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13 hours ago, Dengres said:

Grats. I finally got Julia thanks to Hero Fest as well though mine is +speed.

Why, thank you!  :^_^:  Grats to you as well!  Just in time for the double SP!  Can't wait to start leveling her up when the server resets tonight.  :D:

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I'm starting to wonder what sort of dark arts people resort to in order to get a 5* from their free summons as mine continue to severely underwhelm. This time, the game gifted me a 3* Jagen from the Blade banner. He was swiftly sent back to Altea, Fortify Cavalry be damned. Since I had 4 orbs, I decided to just open one more stone while I was there and at least got something better in the form of 4* Eirika.

Apologies, I just needed to spew some excess salt. I can only contain so much at any given point.

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7 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

I'm starting to wonder what sort of dark arts people resort to in order to get a 5* from their free summons as mine continue to severely underwhelm. This time, the game gifted me a 3* Jagen from the Blade banner. He was swiftly sent back to Altea, Fortify Cavalry be damned. Since I had 4 orbs, I decided to just open one more stone while I was there and at least got something better in the form of 4* Eirika.

Apologies, I just needed to spew some excess salt. I can only contain so much at any given point.

I wanted some Nino (my Cecilia is still running a non-+ Gronnblade) and got no green stones. Come on, game, I already got Celica, I don’t need red that much. The leftmost stone was red, so I opened it and got a three-star adult Tiki. Bonfire is Bonfire, I guess.

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Yeah free summon 5 stars is a dream.

My one was a 4 star Donnel, +Atk -Res which sounds pretty perfect and will replace by -HP +Spd one

Main account had a 4 star Beruka (I needed Nino dangit)

Unfortunately don't really have the orbs to do the full pull on the bladetome banner...gosh things are going to get even broken with all the availability right now

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Seems like I have great luck lately. Get a 5* in every banner within 10 pulls.

The problem is, none of them is the unit I want. None of them is even in focus... Seliph, wtf are you doing here? You're not as bad as people make you be, but for god's sake I have too many swords already so your place will be firmly on the bench. Yep, on the bench. Not even a SI fodder goddamnit. 

(Or you can replace Alfonse. +atk -spd makes you a better Alfonse, but you don't have his privilege of being bonus unit every 6 weeks).


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Didn't think I'd get her so quick, but managed to get Summer Corrin with only 18 orbs. She's +def/-res which is fine by me and now I can slowly start building flier emblem. I was planning on saving orbs for the upcoming CYL, but now the blade banner is out, I'm going to try and get Odin for Blarblade and maybe Tharja as I don't have her yet

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My free summon



of course my first free summon 5* is her. I actually wanted Odin for my Linde. Ah well still free


7 hours ago, Infinite Dreams said:

Why, thank you!  :^_^:  Grats to you as well!  Just in time for the double SP!  Can't wait to start leveling her up when the server resets tonight.  :D:

Do you know what skills you're going to give her yet?

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Summoned a 5-star Nino on my free summon. I already have one though, eh.


EDIT: I also summoned a 3-star Sully with the same nature. Why the fuck does +spd -atk love me so much?

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So in an effort to get a 40% bonus unit in Gray, all I got was are 2 Seliphs, my 5th Marth and a bad natured male Corrin, all 4 stars.

Now down to 3 orbs so I think Ill have to give up. If I can get all the orbs in TT at least I'll be at 20 orbs again ready for the next banner (CYL?). Feels bad walking awawy from Gray/Celica with a 4.50% chance.

I guess I used up what little luck I had with Ike.


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Free pull on the blade banner is a 3 star Adult Tiki... Ugh, I need her to be 4 star so I don't have to use feathers to give her Bonfire to someone. Donnel would like it...

I actually wanted to pull green, though. But there were no greens in this session. :/ I don't want to pull on this banner, so that's all for me here.

Edited by Anacybele
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well I do my free pull and get 4* Arthur, oh well since I pulled Seth yesterday I can't complain but it would be nice to get a free 5* someday.

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1 hour ago, Lushen said:

Just pulled Seth from free spin.  Haven't been able to keep up with this games new characters, he any good?  +def/-res

He's apparently just Stahl, only a little better. So sadly not amazing, I guess. But it won't stop me from using him when I get him!

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Ehhh free summon was a 3*Sophia, I already have 2 of her as 4*, one I'm keeping and another to use for skills, so I send the 3* to home. I would have liked a 4*Tharja or just a 4*mage, even a Sophia with good ivs will be welcome... I just need another red mage aside of Leo ... Maybe I will 5* that Neutral Henry I have.

Then I opened 2 colorless (120 orbs left) and nop, Innes doesn't want to come yet :/ , got another Felicia with bad ivs and another priscilla, I don't need them, already have better versions of these 2.


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3 hours ago, Lushen said:

Just pulled Seth from free spin.  Haven't been able to keep up with this games new characters, he any good?  +def/-res

Seth is a better Stahl, we thinks. Trades HP for leadses in Atk, Spd, and Def, though they tie in Res. Is there betterses? Yes. But Seth not very bad at all, we thinks. At least not as badses as Stahl

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