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3 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

That’s a weird way to spell Raigh.

I will eventually bring Est to at least 5⋆, I swear. Just need to wait for a good nature.

Okay, fair, Raigh is someone that I hate far, far more than Est. I was just thinking about other 3/4-star lance users, and she was the first that came to mind.

Huh, I thought you actually had a 5-star Est already, for some reason. I didn't think she of all characters would be someone that I promoted to 5-star first. Although she still needs a Brave Lance+, and since Catria also needs one, Est will be sitting around with a Silver Lance+ for a while longer.

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18 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Indeed they do. Her name is Est.

I'll always keep at least one Oboro around, since I did like her in Fates, and she was one of my first Heroes pulls that got me through the story chapters, but it feels a bit pointless to keep the rest. Shame she doesn't at least give Threaten Res 3 at 4-star, instead of the unfortunate Seal Def 3.

Yeah, she always gets thrown out immediately too and like Oboro, I don't particularly like her to begin with anyways.

I keep a copy of Oboro around too but only for the sake of satisfying my "must have one of each hero" rule I go by. She most certainly will never get promoted to 5* though since I already have five 5* infantry lancers (Sharena, Lukas, Ephraim, my bae Nephenee, Brave!Lucina) and I hold no love for Oboro anyways.

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9 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Okay, fair, Raigh is someone that I hate far, far more than Est. I was just thinking about other 3/4-star lance users, and she was the first that came to mind.

Huh, I thought you actually had a 5-star Est already, for some reason. I didn't think she of all characters would be someone that I promoted to 5-star first. Although she still needs a Brave Lance+, and since Catria also needs one, Est will be sitting around with a Silver Lance+ for a while longer.

Raigh is my bane, as is Lon’qu. The FeroxiChon’sinian at least has Vantage… but I don’t need ten of them at the same time!

Nope, I wasn’t fortunate to get her with at least +Atk. It was Palla whom I promoted among the Whitewing sisters. Catria I got naturally at 5⋆ and was happy.

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Just now, Tybrosion said:

Yeah, she always gets thrown out immediately too and like Oboro, I don't particularly like her to begin with anyways.

I keep a copy of Oboro around too but only for the sake of satisfying my "must have one of each hero" rule I go by. She most certainly will never get promoted to 5* though since I already have five 5* infantry lancers (Sharena, Lukas, Ephraim, my bae Nephenee, Brave!Lucina) and I hold no love for Oboro anyways.

Admittedly, it's a little hard for me to see much use in promoting Oboro with the units I have already. A +Atk/-Spd Lukas, +Def/-Res +1 Summer Robin, and +Spd/-Atk CYL Lucina may not make a large amount of infantry lance users, but they certainly have served me well as blue tanks in the past.

1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

Raigh is my bane, as is Lon’qu. The FeroxiChon’sinian at least has Vantage… but I don’t need ten of them at the same time!

Nope, I wasn’t fortunate to get her with at least +Atk. It was Palla whom I promoted among the Whitewing sisters. Catria I got naturally at 5⋆ and was happy.

Raigh was my least favorite character in FE period even before Heroes, so I have existing bias against him. Getting him as a starting unit just felt like an insult, really.

Huh. I knew you had the others as 5-stars, but I'm not sure why I thought you also had Est as well. Although I promoted her mostly for her level 40 dialogue (being +Atk/-Def didn't hurt, of course), which was... a disappointment.

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I'm done with the flier banner, I already have a perfect 5-star Caeda and the possibility of getting Minerva isn't worth whatever else the game wants to throw my way. I don't even care what Hinoka's nature is, I'm so happy to get a new character.

EDIT: Holy shit, she's +atk -res. That's really good.

Edited by Sunwoo
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5 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Raigh was my least favorite character in FE period even before Heroes, so I have existing bias against him. Getting him as a starting unit just felt like an insult, really.

Huh. I knew you had the others as 5-stars, but I'm not sure why I thought you also had Est as well. Although I promoted her mostly for her level 40 dialogue (being +Atk/-Def didn't hurt, of course), which was... a disappointment.

I’m not a fan of bratty children characters. SoV’s Delthea is repulsive to me too with how she treats Luthier.

I don’t know what could make that impression. I do intend to make her good eventually. Florina too. Florina is amazing… in Blazing Blade.

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3 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

Sanaki at least grows out of it.


The only thing she grows is her forehead. 

On-topic, I actually got an Ayra and Nowi after buying a few orbs recently. I was mainly buying to go for Hinoka and Nowi, but I had an existing 4% rate left on the Ayra banner I thought I'd try to break first. She came home in the first red orb, phew. At least that makes the big orb dump and getting Eldigan'd on that stupid banner not in vain. Then I decided to try Nowi next since my 3.5% was on that, and I got her pretty quick as well, to my surprise. Hinoka refused to show up with the rest of the orbs though, so didn't get anything on that banner still. (well, I did finally get a non -atk 4* Rein, so I may promote that, even if he's just +spd -hp) 

Still really hoping for Hinoka, and a kitty Sakura would be nice before the end of the month, but at least I have time left for her. (though it seems this may be a low orb month)

Ayra is +res -hp, and Nowi is +def -res. Both detrimental, but at least they're not fucked with -atk or -spd so I can't complain too much. 

Edited by Alkaid
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Impulses got a bit strong but kept them in check. Saw 20 hours left on the Ayra banner and did one last hurrah. 3 red orbs.

*4 Tharja, *4 Palla (+ATK/-RES), *3 Nowi.

Bonfire fodder, a *4 Tharja to add to a merge and the best Palla I've ever pulled.

No regrets.

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Just now, Arcanite said:


What animal sacrifices?

No animal sacrifices... yet. But 3.50% pity rate helped a little bit, and I am currently only doing full summons (the only characters that I see myself sniping colors for are tiki, ephraim and olwen)

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Okay, the TT's almost over, still don't have Ayra. Let's see if a few YOLO pulls get me anything.

  1. 4* Selena: More Reposition fodder is always handy.
  2. 4* Palla: As are Moonbow and Goad Fliers.

That's not promising...One last time...Three red orbs. Good.

  1. 4* Eliwood: No thanks.
  2. 3* Laslow: Crap...
  3. 3* Laslow: FFS, this is ridiculous. Another banner I have to leave with a pity rate. 61 orbs down the drain, 14 red units pulled for nothing.
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I've spend almost 200 orbs (almost got up to 5%) and finally got Halloween Henry (-atk/+speed) was a bit annoyed about the pity rate though.

my very next round a few days later...

Halloween Nowi! (-atk/+def)...

still happy to have them! and I never pulled Hinoka or Amelia so happy with their skills too!

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After being veeeery lucky this morning getting my first Minerva (+SPD! -HP) with just one pull, I tried my luck again this evening, since I got some orbs of the stratum quests. 

First thought was to get another Hinoka Fliers buff, but I preferred to get something new (at least for me): Katarina

Since there was no red orb, I pulled the blue one (for Hinoka) and got ... Tailtiu! Just 4*, but doesn't matter as long as I could give my -SPD 5* Tailtiu a better nature via merging... of course I couldn't. -SPD Tailtiu is stalking me, @MrSmokestack


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I ended up grinding a lot of story chapters on my secondary account to try and get another one of the long-haired dude units. I think I did a total of 4 pulls. And 2 pulls on the girl's banner. Only managed to get another Karel. RIP. This one at least is +ATK -SPD... My other one is +DEF -ATK. Hm....regardless one of them is giving his Wo Dao to someone. I'll wait and see if I can get more fodder for Caeda or another swordie.

I did manage to get a Lucius which made me smile. He's a meh nature (+DEF -HP), but I don't care. He'll be my primary healer regardless. I've also been blessed with a ton of Merrics... Yeesh. He likes me. XD I've just been merging all of his copies into one 4 star because I likely won't have the resources to promote many units for a while. I got some other units with good natures, like a +SPD Raigh and +ATK Wendy. So not S-Tier units, but they'll get the job done. Now I'm going to save my orbs. I'm fully expecting something interesting for the one year anniversary, so I might as well be prepared.

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6 minutes ago, Zeo said:

@Alkaid Hinoka banner's over in 2 days, didja get her?

Sadly no. I even bought some orbs and used most of them on her banner, but no luck and don't want to buy more for a while. I've used the remaining free orbs from the last few days too and got some Oboros and a mediocre 4* Rein. Tonight's log in orb will put me at 9 and that'l be my last shot for now. Hopefully she'll come around again when I have more orbs available, barring a miracle tonight.

Edited by Alkaid
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My pulls on the FE4 banner: (Not all of them, but I avoided the most pointless ones)










I managed to get Tailtiu and Sigurd, but Deirdre eluded me until my pity rate got ruined by a Catria.

Halloween banner, mostly aiming at Ojamajo Nowi:





Well, at least I managed to snatch Noshenryatu and my first Leo. I can't complain.

Bonus: Free pull on Short-haired girls and long-haired dudes banners:




Woah, finally Pineapple Prince showed up. I now know what I must do:



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Round 100 [Long Hair Gents]: F!Corrin, Frederick, 4* Hana, 4* Mathilda, 4* Ogma
Random Extras: Gunter, Cherche, Lissa

Blue = Active Duty (Good or Perfect IVs, New Desired Character)
Red = Reserves (Character Merging, Skill Inheritance, Retirement)

* * * * * * * * * *
And with Round 100, I am leaving Heroes for the foreseeable future. Recent developments have sapped my enthusiasm to play or even log in. It sucks because I love Fire Emblem, but I won't go all pessimistic in a pull topic.

Anyways, I hope you guys continue to enjoy Fire Emblem: Heroes. Best of luck on your future pulls!

* * * * * * * * * *
Past Pulls


Round 1 [Legendary Heroes]: Hana 3* || Hinata 3* || Gunter 3* || Felicia 4* || Sheena 4*
Round 2 [Legendary Heroes]: Jegan 3* || Shanna 3* || Sakura 4* || Cain 5* || Marth 5* 
Round 3 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Lissa || 3* Barte || 4* Roy || 4* Arthur || 5* Camilla 
Round 4 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Jegan || 3* Gwyndolyn || 3* Henry || 4* Sheena || 5* Ryoma
Round 5 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Gunter || 3* Hinata || 3* Sully || 3* Tiki (Adult) || 4* Serra
Round 6 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Shanna || 3* Frederick || 3* Barst || 4* Hinata || 4* Nino
Round 7 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Henry || 3* Jegan || 3* Oboro || 3* Lissa || 4* Arthur
Round 8 [Legendary Heroes]: 3* Henry || 3* Barte || 3* Florina || 3* Niles || 3* Saizo
Round 9 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Serra || 4* Caeda || 4* Caeda || 4* Subaki || 4* Gwendolyn
Round 10 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Selena || 3* Selena || 3* Robin || 3* Henry || 4* Chrom
Round 11 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Gordin || 4* Nowi || 4* Odin || 4* Beruka || 4* Clarine
Round 12 [Deep Devotion]: 3* Subaki || 3* Cherche || 4* Jegan || 4* Chrom || 5* Chrom
Round 13 [Family Bonds]: 3* Cherche || 3* Viron || 4* Jegan || 4* Gwendolyn || 5* Seliph
Round 14 [Family Bonds]: 3* Subaki || 3* Barst || 3* Serra || 3* Arthur || 5* Ephraim
Round 15A [Family Bonds]: 3* Fir || 3* Lon'Qu || 3* Azama || 4* Niles || 4* Serra 
Round 16 [Sibling Bonds]: 3* Hana || 4* Marth || 4* Palla || 4* Cherche || 4* Kagero
Round 17 [Sibling Bonds]: 3* Azama || 3* Beruka || 3* Frederick || 3* Olivia || 3* Odin
Round 18 [Princesses]: 3* Gordin || 3* Gunter || 4* Palla || 4* Camilla || 5* Erika
Round 19 [Sibling Bonds]: 3* Lissa || 3* Oboro ||  3* Viron || 4* Clarine || 4* Hawkeye
Round 20 [Sibling Bonds]: 3* F!Corrin || 3* M!Robin || 4* Marth || 4* Azama || 5* Kagero
Round 21 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Donnel || 3* Beruka || 3* Nino || 4* Draug || 4* Jakob
Round 22 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Gaius || 3* Sophia || 4* Draug || 4* Gunter || 4* Abel
Round 23 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Wrys || 3* Saizo || 4* Jeorge || 4* Viron || 4* Stahl
Round 24 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Sophia || 3* Serra || 4* Erika || 4* Subaki || 4* Jeorge
Round 25 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Setsuna || 3* Selena || 4* Cain || 4* Chrom || 4* Jeorge
Round 26 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* A!Tiki || 3* Azama || 3* Serra|| 4* Maria || 4* Matthew
Round 27 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Florina || 3* Shanna || 3* Palla || 3* Celicia || 4* Beruka
Round 28 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Serra || 3* Lissa || 4* Clarine || 4* Lon'Qu || 4* Selena
Round 29 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Robin || 4* Barst || 4* Eliwood || 4* Nino || 4* Hana
Round 30 [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Hinata || 3* Olivia || 3* Selena || 3* Nino || 4* Arthur
Round 30A [Blazing Shadows]: 3* Shanna || 3* Eliwood || 4* Subaki
Round 31 [Spring Festival]: ??? || ??? || 3* Beruka || 4* Tharja || 5* Spring Lucina
Round 32 [Pegasus Knights]: 3* Cecilia || 3* Lissa || 3* Shanna || 5* Peri || 5* Olwen
Round 33 [Spring Festival]: 3* Sophia || 3* Serra || 3* Serra || 4* Saizo || 5* Spring Camilla
Round 34 [World of Shadows]: 3* Oboro || 3* Gunter || 3* Raigh || 4* Barst || 5* Clair
Round 35 [World of Shadows]: 3* Eliwood || 3* Sophia || ???4* Henry??? || 4* Sophia || 4 * Barst
Round 36 [World of Shadows]: Oboro || Selena || Hana || Gaius || 4* Barte
Round 37 [World of Radiance]: 3* Hana || 3* Felicia || 3* Sazio || 3* Sully || 3* Donnel
Round 38 [Hero Fest]: 3* Matthew || 3*Cecilia || 4* Barte || 4* Gwendolyn || 5* Y!Tiki
Round 39 [Hero Fest]: ??? || ??? || ??? || 4* Marth || 4* Stahl
Round 40 [Hero Fest]: 3* Lissa || 3* Florina || 4* A!Tiki || 4* Barte || 4* Palla
Round 41 [World of Radiance]: 3* Lon'Qu || 3* Draug || 3* Jagen || 3* Arthur || 4*Cecilia
Round 42 [World of Radiance]: 3* F!Corrin || 4* Seliph || 4* Hana || 4* Effie || 5* Ike
Round 43 [Rite of Shadows]: 3* Fir || 4* Catria || 4* Barst || 4* Cain || *4* Lilina
Round 44 [Rite of Shadows]: 3* Selena || 3* Fir || 3* Wyrs || 3* Virion || 3* Est
Round 45 [Bridal Blessings]: 3*Sophia || 4* Jagen || 4* Maria || 4* Palla || 5* Sheena
Round 46 [Bridal Blessings]: Hana, Donnel, Beruka, Sophia, Jakob
Round 47 [Bridal Blessings]: ???, Fir, Saizo, 4* Ogma, 4* Tharja
Round 48 [Bridal Blessings]: ???, Palla, Olivia, Barst, Jagen
Fishing 1 [Bridal Blessings]: 5* Jeorge || 5* Bride!Lyn ||  5* Genny
Round 49 [Ylissean Summer]: Raigh, Beruka, 4* Lilina, 4* Selena, 4* Klein
Round 50 [Ylissean Summer]: Azama, Laslow, Barte, 4* Laslow, 4* Ogma
Round 51 [Ylissean Summer]: Clarine, Gaius, Laslow, 4* Jagen, 4* M!Robin
Round 52 [Ylissean Summer]: Est, Barte, M!Robin, 4* Nowi, 4* Lucius
Round 53 [Ylissean Summer]: Setsuna, 4* Seliph, 4* M!Corrin, 4* Cordelia, 4* Lilina
Round 54 [Ylissean Summer]: Florina, Draug, Setsuna, 4* Barte, 4* Raigh
Round 55 [Ylissean Summer]: Subaki, Stahl, Hinata, 4* Adult!Tiki, 5* Summer!Robin
Round 56 [Tempest Trials]: Palla, Gwendolyn, 4* Raigh, 5* Celica, 5* Takumi
Round 57 [Nohrian Summer]: Draug, Wrys, Matthew, Barte, 4* Kagero
Round 58 [Nohrian Summer]: F!Corrin, Gwendolyn, Matthew, 4* Eliwood, 4* Niles
Round 59 [Nohrian Summer]: ???, Cherche, Beruka, Frederick, 4* Nowi
Round 60 [Nohrian Summer]: Niles, Odin, Sazio, 4* Cherche, 4* Matthew
Round 61 [Nohrian Summer]: Hana, Olivia, M!Robin, 4* Klein, 4* Mathilda (Neutral)
Round 62 [Nohrian Summer]: Olivia, Serra, Gunter, 4* Boey, 5* Summer!Leo
Round 63 [Nohrian Summer]: Wrys, Azama, Nino, 4* Chrom, 5* Summer!Xander
Free Unit: Shanna
Round 64 [Nohrian Summer]: Barst, Frederick, Frederick, 4* Clair, 4* Mathilda
Round 65 [Nohrian Summer]: Fir, 4* Cecilia, 4* A!Tiki, 4* Gaius, 4* Camilla
Round 66 [Hero Fest]: Fir, Laslow, 4* Gaius, 4* Athena, 4* Athena
Round 67 [Tempest Trials]: Wyrs, Selena, 4* Virion, 4* Azama, 5* Sonya
Round 68 [Nohrian Summer]: Barst, Olivia, Selena, 4* Lon’Qu, 4* Virion
Round 69 [Sacred World]: Barst, 4* Chrom, 4* Olivia, 4* Jeorge, 4* Cordelia
Round 70 [Nohrian Summer]: Olivia, Arthur, Azama, Felicia, 4* Lukas
Round 71 [Nohrian Summer]: Lissa, Frederick, 4* Clair, 4* Est, 4* Azama
Round 72 [Nohrian Summer]: 4* Sakura, 4* Cecilia, 5* Summer!Xander, 5* Genny, 5* Priscilla
Fishing 2 [Nohrian Summer]: Sully, Odin, Oboro, Oboro, Oboro, 4* Nowi, 4* Abel, 4* Oboro, 4* Mathlida, 4* Effie, 4* Lukas, 4* Reinhardt
Voting Gauntlet Free Units: ???, ???
Choose Your Legend: Lady Lyndis
Round 73 [Brave Heroes]: Oboro, Est, Gwendolyn, 4* Raven, 4* Henry
Round 74 [Brave Heroes]: Matthew, Subaki, 4* Wrys, 4* Wrys, 5* Brave!Ike
Round 75 [Heroes with Threaten Def]: Virion, Hana, Jagen, 4* Draug, 4* Henry
Round 76 [To Die on the Battlefield...]: Felicia, Gunter, 4* Arthur, 4* Nowi, 4* Merric
Round 77 [Ephraim and Erika's Battle]: Olivia, 4* Sophia, 4* Boey, 4* Setsuna, 4* Effie
Round 78 [To Die on the Battlefield...]: Virion, Fir, Niles, Serra, 4* Boey
Round 79 [???]: Palla, Cherche, Cecilia, 4* Athena, 4* Arthur
Round 80 [???]: M!Robin, A!Tiki, Shanna, 4* Nino, 4* Camilla
Round 81 [???]: Gordin, 4* Beruka, 4* Nowi, 4* Lon'qu, 4* Klein
Round 82 [???]: Frederick, Lon'qu, Selena, 4* Abel, 4* Catria
Round 83 [???]: Barte, Frederick, Gordin, 4* Nino, 4* Shanna
Round 84 [???]: Clarine, Fir, Hana, 4* Jagen, 4* Soren
Round 85 [???]: Matthew, Olivia, 4* Lon'Qu, 4* Peri, 4* Raven
Round 86 [Dauntless Crimeans]: Gaius, Matthew, 4* Serra, 4* Frederick, 4* A!Tiki
Round 87 [Dauntless Crimeans]: Shanna, Lon'Qu, Henry, Virion, Beruka
Round 88 [Dauntless Crimeans]: Eliwood, Frederick, F!Corrin, 4* Saizo, 4* Cordelia
Round 89 [Performing Arts]: Draug, Lon'qu, Wrys, Cecilia, 4* Raven
Round 90 [Performing Arts]: Gordin, Florina, Olivia, 4* Lon'Qu, 4* Abel
Round 91 [Heroes with Threaten SPD]: F!Corrin, 4* Sophia, 4* Matthew, 4* Titania, 5* Chrom
Round 92 [Blood of Dragons A]: Draug, Lon'qu, Hinata, Jagen, 4* F!Corrin
Round 93 [Blood of Dragons B]: Matthew, Est, Gwendolyn, 4* Donnel, 4* Jagen
Round 94 [Minerva & Maria's Battle]: Lissa, 4* Abel, 4* Roderick, 5* Jakob, 5* Palla
Round 95 [World of Holy War]: Raigh, Gaius, Cecilia, 4* Odin, 4* Abel 
Round 96 [Performing Arts]: Frederick, 4* Oboro, 4* Roy, 5* PA!Shigure, 5* PA!Azura
Round 97 [Genealogy Tempest Trials]Serra, 4* Frederick, 4* Oscar, 4* Marth, 5* Lachesis
Round 98 [Flier Boost Skills]: Sazio, 4* Abel, 4* Titania, 4* Eliwood, 5* Hinoka
Round 99 [Performing Arts]: Beruka 4* Raven, 4* Gaius, 5* PA!Azura, 5* Eldigan
Round 100 [Long Hair Gents]: F!Corrin, Frederick, 4* Hana, 4* Mathilda, 4* Ogma
Random Extras: Gunter, Cherche, Lissa

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3 hours ago, Sire said:

* * * * * * * * * *
And with Round 100, I am leaving Heroes for the foreseeable future. Recent developments have sapped my enthusiasm to play or even log in. It sucks because I love Fire Emblem, but I won't go all pessimistic in a pull topic.

Anyways, I hope you guys continue to enjoy Fire Emblem: Heroes. Best of luck on your future pulls!

Rest assured nobody will ever be as organized in their pull history. Your efforts will forever serve as a reminder of what we can all achieve.

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