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With the rewards from the gauntlet, I decided to pull on the Celica banner again.

4* Shanna

4* Stahl

4* Olivia

4* Roy

5* Ike (+Spd/-HP)

I was a bit salty that my first Ike was -Spd, so it's a pleasant surprise to get another Ike with even better IVs. 

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AAAAAAAH!! Raven I love you but resetting my 5* percentage was uncalled for! I was going to promote yourself eventually!

And the hunt for Boey continues. I drew him and still he eludes me...




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Tried for Ninian; got 4* Odin and Catria and 3* Corrin and Shanna.

Got neutral 5* Klein only because no blue orbs showed up. ._.

On the bright side, I finally got a good archer!

Edited by Roflolxp54
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Uh, I got a 4-star Klein. That's the only new character I got.

Seriously, this game. When it's not giving me 3-star dupes, it's giving me 4-star versions of characters I already have and are obtainable at 3-stars. I barely get any new characters anymore even when I'm lucky to get 4-stars. :/

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Sent a couple Ests home, got more Odins, another Sully, Gwendolyn. Got a Serra as well.

Got +HP/-Spd Hinoka and +Res/-Spd Ninian.

Including my previous post, I spent a total of 77 Orbs on the vs. Lloyd banner.

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Pretty bummed, I spent the 20 gauntlet orbs trying for Mae/Celica and got nothing of note besides a -atk 3* Palla for Moonbow fodder. Then I spent a couple more orbs despite my better judgement and pulled a 5* Chrom +hp/-res. This game's really making me hate Chrom. This is the second time he's shown up as an off-banner 5* just to fuck up my appearance rate.. God damn it Chrom stay away from my barracks, I don't want or need you.

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Might as well pull from the Battling Lloyd banner even though I beat both maps in 15 minutes.

  • 3* Laslow: Not worth anything, but I was actually kind of happy to see him. Haven't pulled him since way back in the beginning.
  • 3* Lon'qu: Vantage fodder again.
  • 4* Tiki: Bleh. Maybe Bonfire will be good for something.
  • 4* Beruka: Pass.
  • 3* Azama: Meh.

They really need to add more units to the normal pool. By now I imagine we've all got those one or two units we've pulled too many times.

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It was pay day so I decided to whale a bit to celebrate some little victories in my life. (Plus I'm donating all of my hair to charity tomorrow. So...a parting gift to myself???) 

No pictures, but notable pulls include: 
5* Genny x3 (The second one is +ATK -HP. Time to hurt people with this precious sheep girl.)
4* Clair (She's -ATK and doesn't seem like she'll offer much to my team unfortunately.)
4* M. Corrin (Brand new character! Yay!) +HP -DEF
4* Rebecca (Brand new character. I actually wasn't going to bother checking her nature because back when the Elibe banner happened, I pulled 3 of her on my reroll account and not a single Lucius...but this one is +ATK -HP. I actually think I may use her...)
4* Effie x2  (One is +ATK -HP. Plus I can definitely use her Death Blow....for things.)
5* Ninian (I just about screamed. I just can't stop smiling. She's +ATK -DEF. I'll take it!!! I now I have all the dancers!)
5* Klein (I already have a Klein at 4 stars, but he's +HP -SPD. This one seems to be +DEF -SPD...so maybe that's a step up. I won't complain!)
5* Cain (Another new character! He's +RES -HP. Weeeird nature...but I won't complain about a new character!) 
5* Jeorge (Almost died again. He's +SPD -HP. I have him at 4* with a +ATK -RES. I'm kind of torn. Either way, he's good, so I'll probably stick with Mr. 5 stars.) 

I was trying to pull for Lucius... I still haven't gotten him, and I really want to feed Genny to him. Oh well...I've got 3 at least. I may give one to Priscilla... But yeah. This was kind of cathartic. And with all the +ATK units, it feels like a curse has been lifted. XD

Now to let buyer's remorse set in...

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Ayyyy lmao second Celica get, second pull in with the Gauntlet orbs. This one's +HP -Def, which is actually pretty nice. Now I can merge my -Atk one into this new one. @Rezzy I challenged my fate




@MaskedAmpharos @Vaximillian @Arcanite

Edited by SatsumaFSoysoy
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 I invite @SatsumaFSoysoy to gloat, I don't invite @Arcanite because they will come anyway. 
The gauntlet reward 20 orbs arrived and I decided to make another full pull on Celica’s banner. I still haven’t got anybody I want and I still want everybody.

Here we go, two blue orbs, two green, one grey. Not bad.
Mae, Subaki, Julia, Boey, Klein. Yeah, that will do.

3⋆ Est (20→15), 3⋆ Bartre (15→11), 3⋆ Lissa (11→7), 3⋆ Bartre (7→3), 4⋆ Nowi (3→0).

Thank you, Frederick.

⋆⋆⋆ Est F +Res −Atk
⋆⋆⋆ Bartre   +Res −HP
⋆⋆⋆ Lissa   +Atk −Def
⋆⋆⋆ Bartre   +Spd −HP
⋆⋆⋆⋆ Nowi   +Spd −Res

At least this Nowi is better than my previous Nowi, who was +HP, −Res.
 Both Ests I pulled were −Atk. Thanks @Rezzy

Edited by Vaximillian
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28 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Maybe one of the Celicas I got today was stolen from your summoning sessions....

Bartre once again being Bartre. So are you fresh out of orbs now?

Hey, I can’t really say I wasn’t lucky at all this banner. I got a 5⋆ Roy and a 5⋆ Faye, you see, and the femage banner gave me a 5⋆ Sanaki.
It’s just that I act a bit picky and I want Celica to reunite with Sharena.

Yep, Bartre dared to show his stupid head not once, but twice on the same summoning round. The guy isn’t even worthy of being harvested for inheritance! Nobody really wants Brash Assault, and he only gets Fury 3 at 5⋆. What a loaf.

But hey, at least it’s not another Frederick or Cecilia, right? I’ve got seven Fredericks and ten Cecilias right now.

Let’s assume Frederick’s armour weighs 25 kg (which is still relatively sensible), while himself around 90 kg. His war hammer would weigh around 1.3 kg if sensible. (unlike what he wields in Heroes or, indeed, anywhere in the series since weapons have started to get modelled/sprited) Then we add his destrier at around 500 kg, and its armour at about 40 kg, and get approximately 655 kg per Frederick. Seven Fredericks combined weigh around 4,595 kg, rounded to 4,600 kg. Moving on.

Cecilia wears very light armour plates, which can’t weigh more than 5 kg. She isn’t very buff—being a mage—so assuming her own weight as 65 kg might be reasonable. Her horse doesn’t need to be as heavy as Frederick’s, so I’m giving it 400 kg. Tome and stuff are negligible, adding a kilogram tops. Adding this up, a battle-ready Cecilia weighs around 471 kg. Ten Cecilias are 4,710 kg.

1,000 kg equal one tonne, called metric ton across the pond.

I have more than nine metric tons of Fredericks and Cecilias.

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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

I want Celica to reunite with Sharena.

It's okay, in my world, Sharena will have three Celicas to keep her company ;) At least, until I finally decide on which one to actually keep.

You should fill your home screen with nothing but Cecilias or something. Horse Emblem living the dream.

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53 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

 I invite @SatsumaFSoysoy to gloat, I don't invite @Arcanite because they will come anyway. 
The gauntlet reward 20 orbs arrived and I decided to make another full pull on Celica’s banner. I still haven’t got anybody I want and I still want everybody.

Here we go, two blue orbs, two green, one grey. Not bad.
Mae, Subaki, Julia, Boey, Klein. Yeah, that will do.

3⋆ Est (20→15), 3⋆ Bartre (15→11), 3⋆ Lissa (11→7), 3⋆ Bartre (7→3), 4⋆ Nowi (3→0).

Thank you, Frederick.

⋆⋆⋆ Est F +Res −Atk
⋆⋆⋆ Bartre   +Res −HP
⋆⋆⋆ Lissa   +Atk −Def
⋆⋆⋆ Bartre   +Spd −HP
⋆⋆⋆⋆ Nowi   +Spd −Res

At least this Nowi is better than my previous Nowi, who was +HP, −Res.
 Both Ests I pulled were −Atk. Thanks @Rezzy

that nowi is great - cant wait to get my hands on such a specimen - and merge with my not so speedy nowi

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So, I decided to abandon all self control and summon some more. I'm on 3 orbs now and nothing to show for it but a 4* Corrin (for Draconic Aura or Hone Attack) and a 3* Sully (for Swordbreaker), among other units I'm probably never going to use even for fodder.

I decided to send home a few of them, plus some other clutter (though mostly my dud summons) to make up the feathers I needed to promote Odin and give Linde Blarblade+ and Moonbow, using a spare 3* Frederick to hand over New Moon (and Fortify Defence 2, while he was at it). I'll probably want to send home a few more 3*s I'll never really want to use... There's probably a 4* Corrin I'll want to send home, too (he doesn't have good skills, does he?)

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After a desastrous attempt yesterday at Celica's banner, for my 2nd account, I tried again with the 20 orbs of the gauntlet.


Odin, Shanna, Niles 3*, Lilina 4*... looking bad. If it the same of yesterday...



Okay, good... IVs... +Atk -Spd. -SPD ?!? Not cool.

And Lilina is +Atk -Res. Not terrible...



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I was planning to save up orbs for a bit, but Ninian and Hinoka apearing on one banner changed things. Time to hunt blue orbs.


first pull had one blue:

- 4* Gwendolyn (don't like her to much and already have a whole army of her...)

second pull also had one blue:

- 4* Catria (I like her, but I don't need 5 of her game...)

Third pull:

- 3* Sully (I kind of wanted draw back fodder for Reinhard, so this isn't to bad)

Fourth pull actually had 2 blue:

- 3* Oboro (yay, a fourth one...)

- 3* Gwendolyn (Seriously?)

So yeah, this time was a bit of a letdown. At least I got a spare Sully, which is something.

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2 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Ayyyy lmao second Celica get, second pull in with the Gauntlet orbs. This one's +HP -Def, which is actually pretty nice. Now I can merge my -Atk one into this new one. @Rezzy I challenged my fate




@MaskedAmpharos @Vaximillian @Arcanite

What the actual shit

Congrats :D all the salt you see right now is from my tears of joy because I'm so happy for you. Yup. No envy here. Really though congrats; that's awesome!

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2 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

 I invite @SatsumaFSoysoy to gloat, I don't invite @Arcanite because they will come anyway. 
The gauntlet reward 20 orbs arrived and I decided to make another full pull on Celica’s banner. I still haven’t got anybody I want and I still want everybody.

Here we go, two blue orbs, two green, one grey. Not bad.
Mae, Subaki, Julia, Boey, Klein. Yeah, that will do.

3⋆ Est (20→15), 3⋆ Bartre (15→11), 3⋆ Lissa (11→7), 3⋆ Bartre (7→3), 4⋆ Nowi (3→0).

Thank you, Frederick.

⋆⋆⋆ Est F +Res −Atk
⋆⋆⋆ Bartre   +Res −HP
⋆⋆⋆ Lissa   +Atk −Def
⋆⋆⋆ Bartre   +Spd −HP
⋆⋆⋆⋆ Nowi   +Spd −Res

At least this Nowi is better than my previous Nowi, who was +HP, −Res.
 Both Ests I pulled were −Atk. Thanks @Rezzy

Est is my daughter, it's to be expected.

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Just now, Rezzy said:

Est is my daughter, it's to be expected.

I knew Est is your daughter. I just thought mother only wants the best for her children and not −Atk.

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