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4 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

I might. I actually don't have many good reds to use. What would you recommend to give him?

Ideally, Wo Dao+ or Slaying Edge+ would be your best bets if you choose to forego the Brave Sword though that requires having any unwanted Karels/Athenas or Sabers lying around of course. I suppose it's worth pointing that even with a Silver Sword (not Silver Sword+), Ogma would have 49/40 offense (Fury) or 51/42 offense (Life and Death) if you want to go a much cheaper route for his weapon inheritance-wise.

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10 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Ideally, Wo Dao+ or Slaying Edge+ would be your best bets if you choose to forego the Brave Sword though that requires having any unwanted Karels/Athenas or Sabers lying around of course. I suppose it's worth pointing that even with a Silver Sword (not Silver Sword+), Ogma would have 49/40 offense (Fury) or 51/42 offense (Life and Death) if you want to go a much cheaper route for his weapon inheritance-wise.

@GuiltyLove Course if you also want to utilize the Brave Sword and not have to spend 20 to 40k feathers you could just slap on Fury or LnD along with something like Swordbreaker and have a comparable offense with a ton of ORKOing. A worse enemy phase sure, but a comparable offense and one you don't need Desperation for.

For a Wo Dao+ build you could also sport Darting Blow 3 and Desperation instead of LnD3 and double plenty on PP and EP without losing bulk and still have a comparable player phase to LnD3.

Personally, I'm probably just going to run BS Ogma as I already have a +DEF/-RES Athena to serve as my surprisingly tanky Wo Dao+ user. It is worth noting however that Ogma has a superior offense with a Wo Dao+ than Athena while having superior defense and HP. She wins in speed and res but that means for actually not that much on player phase if they both have the same build and nature.


Edited by Zeo
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Another full pull in Alm's banner for Gray, three reds, no Gray, one Blue, no Delthea. One gray orb, could have backed out and tried for one more red or blue, took my chances with the gray, *3 Saizo.

Waste. Probably my last 20 I'll be spending on that banner because the remaining 20-40 will be put into the summer banner this last week. Hope gray ends up as the *4 of the group, I really wanted that SP valor skill.

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1 minute ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

ur face is silly

no u

Anyway, yesterday I got another blue cavalier that is not Olwen and another blue mage that is not Linde.
How does one build a [+Atk, −Spd] Robin? TA and QR, I suppose?

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16 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

no u

Anyway, yesterday I got another blue cavalier that is not Olwen and another blue mage that is not Linde.
How does one build a [+Atk, −Spd] Robin? TA and QR, I suppose?

no U

TA goes without saying, but Swordbreaker and Bowbreaker are the Bs he wants, depending on your needs. The two mage Robins actually perform quite poorly against same-color mages, so the only things they usually bait are Colorless, the most dangerous ones being Bows, hence Bowbreaker. Not much mileage out of QR imo.

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Saved up about 70 orbs before my self-control broke and I summoned. I got four blue and one red & since my most-wished-for units right now are blue (a dancer, please, plus I was hoping for a Delthea) I did a full pull.

-- 3 star M!Robin

-- 3 star Gwendolyn

-- 4 star Catria

-- 3 star Donnel

sigh. Alas. But the last red unit was only another 3 orbs, so I grabbed it, too, and...

-- 5 star Gray

Which is nice but a unit I have no real need/use for. 

So now I'm down to 50 orbs and I'll see if I can make it all the way to 80 before I crack again.

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If you've been following my posts in the last month, you'd know I have a -spd/+def summer Gaius which is the worst possible nature.  I've been wanting to get an average or above summer Gaius and thrown all my orbs into it.

Instead, I got 6 Summer Fredericks.

I am now unpleased to announce that I have received my seventh Summer Frederick at 3.00% odds of 5*.



edit:  I realize it may sound like I'm whining but understand the odds of flipping heads 7 times in a row is less than 1%.  And that's excluding the possibility that I could pull other 5*s

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Just pulled yet another 3* Saizo.  When will it end? I do believe that after spending all my F2P orbs sniping colorless on the summer banner, I shall not get even a single 5* unit, let alone a summer unit.  Let this be a testament to my Arthur luck.

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It seems Sonya hates me, I've spent every orb I have to get her and nothing but Bartres, Berukas and Cherches! The best I got was a third Sheena which is useless until I get the skills for Armor Emblem. 4.25% pity rate is painful...

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3 minutes ago, Alexmender said:

It seems Sonya hates me, I've spent every orb I have to get her and nothing but Bartres, Berukas and Cherches! The best I got was a third Sheena which is useless until I get the skills for Armor Emblem. 4.25% pity rate is painful...

Consider yourself lucky if you get her in your next 10 Summons - I needed to get a 5% rate before I could get a Faye from the Tempest Banner...

Edited by DefyingFates
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1 hour ago, Lushen said:

If you've been following my posts in the last month, you'd know I have a -spd/+def summer Gaius which is the worst possible nature.  I've been wanting to get an average or above summer Gaius and thrown all my orbs into it.

Instead, I got 6 Summer Fredericks.

I am now unpleased to announce that I have received my seventh Summer Frederick at 3.00% odds of 5*.



edit:  I realize it may sound like I'm whining but understand the odds of flipping heads 7 times in a row is less than 1%.  And that's excluding the possibility that I could pull other 5*s

I don't think you sound like you are whining.  That is some truly bad luck.  7 Fredericks when all you want is another Gaius!  Wow.  I want to give you a big hug! :(:  

I wish you luck in your journey to find another Summer Gaius.  

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1 hour ago, Lushen said:

If you've been following my posts in the last month, you'd know I have a -spd/+def summer Gaius which is the worst possible nature.  I've been wanting to get an average or above summer Gaius and thrown all my orbs into it.

Instead, I got 6 Summer Fredericks.

I am now unpleased to announce that I have received my seventh Summer Frederick at 3.00% odds of 5*.



edit:  I realize it may sound like I'm whining but understand the odds of flipping heads 7 times in a row is less than 1%.  And that's excluding the possibility that I could pull other 5*s

I don't think it's whining. I'd be disappointed/upset too. I'm sorry about your luck.

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Since I got to 20 orbs again, I figured I'd do another pull from the Cavalry banner. I'm not sniping colors this banner, because I want all the focus units.


- 4* Olivia (I have like 10 of these, and I only need so much Hone attack fodder...)

- 4* Cherche (More Pivot fodder. Although she's +Atk-Spd, so she might replace the one I wanted to promote to 5*. Have to check that one's nature though. )

- 3* Sully (Finally a cavalry unit! I already have her though, but Draw Back fodder is never bad.)

- 4* George (You don't show up for months, and now two sessions in a row? Well, +Spd -Def isn't a bad nature, so I won't coplain)

- 4* Erika

YES! I got her, I finaly got her. Erika has come home. Time to build some ridiculous -Blade tome teams!


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Decided to sneak in one more pull for Hone Atk before it ends. Boy was it worth it....

  1. 3* Draug: Bleh.
  2. 4* Ray: First time at this rarity, but unnecessary because...
  3. 5* Sanaki: Boom! +Res/-Def, so her IVs are only okay, but still, I now have a special Red mage to team with Linde and Julia for maximum magical might (apologies to my 5* Lilina).
  4. 5* Roderick: Sweet. +HP/-Def, so more okay IVs, but after I just got a 4* version of him this is awesome.
  5. 3* Azama: Way to kill my hype, man. Kind of fitting in a way.
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18 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

E:SoV half-helmets for women (Clair and Mathilda at least) are excessively silly.


17 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Is Clair's even a helmet? It just looks like goggles to me lol.

Not as bad as whatever Cherche's headgear is supposed to be.

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Ngl I played Town of Salem (video game version of Mafia) earlier today and was Bodyguard, protected someone named Leo n1 because I thought "hey like the FE Fates character" then died immediately protecting him lol. Skip to later today, day updated, I see that Leo is available in another focus. I only had enough for one pull but meh :'D and gg no re got Leo with that one pull.

It's fate. Protecting Leo in another game gets you Leo in Heroes. He was just that grateful to me obviously.

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So after the reset, I hit 14 orbs. Cool, now I have enough for 3 pulls to keep trying for Tiki. Not like the game ever gives me multiple green orbs, so why wait for 20.

Go in, 2 green orbs. First one


-atk +def


While joyed I finally got her before she's gone, I still felt salty. "Well, I guess she'll just be a trophy/axe sp training unit"

But I have 9 orbs left since I backed out after getting her. Let try for a better one, just for memes.

1 green orb.



ANOTHER TIKI. And this time +spd -res! Very nice!

2 back to back Tikis, both at base % rate. I don't even know if this is real life tonight. I tried the colorless with my last 4 orbs after her just to see if the memes were truly with me tonight for a summer Gaius/Fredrick or even Kagero, but alas just another Sakura. But wow! I'm just glad I didn't have to open my wallet for her, as I was even contemplating buying an iTunes card while at the store today but I figured I'd wait a bit more. Glad I did!

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