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3 hours ago, mampfoid said:

@mcsilas I dumped all story and CC orbs on the banner to get a Roy. Well, I got a horse unit (Lilina +HP/-ATK) and an Archer (my first Innes +SPD/-DEF) in the end. 

@XRay Is Brave+/LnD3/Desperation still state of the art for Innes? 

Depends on his opponent, but I usually run Firesweep if I am using Life and Death, since dragons and Distant Counter Weapons can run Steady Breath to knock me out on the first counter with a Special.

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3 minutes ago, XRay said:

Depends on his opponent, but I usually run Firesweep if I am using Life and Death, since dragons and Distant Counter Weapons can run Steady Breath to knock me out on the first counter with a Special.

I don't have a Quad-Archer yet (everybody is either weak or slow), also no Faye (or Cordelia for that matter). 

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39 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

I don't have a Quad-Archer yet (everybody is either weak or slow), also no Faye (or Cordelia for that matter). 

As long as the archer has decent Attack, being slow is not too big of a deal since you can run Death Blow and hopefully kill your enemy in two hits with an additional 12 damage. If you have Heavy Blade or Quickened Pulse, the archer can activate Moonbow in their first round of combat for more kills.

Quad attacking is nice, but it is getting harder and harder to set up. Enemy mages generally die in two hits, so they cannot help you set up Desperation, and a lot of melee units I see either cannot counter attack at all or they run Distant Counter on their Weapon and Steady Breath on their A slot and kill my archer with a Special activation on the counter.

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9 minutes ago, XRay said:

As long as the archer has decent Attack, being slow is not too big of a deal since you can run Death Blow and hopefully kill your enemy in two hits with an additional 12 damage. If you have Heavy Blade or Quickened Pulse, the archer can activate Moonbow in their first round of combat for more kills.

Quad attacking is nice, but it is getting harder and harder to set up. Enemy mages generally die in two hits, so they cannot help you set up Desperation, and a lot of melee units I see either cannot counter attack at all or they run Distant Counter on their Weapon and Steady Breath on their A slot and kill my archer with a Special activation on the counter.

Yeah, it's becoming more and more niche. Perhaps I won't rush to build him and start with Leon (or Roy, if I get one). 


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11 hours ago, Anacybele said:

But that Roy is the focus Roy...? Did you mistake him for CYL Roy?

Anyway... You gotta be kidding me.


THREE 5 STARS IN THE LAST FOUR FREE PULLS? What is this weird luck?!

Though at least this time it's someone I didn't already have. Last time it was Tana. First time it was an off-focus one though. Myrrh and Tana were both on-focus. Saber seems kinda neat too, so I'll train him up regardless of IVs.

I wanted to pull green, but of course I get no greens here. Because greens don't like showing up and that's why wanting green sucks. :(

@Rezzy @Arcanite

Congrats on your Saber!

Not much to report from my end yet.  I managed to get a 4* L'Arachel, who I promoted and merged into my 5* to make her +1.

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5 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Congrats on your Saber!

Not much to report from my end yet.  I managed to get a 4* L'Arachel, who I promoted and merged into my 5* to make her +1.

Thanks! And cool that you gave your L'Arachel a merge. :)

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I have zero willpower. XD Ended up spending orbs because the characters grew on me during the paralogue. I ended up with:

  • Innes (+ATK -DEF) (I'm so happy to finally have a great merge base for him! +RES -DEF wasn't bad, but this makes him better offensively!)
  • LA!Lilina (+SPD -DEF) (From the same pull. Wow... This is like...perfect for a -blade build. I'm really glad I didn't try -blade Cecilia)
  • LA!Lilina (+RES -DEF) (Well hello again... I suppose I could give ATK Tactic to someone?) 
  • LA!Hector (+DEF -SPD) (Opposite of his daughter, but a practically perfect nature...WOW! I absolutely adore his art.) 
  • Effie (+SPD -DEF) (Hm...I ended up merging her down into my 4* merged Effie. Maybe not the best thing to do, but I don't see myself using her much.)
  • Oscar (+SPD -ATK) (I was really happy to finally get a +SPD Oscar...and then RIP. lol I'll probably still train him up...He doesn't offer that much for SI either.)
  • A ton of L'Arachel all with pretty good natures. I'm not sure if I'll go with +SPD -DEF or +ATK -DEF...
  • A ton of Sothe...with good natures. XD I think I'll promote the +SPD -DEF one and merge my current 5* into him.

I was really hoping for Lyn, but I suppose I'll just have to be patient now. I may try one more time after the next banner drops... 

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So far I've been able to pull Roy and Lilina from the Lovey Dovey banner! They came pretty early as well, which I'm rather thankful for. I'm still going to keep pulling for Hector and Lyn though, since I really, really, really (really) want a 5* Green Armor unit because I have yet to acquire one. Plus, I really enjoy Hector in this Paralogue. He, Eliwood and Lyn bounce off of each other so perfectly <3

Had the rare occurrence of an entire summoning circle of green orbs! Aaaaand not a single 5* character, Hector or not. Still, was pretty neat to have that finally happen.

Glad there's plenty of time left! And kind of hope the next Legendary banner isn't tooooo good...

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Looks like I'm not the only one doing terribly on this banner. Not a single *5 yet. Two sessions. First one had one red stone and no greens. Second one had two red stones and NO GREENS. When I was summoning for Lyn on the refinery banner and Celica/Gray on the Tempest banner I was getting NOTHING but green stones. It's like the game knows what unit you want when it's a unit you reaaaallly want, not just one you care about, one you want, a favorite. I'm getting a good amount of colorless stones but nothing of value from them. No Sothe, no Klein, no Kagero (of a good nature, I got 1 bad one), not even a Matthew. Just Wrys, Azama, Clarine and Virion. Worthless.

Now I'm at 3.75%. Not pulling on the red stones puts me in a position where I can summon sooner though. 4 orbs plus what comes tomorrow means I'll have just enough for a summon session. 

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So I didn't actually want to pull on this banner, but with how many orbs we are getting I figured I'd give it a shot. Didn't get any of the Elibe peeps, but I am still pretty pleased since I managed to pull this:



+Res -Def too, so pretty good. I can now start building an actual Horse Emblem team.


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Surprise, I kind of want Hector and Bowy

2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Green, Blue

3* Virion (Trash), 4* Jakob (Blanked again, the memory won't fade. +HP/-Atk), 4* Titania (Could be better. +Spd/-Atk)

4 Red, 1 Blue (Oh no)

4* Wendy (Another merge level for MechaWendy. Is +HP/-Spd better than +Def/-Spd?)

I'm on 3.25% because of getting Lyn in the middle of the third pull yesterday.

2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless

3* Serra (Again Colourless hell in motion.), 3* Nino (More fodder. *Sigh)

Still 3.25% sadly.

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Since we've been gifted the opportunity for a ton of orbs, I've got 21 again. Here we go.

  1. 4* Seliph: Meh.
  2. 4* Athena: Nice, but unneeded.
  3. 3* Felicia: Bleh.
  4. 4* Nowi: Already have a 5* copy.
  5. 5* V!Lilina: Yes! Finally some luck after a string of disasters. She was the unit I wanted most from this banner too. +Atk/-Def, so she's got great IVs as the cherry on the sundae.

That went well. I'm debating whether to keep pulling at this banner. I kind of want V!Roy to pair with V!Lilina, but his Speed is just too damn awful. V!Lyn and V!Hector would be very handy for the various armor quests, but I really don't like armors.

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Well I am ecstatic! Had 9 orbs so I opened a session at work. 1 Blue. Got me nothing particularly good. Got another orb from the dungeon and opened a session. 3 blues! I get a L'Arachel at 5*. I figure what the hell and buy me a 23 pack. 2nd blue is a Robin. 3rd blue is +ATK/-HP Love Abounds Lyn! The colorless and green was 3* Matthew and 3* Barst.

So glad I actually dropped cash. Now I can ignore this banner for a while and stock orbs. Then again Bow Valor would be awesome to have . . . No I must be strong.

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That wasn't as bad as I thought. Threw a little under 50 orbs at this banner and got Hector, +Def/-Res (only one I wanted), so glad it didn't sink me my 140 saved orbs like the Legendary Banner for 6 Siegberts (I'm not bitter. Not at all...). 

Now trying to get Amelia for Armored March since I'm gonna try building an Armor team now (even though I still hate armors). Also randomly got a 5* Clair which I was upset about, but then got Hector the next pull, so I'll accept her useless fodder self.


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Well I I did a few more pulls today and managed to get another V!Lilina.  I just want V!Hector to come home he has my favorite art in the game I really want him.  At least TT is near so I know more orbs are on the way.  The good thing is I have a 40% bonus unit for TT, just not the one I really want.  

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