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7 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Now, I feel like Absol, I'm not the source of -Atk, just the harbinger.

It's a math equation!


So, I've wanted Linde, and since I don't have patience, I decided to try to Pull and not wait for the Gauntlet Banner.

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5* Linde +Def,-Res  Hey, she's not -Atk!

4* Poison Strike +HP,-Res

5* Takumi -HP,+Spd

3* Frederick +HP, -Def

3* Donnel +HP,-Spd


Oh shit congrats :D

I kind of want a Linde but not badly enough to jeopardize my chances of pulling Celica later 

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19 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

Oh shit congrats :D

I kind of want a Linde but not badly enough to jeopardize my chances of pulling Celica later 

Yeah, I'd like to get the Gaiden units when they come out, but I figured that's some time away so Carpe Diem and all that.

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41 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

My +Spd 5 star lv. 40+1 Marth would.

Good luck keeping such a dancer alive then.

Sure, with merges and +Spd Marth manages to outpace Eirika by all of three points, which is a gap she can close with Spd +3 or Fury. But why pick one over the other when you can use both? The latter seems like the more favorable option.

Keeping a Dancer alive isn't very hard at all, no matter how horrible their actual stats could be.

In any case, I'm done discussing this. Use Eirika or don't use Eirika. I've said my share.

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2 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Sure, with merges and +Spd Marth manages to outpace Eirika by all of three points, which is a gap she can close with Spd +3 or Fury. But why pick one over the other when you can use both? The latter seems like the more favorable option.

Keeping a Dancer alive isn't very hard at all, no matter how horrible their actual stats could be.

In any case, I'm done discussing this. Use Eirika or don't use Eirika. I've said my share.

Then I'm done discussing this too, because I've also said my share. Oh, and using three swords on one team is not wise (I have Ike too).

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Pull #47:

Done with free orbs from the May Quests. Was hoping for Linde in the Battling Xander banner.




But hey, at least Oboro finally showed up!


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2 hours ago, Jave said:

Pull #47:

Done with free orbs from the May Quests. Was hoping for Linde in the Battling Xander banner.

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But hey, at least Oboro finally showed up!


Haha today I used some orbs in hopes of getting a new 5☆ but got bronze units. And nino! Also, good thing I got an Eliwood to pass up Ward Cavalry to Xander.

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2 hours ago, Jave said:

Pull #47:

Done with free orbs from the May Quests. Was hoping for Linde in the Battling Xander banner.

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But hey, at least Oboro finally showed up!


Oboro is the greatest

4 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

Haha today I used some orbs in hopes of getting a new 5☆ but got bronze units. And nino! Also, good thing I got an Eliwood to pass up Ward Cavalry to Xander.

That's also what I plan to do, give my Xander smelliwood's ward cavalry. Soon the cavalry team shall be complete!

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*so not trying to brag but*

6 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

Haha today I used some orbs in hopes of getting a new 5☆ but got bronze units. And nino! Also, good thing I got an Eliwood to pass up Ward Cavalry to Xander.


2 hours ago, Jave said:

Pull #47:

Done with free orbs from the May Quests. Was hoping for Linde in the Battling Xander banner.

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But hey, at least Oboro finally showed up!


So the one summon I did today I got Ike......I'm just going to stop summoning for now until the new artworks of lucina, lyn, ike, and roy come out

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Forked over 20 more bucks focusing on blues.

I got another 4 star Luka and Clair.

The rest were Thanies (more desperation 3 after 2000 feathers) and more Brave Lance country Kansai accent wielding hillbillies. Haha, lots of draw backs and brave lances to go around.

Still apparently a drought of water ladies.

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2 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

I got another 4 star Luka and Clair.

Every time I look at Clair's spread I go: 'Hey! That's 36 speed, wonder why I thought she's---oh, right, she paid 9 Atk for 1 Spd over Cordelia.' When Felicia has a better shot at being viable than you, your spread has issues.

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7 hours ago, Jave said:

Pull #47:

Done with free orbs from the May Quests. Was hoping for Linde in the Battling Xander banner.

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But hey, at least Oboro finally showed up!


You are now blessed by Oboro, may she brings you luck!!


Eeeh, days ago I did a single summon just to see what it comes.

It was a 4* Shiida/Caeda

I already have one of her, what to do with this new one? Merge? use for skills? I don't know

Maybe I will do a single summon again.

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A friend gave me a free summon. I threw in $15 as well to pool.

6% is a very painful number to see before you get your focus character.




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6 hours ago, SniperGYS said:

You are now blessed by Oboro, may she brings you luck!!


Eeeh, days ago I did a single summon just to see what it comes.

It was a 4* Shiida/Caeda

I already have one of her, what to do with this new one? Merge? use for skills? I don't know

Maybe I will do a single summon again.

Use for skills! Especially if you want to do FAT flier emblem with 2 people that have fortify fliers!

Otherwise, you can always get your merge on. Just make sure you choose the best nature ;)

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Saved up enough to do a pull, so I tried again to pull Ryoma. Alas, it seems this game doesn't want me to have a Distant Counter sword besides Xander. 

Their natures are:

Alm - neutral (better than my +Def, - Res one?)

Jacob - +Def -Atk

Florina - +Atk -Res

Serra - +Atk -Res

Henry - +Atk -Def

I kind of worry that I spent up my +Atk luck on this pull. 


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1 hour ago, Eridras said:

Saved up enough to do a pull, so I tried again to pull Ryoma. Alas, it seems this game doesn't want me to have a Distant Counter sword besides Xander. 

Their natures are:

Alm - neutral (better than my +Def, - Res one?)

Jacob - +Def -Atk

Florina - +Atk -Res

Serra - +Atk -Res

Henry - +Atk -Def

I kind of worry that I spent up my +Atk luck on this pull. 


3 +Atk

1 -Rezzy

And the only one that didn't have any plus or minus in attack is Neutral

@Rezzy looks like Rezeantor is combating your curse! I guess that's a good thing right?

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And he appeared in the first out of those five reds ('bout time I had more than one or two reds to pick from too though) omg wow. I didn't pull from the others though, I need to save my orbs and money. In fact, I'm not spending money on the game again for quite some time, I think.

But sadly, after all my effort and money here, I may not use this guy.

Why? He's -Spd. -SPD. Of all the banes he could've had, he has to have the worst one for him (even -Atk would've been better in this case. Ryoma is all about speed). I could probably give him Speed +3 or Darting Blow or a breaker skill or something, but I don't know if it will salvage him enough when his defenses are low and there are units in the arena and stuff with like 38 or more speed that I can run into, I'm betting. His boon is +HP, just to note.

Yeah, yet another +HP 5 star. Starting with Ephraim, nearly all my 5 star pulls have been +HP. Weirdsville.

If this Ryoma can still be used though, which I hope, I really do, please tell me. :( Because people do keep saying that boons and banes aren't everything.

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2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:



And he appeared in the first out of those five reds ('bout time I had more than one or two reds to pick from too though) omg wow. I didn't pull from the others though, I need to save my orbs and money. In fact, I'm not spending money on the game again for quite some time, I think.

But sadly, after all my effort and money here, I may not use this guy.

Why? He's -Spd. -SPD. Of all the banes he could've had, he has to have the worst one for him (even -Atk would've been better in this case. Ryoma is all about speed). I could probably give him Speed +3 or Darting Blow or a breaker skill or something, but I don't know if it will salvage him enough when his defenses are low and there are units in the arena and stuff with like 38 or more speed that I can run into, I'm betting. His boon is +HP, just to note.

Yeah, yet another +HP 5 star. Starting with Ephraim, nearly all my 5 star pulls have been +HP. Weirdsville.

If this Ryoma can still be used though, which I hope, I really do, please tell me. :( Because people do keep saying that boons and banes aren't everything.

32 Speed is super duper safe though; it's like an ideal safe speed for bait-play. It's still faster than your Ike, right?

1 point of Spd for 1 point of Atk, and less Def or more Res basically. -Spd just means that you can't just throw him at the enemy and watch him obliterate things with doubles. Arguably, I'd place him over Ike because of his ability to not die to lindes and other mages quite as hard, as well as STILL being faster than neutral speed ike at the expense of one measily point in atk.

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18 minutes ago, Elieson said:

32 Speed is super duper safe though; it's like an ideal safe speed for bait-play. It's still faster than your Ike, right?

1 point of Spd for 1 point of Atk, and less Def or more Res basically. -Spd just means that you can't just throw him at the enemy and watch him obliterate things with doubles. Arguably, I'd place him over Ike because of his ability to not die to lindes and other mages quite as hard, as well as STILL being faster than neutral speed ike at the expense of one measily point in atk.

Actually, he'd have the same speed as my Ike. My Ike also has 32 because he has the Speed +1 seal.

Another problem though, is that I still have pretty much nobody at 5 star whose speed will be above 32 since Eirika is also -Spd and Frederick, Robin, and Ephraim are slower. I think Klein is slower as well with the Brave Bow equipped.

I don't think Alm or Chrom will be above 32 speed either. Bunny Xander also isn't that fast. Marth...oh yeah, he will (+Spd and he's also +1 in level from a merge). But he's another red sword. Azura has 36 spd as well, but she's the singer/dancer and all.

I did plan on using Ryoma and Ike on different teams though (I'll only be using the Favorite Four in Ike, Freddy, Ephraim, and Ryoma on one team in the tower or something like that).

So...yeah. I seem to be unable to pull real speed demons. :(

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3 minutes ago, Arcanite said:


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Happy for you :)

I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't have a Ryoma......

I don't either. I've got Halfpint though.

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4 minutes ago, Arcanite said:


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Happy for you :)

I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't have a Ryoma......

This week is your best chance to get him! If you've got a pile of orbs, you can use 'em! Though Ike and his gang are also still a focus too. lol IS really gave some people hard choices here. :P

But thanks, Arcanite!

1 minute ago, Elieson said:

I don't either. I've got Halfpint though.

Who now, Elie? :P

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7 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Who now, Elie? :P

You know;

this dude



I'm contemplating burning some orbs on Ike...4 pulls and got a Titania which I like but Ike, but I want Azura I've been going for her since she was revealed and in this effort I got a second Nowi, but I've been wanting Celica super badly so savingbut I only have so much money in my wallet but my wallet's basically empty already but I want them but life .....

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