M!Robin hits 40 attack at 5* level 40 though, so a Hone Atk 3 buff would be sufficient if he also had Triangle Adept 3 (actually did the calcs and even with Triangle Adept 2, 43 attack (neutral Robin + Hone Atk 3)) is enough for the OHKO. 

Edited by MaskedAmpharos
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See, toldja. :P

But male Robin is next on my 5 star upgrade list, and I just need 7,000 more feathers to hit 20,000 again, so it won't be too long before he is 5 star. After him, Sharena and female Robin are next.

...Gosh, I am seriously going to lack 5 star reds. Which is odd considering how many reds there are in this game and how many have been available as 5 star pulls, in focuses or not.

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1 minute ago, Kiran said:

It takes Triangle Advantage + a buff (or +atk nature) for Robin to ORKO Takumi. 

That's the point of having Olivia (Hone attack at the start of turn), but since her Robin is 4* the things will be harder.


6 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Fine on the first part, I suppose.

Yeah, I did level Olivia up, she's lv. 36 and 4 star. But she's still too easily killed. 4 Star Robin never one-rounds Takumis though, even with stat boosts. Also, even if my Olivia was good, if my team is Frederick, Marth, Palla, and Robin, there's no room for Olivia.


Olivia should not be fighting tbh, except if she has triangle adept/color weapon and is in advantage(it would help about some occasional Nino's), which is similar to what I do with Azura on my team: Sapphire Lance+, Sword breaker and Sol. With this set, Azura just don't give a fuck about being in range of any red, and sword breaker guarantees that she can dance someone and clean a red on the same turn.
If you have the feathers, a promoted Robin will really make the things easier.

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1 minute ago, Jason Funderburker said:

Olivia should not be fighting tbh, except if she has triangle adept/color weapon and is in advantage(it would help about some occasional Nino's), which is similar to what I do with Azura on my team: Sapphire Lance+, Sword breaker and Sol. With this set, Azura just don't give a fuck about being in range of any red, and sword breaker guarantees that she can dance someone and clean a red on the same turn.
If you have the feathers, a promoted Robin will really make the things easier.

I never said Olivia was fighting. In fact, I actually said earlier that I don't make her fight and that I keep her behind the lines, but that doesn't make her safe from mages and daggers.

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4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I've never seen a Reinhardt in the arena...huh. Linde is the only one of those four I've actually seen there, in fact.

And I don't think it matters who I'm using anymore, but 5 star Frederick, 4 star Palla, male Robin, and Sakura. I wanted to drop Palla for my 5 star Marth, but she became a bonus unit while Marth is not one. The only other bonus unit I have is Bunny Xander and he turned out to be rather meh. He also doesn't kill reds like my male Robin does since the latter has T-Adept and Swordbreaker.

@immatx Yeah, I don't have a viable dancer either. All I have is a -spd Olivia that gets doubled and killed by just about everything because her defenses are awful. No, I don't put her in the front lines. Mages and daggers mainly pick her off. But I do like letting the enemy come to me so I can take them out one by one. I'm more of a defensive player than an aggressive offensive one.

But that strategy with male Robin ending up near greens actually sounds viable. Maybe it's not such a bad thing.

Oh, ok, I might be able to help if you play the same sort of way I do then. Do you still have your neutral Olivias or no? I haven't used most of the units you have, but I think it would be a good idea to train up Olivia as far as possible and put Drag Back on someone. Preferably your glass cannon, but it could work for anyone. If you go this route, I think replacing Sakura with Olivia would work best.

The problem is that Palla isn't very strong on her own, but her mobility will help. She's weak to blue, so I would stick her next to Frederick, with Palla on the outside because Frederick is your main tank. She can draw enemy blues down towards Frederick's side, and if you are able to do it, I would give her a rally passive. She also isn't hampered by terrain. Make sure she has spur spd not goad flyers.

I'm glad you think the M Robin strategy will work, I've been doing it with some of my units and as long as the enemy team is balanced it usually works pretty well. I would keep him on the outside for the that very reason, and since he's a mage he doesn't need as much move to get back.

Ideally I would set up the team Palla/Frederick/Olivia/M Robin, but if you don't want to use Olivia I would go with Marth. If he is 5* now that would fix your dragon issue. If not, since red is your weakest color on this team, it still makes sense to use him as a backup if Palla goes down. I don't know if you are running into Hectors yet, but once you do keeping a red unit alive until the end is very important.

If you are worried about your bst going up too high, try going Frederick, M Robin, Marth, and Alfonse some very underleveled bonus unit.

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1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

I also all of a sudden saw my male Robin's HP at 5 when I'm pretty sure no one actually hit him that hard. I have no idea what happened there.

Turn battle animations on and never skip them. At least you'll know exactly what happened during each round of combat.

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3 minutes ago, immatx said:

Oh, ok, I might be able to help if you play the same sort of way I do then. Do you still have your neutral Olivias or no? I haven't used most of the units you have, but I think it would be a good idea to train up Olivia as far as possible and put Drag Back on someone. Preferably your glass cannon, but it could work for anyone. If you go this route, I think replacing Sakura with Olivia would work best.

The problem is that Palla isn't very strong on her own, but her mobility will help. She's weak to blue, so I would stick her next to Frederick, with Palla on the outside because Frederick is your main tank. She can draw enemy blues down towards Frederick's side, and if you are able to do it, I would give her a rally passive. She also isn't hampered by terrain. Make sure she has spur spd not goad flyers.

I'm glad you think the M Robin strategy will work, I've been doing it with some of my units and as long as the enemy team is balanced it usually works pretty well. I would keep him on the outside for the that very reason, and since he's a mage he doesn't need as much move to get back.

Ideally I would set up the team Palla/Frederick/Olivia/M Robin, but if you don't want to use Olivia I would go with Marth. If he is 5* now that would fix your dragon issue. If not, since red is your weakest color on this team, it still makes sense to use him as a backup if Palla goes down. I don't know if you are running into Hectors yet, but once you do keeping a red unit alive until the end is very important.

If you are worried about your bst going up too high, try going Frederick, M Robin, Marth, and Alfonse some very underleveled bonus unit.

Uh, I never had any neutral Olivias as far as I know...

I've never pulled a unit that has Drag Back. I've been working on getting male Robin SP since I gave him Draw Back though. He just needs enough SP to learn and equip it.

Marth is the only counter I have to Fae. Otherwise, she shreds me. Her def is too high for Palla to one-round her and she just kills everybody else because like all dragons, she attacks with magic.

My Palla has Hone Spd from an Eirika, actually, but that should do.

I've run into a Hector on occasion, but it's not common. And even then, Frederick takes care of him well enough with his tankiness and hammer.

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