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3* Niles from my free DB banner pull..

I have yet to get lucky from these free pulls. They're usually whatever the worst 3* of their color is..

I just pulled on colorless hoping for a 4* Kagero or something.

Edited by Alkaid
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So I've had some crazy pulls

This was my very first session on the Elincia banner 



She's +Spd -HP. I think @SatsumaFSoysoy swapped this in for a Nephenee. My second off banner 5 star Clair, and the first one us +Atk -HP XD

So I decided to pull again from the Elincia banner

Second session, I think I got a Florina or something? 

Third session



+Res -HP

So I guess I should start making animal sacrifices to @Res now too? Not even sure I'd I'm going to use him

Used my free pull on death blow banner. Got a 4 star Chrom.

second session



+Def -Res

Thank you @Anacybele AKA +Def Queen ;P

No Rezzy curses either. This is great!

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Tried a few times (4 pulls in 4 sessions) for a Klein, but only got 1 colorless (Setsuna) and my fourth Ninian (+SPD, -ATK)... *sigh*

Then i decided to use other 20 of my horded orbs for a second try, which gave me a 4* +ATK -HP Klein and a 5* +SPD -DEF Klein. Now I'm happy. :-)

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Skill banner means free pull!

2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless

4* Kagero (well, it could be worse. Certainly could be better, what with +Spd/-Att)

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Death Blow banner? Hope I get Effie/Klein!

Second account: I got an Effie!.....that's 4 star as a free pull. -Spd/+Def, which is not bad, might merge my current 4 star Effie. Unless I can think of someone who wants Death Blow 2 (maybe +Atk Hinoka?)

Decided to try colourless and got a -HP/+Atk Jeorge! 4 star, and i already have a 5 star -HP/+Def one. Maybe I should upgrade and merge but I use +Atk Klein more than Jeorge. 

Main account: Another 4 star Catria. Luna fodder. Tried colourless for a non-neutral Klein, got a Clarine that I quickly sent home since all my healers have her skills now

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I should have known better...



I let my impluses get the better of me and went to the banner with 13 orbs in hand. Figure there'll only be 2 or three orbs that are red/blue anyways and I'm right. 0 red, 2 blue. So I pull that first one, *3 Est. Just about to back out but eh, I'll have 4 orbs left over so why not just try the other one. I hear 5 stars, pray for Neph, look ahead and this guy shows up. He's even +HP/-ATK. The unit I wanted the least from this banner with the literal worst nature. Pretty amazing. He's a tempest unit if the game calls for him. Otherwise there's a good chance he's Spur Def/Spd and Rally Def/Spd fodder for another unit.

Now I'm conflicted on weather or not to save orbs for the next banner or to try my hand at the 2 units I actually want from this one...

On the bright side, it cost me literally 29 orbs for a *5 on a low rate, so I'm thankful for that at least.

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Decided to summon from the PoR banner one last time and managed to get Oscar. He's +atk/-def which is pretty good and I have a bonus unit for the arena and tempest but I probably won't use him much after them.

From the death blow banner, free summon was a 4* Leon who is a new unit for me. Decided to do the full summoning session and I managed to get Celica! She's either +Def/-res or +res/-def which is fine as she is someone I've wanted.

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I had some spare orbs and decided to do a full summon on the death blow banner. Looks like that payed off since I got a Klein and Mae, (Lissa, Shanna and Palla, but those aren't that important). I'm not too interested in the PoR banner (mainly because I'd probably just pull an Oscar), so I'll probably save rest of my orbs for now.

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Okay listen, I did a free pull thinking "Well, if a colorless stone appears I'll just take that and hope Klein appears as 4*, all is good"

MIST appeared. +Def -Att. And I am assuming she will be a Tempest Trial unit.

Who's the official "Pulled a 5* with a Free Pull" club president, I need to send my application in.

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My free pull


Had hoped for colorless to try for klein. Have one 4* florina, will take both and give darting blow, breath of life and ardent sacrifice to somebody. Maybe Tana.

Didnt bother with the rest. No matter what the text above the stones says, I know that I will save the most if I just summon one from the selection.

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Went for Gray on my free pull, since Brave Bow 5* unit is always nice.  I ended up getting 3* Wrys.  I'll have to see if any of my healers still need Rehabilitate, Live to Serve, or Heavenly Light.

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