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4 minutes ago, KongDude said:

Erg... You are all too lucky...

I pulled one green and got 3* Bartre (wrong banner bro), moved to the next session, and no greens! :((((

It's semi-okay though since I got 4* Odin (Moonbow) and Felicia (Glacies/BoL).

Like I said, there's A LOT of upcomming orbs and this goes on for a month.  F2P users should be able to get at least one, if not all, of the heroes this time.  IS is being very generous.

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1 minute ago, Lushen said:

Like I said, there's A LOT of upcomming orbs and this goes on for a month.  F2P users should be able to get at least one, if not all, of the heroes this time.  IS is being very generous.

Yeah, I know. I'm sure I'll be able to get Tikini at some point of this month. It just hurts to see how everyone else is being blessed Lol.

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Tried a full summon on the summer banner because why not. As usual, I seem to be a green unit magnet. Got A!Tiki. Would have prefered Frederick or Gauis but I'll take it! Also got a 4*Marth. My very first pulled Falchion user. Overall it was a good session

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I was wavering on whether I wanted to use any orbs on this banner. While I really wanted summer Tiki since I like Tiki a lot, I do already have a 5* adult Tiki, and I also strongly would like to have a nice stockpile of orbs so I'm not hit with banners I really want to pull from while empty. It's distressing to have empty coffers, I feel so vulnerable to the whims of fate.

Hence, I decided to compromise with myself. I would do two green summons from the new banner. So I go in and there are 2 greens--perfect! On the first one, I pulled a 4* Boey, which is my first one. Nice! Now I can do an all-Echoes team with Celica, Clair, Faye, and Boey. The second one was Bartre... total blah. I have way too many of him, and he's pretty useless. No summer Tiki... aw. But at least I got a Boey!

And then I saw that there's the new paralogue, and remembered that we'll be getting a bunch of new quests for July soon. So I permitted myself one (1) more summon. To ensure that I would only do one, I left with only one spot available in my barracks, and with only enough orbs to do one summon. I enter into the summoning chamber, and there are two greens. Well, only can do one! I do the summon and... there she is, summer Tiki! That worked out perfectly! She's +Spd -Def, which is a nice nature for her--I'll take it! Now I don't have to worry about my resolve being tested, and I can go back to (trying) to save orbs.

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I have Pulled Summer Robin and Tiki.

Both are - Atk.  I wonder if there's something programmed to detect me or something.

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Did three full pulls, not a single red orb. Lucky, but not as lucky as the results! Got Summer Tiki +Atk/-Spd and a 5 star Reinhardt +Atk/-Spd. I just promoted my Ursula to be on my cav team, so I wasn't expecting to get him in my collection, much less with a good nature. Plus, after playing since launch, I finally pulled Nino. Awful nature but now I'm just missing one member of the 3 star pool and it's henry.

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I spent 33 orbs on the summer banner last night, mostly hoping to luck into Tiki. I left with a 5* archer in tow, but was it Gaius?

3*s: Gwendolyn, Lon'qu, Odin, Setsuna
4*s: Effie, Kagero, Shanna
5*s: Faye (new)

Nope, it was Faye of all characters with an acceptable +DEF -HP combination. I guess she finally realized that I had Alm hanging around and decided to come running. With her, Takumi is now the only non-seasonal archer I do not have and I'm now only missing Clair (yes, even as 4* while I've simultaneously gotten 4* Lukas three times) out of the World of Shadows quartet. I also like how I got 2 5* Effies before I got her as a 4*. Both her and Shanna are +ATK, though I can't say I'd be willing to promote Effie (her bane is Defense) when my existing +1 5* has a pretty good boon/bane herself (+DEF, -SPD). That Kagero (she's -SPD while my main one is +SPD) is now my third spare 4* one while my number of spare Lon'qus is up to 6 (5 3*s, 1 4*).

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Well, I had 180 orbs last night, so I had a go... Walked away with three new 5* units, at least. But no bikinis... :-(

I did pull a spare Reinhardt with a bad nature, though, so I'm +1ing my awesome one. In the same pull as Reinhardt, I also got a 5* Catria. The other 5* was Raven, of all people (I didn't even realise he could be a natural 5*!).

On top of that, I got Swap fodder for armourteam, Darting Blow fodder for Nino, and a spare Effie to feed to Draug for Wary Fighter. Armourteam is going to be ridiculous next month.

I've changed my desktop background to Summer!Tiki's art. It worked for Bunny!Camilla; hopefully it works again.

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Pulled off the summer banner. Got a Frederick and Ninian so can't complain too much. I really want Takumi but now that I'm playing echoes, I wouldn't mind Celica and Alm as well. Also pulled another Eldigan to +1 later. 


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Only pulling colourless with saved Orbs. Currently at a 4% pity rate ;~; My luck with seasonal banners is abysmal. I have this horrible premonition that a Healer will break the rate. I have about 6 Matthews... yay Hone Speed. 

Edited by komasa
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Well, I like that the Summer banner has a nice selection of not-red 5*s, so let's go all-in with two full pulls!

  • 3* Stahl: Eh.
  • 3* Arthur: Meh.
  • 4* Donnel: Well, never bothered to train one of you. Might as well start now.
  • 3* Setsuna: SI fodder.
  • 3* Serra: Ugh.

Pull 1 was trash, maybe Pull 2'll be better?

  • 3* Eliwood: Useless.
  • 3* Frederick: No, you were supposed to be in a swimsuit. Agh!
  • 4* Effie: Well, the previous copy of you had garbage IVs, so hopefully you'll be better.
  • 5* Summer Gaius: Yes! Finally have a colorless 5*. +Atk/-HP too, so good IVs.
  • 5* Summer Gaius: Ahahahaha! I wasn't sure this pull was a good idea, but it damn well was! +Hp/-Res, so you're getting fed to your predecessor.

Well, I'm pleased. Not going to push my luck any further.


The sweet glory!



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Did 3 pulls today. Got some real good stuff!

Pull 1: 3* Beruka, Azama, Niles and Gunter. Saved by my first 4* Sheena. Too bad she's -attack...

Pull 2: 3* Gaius, Tiki, 5* Raven (repeat), Summer Robin AND Summer Gaius (neutral). Hot diggity that's crazy.

Pull 3: 3* Azama, Henry, 4* Setsuna, Jakob and a new 4* Tharja. Tharja got -HP/+Speed 


Pull 2 is the clear winner here but I'm just as excited for finally getting a damn axe user for my armor team even if she kind of sucks. Also tharja, always a pleasant surprise.

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NOTE: I'm not numbering my pulls anymore. Since some times I will be pulling specific colors, it's inaccurate to number non-full pulls.

Anyway, I had around 80 Orbs saved to use on the Summer banner, here are the results:


I went strictly for Robin and Tiki so only Green and Blue at first:





Not too bad. I got Mae and Cordelia for the first time, as well as some good Skill fodder. But did I get what I was going for?



Yay! Tikini decided to join my troops, and with a decent nature as well (+Atk /-Def). Welcome, Tiki!


But notice that Grey orb there. Since I already got Tikini, I decided to go for it anyway. What do you think happened?



Welp, Frederick Flintstone joined the troops as well, and also a good nature (+Spd /-HP)


That's it for this banner for now. I haven't decided if I will pull again before the end of the month, but I have a hunch we might get another banner with new characters alongside the summer one. We'll see.




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Well, I've got Frederick, now, @Anacybele.

I just need Gauis, now, to add to these three.





All three are -Atk. @Arcanite

I also Pulled a Fae 5* who is -HP, +Spd, which seems like a decent Nature for her.  I think I'll train her up when I get the chance.

I'm torn about using Robin to give Azura the Lance SP skill, since I use her for leveling units anyway.

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24 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Well, I've got Frederick, now, @Anacybele.

I just need Gauis, now, to add to these three.

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Can't see the images, Rezzy. xP

But that stinks, man! I mean, awesome that you got Freddy, but -Atk for him hurts...

Did you see my pull though? THREE 5 stars in one session, lol. And one of them was my Summer Freddy Bear!

Edited by Anacybele
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8 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Can't see the images, Rezzy. xP

But that stinks, man! I mean, awesome that you got Freddy, but -Atk for him hurts...

Did you see my pull though? THREE 5 stars in one session, lol. And one of them was my Summer Freddy Bear!

Yep, congrats on your Fred!

Odd, the images show up for me fine.  Not sure what's up with the images on SF lately, my sig got butchered.

That's pretty lucky, I've gotten 2 5* on a Pull a few times, I'm trying to remember if I've ever gotten 3.

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1 minute ago, Rezzy said:

Yep, congrats on your Fred!

Odd, the images show up for me fine.  Not sure what's up with the images on SF lately, my sig got butchered.

That's pretty lucky, I've gotten 2 5* on a Pull a few times, I'm trying to remember if I've ever gotten 3.

Thanks, I'm totally in love with him despite being -Spd. :3 I mean, I was in love with Freddy before, but now I think I love him even MORE and I didn't think that was possible. XD

I mean, dem abs, and then "Go soak your head!" LOL

Anyway, the image butchering actually apparently seems to be Photobucket having cut off third party image sharing. My sig got messed up too. We'll have to switch to Imgur or something. It's okay if you don't have an Imgur account, I found you can log in with Facebook or something else instead.

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3 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Thanks, I'm totally in love with him despite being -Spd. :3 I mean, I was in love with Freddy before, but now I think I love him even MORE and I didn't think that was possible. XD

I mean, dem abs, and then "Go soak your head!" LOL

Anyway, the image butchering actually apparently seems to be Photobucket having cut off third party image sharing. My sig got messed up too. We'll have to switch to Imgur or something. It's okay if you don't have an Imgur account, I found you can log in with Facebook or something else instead.

Photobucket cut off third party image sharing?  That's the whole reason I used them.  I used to use Imgur, but they made it hard to edit images.  Hopefully they've fixed that issue, if I have to use them again.

1 minute ago, Arcanite said:

Seems like you're living up to your name!

Congrats for carrying on the legacy!

I don't think I got enough sacrifices.

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